Stupid Republican Tricks -- Glenn Beck

Stupid Republican Tricks -- Glenn Beck
by Q

It's so funny to watch Glenn Beck's paranoid conspiracy theories. This is one of the funniest bits I've seen in a long time!

but for areal laugh see this:


more from Q


by KouroshS on

Bush maynot be in the picture, but i cited that as an example of previous adminstrations.

FYI kaveh. The public option choice is being dropped  and there is still a whole lot of compromises that needs to be made. Perhaps you did not or have not been paying attention to all these debates lately and chosen to steadfastly adhere to the version of this bill that you have had in your mind. I bet thatis the case. I have received words from the white house that more money is on the way so relax.

No, That is not being beholden to the Gov. They were going to be F.. anyway in their behinds because of the lousy rate of sales, especially those who were selling American made cars. You do know that many of these clunkers were comprised of Fords and Buicks right? Care dealers were in deep shit even before this deal was announced. Are you denying that too? there are no Promises in fixing anything in this world. Not here in the states and not anywhere else in the world. This and other bills will do all they can to make things better. No goverment has ever been to "expeditiously" and unerrantly fix and solve any problems.

Private industry is the foundation of the United States economy. Good or bad, right or wrong, this is an indisputable fact. Private industry is why there is competition exists in the marketplace for goods and services. Private industry created the middle class. Private industry is why this country is called "The Land of Opportunity" and no other country

For the Billionth time. I never have denied that. All i am asking is for a little more regulation and more responsibilty. Private sector may be the mother of all that is good, but it has had more than its lion share of destroying and leveling everything into dust. Private industry is also the abettor of excess and uncotrobillity and that is an Indisputable fact as well.

All presidenst get good health care coverage. Bush was so busy promoting two wars that he did not have the time to do anything else.

Well. Thanks for that little briefing on the premise of our constitution. "shooting from the hip" kinda government by being pragmatic in certain matters that areof utmost significance for the whole nation are two different ones. Shooting from the hip was what Bush did to launch two wars. This bill is being introduced as a practical and a solution to our health care problems and is being put to an ample and unprecendented amount of debate and exchanges of opinions , the most important principle underlying the constitution. Your interpertation of the US constitution is so narrow minded Kaveh.

End of Your discussion maybe. It is not as black and white. La raza does not support the mexican governments's positions. Nobody is encouraging illegal crossing more than the employers, you know the ones who make up the majority of the middle class which had its origin in Private industry, who make these jobs available to latin and central americans. I have seen that happen with my own eyes.

Do you know what  the biggest hurdle is for the Feds when it comes down to solving the immigration issue? The fact that there are many jobs that are being specifically set aside for illegals to fill. Now who is more to blame here? And there is no such thing as an Abuse of public services. Gee and then you dare to point out my resentment? This is all based on humanitarian reasons and if there are people who profit from it then shame on them and not on the illegals.

I don't know who has been feeding you, your ideas and talking points. Nothing changes the facts Kaveh . If you wish to call it resentment then go ahead, be my guest.

Kaveh Nouraee

Bijan and FK

by Kaveh Nouraee on

The primary cause for the heathcare problems in this country is the cost. The costs are simply out of reach for more and more people daily.

The primary reason behind that is the cost of malpractice insurance. The legal system in this country gives far too much room for patients, as consumers, to file, baseless, meritless, frivolous lawsuits. The system is designed to be financially punitive without actually addressing the circumstances behind the matter. Reform of the legal system regarding this matter will go a long way reducing the costs of malpractice insurance that is being passed on to everyone.

There are more components to this issue, but this is probably the most important element that needs to be addressed before anything else.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

What does Bush have to do with this? He's not in the picture anymore, and for the record, I don't agree with everything he said or did.

Who is asking us to be beholden to the government? The government is. By asking us to support HR3200, the population is being asked to trust the government to ensure their healthcare needs are being met.

Right now there are car dealers all over the country who are still waiting for reimbursement from the government for this Cash for Clunkers nonsense. $3500 to $4500 per car. At this point, less than 20% of the money has been paid to the dealers. There are some dealers with well over $1million dollars outstanding on their accounts receivable ledger.

They are beholden to the government for this money. Money that was promised to be paid to them in an expeditious manner, the way this stupid, worthless healthcare bill promises to cure everything that is wrong with the system.

Private industry is the foundation of the United States economy. Good or bad, right or wrong, this is an indisputable fact. Private industry is why there is competition exists in the marketplace for goods and services. Private industry created the middle class. Private industry is why this country is called "The Land of Opportunity" and no other country is.

For the record, Obama didn't beat Bush, as Bush was not even running. And yes, Bush did have the best health coverage, and I think still does as a perk of being an ex-president. But he also never tried to sell this can of rotted pork to anyone.

Your answer regarding the Constitution is disappointing. You cannot do what is "practical now". That was the whole premise of the Constitution. To prevent this "shoot from the hip" style of governance. That is why there are three branches of government. It wasn't written and ratified with the intent to revisit the laws of this country every few years to make sure we're "being practical".

Yes, I hate La Raza. I loathe them. Because they, and other organizations like them, have done absolutely nothing to advance the cause of the people they are supposed to represent. For example, La Raza, like the Mexican government, are encouraging people to cross the border illegally. "Screw the system", they say. Then when they are here, they abuse public services that were never designed or meant for them to begin with. And if you dare to raise the issue, these La Raza a-holes brand you a racist. Bullshit. If my mother and father had to go through the legal process to come here, if my other relatives had to do it, if you did it, then so must they. End of discussion.

Kourosh, whoever has fed you the idea that local police departments check with the NRA before releasing crime statistics has really done a number on you.

Kaveh , more than half of the wealthy people got to where they are by taking advantage of others. Specially those who got there so fast. How else can one get wealthy?

If that doesn't clearly indicate your resentment, I don't know what does.



by KouroshS on

Thank you all for the Opportunity.

Mr. Kashani. Thank you for being there as a supporter and sharing your viewpoints with me. You are my Big Blogbrother:)

Mr. Bijan. I completely agree with your assessment. This is way beyond a republican vs democratic issue. With regards to the advantages and disadvantages of two systems, especially as it applies to the current situation this country is in, I think that Obama is actually meeting that challenge. and this is the intended goal of his policies. I don't necessarily hold the view that socialism is responsible soley for the demise of all dreams and hopes of having a more prosperous life.

 It really depends on how one defines a better life and prosperiy. Better life can be acheived in more noncapitalistic countries, without having to risk losing all that you have in that life. Of course, applying the same parameters that we see in the US for example may not be what we observe somewhere else, but who can really make the judgement as to whether what we have here is prosperity or not? We lack many services and sometimes guarantees that are available to people in other countries that do not follow our system.

