Dorood bar eslam va mousavi va roohet emam


by shahanshahesmail

In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful.

Man Irani hastam, lets make that clear before I go on.

After the election date, when Ahmadinejad was declared winner, to the happiness and sadness of many. We the Mousavi supporters defended our rights of appeal, we asked for our votes, we asked for justice, we were met with attacks, both reasonable and unreasonable by the authorities.

We demanded our rights be respected, our votes be counted and that mousavi be given a fair chance, alas to no avail.

Then came ashura, the day you padishahi, exile diaspora, who know nothing about iranians, who know nothing about Islam, who know nothing about respect, ruined everything.

by what right and what logic did you think it neccesary to burn a Qor'an and Hosseiniye? did you expect the muslim population and mousavi supporters to cheer you on?

by what logic was Burning the imams photo considered normal? did you expect to get support? all you did was diminish the support the green movement had even more.

by what logic do you exiles consider yourselves iranians when you are the first to embrace american culture ? apart from your names what proof is there you are Iranians? or Muslims for that fact and reresentative of a Muslim country?

by what logic did you think attacking holy figures would further the cause of the Green movement? have you no shame?

by what logic do you extreme minorites, who consider american culture vastly superior to iranian, dare to to commit treason against the country by advocating invasion against iran and expect to gain support for it? who think iranians in iran are just like you when in fact the vast vast majority are completely divorced of you, who thinks the average iranian talks about how great america is, what kind of perfume or eu du toilette to wear, when in actual fact the average iranians dreams is to visit the holy shrine of the prophet, peace be upon him and his wonderful family, and the shrine of Imam reza, peace be upon him.

How on earth can you padishahis, liberal american lovers and the rest consider yourself representative of iranians? if that were not the case would it not be equally logical to assume the IRI would have dissapeared a long time ago and we would be living in a Beverly hills type american outpost by now?

In short, you exiles and you minority in Iran, whos selfish attitudes, whos attacks on Islam, whos desecration of all that is sacred, whos utter perversion of morality, have destroyed any chance of us getting to reform the system and make things easier for the people.

Do Iranians a favour and stay far away in the USA, keep changing your names to english ones like david, adam, john or oscar and then hypocritically talk about how you are defending persian culture, oh the hypocrisy.

Iranians love islam, Iranians love the Qor'an, if you want change then thats a reality you have to accept, not the reality of a bunch of gullible teenagers and exiles who only want to get their money grubbing hands back into iran.

Peace be upon you, maybe next time you will stay out of the affairs of the nation so that maybe we can have a chance at change, for now we are stuck with Ahmadi.



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Btw, world it's a lot of people

by Rea on

Not necessarily muslims. Or christians for that matter. Not holy cows either. But they all wish you well.



by Rea on

Doesn't make much difference whether you answer or not.

Wish you all the best, honey. May all your dreams come true. ;)


must I tell you?  none

by shahanshahesmail on

must I tell you? 

none of you deserve an answer , since the only language the majority here know is taht of ridicule , rascism and insults. 



by Free on

but pray tell, esmail, why did you leave Iran in the first place, if the IRI is so wonderful and great?


1 hamvatan


1 hamvatan



 راستی جریان سلام چیه آخرش مینویسی؟ سلام اول میکنند نه آخر و دوما فقط عربها آخرش والسلام میگن. تو که مثلا ایرانی هستی اینو باید بدونی, مگر اینکه آخوندی یا همون سپاهی هستی.

پاینده باد ایران


free , im planning too soon

by shahanshahesmail on

free , im planning too soon ,im sending my qualifications to work as an engineer in iran , inshallah it will work out ;)

rea , I wont dignify your stupidity with an answer. 


"holy figures" ?

by Rea on

And what's that supposed to mean ?  Holy cows ?


If you love the freaking IRI,

by Free on

then why don't you LIVE there full time?



AO, Jam

by SamSamIIII on


Jam; Yes it all goes to the maternal & paternal source as you once pointed out.

AO; Good 2 c u around pal. this one is past brainwashed, its washed, cooked & barbequed. what a waste of my time & this site bandwidth to reason with a built in "talk only Bios mem chip". I want my 15 min back. ::))

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

1 hamvatan


by 1 hamvatan on


My sources are from where?? You are a sepahi- Only a sepahi talks / lies the same way you do. You love IRI? so why bother join the Padishahis out side? 


پاینده باد ایران


hamvatan1 your knowledge

by shahanshahesmail on


your knowledge of politics and human rights is selective and opportunistic. I love the IRI , I have lived there many years and go there often , you have never been to iran in 30 years , your sources on iran are second and third hand at best , your sources are from padishahis and other exiles.


