من شب عروسیم باکره بودم. هجده سالم بود. شوهرم که از من هفت هشت سال بزرگتر بود، چند باری با فاحشه ها خوابیده بود و همین. فکر می کنم همدیگر رو دوست داشتیم اما امروز دیگه یادم نمیاد هجده ساله ها چی از عشق می دانند. چند سالی زندگی معمولیی داشتیم. بعدش هم اختلافاتمان شروع شد و دامه پیدا کرد تا جدا شدیم.
ازش هیچی راجع به سکس یاد نگرفتم. از شب اولش که خسته بودم و پاهام درد می کرد و دلم می خواست صورت و مو هامو بشورم و برم بخوابم، اما طاقت نداشت و صبر نکرد تا تمام سالهایی که با زن جوانش مدل حاجی ها با سرعت و بی دقت نزدیکی کرد، هیچ خاطره’ دل انگیزی از سکس باهاش ندارم. می دونم بعضی شبها وقتی خواب بودم، یکهو میامد می چسبید به من از پشت و من از حرارت و سفتی کیرش که به پشتم می مالید بیدار می شدم. همیشه پیش خودم فکر می کردم این چطوری و کی بدون من اینطوری تحریک شده؟ چرا زودتر بیدارم نکرد تا با هم تحریک بشیم؟ چندصد بار هم کیرش فقط تحریک و داغ نبود، بلکه خیس هم بود. معلوم بود تا لحظه’ آخر صبر کرده و بعد آمده سراغ من.
وای که چقدر حالم بد میشد. به حرکاتی که بعدش انجام میشد نمیشد بگویم عشقبازی. چون نه عشقی درش بود و نه بازی. وقتی اینطور بیدارم میکرد، فقط یکی دو دقیقه از آمدن فاصله داشت. چندین بار قبل از اینکه کیرش وارد کسم بشه آبش آمد. اول ها فکر می کردم سکس همینه. بعدا هر بار این اتفاق می افتاد خجالت می کشیدم. بعد از این هربار اینطور می شد غمگین می شدم. تا اینکه بالاخره از این ماجرا عصبانی می شدم. بالاخره فهمیده بودم که من برای شوهرم چیزی بیش از یک سوراخ نیستم، یک سطل آشغال، یک کاسه’ توالت. چیزی به اسم نوازش و بوسیدن و مالیدن و ناز کردن و تحریک کردن قبل از سکس برای ما وجود نداشت.
بدترین نتیجه’ این ارتباط این بود که من چون از سکس با شوهرم بدم میامد، برای مدت طولانی فکر می کردم که من اصولا سرد مزاجم، که من از سکس بدم میاد و مشکل خیلی بزرگی در این زمینه دارم. نمیدانستم باید به کی بگم و چه کار بکنم. می دانستم داشتن ارگاسم برای زنها در انتهای عشقبازی با یک مرد چیز مهمیه و خیلی دلم می خواست من هم بدانم که چه احساسیه، اما نمی دانستم باید چکار کنم.
حداقل سه بار متوجه شدم که بهم خیانت کرده، اما چون فکر می کردم من سردمزاجم، بعد از قهر و آشتی های وحشتناک بعدش، بخشیدمش و باهاش زندگی می کردم.
تا اینکه با مردی سر کارم آشنا شدم و نمیدانم چطور شد که عاشقش شدم. او هم زن داشت. شش ماهی کاری نمی کردیم بجز اینکه تمام روزمان را با هم سرکار بگذرانیم. عصر ها هم می رفتیم سر زندگی های خودمان و هیچوقت با هم تماس نمی گرفتیم. با او بود که می فهمیدم واکنش هایم به او فرق دارد. برای اولین بار توی زندگیم با حرف زدن با یک مرد، با یک نگاه، با یک شوخی، نهر کوچک و گرمی لای پاهام راه میفتاد، پستونهام سفت میشد و بی قرار می شدم.