The point that I always try to stress in my exchanges with Kaveh , which more often than gets misinterpreted as my despise toward wealth and profit, is that i want to see a more even and fair distribution of it throughout the society. I would like to see more regulation so as to reign in such rediculously out-of-control, money-crunching system, which basically makes an impact on every single aspect of our lives. Our entire livelihood and future depends on it and as we witnessed recently it can fall apart with one rather tender touch. There are not backups. there are no alternative support systems. Such high risk and reward system maynot be available in other nations, but life happens at a more steady and peaceful pace.

Do you really think there are ways to reform without going on the socialized medicine path? Is it even true to be calling this even an eventual socialization, knowing that as it has been said those who want can keep the plan they already have? IS this a lie? Is the goal not to create an entity that would compete against the all-too-dominant insurance companies? And besides, are these companies alreay not rationing health andmaking decisions as to who is or who is not eligible to receive benefits? They already are imposing way too many restrictions while making a handsome profit off the premiums they charge.

Capitalism is what has brought homelessness to many in this day and age. To tame it a little bit and weakenit does not seem like such a bad idea to me:) I seriously think that withor without it there is always incentive for creating wealth, however not as vast and elaborate as we see in America. I believe that this country will be able to strike a balance between  more responsible and realistic ways of promoting incentives to generate wealth, while using this administration's policies, and social responsibilty. People have been speaking out.

Bijan A M

Kaveh & Kourosh

by Bijan A M on

I apologize for butting in your intelligent exchanges. As much as I respect you both, I want to engage myself in the current healthcare debate and develop a better understanding of what would work better in our society. I realize this is not a black-and-white case and is very much tied to ones political belief system. How do you define a democrat and a republican outside of the party’s rhetoric? Forget about the extremes. I believe overwhelming majority of this nation (democrat or republican) have more in common in different aspects of their political beliefs than who they vote for as President. Therefore, I don’t consider the healthcare debate an Obama issue. It has always been here.

What I’m struggling with is the line between capitalism and socialism (if there is such a line). I am convinced without a doubt that socialism is the death of any society’s aspiration for prosperity and better life.  The challenge is how to inject better social justice into a capitalist system without destroying and making it socialist.

 I hear that many say healthcare reform has nothing to do with socialized medicine, but I have hard time rationalizing any bill with “public option” that will not eventually end up as socialized medicine. I just can’t. I believe there are many ways to improve the efficiency of the current system without socializing it. What do you think?

In my opinion the capitalism will fail when the incentive for creation of wealth is eliminated or minimized.  Proper taxation is an excellent tool to manage growth of wealth in the system while creating social balance. I think some of Obama administration’s policies run the risk of stagnating or eliminating the incentive for creation of wealth and therefore increasing the risk of pushing our nation towards socialism. I don’t say this to defend any other administration but just to express how I feel about this one.

Although your exchanges have somewhat diverted from the objective of this blog, (which I believe has been to bash, demonize and belittle a political view), but I have enjoyed reading your debates.



Farhad Kashani

Kaveh and KoroushS jaan,

by Farhad Kashani on

Kaveh and KoroushS jaan,


Guys, azizan, not trying to interfere or anything, but we are all on the same side. Lets stick together against these Neo Comms.


Oh, Come On! by Kaveh

by KouroshS on

Oh, Come On!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Do you know who the elites are in this country?

They're the ones who are making these demands that you, me and everyone else are beholden to the government and that they are the ones who know better than we do. Yet they will never lift a finger to do anything themselves.

Excuse the hell out of me for believing that I know what's better for me than some pencil-pushing bureaucrat.

What The hell? Are you seriously saying that? Listen to you. Did you not have enough of "i know what is best for this country" when bush was in charge? Who is asking for us to be beholden to the government? Why are you STILL twisting and mincing words? They never lift a finger because some god damn idiot conservatives will pose so many damn unneccessary hurdles in the way.

No one claims that they know better than you do. Go back and look what disaster deregulation and Honky-dory days of Out with the government, in with the private industry has brought to this country and don't you dare trying to deny that.

I'm sorry you got upset when I said you don't get it. It's not meant to offend you, but to wake you up to the fact that this whole plan is wrong on every level.

I am not upset. That is nothing to be upset about. It was just so unbelievable to have to hear that coming from someone who is more intelligent than most on this site. Trust me. I know what i hear and what i read. and i trust my own judgement.

Read the Constitution. Read the Federalist Papers. The limits of the federal government as outlined in these documents in defining the laws of this country are clearly defined.

Won't be of any use. Won't do any good. You have got to do what is practical NOW, rather than stick strictly to what was written 300 years ago.

Obama has made concessions? Who the hell is he that we have to applaud his concessions? Damnit, he is a freaking EMPLOYEE. The pompous ass has the best damn health coverage in the world and he has the audacity to tell people that we are supposed to live with less than what he has? That is elitism, Kourosh. That is the arrogance that I despise in people who have an overinflated sense of self because of their so-called "power" or "status".

Really? So i guess Bush was like a saint compared to obama right? He used to sleep on the side walk right outside the White house? Was he not an employee too? You think obama is A pompous ass? What do you think of BUsh? Did bush not have the Best coverage as well?

What Audacity? He is not telling people how to do things at all. He is giving people options, something bush did not do, or so many other presidents. He iS THE PRESIDENT OF THIS COUNTRY, and he does what a president is supposed to do and if people were dumb and stupid enough to believe and work with that retarded ass of the president for 8 years and take it on their chins, they have no say in this and have to submit to the will of THE MAJORITY. That is right Kaveh, THE MAJORITY wanted obama to Beat bush and be the new employee. Every single president in this country have had such an inflated sense of self. Yet you decided to live with it and take their crap. Why all of a sudden revolting?

Give these bastards one inch and they will take 100 miles and then send you the bill.

LOL. I think there is anything left to give, All was taken when the Repulicans were in charge.

Don't tell me that the Republicans are thinking racism. They're the ones who are being accused of racism by these stinking liberals for wanting immigration reform. Viva La Raza, my ass.

Republican wanting immigration reform???????????????? This must be lablelled as the LIE of the century. Sure they wanted reform. that is why they fucked up the 2007 plans and debates by throwing all kinds of stones and ruinning everything.

I am so sorry that you hate la raza, But kaveh keep that in mind that there are those who are not as rich as you are and as needless as you are and do need organizations such as this, who are by far less corrupt than those who support the republicans' and conservative's agenda ( who are more notorious than anyone in the history of this nation for their 100% anti-immigration stance) To stand up for their rights. You know as you said it yourself. deal with it.

You don't like the NRA? Fine. But, sorry, dude, you honestly have little credibility if you think they manufacture crime statistics.

No i do not like NRA because of the position they have and what they stand on. And you are deceiving yourself if you think such data are pure and have no support from other sources, such as that of the manufacturers'.

One problem you have is that you blur the line between people who are wealthy and people who take advantage of others. You resent wealth, and success. It's clear.

