
Lilly Fallah Lawrence

Castle Kashan destroyed in Malibu fire

LOS ANGELES TIMES: Two of Malibu's most prominent and beloved landmarks -- one a palace of secular dreams and the other a center of religious devotion -- were destroyed Sunday. Lost to the flames was the Castle Kashan, the fairy-tale-like structure that stood for 30 years atop a Malibu hill, recognizable from below by its turrets and round towers. Also ravaged was Malibu Presbyterian Church, a high-steepled place of prayer and community action that had barely escaped destruction in the November 1993 infernos, which burned more than 300 homes in Malibu, Topanga and Calabasas. The castle, filled with paintings and Elvis Presley memorabilia, was one of several homes of socialite-philanthropist Lilly Lawrence, known as "Princess Lilly." Castle Kashan was named after the village of her father, Reza Fallah, a former Iranian oil minister under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi>>>

Who's your Iranian of the day? EMAIL PHOTO


more from Darius Kadivar
Kaveh Nouraee

No foolin?

by Kaveh Nouraee on




There's always an exception to the rule, and I suppose this qualifies as one :)



Point taken.


Always cool,



GentleyDirk: Sorry, I thought.........

by Sasha on

Sorry, I thought you were calling me heartless. Oh, so BTW is by the way. Thanks for letting me know because someone else also used BTW in a comment addressed to me. Also, thank you for the clarification.

Best wishes,


PS:   Someone on this site  thought Sasha was a guy and because of it I thougth he called me a lesbian. I explained to him, I am very much a woman. So I now sign Natasha to avoid further confusion. :o)


Back to lack of compassion

by GentleyDirk on


Writing this mainly for clarification purposes.

Agreeing with most of the stuff you've written.

Glad to hear that you are not rejoicing on her losses. 

Here are some exceptions:

Sasha wrote> If understanding and feeling compassion for these people makes me heartless to you, so then be it.

On the contrary, I not only not think of you as heartless, I admire your compassion for the poor and the unfortunate. Ideed, more power to you and this line of thought! Not sure how I gave the impression that I'd dislike your compasison for the disaffected.

BTW = By the way





Back to socio-economic class of people using the word 'dude'

by GentleyDirk on

Kaveh Jon, Baraadar, as much as it appears to make sense, it really doesn't.

1) Let's agree that statements like members of upperclass  to which she belongs 'neither use that vernacular or consort with those who do' are NOT a given and indeed ARE GENERALIZATIONS ... And you know what they say about generalizations!

As a minimum, the level of commitment to any generalization should not overwhelm reason in the face of exceptions to the specific generalization!

2) Again, members of upperclass to which she belongs, although some may disagree, are humans, and typically use language to describe frustration and indeed, not unlike us, here and there, do use expletives :-) Perhaps not as frequent as a street person but nevertheless ... This really should not come as a surprise!

3) Really, really, for real, no foolin', as in I'm really being completely honest about my relationship with her. Therefore, I must insist on rightous indignation and continued right to use the word 'dude' :-)

4) I'm having a hard time figuring out why you'd think that there is some sort of an incentive and therefore be dishonest or something. It'd be great if you'd tell me if you think I have some sort of an ulterior motive for statung what I've stated, so far.

Hope this stuff doesn't appear to you as bullshit!

Be cool!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Who the hell do you think you are fooling? It is a given that members of the socio-economic class that this lady is apparently a part of neither use that vernacular or consort with those who do. They don't call each other dude, bro, or man, or homey or any of that other street or beach or prison slang. The people in her life that do are usually the guys who clean her pool or mow her lawn.



That being said, consider exercising restraint in your use of bullshit.   


Adventures with Lilly by columnist Jack Anderson

by Rosie T. (not verified) on

Anderson writes:

The bright light in the humdrum 1980 Democratic convention in New York was a get-together with Lilly Fallah Lawrence, the daughter of the Shah's chief oil engineer Reza Fallah. She had settled with her husband, "Bunty," in an elegant Manhattan apartment overlooking Central Park. On the night of my arrival in New York, she treated me to dinner and delicious gossip about the goings-on in Iran.
Brought up in the court life of the Shah, Lilly had come to hate what he stood for and had become an excellent source on the excesses of the Shah and the cruelty of his secret police force SAVAK.

