Constitutionalist Student on '79 Revolutionaries Infatuation with Arabs


Constitutionalist Student on '79 Revolutionaries Infatuation with Arabs
by Darius Kadivar

Interesting yet debatable arguments by a young constitutionalist Iranian history student Shahram Aryan from Hamburg Germany on ’79 Revolutionaries infatuation with Arab culture.

Related News ( Oct 25th, 2010):

Hamid Dabashi and Sadri Brothers Slam Secular Philosopher Aramesh Doustdar correspondence with German colleague

Related Blogs:

COLUMBIA PRESENTS: Academic Excellence With Hamid Dabashi & Sadri Bros

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Conference Organized by Student Club of the Anjomaneh Farhang va Ejtemayeh Hambastegy Iranian Aleman aka The Social and cultural Association of Iranians in Germany:

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Part IV :

Part V:

Part V I :

>Related Pictory:

Shah Admonishes The Working Class: "Stop Praying All Day and Roll Up Your Sleeves"

Revolutionaries hang Reza Shah's Bust at Paris Embassy (1979)

FIRST REFORMIST:Shah aims to break mullahs grip on country

MODERNITY & TRADITION: Shah of Iran meets Japan's Hirohito (1958)

Related Blogs:

North African Berbers blame Arab "backwardness" on their "Anti Western" Stance

HISTORY FORUM: Edward Saïd and Orientalism (In 4 Parts)

Other Related Blogs:

Mehdi Bazargan and the controversial legacy of Iran'sIslamic intellectual movement

Mashallah Ajoudani on Intellectuals and the '79 Revolution

CLUELESS JON STEWART: "Ebrahim Yazdi Such a Lovely Man"

Related Blogs on Shahram Arya’s exposés:

Constitutionalist Student's Views On Shah's Rule after Mossadegh's Downfall

Constitutionalist Student Shares Views On Mohammed Reza Shah's Rule

Constitutionalist Student Shares Views on the Pros and Cons of Reza Shah's Rule


more from Darius Kadivar
Immortal Guard

Not only he has ...

by Immortal Guard on

Not only he has a self-defeatist attitude which springs forward at the end of his speech but he also has some vestiges of slave mentality about which he complains at length.

But I found it quite interesting that Iran by absorbing most of the Arab onslaught made the survival of Byzantine Rome and thus the survival of civilization possible.

Esfand Aashena

Down! Down! With Sadaat!

by Esfand Aashena on

Darius jaan when I was in college back in 80, 81 or so, I was standing around campus with my backpack and couple of my friends. We saw this group of people marching and chanting and coming towards us.

As they got closer we could hear their slogans and this guy had a bull horn leading the slogans and a lot of people were marching behind him with flags and all.  Sort of like our own Ashoura!

We noticed one of their slogans was Down! Down! With Saddaat!  I don't know if I can write the way they chanted but it was continous and sounded like you wanted to dance to it but they were dead serious about it!

As they went by us we were gidding up and smiling and shaking our hips to the slogan!  Once they were almost passed us we joined them at the end and yelled Down! Down! With Saddaat! and were laughing and dancing!

To this day this slogan has remained with me.  They'd drag the Saddat part sort of like resembling a dying battery.  Down! Down! With Saddat! 

Everything is sacred



by Simorgh5555 on

Did anyone notice from the video clips of Yasser Arafat visiting Khomeini to congratulate him on the victory of the Islamic revolution (and get some cash as well!) that Khomeini was unable to converse with him in Arabic? Despite all those years of seminaries in Qom and Islamic tuition Khomeini could not even engage in small talk in Arabic. Arafat's words were translated into Farsi and Khomeini just sat their smiling.
If the Leader of the Islamic Republic could not speak Arabic fluently why are young Iranians being forced to do so in schools?

Darius Kadivar

self-defeatist attitude ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

How So ? ... I fail to see that ...

By Outlining Yours ? ...


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Immortal Guard

He has afterall a self-defeatist attitude!

by Immortal Guard on

He has afterall a self-defeatist attitude!