I do not resent wealth and success. that is utterly rediculous and you know it. It is clear because it is YOU who wants to make such conclusion. Kaveh , more than half of the wealthy people got to where they are by taking advantage of others. Specially those who got there so fast. How else can one get wealthy? Even if i had even slightly blurred the line, How can you possibly make that kinda connection??? Or as famously said by you: What is the logic behind it? 

People who have achieved a measure of success and wealth are not obligated to anyone to hand some of it over to take care of those who are not, as you believe. Especially by force or government mandate.

There is NO FORCE at work. It is all about giving back to the society that has given and provided them with their success. Do you really think they have acheived all that they have on their own and society has played no roles in this?

Let's say I'm a guy with a few bucks. I see someone, cold, sick, and malnourished. If I give them my own money or take them myself to be fed and get medical attention or otherwise help them, then I'm doing something good, right?

But if I went around the corner and took money from you to do that, I'm a thief. What you're advocating is forced benevolence.

I agree with the first scenario. When it comes down to the second one, Well let's just say it is your whacky way of looking at things youknow? You kinda like blowing things out of proportion and make them look like things that they are not. Once again, There is no forcing involved, when we know that there is a congress and people vote through their representatives.

If the European countries are doing sooo much better than the US then why are their citizens coming to the US for medical treatment?They live a little longer and have fewer catastrophic illnesses because for the most part they don't live sedentary lifestyles.

OH? So you have not heard? It is completely the other way around, Actually it has been for at least 5 god damn years for americans to see health care, from mexico to cuba to europe and all the way to Thialand. See how messed up things have become!

I  agree  . They sure do, But let us not lose sight of the good and timely and not-so-costly medical care that let's them see a doctor anytime during the year regardless of how much money they earn.

Kaveh Nouraee

Oh, Come On!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Do you know who the elites are in this country?

They're the ones who are making these demands that you, me and everyone else are beholden to the government and that they are the ones who know better than we do. Yet they will never lift a finger to do anything themselves.

Excuse the hell out of me for believing that I know what's better for me than some pencil-pushing bureaucrat.

I'm sorry you got upset when I said you don't get it. It's not meant to offend you, but to wake you up to the fact that this whole plan is wrong on every level.

Read the Constitution. Read the Federalist Papers. The limits of the federal government as outlined in these documents in defining the laws of this country are clearly defined.

Obama has made concessions? Who the hell is he that we have to applaud his concessions? Damnit, he is a freaking EMPLOYEE. The pompous ass has the best damn health coverage in the world and he has the audacity to tell people that we are supposed to live with less than what he has? That is elitism, Kourosh. That is the arrogance that I despise in people who have an overinflated sense of self because of their so-called "power" or "status".

Give these bastards one inch and they will take 100 miles and then send you the bill.

Don't tell me that the Republicans are thinking racism. They're the ones who are being accused of racism by these stinking liberals for wanting immigration reform. Viva La Raza, my ass.

You don't like the NRA? Fine. But, sorry, dude, you honestly have little credibility if you think they manufacture crime statistics.

One problem you have is that you blur the line between people who are wealthy and people who take advantage of others. You resent wealth, and success. It's clear.

People who have achieved a measure of success and wealth are not obligated to anyone to hand some of it over to take care of those who are not, as you believe. Especially by force or government mandate.

Let's say I'm a guy with a few bucks. I see someone, cold, sick, and malnourished. If I give them my own money or take them myself to be fed and get medical attention or otherwise help them, then I'm doing something good, right?

But if I went around the corner and took money from you to do that, I'm a thief. What you're advocating is forced benevolence.

If the European countries are doing sooo much better than the US then why are their citizens coming to the US for medical treatment?They live a little longer and have fewer catastrophic illnesses because for the most part they don't live sedentary lifestyles.


Oh? I don't?

by KouroshS on

You always have complained about the elites and the elitists being in charge of running the affairs  of this country, yet you are the most outrageous display of this same attitude by saying that Bottom line i do not get it. Well, good for us that honest and intelligent people like you, do get it. Whoop-dee freaking doo.

Regardless of what the constitution has enumerated the goverment has and always will play a regulatory role in different areas, maybe more or manybe less. This has nothing to do with Gov control and you know it and are in deep denial. Obama has made so many concessions on this one and is willling to take all the shit republicans are gonna give him on this. Yet. To you This is nothing but socialism and Gov, Control. FYI.

Crapolla. kaveh. No one here and on this website is seriously defending hammas or hezbollah's rights.  they do so while arguing and debating and do not assume an active role in real life, actually doing something about it. And No we do not take sides when someone committs a crime at such unbelievaebly heinous level. The fault falls on those who implement the rules and regulation. An immigration officer is the sole provider of the judgemnet on a certain individual and his or her admissibility to this country. do not shift the blame. Those who think "racism" when the talk of Immigration reform comes up, are the dumbass rednecks, not the Democrats. read the news a bit more carefully this time around and you will see.

Hyperbole? It is a well - known fact. Just because it is hidden from the public does not mean it does not exist. You think that NRA only works on the capitol hill, Everyone else knows that is not so. You are the only one who thinks that way.


I know that you and i differ markedly on the profit issue and the issue of wealth and wealthy people but as usual you have misinterpret that, like you do with everything else i have said so far, to mean that i somehow resent them. No i do not. I just think that simply, if you make gobbs of cash, then you are OBLIGATED to give back in a way that really benefits the people, Not just making contributions to some nameless charities so as to cut down on the amount you pay in the taxes. that is all.


The health issues that affect the fat and lazy affect the fit and slender as well? Where are you getting this information? Where is the logic in your position?

You have done it again. I did not the same health issues affect them both, My god. How could you so easily place words in people 's mouths? I said fit and slender people could also be as vulnurable to getting sick, NOT THE SAME KIND OF ILLNESS AS THAT OF THE FAT ONES, but the likelihood is still there.

Warning lables on the back of products or not, The rate of attention that well - publicized and in-your-face TV commercials get far suppresses the rate of attention that a teeny tiny warning label gets, especially if no one is paying close attention. I am talking about the extent to which these companies are allowed to advertise and get to so intimately tell about their products to people.

Again. I am not asking for an obligation to pay me or anyone else for that matter anything, for no good reason.  But when it comes to a nationally important and vital issue such as this, Those who have made billions, by selling their products to these same poeple, and are now calling them  fat and lazy and not personally responsible or accountable, MUST accept their fair share and MUST give back to the community. This is a good cause.

Everyone in The whole wide world knows how much better the european countries are faring better than us in america in every aspect of their lives. They live longer, suffer less from killer diseases  and etc.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Bottom line, you still don't get it.

The Constitution states that the powers of the Federal Government are specific and enumerated. That in and of itself precludes the Federal Government from having the right to control health care. This is not something that the population needs to adapt to. This is something that the government needs to follow as it is literally the law of this country.

