
Lilly Fallah Lawrence

Castle Kashan destroyed in Malibu fire

LOS ANGELES TIMES: Two of Malibu's most prominent and beloved landmarks -- one a palace of secular dreams and the other a center of religious devotion -- were destroyed Sunday. Lost to the flames was the Castle Kashan, the fairy-tale-like structure that stood for 30 years atop a Malibu hill, recognizable from below by its turrets and round towers. Also ravaged was Malibu Presbyterian Church, a high-steepled place of prayer and community action that had barely escaped destruction in the November 1993 infernos, which burned more than 300 homes in Malibu, Topanga and Calabasas. The castle, filled with paintings and Elvis Presley memorabilia, was one of several homes of socialite-philanthropist Lilly Lawrence, known as "Princess Lilly." Castle Kashan was named after the village of her father, Reza Fallah, a former Iranian oil minister under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi>>>

Who's your Iranian of the day? EMAIL PHOTO


more from Darius Kadivar

Kaveh aziz

by Majid on

I DO not, CAN not and WILL not focus on what's worse, untill I RECOGNIZE what got us here in the first palce, and learn from it.

As much as I love to think that it's past , it's NOT when some spoiled little......sits in Malibu TODAY! and tells me/US "you can lick........"

It's "up yours" ! and I think WE ALL had it up ours !

I don't want to use any vulgar language here but, there is a "zarb-ol masal" very suitable for this !


Kaveh Nouraee

Majid jaan

by Kaveh Nouraee on

OK, then maybe look at it as though it is karma or fate or a case of what goes around comes around. But, why gloat? When you're done gloating, then that bad karma comes back at you.


Also, the woman's father was part of the past. That part of Iran is over. We have much worse now, don't you think? Instead of using energy on assessing blame for the past, let's use it towards fixing the present. Don't you think that's better?


Not all SoCal burned properties belong to the rich and famous

by Reporter (not verified) on

Many homes caught fire over the past couple of days belong to not-so rich and famous people. In fact, I just heard that one of the pro-IRI contributors to lost his belongings to fire. Qumars Bolourchian driving somewhere in SoCal caught on fire and currently living with his family in an animal shelter in Anaheim, CA.


Kaveh jaan

by Majid on


I still think you're "one" of the decent people here, who have a heart for our "motherland"

WE Iranians have wounds all over our beings! by our rulers almost throughout  our history, we ALL were born to SERVE our rulers !! and were oppressed, rubbed, turtured, jailed and murdered whenever we asked for our rights as IRANIAN CITIZENS !

Yes, as recent as 50 years ago untill  TODAY ! if you're not part of the herd then keep quiet ! or else!! Join the pack or pack!!

Remember our  "pedar-e taaj daar" ?? join my party  "rastaakhiz" or

get your passport and leave!! My way or highway !! If you justify that mentality of "you're with us or against us", then how can you blame Mullahs for saying the same thing today?

And now ! you're telling me  "who cares where these people got their money from" ?????????

I do my friend ! I DO!!! this money does NOT and DID NOT belong to them ! that's "ONE" of many reasons that you, my friend, and me and millions of other Iranians go to bed every night and dream about the "motherland" It's not the issue of the "money" per se !

It's that we "iranians" SERVED that system ,so  they can sit in Malibu today and tell us "you can lick my asshole clean" !!

it's just seeing a black eye! (hardly in this case!) , they have other castles else where I'm sure !

I don't know and it's none of my business how you live outside Iran, I think I still enjoy reading your comments as long as there are no lableing, no accusations and bad mouthing etc.......

And if we don't agree on this issue, you're still my hamvatan with a different point of view.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Once again, somebody has to create a political issue out of a non-political issue. In this case, a firestorm.



It's no one's business how people earn, inherit or otherwise acquire their money.  Those who try to make that an issue are invariably miserable about their own situation and are looking for a way to project their resentment at their own lot in life.



The woman herself couldn't care less about the house and said so as she watched it burn. It is replaceable.



She also doesn't owe any of us anything. Nor does anyone owe her. The point, which is lost on so many of you who are obsessed with your anti-monarchy agendas, is that people have lost their homes, all because of some sicko arsonist. Human decency shouldn't be conditional.





to Kaveh

by Anonymous54 (not verified) on

I would say the same thing about the Mollah "Dozd"s that I do about the pre-revolution"Dozd"s. Like I said in my earlier post, they are both the same kind of animal. A thief is a thief is a thief.

One thief's crime does not obsolve another thief's crime.



by Majid on

In a few years from now, you'll see "castel after castle and sky scraper after ......." purchased or built by some "aaghaa zaadeh ha" from current corrupt regime all over the world.

Would you say the same thing about them then ? or you and I were born to pay for all the castles in the world?

Do you think from the windows of that castle in Malibu , they were looking down at S.F. Valley and LA. and.....  thinking to themselves : down there it could be some "hamvatans" in need !

Or watching the sunset over the ocean  and...... " up yours SUCKERS" ?


