Change your Arabic names to Iranian names

by jimzbund

I am so glad that the recent heros who lost their lives for their homeland had beautiful Persin anames, Neda , Sohrab, Taraneh...Iranians should use beautiful Persian names for their kids and if possible change their Arabic names to Persian names. We have to seperate our identities from those tokhmeh Arabs who are raping and pillaging Iran and Iranians. Avoid using Islamic or Arabic term like ...( insh, mash,) allah.... salaam...etc.

payyandeh Iran and Iraninans


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by Afshin_Afshar on




by Afshin_Afshar on


Ari Siletz

Afshin, capt_ayhab

by Ari Siletz on

Javanmard e pahlevan both of you. Sticking up for the innocent is one of the noblest aspects of our Iranian identity. Bein e khodemoon though, did you ever think you would have to defend folks who have done nothing to their attacker except to have the "wrong" name?



by capt_ayhab on

There is a saying about ignorant fools like you:

More ignorant any Sassan2 is louder they shout. Listen little man, you do not have to show your lack of class and dignity by BARKING at every single person who does not give a damn to what you are and what you represent, Decent people already know your type.

Stop your ARBADEH KASHI, and conduct yourself like a human being, I know it is hard for the kinds of you but give a shot, people might think better of you rather than your[Laate Chaleh Meydooni] character. ;-)

I am done with you little man.



Ayhab and Afshin

by Sassan2 on

Ayhab, the closet Arab, writes, "name is not indictive of ones patriotism."

No one said it was indicative of "patriotism." Jesus, do you think before you write? Name is indicative of IDENTITY, not patriotism!!! If you don't care about IDENTITY, then stop speaking Persian and speak Arabic, and stop celebrating Norouz, and stop naming your kids Iranian names and put an effective end to the contiuation of the unique Iranian IDENTITY (and culture).

(If you care, read my earlier post) -- otherwise, go ahead and obfuscate the issue and make it about racism or patriotism or whatever nonsense you wish to inject so as to confuse the issue. That's your agenda, isn't it? 

Lastly, Afshin writes, "we cannot afford to let petty arguments divide us." I would submit that our IDENTITY (and its fate) is not a petty argument. In fact, the majority of our problems in Iran TODAY is a symptom of our IDENTITY crisis. 



by jimzbund on

Everyone is entitled to have his /her opinion which must be respected. lets agree that we disagree.


Shaad Zi


Mr. Ms. Cost of Progress

by capt_ayhab on

If I may interject in dialogue between you and Mr. Afshar regarding the conquered and conqueror.

Our OWN Nader Shah the Great killed 20,000 to 30,000 Hindus in one day on March 22, 1739, just because he got pissed off at Mohammad Shah of India. Where do you think Peacock Throne, Kooh-e-Noorand Darya-e-noor came from?



JimzBund khan jan

by capt_ayhab on

I have said what I needed dude, name is not indictive of ones patriotism. We are wasting our times and energy by having hangups like these.

Patriotism and nationality are within ones soul, name does not give you that, nor does it take it away.




re: Ok Afshin, I get the joke...

by Afshin_Afshar on

Dear CP (I hope you don't mind the abbreviation),

I agree with you, the emotions are very high. What can I say; we are all hot blooded Iranians :-)

Regarding religion let me tell you a bit about my own experience. I myself am somewhere between an agnostic and an Atheist; probably closer to an Atheist. I have reached here through years of questioning everything, something that I started during my middle school years.

I was born in a secular Shia Muslim family. No one in my immediate family was an observing Muslim. My father was always great about talking to us kids and he always played the devil’s advocate. When I told him I believed in God, he responded from an Atheist point of view, and when I told him I did not believe in God he responded from a religious point of view. He was always careful to not impose his own views on us kids.

At some point in eleventh grade I told my Dad that I wanted to learn how to pray (namAz), so to my mother’s dismay, he thought me how it is done properly. I did it for 6 months before deciding that it was not for me.

As an Atheist I do not have a place for religion in my own life, but I have also come to the conclusion that there may be a place for religion in our world for those who in all honestly believe in it AND use it as a vehicle to better themselves, their community, and the world. I respect these people and would never say or do anything to offend them.

But that is me.

Now as far as “rape” goes, during the course of history conquerors have done horrible things to the conquered. Iranian history is not any different; we have had our share on both ends. I am very proud of our heritage, but at the same time I rather look forward.

The atrocities committed against our people in Iran by the IRI and its goons are happening now. We Iranians who live abroad have the luxury of living in places where we can freely speak out in defense of our people and against these tugs. Let’s focus on that rather than arguing with each other. We all need to unite and speak with one very loud voice. We cannot afford to let petty arguments divide us.