کشف این تحولات جدید در خودم و در بدنم برای من به مثابه’ تائید زنیتم، تائید جنسیتم، و تائید سلامتیم بود. مثل اینکه با کشف این احساسات در خودم تازه داشتم مطمئن می شدم که من چیزیم نیست. دوستش داشتم.. اگر امروز می دیدمش امکان نداشت عاشقش بشوم، اما آن موقع، در جایی که در زندگیم بودم، حضورش معنا و اهمیت بسیار مهمی داشت و وقتی مردی برایت حضوری با معنا و مهم داشته باشد، عاشق شدن کار آسانی است.
تا اینکه یک روز با هم رفتیم یک ماموریت کاری.
وقتی با هم توی لابی هتل نشسته بودیم و حرف میزدیم، دستشو آورد و با انگشتاش روی صورتم خطوط ابرو، بینی و لبمو لمس کرد. همین. وقتی دستهاشو آورد پایین و به من گفت "میخوای بریم توی اتاق من؟" من بدون حرف دنبالش رفتم.
از توی آسانسور شروع کردیم به بوسیدن همدیگر. وقتی رسیدیم توی اتاق، نفهمیدم لباسهامونو چطوری در آوردیم و چطوری افتادیم توی بغل همدیگر توی تخت. منو می بوسید و لمس می کرد و من هم پاسخ می دادم. برای اولین بار توی زندگیم اون روز، کسمو خورد. از ترس و خجالت نمی تونستم نفس بکشم. با خودم می خندیدم که دارم به شوهرم خیانت می کنم و هنوز دست از ترس و خجالت بر نداشته ام. بعد از کمی تقلا می فهمیدم که حس عجیبی، رعشه’ ناشناسی، حرارت غیر قابل توصیفی، داره توی پایین تنه ام اتفاق میفته و از آنجا یک چیزی مثل رعد و برق به باقی بدنم متصاعد میشه.
اینجا بود که خودم را رها کردم. رها. دلم می خواهد این کلمه’ رها را چند بار بنویسم تا بتوانم احساسی را که آن روز در آن لحظه داشتم خوب بیان کنم.
برای اولین بار در زندگیم احساس رخوت و هیجان جنسی را توام تجربه می کردم. با این وجود آن بار اول که او با دهانش مرا لیسید و مکید، من نیامدم. طول کشید تا در برابر این پدیده به اندازه’ کافی آرام و پذیرا باشم تا بتواند مرا به اوج رسیدن ببرد.. اما نکته’ مهم دیگری که حس می کردم این بود که خیسم، خیس خیس.. وقتی بالاخره بعد از مدت طولانی، یا لا اقل در آن زمان برای من مدت طولانی حس می شد، روی من قرار گرفت و کیرش وارد کسم شد، از این که لیز می خورد و با حرکاتش موجهای لذت در من ایجاد می کرد متعجب و خوشحال شده بودم. چقدر احساس خوب و متفاوتی بود. معشوق من برای اولین بار در سکس با مرد مرا به ارگاسم معرفی کرد.
از سفر که برگشتیم زندگی سخت تر شد. برای دستهایش و بدنش و آغوشش بی تاب می شدم و این نمی گذاشت درست فکر کنم، درست تصمیم بگیرم. باهاش به هم زدم. ارتباط بین مرد زن دار و زن شوهر دار مجموعه’ پیچیده ای است که سراسر راهش پر از برنامه ریزی همراه با دروغ و احساس گناه است، چه مسلمان باشی و چه گبرو چه لادین. چه ایرانی و چه خارجی. از خودم بدم میامد و احساس عجز می کردم. وقتی باهاش به هم زدم راحت شدم. برگشتم سر زندگی خودم، نه برای ادامه اش، بلکه برای طلاق. طلاق نه برای مرد دیگری، بلکه برای خودم. باقیش باشد یه وقت دیگر.
Recently by Parinaz Samii | Comments | Date |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Writing about sex and
by Anonymous32 (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:56 AM PSTWriting about sex and sexuality is not a problem at all. A gifted writer is one who can write about it all without turning it into "hot air junk". Some discretion on giving space to the type of writing that devalues the site and insults the intelligence of the readers is worthwhile.