Lilly's flair for the dramatic at first caused me to question whether she was exaggerating her news tips. She would occasionally make excuses in Tehran about having to fly to London or Athens or Johannesburg to shop, when her sole reason for the visit was to call me from an untapped phone. I smiled indulgently each time she called to tell me, with characteristic alarm in her voice, that the Iranian secret police squad, SAVAK, was after her with instructions to throw acid in her face. Then came the day I learned to take her at her word.

Lilly called from a phone booth in Manhattan. She said a man was trailing her and by the look of him she was sure he was a SAVAK agent. He was right outside the phone booth, she said. "What should I do?"

I chuckled to myself. "Open the door and ask him what he wants," I suggested, fully expecting that the poor man simply wanted to use the phone.

Then I listened with amazement as the brave Lilly swung back the door and, with all the regal righteousness indignation she could muster, demanded to know where the man had come from. "Tehran," he mumbled, before beating a hasty retreat down the street.

I later heard that the Shah was so incensed about Lilly's revelations to me that on one of his official visits to the United States he canceled an appearance on an ABC network show because I was a commentator for Good Morning America.

and yet she paints herself as a two-bit bogus royal prom queen. Lilly Fallah should be the Iranian of the Century. Of the apocryphal Five Millennia of Civilization. Lilly Fallah's painting should be kept in a time capsule to represent the PLANET in the First Intergalactic Beauty Contest. Lilly Fallah should be Eternal Human of the Entire Galaxy.


Falsafe-ye-Falleh (baa yek kami Shehr)

by Rosie T. (not verified) on

She should DEFINITELY be Iranian of the Day. Just look at her. She embodies (no pun intended) so many dreams. Everything about her is a dream. The palace she bought and says she doesn't care about is a dream. She is beautiful but she is wearing the equivalent of a whalebone corset. Her waist is a dream. She wears a Miss America crown. Where is Burt Parks? Her royalty is a dream. Do a quick websearch. She is the People's Princess, she is not the People's Princess, she was dubbed the People's Princess by the press, she disdains this title, she wears A Miss America crown, she was anti-Shah, she wears a Miss America crown, she fed striking workers Egg McMuffin, let them eat Egg McMuffin, she is a Sassanid princesss, there is no such thing as a Sassanid princess, she is my friend, not if you say Dude, dude, I can't find any pictures of her, why not, or info on what her charities were beyond Egg McMuffin, if that was in fact true, can somebody tell me. pinch me, I'm dreaming.
So-called Sassanid so-called People's Princess'palace burns down it's the Shah's birthday, down on, it is the Shah's birthday, Colonel Hemayat beats his breast for the Pahlavi dynasty, what royalty, Reza Khan's royalty was a dream, Mohammad Reza lived in a dream. Pedar engineered Persianization but still called pesaresh Mohammad, he and Shabanou in those royal robes straight out of a "Western" child's fairy tale picture book, especially the ones with the big fur collar, what Persia? yet Pahlavis social engineered the modern state, what modern? look at it now, Shahanshah died stateless, his daughter anorexic. Shahanshah boned Hollywood stars when he was just a playboy, Lilly Lawrence is more Hollywood than Hollywood and Hollywood is a dream factory and it is all a dream. Except when your house is burning down (if you are a working person and you care about it), or you are being tortured (by Shah or Mullahs) or dying stateless of cancer or bombs are falling over your head, at these times it all feels real. I love this photo of this painting, in its own way it explains everything about the modern history of Iran and everything about the human condition you could ever hope to know.


To GentlyDirk: Not a lack of compassion

by Sasha on

It is not a lack of compassion that drives my comments on her. I am neither rejoicing on her loss. To do so would be inhumane of me. It is simply logic. I have been reading the articles on the survivors of the fires. You can not help but feel compassion for them. They truly do not have a place to live. Those who do have a home to go to, have no water, electricity, etc. Some have lost their jobs and now are forced to go on welfare. Can you imagine telling your children, " I am sorry but this Thanksgiving and Christmas there will be no celebration for us". They are barely going to have enough to survive on. If understanding and feeling compassion for these people makes me heartless to you, so then be it.

Unlike you I have lived all my life around the working class. I have seen their struggle to come to North America and build a better future for them and their families. They can ill afford to lose what little they have. I think that perhaps this is what drives some of the lack of compassion towards her by others posted comments. They do not realize that to her the burning of her castle was perhaps more of a sentimental reason. As it was mentioned that many things were lost in the fire.

