Manoucher Avaznia
18-Jan-2009 (21 comments)

ای توده که رزمیدی با نام احد بر لب

وقت است نصیب تو یک فتح مبین باشد.

Manoucher Avaznia
17-Jan-2009 (one comment)

تو آن خجسته کلامی

که دندان تیزکفتاران را کُو کرده است

Manoucher Avaznia
“He can claim anything false and write them down to justify his ineptitude,” Mr. Skeptic went on, >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
11-Jan-2009 (11 comments)

من کوچکی به بزرگیی جهانم:

باریکه ای به پهنای بشریتی

که دوشا دوش من گام می کوبند

Manoucher Avaznia
Mr. Skeptic’s stubborn manner was of some use after all, however until then he had not quite understood the usefulness of what he called his “big mouth”. >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
04-Jan-2009 (5 comments)

از پی آورد این رزم آوران

روزها خواهد رسیدن بس سپید.

Manoucher Avaznia
At around ten o’clock in the morning a big woman, in her late fifties with her black veins jutted under her khaki stockings, reached the door and turned a key in the lock. >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
01-Jan-2009 (13 comments)

جهانی نور می بارد ز مهر مهربانیها

که می گوید که این دوران زمان دلستانی نیست؟

Manoucher Avaznia
29-Dec-2008 (12 comments)

شاید آن بوی دل انگیز لطیف

صبح و شامم نفسی تازه کند.

Manoucher Avaznia
By his stubborn defiance of the legal firm, Mr. Skeptic had increased his troubles a few folds: legal, financial, family, and personal troubles to be only a few of them. >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
24-Dec-2008 (4 comments)

ابر سترون آبان به فوردین چه می کند؟

این غرشش ز چیست؟ در آسمان پایین چه می کند؟


Manoucher Avaznia

Hidden are stars

Speed by me cars

Fog of my breath

My whole vision bars.

Manoucher Avaznia
The couple bought two cups of coffee at the front door of the courthouse and took the elevator to the fifth floor, asking a security guard about room number two thousand fifty-five>>>
Manoucher Avaznia
On December 11, I went to the courthouse.  At the counter for Civil Claims I explained to the clerk about the situation. >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
15-Dec-2008 (9 comments)

خامه از چنگال شیطان ربوده،

داستان می سراید چهری