1 hamvatan

برو کشکتو بساب

1 hamvatan


 چقدر مزخرف نوشتی. تو به حقی به هموطنت چون درخارج زندگی میکنند بر چسپ میزنی؟   موسوی هم همدست خمینی نکبت و بقیه خیانتکارا و اونهم در دهه شصت آدمهای بیگناه کشته و صداش هم  در نیامد. ..زیاد فرقی دیگه نمیکنه. این رژیم تروریستی بکل باید بره و خواهد رفت. اینقدر هم اسلام اسلام نکن خسته شدیم دیگه.



پاینده باد ایران


insults to a level i thought unatainable.

by shahanshahesmail on

wow...just really have insults burnt into your personalities dont you.

Thank god your as far away as possible.

and btw I never denied khamenei is hated by some people in Iran. Unlike mohammad reza whos portraits were being thrown in the hundreds into the fire and his statues pulled down , khameneis pictures are only being burnt in secret places with a bunch of children filming it , only on 1 or 2 occasions was there a few 10s of people cheering on a tear down of khameneis picture.

Dont let your emotions over exagerate reality my dear exiles , reality is reality , and the reality is that you know nothing but insults and propaganda. 

Darius Kadivar

Nevermind Folks Our Dear Friend is merely trying to be ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Anonymous Observer

Like the Captain Said

by Anonymous Observer on


This is my favorite part:

 "Then came ashura, the day you padishahi, exile diaspora, who know nothing about iranians, who know nothing about Islam, who know nothing about respect, ruined everything."

yeah....that's right, buddy.  NO ONE in Iran dislikes Khamenei, Khomeini, etc.  The tens of thousands of people in the streets of Iran on Ashura were ALL monarchists, exiles, etc.  Didn't you hear about it?  There were several 747's chartered straight out of L.A. to Tehran by the "Zionists" and "Imperialists".  I was on one of them, being that I'm an "exile" and all (BTW, Khomeini was not an's not like he spent decades out of Iran or anything, and couldn't even speak Farsi :-))).  So, yes, we all flew to Iran on Tasooa, and man, let me tell you, we partied all the way there!  There was champagne flowing on the plane, Andy was singing...the whole enchilada.  Then we got to Tehran and immediately went to work.  We burnt police stations, etc.  And the decent, "Imam loving" people of Iran were trying to stop us.  But we didn't pay attention.  We went all the way.  And Pasdar Radan was right.  We even stole that police truck that ran over the innocent Iranian on the street and backed up over him several times.  When it was all over, we got back on our plane and got back to our party and sin filled lives back in L.A.  Our next plan is for Imam Jaafar Sadegh's birthday holiday.  We will repeat the Ashura events then.  Please let me know if you would like to join us.  I will call my Zionist contacts and secure you a ticket.  


PS/ I just took a huge dump on Imam Khomeini's photo when I used the can.   




by shahanshahesmail on

What have any of you contributed to Iran , even if I am abroad since I have family outside of Iran and visit Iran regularly (i;m not a clueless exile who has a serious case of gharbzadeghi) when have any of you attempted to make things better for the nation? All you ever do is spew the worst insults , defamation and propaganda against the system , while advocating a military invasion on it . This is the worst case of treason that deserves the worst punishment.If you consider insults and abuse as counter arguements then the IRI has nothing to worry about. 

this reminds me I better go to pick up my paycheck from VEVAK. I get a bonus this year!

be angry with us and die from that anger , scum padishahi's. When you grow up , when you realize there are people , many many people who are loyal to the system of the islamic state , including me , who denounce the selling out of their culture for a western one , who are loyal to islam and the qor'an , who do not only make up tehran or esfahan but make up Qom , bandar abbas , hormozgan , sistan and balochistan , west azerbaijan , lorestan , kordistan irani ,  khozestan and other places , When you learn about people in those places , who suffer from the severe shortages of food and water , who only the basij and ahmadienjad have ever helped , then and only then , can you claim you have any rights to rule Iran.

"And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, "Peace!" - qor'an

so peace 


How long

by Cost-of-Progress on

can an anti nationalist regime last?

True that most Iranains subscribe to Islam, but how many actually want Islam to rule over them with an Iron fist?  How many?

A great majority of Iranians are silent - have been silent for over 30 years. It is our nature, being passivists...First they thought something good might come out this religious thing. It did not. They were wrong.

For every brave person who set out to streets in June '09, there are at least 1000 who remained inside, afraid to say anything. You mistake the silence for submission, You mistake fear for obedience, for devotion...........Mousavi is another mullah like the rest. They saw him as a way out, a means to an end. They do not want ISLAMIC THEOCRACY, BRUTALITY......You believe that piling up on armas and military strength is a way to remain in power. You are wrong. Know why? You are anti-Iran, anti-Iranian people.  That is your weakness. That will meet your demise...sooner or later.