Do you know why when Jose from Mexico comes in or when Javad Akbar comes in from Goozabad (liked that one, by the way), we are the ones who get in trouble? Because when they come here and do their heinous shit we become concerned with THEIR rights being protected. Look all over this website, for instance. There are people who are more preoccupied with protecting the rights of Hamas and Hezbollah or the IR than the rights of the people!

The immigration system needs to be overhauled dramatically in order to prevent this crap from happening, but noooo, these stupid, ignorant, bleeding heart liberals think that's racist.

Yes, more specific mechanisms need to be applied. But where do you place them? You have to start with these broader mechanisms first, so that from there we can see where the specific focus and emphasis needs to be placed.

The NRA does their lobbying on Capitol Hill, not at local police agencies. Crime statistics are a matter of public record. Please don't fall for the hyperbole spewed by the anti-gun crowd.

When I read some of your comments, you seem to harbor a deep-seated resentment for people in the upper-income brackets. Your words indicate to me that you see profit and wealth as something that is inherently evil or immoral and something that needs to be controlled. I just don't see it that way.

For how much?I will tell ya for what price. By having the real dumb and fat cats, and filthy useless rich to pony up. The billions that they make by ripping others off . Time to give some of it back. Is it gonna kill them?

No one is obligated to give you or I or anyone else a damn thing.

The health issues that affect the fat and lazy affect the fit and slender as well? Where are you getting this information? Where is the logic in your position?

Of course it has to do with their lifestyle! Fat and lazy is a lifestyle!

There are people who choose to live a very unhealthy lifestyle, who choose to forgo medical care until the very last second. This is a personal choice of theirs. To place blame upon TV commercials that air constantly is to avoid personal responsibility for your own actions. The warnings have been out there for years, and they have come from the scientfic and medical communities, not from the government. The government warnings you see on a pack of cigarettes or on a bottle of liquor began appearing years after the proof of the harmful effects they caused had been independently verified in laboratories and hospitals.

I'm not suggesting that people die and go to hell. I'm saying it's not my responsibility to pay for them. 


Minimizing the government's

by KouroshS on

Minimizing the government's role in our day to day lives is hardly another topic. It is the very foundation upon which this plan and virtually the entire platform of the Democratcic Party is built.

Government, especially this one, cannot manage heathcare. Regardless of who occupies the Oval Office. Government has made a disaster of Amtrak, the Postal Service, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and on and on and on. Reedan on each and every one of them. Show me just one entity managed by the United States Government that has NOT turned out to be a complete financial disaster. To hell with who is President. Republican, Democrat, who cares.

So far, the best airport or airline security has been with El Al. If this country adopted El Al's security protocol, 9/11 would have been just another late summer Tuesday.


So... What is the solution mr. nouraee? Mere Pooh poohing and peeing on the whole entire class of Republicans and Democrats. do you think is gonna fix the problems? In the meantime, keep this in mind that in those all too Frightening social countries, the people are taken care of so much more generously and add to that the fact that they do not, i mean their Gov, does not have the amount of waste and crap that the US gov generates. Who is trying to change things in People's favor? At least Obama and democrats are trying.

Yes, the system can definitely be improved upon. The system in place now is the result of a reaction to 9/11, rather than a procative measure to prevent it in the first place. Until a better system is implemented, let them check and re-check as often as necessary. If the flight is delayed and you have to be re-screened, deal with it. We never asked for this shit to happen, but this is the hand we were dealt and we have to play along and go with the flow.

 Rechecking what? Something that has already been done? The doors are F,,ing locked, there is no one at the gate and nor anyone can take, smuggle anything on board, unless of course their airline employees or the pilots themselves? Deal with it? You bet your bottom that i will. We never asked for it ha? We never allowed every koor and kachal and ammale get visas to this country without going a through questioning sessions in embassies in turkey or UAE, like we ourselves did?

This should not have and could not have been the hand we were dealth. And no we DO NOT have to play along with anything. This coming outta of you? The champion of Personal freedom and do not impinge on my rights? Where is kaveh N. and what have you done with him?:)

But in their eyes you are a suspect whether a letter is sent to your door letting you know that is what is gonna be happening to you or not.

And you're calling me ME paranoid? C'mon! Are you on the phone making dinner reservations or are you on the phone ordering ammonium nitrate and making wire transfers to a bank in Karachi? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a total nobody to this government. he government is not concerned with hearing me order my lunch or hear me talk or negotiate with clients, lenders and investors

Don't twist words K. I did not call you Paranoid. I made reference to the system. 

Excuse me but should we not devise specific and precise mechanisms to deal exactly with such problems and issues as wiring money for illicit intention to karachi or mashad? is it my fault that some dumbass decided to extent the welcome mat for Jose from mejico or Java akbar from Gooz abad pakistan so they can come here and be spititually overcome and do all kinds of crap and then i am the one who is gettin in trouble? Wow. Amazing.

"Oh my God, he ordered PROVOLONE cheese on his sandwich. Scramble the F-18s".

As to the statistics on people who carry guns legally, no gun manufacturer has a role in those statistics at all. This comes directly from law enforcement sources. I'm sure you'll find it very easily on Google.

LOOOOOOOOOL. Say that again. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah my god. Where is jay leno when you need him. You are so funny kaveh. Oh sure. They are absolutely innocent. No bribing, no lobbyin. Just pure and innocent numbers coming out of the law enf. sources.

Yes, due to the Patriot Act, inconveniences can occur. But I'm not being harmed. Learn to adapt. I used to be able to leave the front door open to my house in the summer. Remember those days?

Yep. Learn to adapt. So you make sure you do the same when the health care bill passes and when the Gov. exert some control and tries to regulate health affairs. Deal?

The dog selection issue is very noteworthy. And I'm not a bible thumping redneck. When you take 4 months plus to reseacrh and select a house pet, yet are pressing to enact $1 Trillion worth of healthcare legislation in two weeks, it shows that he is a conscientous husband, father and head of his household, but he's worthless as a manager.

If he was so intent on pressing anything, he would not have asked for public opinion and he would have not extended up to know, not to mention his willingness to compromise and mull things over and redo the plan. see. At least he is WORKING with the congress. Now, granted you are not so fond of bush or him or anything, but did bush even know how to spell the word? No. I don;t think so.People in this country take longer times to make even more rediculous decisions in their lives. So i guess we have a surpluss of lousy managers in this country.

How long has this healthcare system that we have now been in place? And he wants to change it in 2 weeks? For how much?

For how much?I will tell ya for what price. By having the real dumb and fat cats, and filthy useless rich to pony up. The billions that they make by ripping others off . Time to give some of it back. Is it gonna kill them?

We have had this system long enough to bring about misery and lack of a proper health care, over crowded hospitals and greedy and bottom-line minded executive. Have them donate 10% of their freaking bonuses and see how this will be all generously paid for.