Kapeetaan Ayhab

by jimzbund on

Piaadeh show baa ham berim !

first of all, sattar and bagher and bi gher and etc ere named by their parents and had no choice . So they are excluded from the topic.

secondly, Our country has been invaded and has been ( is being looted by the invaders who happend to be Arabs . How can we willingly not only accept their barbaric culture and even try to outdo them ?! some of the friends have already pointed out the meaning behind some of the Arabic names that we Iranians adopted . This is part of a larger scheme to preserve Iranian identity and pride. just to upset you and yourr closet Arabic/IRI  pride:

 We Iranians are the proud children of Ahuramazda , celeberate life and truthfulness , value freedom and human rights, will take Iran back to its glory again .

paayandeh Iran



by capt_ayhab on

If a name is inductive of ones particularism then we Iranians are really really in deep doodoo. By your count, Dr. Mosadegh, Satar Khan, Bagher Khan are not pastriots.

Let us focus on real issues rather than childish and racist subjects like this one. Many Arabic, as well as Iranian names have Hebrew roots, i.e. my own name[which I ain't tellin' ya'], or names like Davood, Ibrahim, Sara, Yousef, Sahar, Amir, and etc etc.

How about names that are not Persian and are in fact from Latin roots? what are you guys gonna propose for that? i.e. Eskandar, Nahid[Anahita], Roshanak[Roxxana], Yasamin and etc etc. Lets grow up and focus on real issue, freedom and democracy for Iran, rather than proposing Eugenic, and pure race crap.

Just FYI, the old timers might remember that IR proposed the same crap early on, which was they forced , for a period of time, people who had rather western or modern sounding names to adopt a different name. I bet you did not know that Mr. Bund?

So Mr. Jimzbund, Congratulation on joining the ranks of IR ;-)




Ahmed, Ahmad

by jimzbund on

Yes, Iranian Regime forces people to choose names to the government's liking and know some instances of it. as to the names , some Azeris in Iran would name their sons " kaalb Ali) , Alis' Dog. go figure !


Bund, Jimz Bund


Samsam IIII ,

by jimzbund on

so proud of an honorable patriotic family like yours.

Shaad Zi 


Bund, Jimz Bund


mehraban Afshin

by jimzbund on

Jimzbund and etc are aliases to hide behind or represent a character .  being abd ( servant) of some Arabic people , with different degress ( akbar, asghar, azam,) soghra, kobra, or representing some parts of God eye,hand, all ending with Allah is not in the best ineterests of national identity .

Shaad Zi


Bund, Jimz Bund



by jimzbund on

These dear sons and daughters of Iran who gave their lives for the freedom of our beloved Iran are beyond the scope of this point. We are talking about our choices in naming our kids or changing our starnge Arab/Islamic names . Those who have the Arabic /Muslim names and are happy with ith then it is fine .  

Bund, Jimz Bund


Ok Afshin, I get the joke...

by Cost-of-Progress on

But, to answer your question....

I am new to comment posting, and from what I can tell, there is a lot of fighting (surprisingly not a lot of name calling) going on (our trait as Persians) when there's an ideology conflict. Our culture does not understand the meaning of respect for another's opinion.

I have noted that some folks get offended when there is what they call "islam-bashing" - I assume these folks are Iranian and why, after 14 centruies of lies, rape and ass-backwardness, they have not come to their senses is beyond me.

Hey it's only bashing, if it is not true!!!

As for this thread's progress, ehhhh...see above.


Dear Afshin

by Takavar on

Gholam does not mean Nokar, servant, loyal and it is not a persian name. It was used first by savage Arabs who attacked Iran for calling very young iraian males(pessar bache) and they were used for Gholamee(in regard to the meaning) and were sold in Madina.

That is the reason that Arabs never use the word Gholam for their kids because the know exactly the meaning of it. Arabs who attacked Iran were interested in both sexes, male and female and for that cause when they got control over iran they brought turkish gholam form Central Asia for sex because of the light skin color and blond hair which was very interesting to savage Arabs and later they used the turkish gholam as thugs for killing Iranians(according to tabari and Ibn-khaldon, shomayree etc).

Dear Afshin feel free and do some search about the root of the name Gholam and its meaning.



by Afshin_Afshar on



Afshin jon, gimme a break

by Cost-of-Progress on

Surely you know that Cost-of-Progress is my username!

I use it in various forums and poster boards because it is more a statement than a name. It is unrelated to nationality, but related to what's happening in our world in many aspects that IS related to the cost of progress, environmentaly, economically, etc. etc. It is my way of stimulating thoughts when it comes to the subject.

Hope that helps clarify things a bit and stimulates your thoughts.