To Kaveh

by Anonymous54 (not verified) on

Yes some folks DO care how they paid for thier house. "If" and I repeat "If" it was paid for by money stollen from the Iranian Government and people during Mr. Fallah's years as an oil minister, then Fuck the house. It was the corrupt in the Shah's regime who contributed to the spark that started the revolution and that landed our country in its current misery. Many in the old regime were NOT corrupt, but ended up pating for the revoulution that the corrupt government officials helped start. Most of the non-corrupt stayed and paid the ultimate price while the fuckers who stole from the country built huge mantions for thier "Prince"s. Fuck them all. They are just as bad as the Hezbollahis and Mollahs.


to Alien

by Tonya (not verified) on

Talk about calling the kettle black!!!!  I'd have to point out to you that for the most part Iranians aren't ABLE to vote for their leaders.  We on the other hand invited these psycho bastards into government to run our country.  Liars.... thieves????  Do you really want to invite a comparison????????  I hope not.  There isn't enough time in the world to shatter your little illusion about our government.  But we do have a choice.  Nothing is perfect.  No one is perfect.  But let's clean up our own house before we start making generalized statements about some one else's.



by Internets on

I protest that the majority of government officials in the "advanced" countries are also thieves. Ever heard of lobbyists and their vital life support for our own politicians in Washington DC?. Don't fool yourself, as they are both the birds of the same feather, whether in backward or advanced countries.


Alien ,The problem is

by Majid on

The problem is that the vast majority of the people who have sympathy for these people , they themselves are victims of that corrupt sys. except they're either still hopeful or plain "nokar sefats" who ignore or forget the history.

Now let me go and line up my family to be insulted because of my opinion.


To all the ediots supporting the yesterdays and todays theives

by Alien (not verified) on

Majority of government officials in the backward countries like Iran are thieves. They don't and didn't have any talent to earn their stolen wealth and fortune but by being mendacious and kissing the ass of their masters in the past, now and the future. Now cool down and don't get disconcerted if you are one of those people or if related to one. This is history and will repeat itself over and over and over again.


The portrait is HOT !!!

by Internets on

That is one hot portrait, no pun intended ;-)

I mean look at her: Gorgeous, hour-glass figure, big and beautiful bosoms which make me cry out: Mommy, small waist, hips made for a human-making factory, plus all the glamour and the bling-bling. She is the epitome of an Aphrodite!.

What the heck is the matter with some of you haters?. I nominate this portrait as the Iranian of the year!.


They keep refering to this

by my2cents&more (not verified) on

They keep refering to this "princess" as a legendary philandropist. Does anyone know if she ever helped out anyone in the Iranian community? or donated money to any Persian charitable events? all I know is that she rented out this "wooden castle" for parties and speical events and the inside of the "castle" looks like a mausoleum for herself . Also can someone tell me where her loyal title comes from??? In any event, I am sorry that this happened to her but I will be saving my tears for those poor people in Sandiego area who don't have insurance and have lost everything!



by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on

Just because majority of Iranians are barbaric, thieves, backward, Oghdehi, untrustworthy, liars, corrupt, etc. doesn't mean that the remainder of the population suffer from those negative attributes.

Using this analogy, I can state that just because your dad is a Jakesh, your mother is a Jendeh, and you yourself being a Koonee doesn't mean the rest of us suffer from those symptoms!?

Now, go learn how one should respect others when they are in sad situations!?


No Longer an Iranian, you

by 22Anonymous (not verified) on

No Longer an Iranian, you tried to sound civilized, cultured and to hide your true colors. But you failed miserably and aren't fooling anyone with your justifications for your hatred towards Iranians, and your support for bombing Iran and killing Iranians. You wrote "If this is a representative of what Iranians really think about the wealthy and successful, then I would say that Iranians are worse than garbage". Based on that incorrect conclusion from your own "if" you very conveniently trashed Iranians and approved Iran to be attacked and bombed, you're a prejudiced and very ignorant asshole.


Iranian of the day?

by hamidbak on

I sat there reading this Cinderella bull shit story about this ugly ass castle being destroyed and some princess wanaa be, not having being able to digest the story of a father with two daughters who had to leave his low rent apartment in San Diego without a chance to grab his wallet.   Didn't put my thoughts on paper until I saw under Iranian of the Day, about this mosquito of our generation being called that.  Fallah-Lawrence, or whatever she calls herself, is Iranian of the Day ha?  Her achievements, other than the Elvis memorabilia and sitting on Daddy’s money, is...what exactly? How many hospitals, schools, nursing homes or such did she or her fucking father build with the oil money of Iran?  How many student scholarships did she or her family have named after them?  Or for that matter, how many of the thieves who ran out of the home that provided them with the wealth, do anything in the name of Iran that required spending a fucking dime?She is Iranian of the Day?  Kiss my hairy ass Cinderella.




by MRX (not verified) on

Ogdeh is a typical charectristic of Iranian people. where is this hatered come from? what caused all the blood bath after islamo facist coup of 1979? all oghdeh and not much else! I suspect that 99% of people in this site don't know anything about this family but yet automatcially out of Oghdeh and their own fustrations in life accusing the person to be a thief, this and that. Ma vaghean mardom be farhangi hastim.