Yes, fat and lazy people have every right to be fat and lazy and not take care of themselves and wait until what started out small and easily treatable grew to a major life-threatening medical condition.

 What you are Griping about happens to so many who are supposedly fit and slender as well.  neglecting such matters could be the result of one's lifestyle, and not necessarily his or her eating habits, but the general and overall stress that they take on in their lives.

But I also have every right to say that I don't want to pay for someone else's profound ignorance and personal negligence.

Fine. No one is taking away that right from you. But if everyone else has had to give some or all of their rights, you as member of this society, will not and should not be an exemption.

Malpractice lawsuit happens when a freaking idiot surgeon make a huge mistake in replacing or removing body parts, Not when it is too late to re-store someone's health status!!!!!!!!

That's the only time it happens? Then why are there so many medical malpractice lawyers?

Because the system allows for people to sue you just for looking at them cross-eyed.

You compeletely forgot about the malpractice suits filed against plastic surgeons for completely elective procedures.

A woman goes to get breast implants for example, because she feels that she can land a rich husband if she has a nice rack. The doctor suggests going from a B cup to a full C, but she ignores the doctor and says she wants to go DD. She gets the implants, looks like two watermelons on a stick and when one of those things rupture mid-coitus because she wanted to do it in a Mercedes SL without a tilt steering wheel, she sues the doctor for malpractice, claiming improper surgical procedures were followed.

Or, when she gets the implants and she still can't land a man because she has less personality than her vibrator, she sues the doctor for malpractice, citing "emotional distress".

What do you mean that is the only time it happens? How often a woman who gets watermelones on the sticks, feels like getting it on a mercedes or even inside one. I am referring to malpractice insurance cases in general and if you think about it in all honesty this comprise only a minor percentage of all more medically significant ones, such as mis-prescribing medications.

 Emotional distress and all other kinds are usually classified under the frivolous category and are discarded, With ordangi .


So go ahead, eat a Big Mac. Eat ten of them. Smoke a carton of Lucky Strikes. Hell, smoke the carton itself. Ignore each and every warning that has existed about junk food and processed food and cigarettes and everything else.

But when it comes and bites you in the ass, deal with it on your own time and on your own dime. It's simply not my problem.

A Big Mac meal costs what...$7.00? A pack of cigs costs...$5.00?

 Oh so you are saying around the clock commercials and advertising up to the ass, are totally blameless and have nothing whatsoever to do with this? Pushing to eat this junk has a more significant weight than the energy and measly efforts exerted to issue warnings... and ,, and... why all of a sudden you are in favor of this warning issue, which clearely is a sign of Government managing something?

Treating that person for the heart attack or gastric surgery that they brought upon themselves is going to cost us how much?

So let them die and go to hell?

Who do you think needs this medical attention? Healthy people or sick people?

Nobody enjoys compelet bill of health even those who look healthy on the outside.

And let me tell you one last thing about doctors. There are some idiots in the profession, to be sure. There are some doctors who can't tell the difference between a stethoscope and a bottle of Scope Mouthwash. But there are some who are worth every damn penny of what they charge. 100 times more, even. And they're the ones who are going to be gone if this POS HR3200 goes through.

Such doctors who can not tell the difference between somethings as basics as these things Won't make it past the residency, let alone being able to go out and practice. Should that not be obvious for you? Doctors are human beings and are subject to make mistakes, whether they come from harvard or Ross universities. It is just that those coming out of harvard are Much less prone to make mistakes. BUt IT CAN HAPPEN AND IS NOT AN IMPOSSIBILITY:) Don't worry about who will go away and who will stay. Those who worry about the health status of their society and not just staying inbusiness, will come up with creative ways to deal with less profit and more services:) Cheers Brother K.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Minimizing the government's role in our day to day lives is hardly another topic. It is the very foundation upon which this plan and virtually the entire platform of the Democratcic Party is built.

Government, especially this one, cannot manage heathcare. Regardless of who occupies the Oval Office. Government has made a disaster of Amtrak, the Postal Service, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and on and on and on. Reedan on each and every one of them. Show me just one entity managed by the United States Government that has NOT turned out to be a complete financial disaster. To hell with who is President. Republican, Democrat, who cares.

So far, the best airport or airline security has been with El Al. If this country adopted El Al's security protocol, 9/11 would have been just another late summer Tuesday.

Yes, the system can definitely be improved upon. The system in place now is the result of a reaction to 9/11, rather than a procative measure to prevent it in the first place. Until a better system is implemented, let them check and re-check as often as necessary. If the flight is delayed and you have to be re-screened, deal with it. We never asked for this shit to happen, but this is the hand we were dealt and we have to play along and go with the flow.

But in their eyes you are a suspect whether a letter is sent to your door letting you know that is what is gonna be happening to you or not.

And you're calling me ME paranoid? C'mon! Are you on the phone making dinner reservations or are you on the phone ordering ammonium nitrate and making wire transfers to a bank in Karachi? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a total nobody to this government. he government is not concerned with hearing me order my lunch or hear me talk or negotiate with clients, lenders and investors.

"Oh my God, he ordered PROVOLONE cheese on his sandwich. Scramble the F-18s".

As to the statistics on people who carry guns legally, no gun manufacturer has a role in those statistics at all. This comes directly from law enforcement sources. I'm sure you'll find it very easily on Google.

Yes, due to the Patriot Act, inconveniences can occur. But I'm not being harmed. Learn to adapt. I used to be able to leave the front door open to my house in the summer. Remember those days?

The dog selection issue is very noteworthy. And I'm not a bible thumping redneck. When you take 4 months plus to reseacrh and select a house pet, yet are pressing to enact $1 Trillion worth of healthcare legislation in two weeks, it shows that he is a conscientous husband, father and head of his household, but he's worthless as a manager.

How long has this healthcare system that we have now been in place? And he wants to change it in 2 weeks? For how much?

Yes, fat and lazy people have every right to be fat and lazy and not take care of themselves and wait until what started out small and easily treatable grew to a major life-threatening medical condition.

But I also have every right to say that I don't want to pay for someone else's profound ignorance and personal negligence.

Malpractice lawsuit happens when a freaking idiot surgeon make a huge mistake in replacing or removing body parts, Not when it is too late to re-store someone's health status!!!!!!!!

That's the only time it happens? Then why are there so many medical malpractice lawyers?

Because the system allows for people to sue you just for looking at them cross-eyed.

You compeletely forgot about the malpractice suits filed against plastic surgeons for completely elective procedures.

A woman goes to get breast implants for example, because she feels that she can land a rich husband if she has a nice rack. The doctor suggests going from a B cup to a full C, but she ignores the doctor and says she wants to go DD. She gets the implants, looks like two watermelons on a stick and when one of those things rupture mid-coitus because she wanted to do it in a Mercedes SL without a tilt steering wheel, she sues the doctor for malpractice, claiming improper surgical procedures were followed.