Shazde Asdola Mirza ...
by puss on Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:15 AM PSTyou get noticed in public only if you are & have something that is
too beautiful! , too ugly , so ineteresring , forbidden , taboo , creative , new , extraordiniary, noone has seen it before,
and the last is discussion over sexual behavior in public which is only new to middle east!!
Arash's quest for a virgin is not new
by D- (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 09:46 AM PSTHe has argued the same argument over and over and over again as soon as a sexual article comes up. This is a rerun of the same argument except presented to some newcomers.
So his quest for a Virgin continues. May god fulfill his quest finally with a [40 year old] Virgin so as both he is satisfied and we are spared his rantings.
by puss on Fri Feb 27, 2009 09:37 AM PSTthat's not JJ who got exicted here.. it is all of us including you and that is why you write. if it was a turn off to you you would not add to the blog ;)
other reason is talking about sex is taboo among iranain most of us only dare to write about it not to discuss it face to face..
by puss on Fri Feb 27, 2009 09:29 AM PSTArash jaan, there is nothing wrong about seeking a virgin..only if you can handle it and keep her happy & be truthfull to her.
but just to let you know that a woman does not compare her man to others. unless she has been compared to others!!!
in 99.99 percent of times, all the wrong behaviour start with men...specially in the middle east.. becuase you have a arab/moslem blood in your vein.. even if you are not an arab..that is what has been inherited to you.. and arab see his wife as a peace to complete his manhood.. they never see a woman as a another human being, equal to them...make your dreams come true but know that a virging in her heart wants to be the first sexual partner for her husband, and she just does not know that until she get married. then she start realizing the truths about her nature.. and that is why it somehow does not seem right not to be virgin for a virgin wife... if you know what i mean.
Captain O Captain, well put,
by Jaleho on Fri Feb 27, 2009 09:16 AM PST"Dear writer, No madam, you did not discover your sexuality and your womanhood. You only experimented with different set of cock, and were used in exact same fashion. "
I suggest that the site owner leaves his own site once in a while and visit the myriad of cheap porn sites with even juicier cheap stories. This way he won't get so silly excited whenever someone comes up with a very cheap narrative, calling every garbage as "great coming out," Or wait, maybe it is the explicit Farsi words that seems revolutionary to some?
i hope this is going to end
by blog terminator (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 09:13 AM PSTi hope this is going to end the discussion on adultery by a woman who needs help as Urologist put it.
let's go to yhr other topic shashnameh as it is as lot more important than paeen taneye khanome nevisandeh here
by Nokhod on Fri Feb 27, 2009 07:54 AM PSTA piece of education for all. Specialy young inexperienced boys and girls. Can somebody tell me what is wrong with writting about SEX!?
To Simply Amazed
by Sheereen Joon (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 07:47 AM PSTسلام عزیز
میشه یه ریمل بی دردسر به من معرفی کنید که برای خوندن هر وعده نماز لازم نباشه با شیر پاکن و کف و صابون چشمام رو از حدقه دربیارم
به ارایش کردن علاقه مندم و همسرم هم مرتب بهانه میگیره که چرا کم ارایش میکنی ولی از دردسر شستن ریمل و خط چشم خبر نداره
ممنون میشم هم لوازم ارایش مناسب را معرفی کنید که راحت شسته بشن هم روش پاک کردن ارایش بدون زحمت زیاد رو برام بگی
In older times, it was
by 69 (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 07:04 AM PSTIn older times, it was possible to stay a virgin, since most women got married early, such as in their mid-teens. To culturally dictate to women to stay virgins now when the average age of getting married is inceasingly on the rise, does not seem very practical, or natural. Therefor, when comparing virginity across different time periods in a culure, it is essential to factor in the marriage age also, along with an increased level of awareness among women seeking an equal and dignified status.
To Simply Amazed
by Arash78 (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 02:01 AM PSTYou said: "I am also wondering if you realize that a woman who had past experience with men is better at satisfying her future husband both in bed and outside the bed as compared with a "virgin" "
And how did you come to that conclusion?!!