نوشته دکتر سياوش اوستا در باره غلام و ديگر نامهايه عربی



من بسياري از كشورهاي عربي را گشته‌ام!! دوستان بسياري دارم كه از كشورهاي عربي هستند و هرگز يك عنصر عرب را نديده‌ام كه اورا غلام بنامند!  و اين بدين خاطر است كه اعراب معني غلام را مي‌دانند و ما نميدانسته‌ايم. غلام از ريشه غلم مي‌آيد كه به معناي بهره‌وري جنسي است! و غلام به پسربچه‌هايي مي‌گفتند كه اعراب از آنها استفاده جنسي مي‌نموده‌اند! بغلط به ما گفته‌بودند كه غلام يعني نوكر وبرده و بنده! درصورتيكه درزبان عربي، عبد ميشود برده و نوكر را خادم ميگويند! غلام وكنيز همطراز و همراهند!!  از كنيزان نيز بهره جنسي وخانگي مي‌برده‌اند و از غلام بچه ها نيز!! بسياري از نامهاي عربي كه درميان ما ايرانيان رايج است درميان اعراب اصيل (عربستان سعودي، كشورهاي خليج فارس..) ابداً متداول نيست! هرچند امكان دارد كه اين نامها درميان شيعيان مورد استفاده قرار بگيرد. آنهم بعنوان عشق وتعصب ويژه‌اي كه نسبت به برخي از شخصيتهاي تاريخ اسلام داشته و دارند. اما بدون شك اگر پدرومادري باريشه  اين گونه نامها ومعناي آنها آشنايي ميداشته‌اند هرگز نامهاي نازيبا را بعشق شخصيتهاي تاريخي برروي فرزندان خود نمي‌نهادند. با هم به معني چندنام نگاهي مي‌اندازيم كه نتيجه سالها پژوهش و كنكاش مي‌باشد:   ام كلثوم: ام يعني مادر و كلثوم به فرزند خيكي و چاق اطلاق ميشود حفصه: هسته خرما و يا زن سياه و زشت   خديجه: به سقط جنين شتر ميگويند بتول: زني كه هوس مرد و همخوابگي دارد سميه: از سم مي آيد و به اندازه زهري كه در چيزي باشد ميگويند. سكينه: كه مسكين نيز با اين نام هم خانواده مي‌باشد. به بانوي گدا و خوار و بيچاره ميگويند رقيه: كه از ريشه رق مي‌آيد، به معناي افسون و جادو و نيرنگ است. عذرا: به هرآن چيزي كه سوراخ نشده باشد ميگويند. فاطمه: از فطم مي‌آيد و به بچه شتر ماده از شيرگرفته‌شده‌اي ميگويند. جعفر: ماده شتري كه شير بسيار داشته باشد. ذبيح: به هرچارپايي كه گلويش را ببرند ميگويند. ذبح شده يعني گلو بريده باقر: كه از خانواده بقره مي‌باشد به گاو نر چاق ميگويند و اعراب جاهلي به كسي كه خيلي چيز مي‌فهميده است نيز ميگفته. باقرالعلوم يعني طرف همچون گاو چيز ميداند. عباس: از عبس مي‌آيد به معناي اخمو، ترشرو، ترسناك و بدخود عثمان: بچه مار كاظم: از كظم مي‌آيد و به معناي لال بودن، گنگ و بي‌زبان و خاموش هاشم: به نان فروش دوره‌گرد مي‌گفته اند! حيدر: اين نام مخلوطي است از عربي و پارسي، حي يعني زنده و در يعني دريدن! حيدر به كسي گفته اند كه انسانها را زنده زنده پاره ميكرده است. صغري: كوچك و پست و اصغر نيز از همين خانواده و ريشه صغرا است. به معناي كوچكتر!




خطبه عقد و ازدواج بزبان عربی توهين بزرگی به شخصيت زن 

سياوش اوستا 

خطبه عقد و ازدواج بزبان عربی توهين بزرگی به شخصيت زن ميباشد که بر اثر عدم آگاهی و آُشنايی ما بزبان عربی سالهاست مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است 
در پی تازش تازيان به ايران پس از وفات پيامبر اسلام دختران و زنان ما بعنوان غنيمت جنگی و با نام کنيز و با توجيه قرآنی ما ملکت ايمانکم مورد تجاوز اعراب قرار ميگرفته اند و پس از استفاده نخست خودشان آن عزيزان را به عقد ديگران در می آورده اند با دريافت وجهی که تعيين مبلغ در ازدواج نيز از همين شيوه بد تازی آمده است
بدين رو در خطبه عقد تازی از دو واژه انکحتک و زوجتک استفاده ميشود که انکحت از نکح می آيد و نکح يعنی گاوی و يا شتری سوار شتر ديگری شدن و با او کار جنسی انجام داد
و آنگاه که ملا ميگويد انکحتک و زوجتک لموکلی يعنی من چنين کاری را بوکالت موکلم انجام دادم زيرا واژه زوج نيز يعنی جفت شدن و آن کار را انجام دادن
من که امروز ميخواهم اين مسئله را بنويسم و شرح بدهم شرمنده ام و نميتوانم بيش از اين اين مسئله را باز کنم حالا شما در نظر بگيريد که چهارده قرن است پدران و مادران ما را با اين واژه های توهين آميز عقد کرده اند
اصلا چرا بايد در بهترين لحظه زندگی يک زن و مرد از واژه های زشت جفت شدن و سوار هم شدن استفاده کرد آنهم کسی ديگر اين کار را بوکالت انجام بدهد


It's about IDENTITY!

by Sassan2 on

Jesus, some of you people are so dense, it's no wonder so many Iranians embraced that embicile mullah in 1979, and even saw his ugly face on the moon!