Or, when she gets the implants and she still can't land a man because she has less personality than her vibrator, she sues the doctor for malpractice, citing "emotional distress".

So go ahead, eat a Big Mac. Eat ten of them. Smoke a carton of Lucky Strikes. Hell, smoke the carton itself. Ignore each and every warning that has existed about junk food and processed food and cigarettes and everything else.

But when it comes and bites you in the ass, deal with it on your own time and on your own dime. It's simply not my problem.

A Big Mac meal costs what...$7.00? A pack of cigs costs...$5.00?

Treating that person for the heart attack or gastric surgery that they brought upon themselves is going to cost us how much?

Who do you think needs this medical attention? Healthy people or sick people?

And let me tell you one last thing about doctors. There are some idiots in the profession, to be sure. There are some doctors who can't tell the difference between a stethoscope and a bottle of Scope Mouthwash. But there are some who are worth every damn penny of what they charge. 100 times more, even. And they're the ones who are going to be gone if this POS HR3200 goes through.


K nouraee

by KouroshS on

The government, as the servant of the people is required to minimize their role in the day-to day lives of the people. That's how these important documents from 1776 and 1789 were designed. When you have a nearly 1100 page monstrosity that contains multiple texts and even greater subtexts, it becomes a breeding ground for this bureaucratic virus that has infected this country.

Kaveh. Minimizing their role in the day-to-day lives of the people? that is a completely different topic. Having a Phonebook of a bill is nothing new and you can not blame it on obama's whitehouse( if that is indeed what you are doing).

As to the airport scenario, I don't find it convenient at all. It's an aggravation, and I make no apologies for saying so.

But look at the alternative. Eight years ago, right now, 19 assholes were making "dry runs" as practice to prepare for 9/11. And they were able to do so because this whole country was complacent. And this country is becoming complacent again.

 What the hell? Nonsense. Pay attention Kaveh. You already have boarded your flight, The gates have been closed for hours now, Something, like a delay happens and YOU and those Who have just boarded the plane are asked to exit and then Re-board, after another round of Frisking. And this is supposed to stop those dry runs just exactly HOW?!!!

 Could we do not do something more fundamental and basic such as Fixing the State laws as not to issue these MFs Driver licenses? Could we just perhaps, I know this is not to materialize in our time, Have a more effective and practical immigration system so as to pick the jackasses out of a crowd and nail them and send them back to whatever shithole it is they are coming from? COuld we not call this, falsely and ignorantly, An Amnesty and an award for those who have Broken the law, everytime someone makes the effort to fix things up?

 You want alternative? Think about How ultra-hardnuts block any kinda reform and how it can be prevented and then come and tell me all about alternatives agha jan:)

Do I want the government listening on any of my phone conversations? Of course not. But if they decided to bug my phone, they will just bore themselves to death, because I'm not doing anything criminal. They're not looking for me. They're looking for another SOB who is going to attack the US.

But in their eyes you are a suspect whether a letter is sent to your door letting you know that is what is gonna be happening to you or not. Like i said , if and only they want to, they can legislate more effective and result-oriented laws to prevent this. But instead what happens is that they rather waste time and money and resources on coming up with various ways to create hurdles. Go figure. 

It's very widely known that the dog search took so long, because it became a story almost right after the election. These two date back to Nov. and Dec. '08.



 Big deal!!! It has been forgotten by now, Who really cares? Oh yeah, some redneck, bible-thumpers who still can not believe that a black president has been elected into the office. LOL

It's a statistical fact that people who are legally permitted to carry a firearm, whether openly or concealed, are the least likely to use that firearm in an offensive manner.

Oh really? I wonder what Gun manufacturer has published that information. Of course when you are funded by the biggest and the crookest of all Lobbies in The world, The NRA, anything is possible,

You not giving a damn about their 2nd amendment rights means that you have no ground to stand on when you complain about the Patriot Act infringing upon your rights. It's equality for all, not equality on one person's terms.

Sure kaveh. We all be one united gun and rifle and Knife and blade carrying nation. One wrong look and that person's ass will be ours. Hmm. beautiful way of preserving and respecting our Rights. If only we could have done so and adopt the same approach when it came to other issues. This has the potential to boost violence. Patriot act Literraly causes you and your family inconvenience, as even you, earlier in this same post alluded to and admitted. How much clearer than this can it get? In both of these, Innocent people get harmed regerdless. Is that the price poeple have to pay just for the sake of "equality for all"?

Insurance companies' monopolies? I don't think so.

Oh but i do:) 

Go back and read what I wrote with respect to the obscene cost of malpractice insurance. We live in a country filled with a bunch of fat, lazy people who don't understand the concept of proactive healthcare...of getting regular chekups, of eating right, of taking care of themselves.

Fat and lazy people? KAveh. That is their right you know? Their right not to work and stay at home. Tell it to their faces and see how they will react. It is part of their freedom you know! Oh.  and you know who is encouraging them to NOT eat right? The same lobbyst who are hard at work to cut the government hands off people's lives, and want it to respect their privacy and allow these fas food giants to promote their Junk non-stop. All the good stuff that anti-socialization movemnet would bring with it to our country:)

People who wait until the last possible second before going to a

doctor, by which time, a small issue that was treatable for just a few bucks becomes a major medical and financial fiasco. And when the doctor can't restore patient to the same level of health they had before because of the amount of time that has elapsed...the patient sues for malpractice.

 LOL. is this the same thing as the dog-search issue? Is this "widely known" as well. Please tell me that it is. No aziz. Malpractice lawsuit happens when a freaking idiot surgeon make a huge mistake in replacing or removing body parts, Not when it is too late to re-store someone's health status!!!!!!!! Or a doctor Intentionally or Unintentionally prescribes the wrong kind of medication, because he is so over-loaded with work and could not even stretch his neck. all because the system is in such a shambles.

this must be  a new talking-point still being processed and developed Na? I am sure i will be hearing it very soon on El Rushmo's show once he comes back from shopping!

And because we live in a society that believes "personal responsibility" and "personal accountability" are foreign concepts, these patients win these lawsuits.

Nop. They win because The Jurors selected are from amongst the most vunurable and illogical and non-thinking part of the society.This country, contrary to what you think, prides itself tremendously on personal accountability and responsibility.  

Ask any doctor what is his or her single greatest expense as a medical professional. It's not the Ferrari in the hospital parking lot.

The answer is malpractice insurance. Every time.

I bet that they wish they would have been able to tell you that Ferrari or a new mansion was indeed their biggest and costliest of things in their lives, wouldn't they? Hmm. There is always something they are complaining about is there not?

Regardless of the answer coming from a Republican or Democrat, the answer MUST address this issue. Period. And not by shifting accountability to the government, which has Sovereign Immunity from these suits.