So, now suddenly virginity is such an important factor that you can confidently state that a non-virgin will better satisfy her husband both in and outside the bed?!!
You said: "a true man with a high level of testosterone is confident enough that he knows he can perfectly please a woman and not be looking for a virgin instead."
It is amazing that you are using a bunch of chauvinistic cliches and alpha male egoistic arguments to make a case AGAINST virginity. And the irony is that you are (if I am not wrong) a woman yourself.
But with respect to your own statement, don't you think that in a culture (both Western and Iranian) where the large burden of sexual "performance" lies on the shoulders of the man, and where his entire "manhood" is questioned if he delivers poorly, it IS a legitimate concern for him not to want to be compared to a bunch of other men by his wife?
You said: "it is absolutely ludicrous to believe that a beautiful woman with good levels of estrogen is going to stay totally virgin for you to come along. This is just not even biologically or naturally possible."
You make a lot of absolute claims in your argument. According to whom is it "ludicrous" for a beautiful woman to stay virgin before marriage? It has been this way across history and in most cultures up until the last few decades. And not surprisingly, the rate of divorce, infidelity, STDs, broken families, single parenthood, depression, impotence..etc has never been as high as in the last few decades.
To Arash78
by Simply Amazed (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 01:00 AM PSTYou want your wife to be virgin? is it because you have never been with a virgin before or you seriously want to be with a virgin? what if you marry a virgin and later in life, she realizes that her sexual fantasies are totally different from yours? don't you wanna know what you are getting yourself into before you actually sign the contract? I am also wondering if you realize that a woman who had past experience with men is better at satisfying her future husband both in bed and outside the bed as compared with a "virgin". I think it is natural to want to have your woman all to yourself but I guess, a true man with a high level of testosterone is confident enough that he knows he can perfectly please a woman and not be looking for a virgin instead. I always had the feeling that the reason why men look for virgins is either because they have never been with a virgin before and they wanna know how it feels like , or they don't wanna be compared with some other guy and be less of a man than another guy who was probably better at satisfying the woman. I think the thought of being less than, not good enough, or not able to satisfy your woman as much as her last boyfriend could, is the reason why you want to marry a virgin. It all goes to the territorial instincts. After all, we are all animals. Not to mention, it is absolutely ludicrous to believe that a beautiful woman with good levels of estrogen is going to stay totally virgin for you to come along. This is just not even biologically or naturally possible. Unless, you marry a 20 or 19 year old, in that case, you might be able to actually marry a virgin but you also have to realize that a 20 year old girl is usually not that mature enough to be married. Some 20 year olds are , but majority aren't. Even if that 20 year old was mature enough, she also needs to be very much attracted to you, otherwise, I don't think she would be able to stay with you for very long.
To Flying Solo
by 4Flying Solo... (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:26 AM PSTHere is more from Parinaz love story:
غلامعلی - سر سی متری، منتظر تاکسی (not verified)Thu Feb 26, 2009 08:19 PM PST
این پریناز اصلا تمام این سایت جی جی را قبضه کرده! هر جا میری حرف این خانومه - بابا ایولله! جون تو من فکر نمی کردم که زنای ایرونی بلد باشن این طور بنویسن. عجب کور خنده بودیم!
by UROLOGIST (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 08:08 PM PSTSince this story is neither a piece of literature nor close to a well-written fiction, I assume it is related to a true story (kind of Dear Abby). It seems the husband suffers from a sever case of premature ejaculation. It is very common among men; unfortunately (or fortunately) there is no drug for this problem. However, he can get help from a Psychiatric doctor (or even a sex therapist). It also seems the lady’s problem are more complicated. I also recommend for the lady to consult with the doctor, because washing the hair on the weeding night; taking crap from husband; sleeping with the co-worker and letting him go; discussing your bed room problems with the whole world before discussing it with your partner are all major problems. But, there might be some remedies.
To "69"
by Arash78 (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 07:36 PM PSTWhen I say that I want to marry a virgin I don't mean a technical virgin. It means that I want to marry someone who has not had any of the sexual experiences that you mentioned. You say that this is impossible to verify. I am not interesting in verifying anything. If I trust a girl enough to marry her, I will trust her to tell me the truth about her past.
