Godless Iranians In Diapora: Unhappy & unsatisfied


by Monarchy_Forever

Too often recent Iranian transplants in Western societies or more so long embedded Iranians in exile feel a sense of liberation upon leaving the religious and traditional society in Iran.  This often starts with their curiosity in finding out more about God.  They question their long held religious beliefs (usually Shiite Islam).  They start to flirt with athiesm and at times agontism.  After a while you see them acting like birds that have been let out of a cage.  They go to extremes; attacking their religious and traditional values.

Having been empowered by the sense that there is no Maker, they indulge in whatever pleases them.  They feel there is no accountability and take their new found freedoms to unimaginable dimensions.  For girls it means a spending splurge and for guys its engaging in any vice out there.

You see the girls wearing extremely revealing and tight outfits that put their western counterparts to shame.  There make-up also starts to take more of a sluty woman's look.

The guys tend to spend their time in clubs and bars.  They go and brag the next day over about their conquests when indeed they are standing against the wall with a beer watching a black man or an Arab get groovy with the girl they had "spotted" that night.  The guys after failure followed by failure at bars and clubs decide to take the easy route and start frequenting strip clubs and at times a one hour session with an escort service.

However, with time doubt sets in.  The Sunset begins to forecast its shadow.  The girls in question start to wonder why nothing meaningful became of their new looks.  They wonder how is it that all the sexy outfits did not produce any tangible and meaningful results.  They feel used and abused.  They had thought that what's on the outside defines what is most desired by guys, only to learn later in life that personality, humility and modesty is what most sensible gentleman are after.  By the time they realize that, they are past their prime and only seethe in anger and bitterness as the new girl on the block becomes the focus of the attention.  The Sun has indeed set and they made very little of the daylight while they had it.  Thus begins a life of regrets and feelings of depression and suicide.

For the guys, after sometime, they too realize that their fake "conquests" were nothing but products that they had purchased with cash money.  As their friends move away to other towns, they feel that their behaviour and acts has made them very lonely and isolated.  Everyone has moved on, yet they seen stuck in the mud.  They too start to feel that the Western glamour was only a temporary thing.  They feel lonely and bitter.

For both girls and guys, they had sold and traded their beliefs for a temporary sense of gratification.  Now they feel empty.  They had over the years brainwashed themselves and sold out their GOD.  They feel no one cares or looks out for them.  Hence begins a life of depression and sadness that is even more compounded by their exile in a foreing land with a foreign culture.



more from Monarchy_Forever


by Shepesh on




by yolanda on

Hi! Gavazn,

     Thank you for the compliment!!! I really don't deserve the honor!

Thank you!

I hope you have a lot of blessings! 


? No

by Gavazn on

What I meant is that we have a lot in common, in other blogs same taste in many things, on the same wavelength. Asteroid and Yolanda are my soulmates here,  Like yours are Marge/ Azadeh/ Latina and all the other girls. But I think she has been blocked! I dont understand because never offended anybody, it sems lots of people insulting each other get away with it and then someone like that who makes good comments gets blocked.  Beats me... but it's the last I'm going to discuss her, I do not want to talk behind her back. Cheers.

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

monarchy forever, you're a bit cranky.  i think it's time to change your diapora. :)



by Nur-i-Azal on


You and Asteroid are an item in real life?




VPK jan

by Nur-i-Azal on

I thought they were the birds and the bees!


The plants invented them too, and for the same purpose  ;-)



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Nur Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

humans are what the plants invented to carry around seeds ;-)

I thought they were the birds and the bees!


Oh... thank you for your divine wisdom you wise one

by Cost-of-Progress on

"....They start to flirt with athiesm and at times agontism.  After a while you see them acting like birds that have been let out of a cage.  They go to extremes; attacking their religious and traditional values....."

Religion, as noted, is something personal. You can't prescribe god for me anymore than I can prescribe athiesm for you. If you need to believe in a fictitious character to help and guide you through life, then by all means, be my guest. But please....do not judge others by what you see as the moral compass that has been shoved down your throat and your ancestor's throat throughout the ages.

I've been a proud, independent thinker athiest for a long time - way before I became an out of touch bird who was let out the cage. (this is new one)

Religion is the cause for divison, and that's that.







Asteroid is right

by Gavazn on

Every topic in the post covers what I think, about freedom, role of women and minorities, God ... my soulmate in IC says it as it is.

I think the author is himself/ herself unhappy and unsatisfied.

i am a bahai too

"Noble I made thee . . ."

by i am a bahai too on

every human soul bears the stuff of eternity; immutable and immortal. if we must look for that amazing aspect of each person we meet and reflect that discovery, we may help those who have yet to discover the miracle of their own existence. we must stop denigrating ourselves with condemnation, we must try love


I created thee rich, why dost thou bring thyself down to poverty? Noble I made thee, wherewith dost thou abase thyself? Out of the essence of knowledge I gave thee being, why seekest thou enlightenment from anyone beside Me? Out of the clay of love I molded thee, how dost thou busy thyself, with another? Turn thy sight unto thyself, that thou mayest find Me standing within thee, mighty, powerful and self-subsisting. 