What is BTW?


Royalty moyalty

by GentleyDirk on

THis is in reply to Shima's post with subject line of 'royalty? king of what? kings of malibu?'

Well put, Shima. I feel the same way!




Application of symapthy/compassion

by GentleyDirk on

Sasha, your point is well taken. Thanks!

Just a note that it is not sympathy that is missing from the posts(and possibly for good reason).  


Be ghol-e maroof, sympathy, mimpathy!

How about using our compassion for those that deserve it but also let's not rejoice in someone else's misfortune, either. 

You probably agree that there is + value in + energy. Conversely, hatred, agression and lack of compassion for other human beings  drags us down into trash which BTW is quite unsightly :-)




by GentleyDirk on

Your conclusion that anyone using the word dude, by definition, cannot be a member of this or that family is non-sensical, and I'm being kind :-)

Please consider exercising restraint in applying this kind of logic, DUDE!


royalty? king of what? kings of malibu?

by shima (not verified) on

i dont think suffering is a good thing, but in this case it is kind of funny. these people come to the usa to use their freedom to be royal?! what a tragedy. u can use your freedom and money to a lot of things, and this one is just embarassing and stupid.


To: GentleyDirk

by Sasha on

If you are expecting sympathy from this crowd, well think again. I have been reading a lot of comments myself on many other areas of I would not hold my breath. At least they have not begun to insult your family. They have truly shown some restraint.

Now, you must realize that the devastation felt by every day people due to the fires is so much more different than that being experienced by her. She has a place to live and doubt she had to endure a shelter or live with other family members in a crowded home while they pick up the pieces of what is left of their life. I'm sorry but there is just no comparison. Good that she has helped the community but my heart still goes out to others rather than her.

Kaveh Nouraee

Yeah, sure you knew her

by Kaveh Nouraee on

It's highly unlikely that anyone she knows would address a person as "Dude".


Pure nonesense bodes well for most

by GentleyDirk on

Listen up ,
I took the time to read all your comments and it is indeed testimony to our misery.
Misery that is multi-faceted, i.e. it's not that we are illiterate, or poor and hungry. It is that we are super duper IGNORANT!

How many of you actually knew her? Please do speak up. Until such time let me say that I've known her since my childhood. However, I have not contacted her for a few years now.

It appears that when one doesen't know someone but has the urge to pass judgement, they use what they think they know. In this case, the portrait, the expensive house, and Elvis crap!

Suffice it to say that her dad did work for Shah and she is against the Islamic Republic. Having said that just know that she has literally contributed a great deal of $ to charities of various sorts all over the world including our home country. In fact this includes hospitals, orphanges, schools and art.

For added bonus, she was prettier than the portrait! Not that anything is wrong with that :-)

In summary I pity those of us who get a kick out of someone else's (slight?) misery! It is this kind of mentality that gets us screwed over ... over and over again.

[Flame-retardent suite is on so flame away).

Finally, and I couldn't let this one go ... Dude, karma is not like instant coffee. If we think that her house burned down therefore her Karma has caught up with her, I'm afraid we all need to do much more insightful reading.

Good luck and call me when you have calmed down :-)



Iranian of the Day My A$$

by fozool (not verified) on

Honestly, who cares y she gets to be Iranian of the day. Did nothing. lets vote for SAMAD agha


this is natural justice

by haha (not verified) on

haha. it's funny and it's poetic justice, except they have much more where that came from

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

That being said, what is political about a wildfire? Don't you think politicizing a house being destroyed by fire is superficial?



by poonehtehrani on

Kaveh Nouraee: I read your comment "Once again, somebody has to create a political issue out of a non-political issue." superficial don't you think?

"human reality is essentially social, for man as a personality can be realized only in a social context" As part of a collective society, we are all political beings and all issues are political.


Re: Cold Facts

by Iranian Realtor (not verified) on

She bought the house in 1998 for 2.8 million and took out a 1st mortgage for 1.8 million. Looks like we found the source of the downpayment.