Koodoom zan e Irooni injoori miniviseh
by Farideh Azad (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 07:17 PM PSTBe ghoole Iraniha ,in nevisandeh shoma ro gerefteh,
koodoom khanoom ya zan e Irani injoori miniviseh,
ya injoori sohbat mikoneh,,magar jendeha tooy e shahre now.
Don't tak this seriously I am surprised enve some of you deeply analyze this , Do any of you know of An Iranian lady who talks or write this way,,or even express herself like this , absolut B.S. dO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY someone is having fun attacking this website with those type of trash..its like watching a porn movie with sad ending , you don't think much of it but while you are watching it , you feel hard or hot that's all this guy is writing about stop analyzing it , this has nothing to do with our culture or men or wemen as "victim" or what ever...
Congratulations Parinaz on your 5th Most-Viewed article on IC
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Thu Feb 26, 2009 08:50 PM PSTAs an ignorant writer-wanna-be, I am burning with jealously at your success. Just imagine how the doctors and mohandes on this site are feeling. Yep, sex wins all the time; at least for men!
S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)
some reality checks for older men
by 69 (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 05:13 PM PSTIt is true that a lot of young women are dating and getting married to old men, due a variety of reasons. However, in general, this has nothing to do with reasons you think.
If anything, these older men have baggage, and are generally suspicious of life, more pessimistic, cynical, and have negative energy. They've lost that fresh attitude that says my-life-is-ahead-of-me . In summary they become dull, and the only way to even consider them, is to examine how deep their pockets are. Having said that, in the looks and sexual performance department, young men rule!!! Please set aside rare cases. Generally young women with good financial, social support, will not date/marry an old man.
Due to big egos, old men like to think of themselves as sexual beings that can atrract young women. Some women date/marry them due to financial needs. Some marry because the law of supply and demand is askew in favor of men, due to Iran-Iraq war, emigration, and a general lowering of status of women under IRI.
Bur don't delude yourself that a normal young woman finds a much older man attractive, if anything is due to economic need or shortage of men. Sorry to burst your bubble.
to those "virgin" seekers
by 69 (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 04:31 PM PSTSexual behavior and urges are an inherent and intergral part of being a human being. To those seekers of virginity in women, here are some points, just in case they never crossed your mind.
One can do many things of the sexual nature, such as kissing, touching, going oral, anal, cumming around all over, etc, with many men, and still be considered a "virgin".
And, I'm sure you've all heard about the repair. Who do you think all those men get married to?!?!
So before you decide that the 20 year old "virgin" is for you, ask yourself this ,...how virgin is this "virgin"?!
by facts (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 03:20 PM PSTdude..the only place that numbers are a good indicator is NASA.. let's not to fool ourseleves..
i have already educated myself long time ago.. i just can't deal with hurtless ones who have no soul..
by capt_ayhab on Thu Feb 26, 2009 02:49 PM PSTina kian dige?????????? ya ghamare bani hashem
ok dude, here are the stats: educate yourself
The statistics indicate that cheating spouses forms the highest number of cheating cases.The web site womensavers.com , quoting a report released by the Associated Press has announced the following statistics.
While 20% of all married men have had extra marital affairs,
close to 16% of all married women have strayed from their marriage to explore relationship beyond their partners. The married persons found to be cheating mostly fall under the 34 years age group. Often, married women are found to have extra marital affairs with men of younger age.
by capt_ayhab on Thu Feb 26, 2009 02:41 PM PSTI agree with your statement to certain degree. Staying virgin is a choice one makes, being a man or woman. And as you said, if a man wants to marry a woman who is virgin is purely a matter of taste. Calling virginity and archaic or backward culture is basically being in the extreme.