This brain surgeon, "gitdoun," even says, "What benefit does the world gain from a Persian name?"

God almighty, save me from these short-sighted dimwits on!

We're NOT talking about "the benefits to the freaking world!" Are you freaking serious?! We're talking about Iranian names as it pertains to Iranian identity! For 1,400 freaking years, our Iranian IDENTITY has been under a seige -- under attack by Arabs/Islam! Our invaders have practically raped us out of our Iranian identity!

As such, to this day, our collective identity as Iranians is under attack. And the suggestion for changing to Iranian names is to reverse the process of identity dilution, if not regain some of it back. And naming your child an Iranian name will go along way in reclaiming our original identity!

Thusly, in the context of identity, what you name your child is critical within the tortured context of Iranian history. Do you want to celebrate your Iranian heritage (in the naming of your child) or do you want to celebrate your Islamic faith?

This is the critical issue, not how do we "benefit the world" by naming our children Iranian names! Do you people want to promote the identity of our rapists (the Arab invaders) or do you want to promote the identity of our original forefathers?





by Afshin_Afshar on


gitdoun ver.2.0

ethnocentrism IS FUTILE

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

what's in a name ?? what benefit does the world gain from having a persian name ??? do people weep over a person's grave over how nationalistic he was or the good he had done for his fellow man??? 


Takhtie like many others did

by Takavar on

Takhtie like many others did not know the meaning of his name and for sure he would do something about it if he could know that!!!!.  He became a hero because his name was Gholam-reza!!!!!!!! Nice argument.

Ari Siletz

Gholamreza Takhti

by Ari Siletz on

Slave to no one, hero to Iran.


Trying to remain Iranian

by Takavar on

Names are both messages to kids about who they are expected to be and messages to society about just who they are. By naming your children, you are including them into your family and the society. Give the name Gholam-reza to your son and see his and others reaction to the name when they find out that Gholam means "male sex slave " and in this case you are introducing your son as the one who was used by Reza for sexual slavery. 

Ahmed from Bahrain

Trying to remain pure

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

when ethnic groups mix and inter-marry is futile and racist. Hitler had the same idea.

I see nothing wrong with 'salaam' or god. Islam does not have monopoly on such things. It is an issue you have to deal with at individual level. Trying to tell people what to name their children is somewhat arrogant.

It is the parents right to name their children whatever they wish and in adulthood one has the right to change one's name.

Many European names have their root in Judaism and Christianity and as such in Arabic - so what!! try Jacob, Joseph, Peter, John, Mary, Rachel. etc.

Barak Hussein Obama. Try changing that name and the US blacks would accuse him of being racist.

All names are beautiful, may be bateekh in Arabic or kharbuzeh could arouse a smile;who am I to judge.

By the way, I have an Iranian family who had a daughter and wanted to name her some foreign name. The Iranian embasy would not allow the child's name in the parents shenasnameh. They eventually forced the parents to change the name to somewhat a Persian name. I guess you have the excuse to be far right when you are faced when a far left regime; or visa versa.

Pardon me for being blunt but I do not advocate extreme measures that exclude certain part of population from any political, religious, economical or cultural solutions. If they have done it, it does not mean I have to do it. That way I can not be accused being like them.

Khuda negahdar - I hope that is ok and not too Islamic?

Ahmed from Bahrain

Ari Siletz

I vote for Afshin

by Ari Siletz on

Also, Afshin, thanks for the hard work going into detailed examples supporting your position.


I agree wth Afshin....

by yolanda on

   You can pick any 1st name you want, but you can't change your last name (can you?) and you have to folllow your parent's last name. Last name (the family name) seems to be more important than the 1st name 'cause it indicates a person's ethnic backgroud more or less: Azeri, Persian, Arab, or Armenian. I think a person should be proud of his (her) cultural heritage and accepts himself (herself). Another thing is that what matters is the inside, not the outside, not our labels. We should concentrate on our inner qualities, I think.

     I also agree with Pedro 'cause his kids seem to be really happy with the names, he picked. That is great!


Thanks JB

by Takavar on

I agree 100% with your excellent suggestion.