Kaveh Nouraee

Majid and 54 (The Person, Not the Disco)

by Kaveh Nouraee on



I respect what you have to say, even though I have a bit of an issue with it. This woman wasn't a government official, like her father. As far as we know, she has not been an active participant in any misdeeds. If she did, then maybe this (meaning the fire that burned down her house) is the result of the negative energy and karma coming to bite back. We just don't fully know. She may be completely unlikable, a total bitch and have the personality of a street whore, but that's beside the point. When I say she's part of the past, it's because the part of our history that she directly or indirectly symbolizes or represents is 28 years gone now. They aren't hurting anybody anymore. And it's highly unlikely that they ever will. As bad as the monarchy was, Iran went from bad to a billion times worse in virtually every respect. We, as a group, are so busy looking behind us to the past, that we have become oblivious to the fact that these mollahs are shoving it up our collective ass at this very moment. After World War II, the motto of the Jews became "Never Again". Meanwhile, the Iranian motto after 1979 has become "Do It Again, just make sure it REALLY hurts this time".



Majid, I am not saying to ever justify or forget what happened before. On the contrary. But as long as we keep trying to avenge the past, we will continue to get f**ked by the present, as well as the future.



54, my words are not psycho-babble. But as long as anyone obsesses with how other people have the means for this and that while you or I don't, life is just going to pass us by no matter how they have attained it. The best "revenge" has always been success and living well. That is something our enemies will never get over.



I'm just saying this from experience. I never said you are oghdei. But I know that for me, the only way to succeed is to deal with the task at hand and not to think about how somebody else may have engaged in criminal activity to have what they have. In the businesses I run, I can't worry about how my competition may have the upper hand. That will only get in my way. At the end of the day, it will all sort itself out.


Cold Facts

by Glenn (not verified) on

White House Press Release May 1997 regarding Iran's frozen assets in the U.S., refers to this lady by her full name of Lilly Mythra Fallah Lawrence. She sued the Iranian government and was awarded one million dollars.


This painting is giving everybody a hard-on and

by Sarhang (not verified) on

This painting is giving everybody a hard-on and that is the reason everyone feels the urge to comment. The pictures is not real, she was never this pretty. The husband paid good money for a good portrait artist to draw this painting.


Simply amazing!

by MRX (not verified) on

that After All these years that Iranian have been living in U.S and Europe, they have apparently not learned this simple phrase: The person is innocent until he is proven guilty!
so unless you folks with your superior IQ and education can prove beyond the shadow of doubt that this person stole money and so on, I suggest you do the honorable thing and shut your mouth! I mean how low must we people sink.....


Agha Majid and Agha Anonymous54

by Anonymous^squared (not verified) on

If you guys are so concerned about the source of the funding behind the palace, why don't you hire a detective, an accountant, and whatever it takes to figure that out!? In the meantime, I believe not every palace in the world is built upon stolen money. Take Bill Gates for that matter, he has many palaces. He made the old fashion way, he earned it! The harder and the smarter you work, with a little bit of luck, the more you make.

God Bless.

PS--- BTW, I am not related to the Fallah family! I don't even know them. But, I give them the benefit of doubt!


Kaveh, Pay Head to what Majid says

by Anonymous54 (not verified) on

Like Majid I DO CARE where the money for this "palace" came from. If it's stolen then we can't simply say "its the past" so it's OK. It is NOT OK. I'm not a commie or a pro khar-mazhabi. I'm against thieves (whatever banner they fall under). And if, and I mean "if" this "palace" was built on stolen money, then Fuck the palace. My heart goes to those who worked hard for the money that built thier houses and who lost thier houses to the fire. I'm sure the "Princess" can move to one of her other mansions in Paris, Nice, or Florida. Or not, I could'nt care less. Personally I wont lose any sleep over it.
By the way, r.e. your comment that my opinion makes me an "Oghdei" or is indicative of my dissatisfaction with "my lote in life", suffice it to say that I beg to differ. My comments simply imply a difference in opinion. I suggest you spare us the Pscho-Babble.


No dear, you did not hurt my feelings!

by Majid on

I got my feelings hurt when I lost teeth due to the punches I received in "EVIN" and in "ghezel hesaar"!  in both regims !

You ever heared of "choob-e do sar gohi" ?? I was just an IRANIAN !

Not CUMMIE , not MKO, not PISS lamist, just an IRANIAN ! as pure and as honest as they come, and a PROUD one, my friend.

Long live IRAN 


Majid Jaan

by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on

I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.


Thank you "hamvatan" !

by Majid on

I'll be gentle, if it makes you happy.


Hey Majid Jaan

by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on

It was me who said earlier you can lick my asshole clean. I have hemorrhoids, use your tong gently.

Thanks baby.