Right. sure, why not? Let 's us worry about first and formost how are doctors can keep enriching their pockets and stay in buisness and have their ferraris, rather than how they can really care for their patients and actually spend time listening to them, rather than sending home after a very cursory exam and shove all kinds of pills down their throats and then start whinning and bitching about being wrongly and inappropriately sued.


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

The government, as the servant of the people is required to minimize their role in the day-to day lives of the people. That's how these important documents from 1776 and 1789 were designed. When you have a nearly 1100 page monstrosity that contains multiple texts and even greater subtexts, it becomes a breeding ground for this bureaucratic virus that has infected this country.

As to the airport scenario, I don't find it convenient at all. It's an aggravation, and I make no apologies for saying so.

But look at the alternative. Eight years ago, right now, 19 assholes were making "dry runs" as practice to prepare for 9/11. And they were able to do so because this whole country was complacent. And this country is becoming complacent again.

Do I want the government listening on any of my phone conversations? Of course not. But if they decided to bug my phone, they will just bore themselves to death, because I'm not doing anything criminal. They're not looking for me. They're looking for another SOB who is going to attack the US.

It's very widely known that the dog search took so long, because it became a story almost right after the election. These two date back to Nov. and Dec. '08.



It's a statistical fact that people who are legally permitted to carry a firearm, whether openly or concealed, are the least likely to use that firearm in an offensive manner.

You not giving a damn about their 2nd amendment rights means that you have no ground to stand on when you complain about the Patriot Act infringing upon your rights. It's equality for all, not equality on one person's terms.

Insurance companies' monopolies? I don't think so.

Go back and read what I wrote with respect to the obscene cost of malpractice insurance. We live in a country filled with a bunch of fat, lazy people who don't understand the concept of proactive healthcare...of getting regular chekups, of eating right, of taking care of themselves.

People who wait until the last possible second before going to a doctor, by which time, a small issue that was treatable for just a few bucks becomes a major medical and financial fiasco. And when the doctor can't restore patient to the same level of health they had before because of the amount of time that has elapsed...the patient sues for malpractice.

And because we live in a society that believes "personal responsibility" and "personal accountability" are foreign concepts, these patients win these lawsuits.

Ask any doctor what is his or her single greatest expense as a medical professional. It's not the Ferrari in the hospital parking lot.

The answer is malpractice insurance. Every time.

Regardless of the answer coming from a Republican or Democrat, the answer MUST address this issue. Period. And not by shifting accountability to the government, which has Sovereign Immunity from these suits.



by KouroshS on

1- what is your point? WHat does being a constitutionally mandated servant has to do with putting out easy-to-understand materials out? Where do you see the connection?

2- How has this shennanigan of an act has caused me personal harm? Why don't you ask around? Suppose if i told you, hey, you know what? this act has done zilch of harm to me personally, but does that justify everything? You do not think that there our so many out there who have their rights and liberties tramppled upon? It is akin to a sense of paranoia kaveh. i.e, When you clear the airport security checkpoint and get on the plane, if for some reason your flight is delayed and you should god forbid have to exit and then reboard they will frisk you from head to toe one precious more time. Do you find this utterly convenient?

How widely is it known that the dog search took so long? Sane minds will look at it as just a tabloid matter and move on and do not compare that to bigger issues.

Obama did not get what he wanted. Your precious republicans are at it 24/7 blowing the matter out of proportion in the most outrageous and rediculously idiotic sort of way. They should write a book with all their talking points.

even The intention of carrying a fire arm for the purpose of attending a meeting is a wild and deranged idea. I do not give a damn who stopped them or whether they were exercising their seond ammendment. People are not Khar out there kaveh.

Preventing insurance companies' monopoly is what is intended and with all the lobbying and arm-twisting they are blocking any kind of reform.

So... do you think that the republican alternative is guaranteeing such equal coverage for all? Will it be a continuation of the same superior health care system in America? IS that what makes People "embrace" reforms?

Oh, i forgot, There are no alternatives....

Farhad Kashani

Neo Communists are masters of stupid tricks themselves!

by Farhad Kashani on

These IRI supporter Neo Comms are funny! They’re funny cause they think they’re Republican bashing propaganda would do them any good anymore!


First of all these cold hearted Neo Comms put all Republicans, which majority of them are hard working law obeying tolerant and kind Americans in one basket as lets say Fallwell or Glen Beck. That’s their first “sneaky stupid trick”.


Second, Glen Beck and others, are far more tolerant, open minded, civilized and modern thinking people than those Neo Comms or their Fascist beloved IRI regime can ever be. So distorting the Republican image is their second “sneaky stupid (and failed) trick”.


Third, they think people don’t know that everything Republicans like Bush and others said about the Fascist IRI regime turned out right and everything those Neo Comms like NIAC and Chomsky and Jon Stewart and others said turned out absolutely wrong. So this other “sneaky stupid trick” has failed also.


Finally, they think this Republican bashing propaganda would either gain any audience or make the IRI regime look good. They are so out of touch with reality its mind boggling!

Their fourth “sneaky stupid trick” will only backlash against them more and more.


At the end of the day its not Republican or Democrats or majority of Iranians or others who will like an idiot, its those Neo Comms who prior to June 12th used to openly support the murderous IRI regime and now they are doing that in “sneaky”, but failed nonetheless, fashion.


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I feel for you, man. And your son. $250K per year? It's insane.

You mentioned Medicare and Medicaid. That brings up anither point. The government has been a disaster in managing the two, as they have with everything else they have touched.

The Postal Service and Amtrak come to mind.

I can't find anything in this 1000+ page mess that addresses the elimination of protectionism for the pharmaceutical companies.

Since your son is a doctor, I'm curious to know what is his take on this issue.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

They're not supposed to be putting out easy to understand and complication-free materials?

Kourosh, that is EXACTLY what they are supposed to do!

Per the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of this country, THEY (the government) are the servants of the people, not the other way around.

Kourosh, what is your main objection to the Patriot Act? Please explain to me how that truly has inconvenienced you or has caused you harm. I'm truly interested to know.

It is widely known that the process of choosing a dog took at least four months.

HR3200 was drafted on July 14, 2009, and Obama wanted it passed before the August recess.

The people with firearms are legally allowed to carry them. And they're not doing it to be heard, because they're prohibited from going inside the buildings where these meetings take place.

HR3200 is not just far from perfect. It is a colossal bureaucratic clusterf**k that is indeed just the tip of the iceberg, if it were allowed to pass. HR3200 addresses NONE of the issues that have really contributed to the astronomical cost of healthcare.

If you want to see this country embrace this idea, then there will have to be a guarantee that every man woman and child shall receive the exact same level of comprehensive healthcare coverage as these douchebags on Capitol Hill.

Fouzul Bashi

Enough is enough

by Fouzul Bashi on

Glen Beck might not be a republican but he sure is a republican tool.