One point of interest though, Iran, in particular Tehran, asides from being nose job capital of the world, has another dubious reputation: Repaired Virginity! cost? around $1,000. US dollars ;-)
I read somewhere, due to raise of STD and teenage pregnancy, abstinence and [virginity] in both genders are on the rise in western countries. Average age of [loss] of virginity was 17.3 in 2007 compared to 16.5 in the 80's. Ironically India has the average age is 19.8. Imagine that from a land which invented Kama-Sutra!
The top #1 answer that was cited from young women is [I want to save myself for the right man].
Tazeh avaleshe khanoome The Mrs.
by capt_ayhab on Thu Feb 26, 2009 02:21 PM PSTMy exact sentiments.It has become a second nature for some of us Iranians to blame things on powers beyond our control. That gives us sense of justification and victimization.
someone once said something in regards to [Irani jamaat and gham o ghoseh thing], some of us, unfortunately are raised in a fashion that we like to attract pity instead of understanding and sympathy. In this process, we reduce ourselves to level that only outcome is belittling an entire population of women in Iran.
and I shall look forward to your essay.
by capt_ayhab on Thu Feb 26, 2009 02:13 PM PSTofcourse I am mature and married, and you MUST be a teenager.
your words[hose women are attracted to power and money not your looks. However,
you can enjoy your dellusional dreams of being attractive to an 18 year
you wanna bet? it will be dreadful for you to lose to a older man wouldn't it??lol, but obviously you have no idea about your surroundings. Besides young one, nowhere in my comments I said anything about LOOKS. Your reply only demonstrates your shallow mind.
listen dude show some class, it might be useful for you in getting a date or two.
good luck
p/s it is delusional and not dellusional [wink]
ther r tow more categury
by facts (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 01:59 PM PSTedukated, successful, positive who wont marrry to iranian men unless he is a nice katch from all anglesss
baunch of money louvers like LA..., REI... that all they think is gooochi,channnel,,, dolci kebano...
bytheway the second one are hurtless...
no normal anymore.
See what I mean? Ina kian
by TheMrs on Thu Feb 26, 2009 01:42 PM PSTSee what I mean? Ina kian va az koja mian? Adameh normal dige vujud nadareh?
Any article I read that deals tiwht this stuff from a woman's view is either about her being a victim like this one, some bad bakht woman who is miserable because of the big bad wolf irooni guy, or is not GOOD or NAJID or whatever
Are iranian women reduced to only these tow characters? Good or victim? There's nothing in between. not as far as writing talking about physical stuff.
Khodam bayad ye chizi benevisam!
To "facts"
by Arash78 (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 01:32 PM PSTI don't see why my wife and I should have the exact same expectations from each other. It is important for me that my wife be a virgin before marriage, she might not have the same expectation or even care a bit about my virginity. She might expect some other things from me that I do not expect of her. Equality does not mean similarity.
Again, I am not saying that all women should be virgins before marriage. This is not a collective prescription nor a moral judgment about non-virgins. It is something that is very important to me and I know also to many other men (even if they don't admit it in public).
And for all those men who don't care about their wife having slept with other men before marriage or can suppress the negative feelings associated with it, I respect their choice. And I expect people to respect mine as well, instead of labeling it as "archaic" "backwards", "reactionary", "chauvinistic"....etc Believe men, A LOT of men feel the same way.
by facts (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 01:23 PM PSTsorry to say this..the turth is you know nothing about your own truth!! have a open discussion with your own wife...
Iranian women's brain have been wired in their childhood in order to be good and to stay good.. cook and clean and make babies... otherwise you are not a good and "najib" woman.
when they come to the WEST and face the realities of living with Iranian men "with all that control and anger issues, all that emotional baggage that men carry because of the difficult life style they had to be someone and to get somewhere...." they still stay GOOD... until they realize they have been betrayed be their men who expects to be there for them, to care for them and to love them....all of sudden they decide not to be good anymore!!
"women CAN'T take abuse and ignorance for a long time....insulting them will break them into peaces...."
Captain: You must be old.
by Anonymous<<>> (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 01:18 PM PSTCaptain: You must be old. Those women are attracted to power and money not your looks. However, you can enjoy your dellusional dreams of being attractive to an 18 year old...LOL