Time is running out for the regime of the unelected clergy.

What ya gonna do when the people come for you?

Iran NOT Islam.



Esmal & Vatan...

by Arthimis on

Since you two have made us laugh so much here lately, here is one for you two comedians:


Shab khosh Koochooloo-ha... :D




by Free on




By the way you spell "favour"

by Free on

it sounds like you're living abroad as well, in Canada or UK perhaps -- and you have the onions to say, "Do Iranians a favour and stay far away in the USA."

Aren't you "far away" from Iran yourself, bache-mullah?


No Fear


by No Fear on

Welcome aboard.

I see that you have been already welcomed by the trolling gang who believe their blood is more red than yours.

Don't be intimidated by some bacheh soosool. Let them vent off for not being able to achieve what they wish for, from behind their desks.



Mullah Khomeini was JOHN GACY with a Turban

by Free on

"the average iranians dreams is to visit the holy shrine of the prophet."

No, actually, the average Iranian dreams of visiting America -- Disneyland or Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas -- more than the mirage of your tazi prophet. The average Iranian drinks vodka and whiskey, both outlawed by your cult. The average Iranian loathes your Hendi "imam" who was a combination of a retarded rodent and a homo-sexual serial killer (John Gacy comes to mind, John Gacy with a turban). May they both be cell-mates in Hell right now, spooning in a 69 position, their ball-sacks burning in flames.

What you don't understand, you grotesquely brain-washed jooje-teeghi, is that YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR 70 MILLION IRANIANS. NOR DO YOU REPRESENT THEM!

Think of an insignificant fly on the windscreen of a 1357 Paykan in Qom headed into a ditch full of bache-akhund feces, over and over again -- that seems to be your story. To drive into that feces-ridden ditch every day, ala Groundhog Day, and come out spewing shiite. If you don't know, that's an American movie financed with Israeli funds about what a Hendi bach-e-baz bastard Khomeini was. What's more, they claim his mother was a payeen-shahr call-girl (read: whore) from Calcutta.

Baradar-e-"Irani," don't take my word, go have a look-see for yourself. 


I was trying to explain to

by jamshid on

I was trying to explain to someone what I mean with "minds that are raised in the sewers of the IRI propaganda machine".

Folks, there are two new contributers, Shahanshahsmail and Iranvataneman, who demonstrate the meaning of the above statement to the letter.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

the basement of IRR EMBASSY, ottawa,ca.     the beautiful ontario province.

ghel begiri Ismail,morde shor tu va oon islam alakit.

go order another veggie pizza before writting another blog from that basement.             Maziar


Vildemose :)

by SamSamIIII on


I let you out on another secret. Ommaties  smell each other from miles away. Nothing is like a fresh "smell of Palestine" 1st thing in the morning accompanied by a shaikhak bait, Golaab & Dr HA cd . "powerful odor" if you ask me ;).

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


samsamjan: The Ommatis are

by vildemose on

samsamjan: The Ommatis are on top right now in our history and they are getting a free ride at the expense of our cultural cleansing.  You're right the battle of good vs evil is much more than a political game of who runs the country. We need a miracle to take Iran back from the hands of nationless ommah. Though, it's interesting that they admit that the Ommah trumps even their nation and heritage.

It's also interesting that Vevak's/Zob shodegan's talking points are found "powerful stuff". LOL



by shushtari on

your 'emam' is NOT an emam.....we only have 12 emams....get it....

and akhoond khomeini is on a seekh in hell right now burning over and over again!!!!

think about that tonight! 


Al vatan & temporary Irani, a good muslim shall not "lie"

by SamSamIIII on


You don't live in Iran, bad mouth its people, its culture, its religion and everything else... 

Find me a proof of me attacking one,s religion or people or consider yourself a lier & a sinner. As for culture, you have a point, I do & as for me not being Iranian, you got me there too since the Iran you Ommaties hold dear is not my "Al Vatan". As for politics, I care not much about it & it is not a priority of mine as which group of Ommaties run "Iran" since they been doing it for the last 1400 yrs. Consider me an independent observer of Ommatestan if you wish:).

Shahbanoo Esmail; You still didn,t answer my argument to your claime. Since your ultimate ommatie goal according to yourself is to be a citizen of a unified nation of Ommah then your claime of affinity & loyalty to iran is of temporary nature & essence.

Hence I can logicaly call you a temporary Iranian @ best :). 

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

powerful stuff! why not tone it down a bit? we could learn something from each other.