Read this:

One of the big arguments that keeps coming up from those on the right, whether it is health care or education or infrastructure or stimulus or whatever other issue they are railing against is one that to me is eminently selfish:

"I don’t want to pay for someone else’s [operation, health care, etc."]

Well, excuse me, but I don’t recall having the option of not paying for the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq, or the continuing occupation that was funneling hundreds of billions to Halliburton, Blackwater and other waste or fraud. I never got to reduce my federal income tax by the amount that I didn’t want going towards the ridiculous "investigation" by Kenneth Starr of a blowjob. And I certainly didn’t get to say "no fucking way" when it came to giving major tax loopholes to big oil, giveaways to big pharma or big insurance...


The special interests who profit from the status quo are getting nervous. They can't win an honest debate, so they're spreading lies to incite fear and anger. Help set the record straight - watch the video and share the truth with your friends.




by capt_ayhab on

You nailed the problem dude, Malpractice Insurance. Having first hand knowledge of it which practically drains the physicians. My son is currently paying upwards of $250,000. annually for his malpractice insurance and he has not had any claims paid in his behalf!

Could not agree more with your point about tort reform .  Legislators have been talking about this for decades as I recall, but nothing has happened yet. By far, we have the best trained doctors and nurses in the globe, yet as you said they spend more time trying to cover their rear end, than care for their patients. I do not blame them for prescribing totally unnecessary tests just to avoid lawsuits.

Mismanagement in Medicare and Medicaid has been another drain on budget. Where shady doctors and hospitals over bill the system by millions. Can you imagine hospitals billing the system  $25.00 for a band aid???

Finally cost of medicine is out of reach for many elderly and poor segment of country. We need to stop protectionism of the pharmaceutical companies - PERIOD. Nowhere in the world medications are as expensive as US. Imagine paying $15.00 PER pill for an antibiotic which is prescribed for ulcers, 30 of them with whopping cost of $450.00.


Fouzul Bashi


by Fouzul Bashi on

What you described there in your comment was the other president that we had and we kicked him out of the white house despite the Palin ;overs like you. You're misinformed, ignorant and vulgar just like any "Glen Beck fan" ought to be.

Get a life!



US News!

by Q on



by KouroshS on

Well. That is why it is called The white house. It is not supposed to be putting out easy to understand and complication-free materials. It always has been so, and unless people have forgotten a lotta legislations were forced down  our throats in previous administrations that really and in every sense of the word, puts this one to shame in a major way. Patriot act comes to mind, that was practically done in less than a week and no debate and tow-hall meetings, non whatsoever, Take it or leave it, or rather take it or else risk being called a terrorist. At least this one is getting a fair shake out there and with the public.

I have already seen your objections to this bill in previous blogs.

Obama did not spend more time choosing a dog and you know darn well that is just rubbish and a big, huge ass Copout. I am sorry to say .and HE IS giving as we speak plenty of time to everyone in this country to speak up. People are bringing weapons to these meetings for the love of god in order to be effectively heard.I thought you said you read and listened to what is being said!!!!

I think many people know by now that HR3200 is far from the perfect and ideal thing and that is why obama's empahsis is on amending and reforming it, And pople have had their chance to have their say about it aplenty. So it is really a laughable matter to intentionally make the claim that he is forcing anything on us or that this is just the tip of the most dreaded iceberg of socialism and other such nonsense.


Kaveh Nouraee

Obama's wounds are increasingly

by Kaveh Nouraee on

self-inflicted. Otherwise, the polls would not be showing increased opposition to his agenda.

Forget partisan rhetoric for a moment. I am sure we agree that one of the biggest reasons why healthcare costs are so outrageous is the cost of malpractice insurance. Physicians have no choice but to pass the costs of this insurance onto patients.

One of the biggest reasons malpractice insurance is so high is the fact that we live in a society where lawsuits are commonplace. The degree of litigiousness is obscene.

The first thing that needs to be done is to enact real tort reform that will put an end to this atmosphere where doctors spend more time in court than practicing medicine.

Now, of course, I'm speaking of the frivolous lawsuits only, as they are the ones that have caused the majority of the damage.

It's a huge issue, affecting close to 20% of the national economy, so it can't be solved overnight, as the problem didn't arise overnight. But this would make as good a place to start as any.


Kaveh P/S

by capt_ayhab on

There was a blog few days ago regarding death of Sen Kennedy, in which you had made a comment  regarding people using HIS name in pushing the bill.

Sen Kennedy is known to have said that he  regretted opposing Nixon's health care plan which has called for nationalized system. As to your comment right below, I shall respond to you ASAP.

Thanks bro and take care



health care debate

by capt_ayhab on

As a supporter of Mr. Obama, I am fully ready to admit that the HB 3200 does have flaws. Can it be better?, of course! Can it be written to save [$$$$$<<<az ina], you bet, but HOW?

Republicans want to see this bill to become Mr. Obam',s [Waterloo], they want to wound him politically, at the expense of American people, who either have no health care coverage or can't offered to continue the present one.

Can Mr. Obama [Push] the bill to pass? I think he can, however there will be price to pay. If they try to push this bill through, they are chancing the loss of 10, 15, or 20 seats in next election. Is it worth it? I am not sure if the party can bare that.

so what is the option?

Republicans need to set aside their [battle gear] trying wound Mr. Obama and come forth in true spirit of national interest, work with administration and not against it


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

The question regarding health care is not whether or not it needs overhauling, because I think that most people will say that many improvements do need to be made.

I think the question really is in what form should those changes be?

Say what you will about Glenn Beck. I look at him more as an entertainer than a journalist or a political expert, but that's just my view of him.

But he is right when you hear him say in this video that this country does have the best healthcare system in the world, and at the same time when he's laying on his couch and complaining about the state that the system is in. He's right on both counts.


a real lunatic

by capt_ayhab on

Must see clip on Glen Beck and dept of his lunacy:


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

What has transpired lately from the White House has boggled my imagination, to be perfectly honest with you.

And yes, I truly read and listen to what is being said out there.

I'm not repeating anything, by the way, I was asking for Q to state his position on the matter rather than using anyone in the media as his punch line, in this case, Glenn Beck.

I'm willing to discuss the points of HR 3200 (the formal name of this package).

As far as this being pushed through, that is exactly what I said, and I stand behind it 100%, sir. Obama spent more time choosing a dog for his daughters than he was willing to give this entire country to have a say so over their own healthcare.

HR3200 is a disastrous piece of legislation. Even the late Ted Kennedy, who championed heathcare reform as his "life's work", believed that everyone should have accesss to the same quality and level of comprehensive health care that he as a US senator received for himself and his family. HR3200 is anything but that.


Pushing Through?

by KouroshS on

Overactive imagination, hard at work again mr. nouraee?:)

Do you even listen or read, i mean Really READ what is being said out there? Or you just want to keep repeating no matter what? There are options when one listens and pays attention.