The posts here clearly indicate the true nature of Iranians...

by No Longer an Iranian (not verified) on

If this is a representative of what Iranians really think about the wealthy and successful, then I would say that Iranians are worse than garbage.

I don't know how the Fallah's family amass their wealth. But, I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that they stole it! In fact, it's not any of my business nor is it yours!? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe some people can work harder and smarter than you!?

I pray to God that America drop the big one on Iran so maybe the nation-of-the-worse-than-garbage can be reborn from the start!

No longer an Iranian.


Repugnant Disdain

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

I wouldn't worry about the loss of property as it is most likely insured. But it never ceases to amaze me the degree of repugnant disdain Iranians feel to others more fortunate than them. Just because this person was a part of the last regime, he's automatically a thief. No one bothers to mention that probably like all other people of status of the time, he may have been a Ghajar and come from money, much like your beloved Mosaddegh.



by amirkabear4u on

It is amazing in a country that world brains or experts are gathered and spend hundreds of millions of dollars on technology and even movie making they can not predict and avoid such fires.




by Anonymous31232 (not verified) on

It sooooo sad that the mantion built by her Daddy's stolen money from Iran, as an oil minister, has been burnt to a crisp. I guess now she just has to make do with her Villa in South of France and her mansion in South Beach. It's enough to make a grown man cry.


No offense

by Sasha on

No offense but I am more concerned for the people who lost everything and are living in a shelter or with family because their homes burnt down. If apartments have to be condemned then it will be more difficult to find a place to live. Sometimes the insurance companies do not want to pay even when you sue them. I was displaced when Hurricane Rita hit the Louisiana-Texas border. I had to start my life over again with my two sons. I can tell you first hand that it is a challenge and it takes at least a year to get over the shock of seeing your community destroyed. I look back two years now and I honestly do not know where I got the stength to go on. I will pray for them to have the strength to pick up the pieces and live on.



by Damn... (not verified) on

Wow! 250,000+ people are evacuated and are risk of becoming suddenly homeless. The rich ones can go to their other homes, but many people will be devastated, especially those with small kids. What a disaster. What are they going to do, put FEMA trailers around San Diego? Praying for rain or at least less wind for So-Cal. I can't remember a fire this bad in that area.

Kaveh Nouraee

Some People Are Sick

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Saturday afternoon I am on the 405 Freeway, when the local radio station reported that Santa Ana winds would be coming in the next several hours, raising the temperatures and reducing humidity to near zero. Combine that with the fact that there has been virtually no rainfall and you have a recipe for disaster.



Saturday, there were no fires at all. Less than 24 hours later, we have TEN of them scattered from L.A. to San Diego, to within a few miles of the Mexican border. These fires HAD to have been deliberately set. It is impossible to have TEN spontaneous combustions. There is a better chance of winning the lottery twice in a row using the same numbers both times.



But of course, leave it to some petty people masquerading as Iranians to show they have no class. I don't know the woman, nor does it matter. Who cares where the money came from? It's no one's business at all. Instead of having a seizure over the means with which her house was acquired, take a moment and think about the people who have already lost everything they have, and the people who were evacuated and don't know if they will still have a home to come back to. In other words: THINK ABOUT SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF.



Being that this is Southern California, the chances are pretty good that there are many more houses that are in danger or already destroyed that belong to Iranians. Maybe someone you know, or even care about. Or perhaps the safety of your fellow human beings is less important to you than knowing how they paid for their house? If that's the case, go to hell, all of you. 


You mean?

by Majid on

You mean Fllah family ?


Jigaram kabaab shod ! What heart breaking news !

by Majid on

She's too too precious to be homeless tonight . GOD ! just look at her.

OK friends , let's start a fund raising campaign so they can rebuild their castle ASAP. Then we can sleep peacefuly tonight, since we Iranians owe them till we die!  


give these people a break

by Ali-Reza Kasra (not verified) on

come on people. Let's give these people a break. Nobdoy deserves to have his or her house burned.

Mohammad Ala

I agree with the following posters . . .

by Mohammad Ala on

Why is that European can cantain large fires and the U.S. cannot?


Sorry for the distructions because of fire. 


I also happen to know two Fallah family members who live in Southern California and do not care about Iran if it were burned to the ground.  As Ali said... they are among Ey-ranians who live in the U.S. and do not care about Iran (although they brought their wealth (money, knowledge, etc. from Iran).


Dr. Ala is Professor of Business and a Board member of,, and


Fire in Southern California

by Ali from Los Angeles (not verified) on

Yes, there are several fires going in and around Los Angeles.

Sorry for the distructin to Castle Kashan. Every Minister under the Shah was able to build a Castle somewhere in the World. Under each regime, some people take the money and build castles out of Iran.

Take a look at Beverly Hills, one wonders how many Castle are there? One fellow brought $40 million out of Iran almost twenty years ago.

Fallah (and his family) who reside in Southern Califoria, similar to many Ey ranians do not give a hoot about Ey ran, are we supposed to feel sorry for them?