Blind thine eyes, that thou mayest behold My beauty; stop thine ears, that thou mayest hearken unto the sweet melody of My voice; empty thyself of all learning, that thou mayest partake of My knowledge; and sanctify thyself from riches, that thou mayest obtain a lasting share from the ocean of My eternal wealth. Blind thine eyes, that is, to all save My beauty; stop thine ears to all save My word; empty thyself of all learning save the knowledge of Me; that with a clear vision, a pure heart and an attentive ear thou mayest enter the court of My holiness.  

- Baha'u'llah, Kalimát-i-Maknúnih //info.bahai.org/persian/



by yolanda on

Maybe the author of the blog is talking about him(her)self in the 3rd person...

Niloufar Parsi

what is the real point?

by Niloufar Parsi on

that we should have stuck with 'monarchy forever'?


Are these the experieces of your "friend"?

by iroooni on

Did your friend went back to religion and started praying five times a day? The problem is not your "friend" but the force feeding of religion and the closed society of Iran. BTW, your nick name doesn't match your discussion.



by Iraniandudeee on

I love how you talk like you know every single iranian out there in the diaspora... What a clown.


A typical Afkooni/Tazi whore barking out of jealousy.



"You should not be afraid of the ideology but of the determination and will of the men behind it"


"A drowning man is not troubled by rain" Persian Proverb


The Iranian/Persian diaspora

by Iraniandudeee on

 Is one of the most educated and succesful groups as a group, and they're usually very cultured. Just because you're non-religous doesn't mean you're not cultured. there's a huge difference in islamic culture and Iranian/persian culture, traditions, customs etc...



"You should not be afraid of the ideology but of the determination and will of the men behind it"


"A drowning man is not troubled by rain" Persian Proverb


Tazi much?

by Iraniandudeee on


VPK jan-i-janan

by Nur-i-Azal on

I said it is a proof to me ;-) Long discussion...

I've said it here before elsewhere, as far as I am concerned the dominant species here on Gaia are actually the plants and organic life. On another forum I frequent, someone poignantly remarked that humans are what the plants invented to carry around seeds ;-)



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Nur Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Amen! To me that is one of the proofs for the existence of a Supreme Being and the fact that humans aren't the dominant species here.

I don't see how this proves the existance of a Supreme Being.

Regarding human beings we know they are not the dominant species. There is ample evidence life existed on earth for millions of years before humans. 

It is quite possible there is life on other planets and it won't be human.



AsteroidX jan

by Nur-i-Azal on

If humans were wiped out, life on earth would continue.

Amen! To me that is one of the proofs for the existence of a Supreme Being and the fact that humans aren't the dominant species here.

BTW liberation is not only social. The West maybe provides social liberation, but often falls short of providing inner liberation. With the materialist obsession over such trifles as gagetry,  technology, body consciousness, cosmetics (it kills me how much women everywhere are shackled to the shameless profit mongering of this industry and its empire) and the tangibles in general where everyone is insatiably keeping up with proverbial Jones' (i.e. consumerism), the quest for inner liberation in the West is still a work in progress -- and, sadly in many places, failing -- whereby many become burdened and imprisoned by things! Freedom is a responsibility and an opportunity to attain further freedom. Generally speaking, the mainstream Western culture appears to be clueless about this, and many astute Westerners themselves are complaining about it as well. We need inner and outer (social) liberation, not just one over the other. In other words, we need to take the best the West offers (social freedom) and marry it to the best the East has offered for millenia (the paths, methods and means to inner freedom). I call this Theophanocracy.

Also, BTW, if you were afraid for my safety before re: the fatwa, you will be mortified if you found out what I am presently in the proces of cooking up ;-)




by Raoul1955 on

Article by AsteroidX is a very good one as it references the individual freedom and choices whereas in backwards islamic societies individuals have NO freedom of choice.  Well said.



by AsteroidX on

I think you are the type of person who finds it difficult to escape your conditioning and look at things with a fresh perspective. You miss the point about the liberated West. Not everyone is promiscuous, the key factor is freedom of choice to find themselves and their own individuality without the burden of hangups. Whether they make a mess of their lives in your eyes or whether they have regrets is not the issue. It is the freedom to live ones life as one chooses and to make mistakes and learn from them. We know women are second class citizens in Iran, but lets discuss the more serious case of treatment of homosexuals in Iran. The “solution” proposed by the Theocracy is to have a sex change, which is not a solution to being homosexual. But in the West gays can live a normal life in society and are can enter civil partnerships in some countries. Frankly I would prefer to live in a society where people are treated humanely and given rights (women and gays) than in a primitive “Shite”  religious environment with barbaric laws. And who has proven God exists? ...  Go to an African Safari and view the ruthless pack of predators, the vivid portrayal of the violence of the concept of Evolution and “survival of the fittest”  for yourself. If humans were wiped out, life on earth would continue.

And now I will receive lectures from the more enlightened religious individuals as to how wrong and ignorant I am 'spiritually'. Let just say, you read your books and I will read mine, and we can stick to our own opinions.


The problem is with the times, not just a sub-culture

by Nur-i-Azal on

What you describe is a function of the times as a whole. It is not merely isolated to Iranians in diaspora either. You will find it equally in Iran as well, not to mention many other places throughout both the East and the West.

In the 1920s a great French visionary thinker by the name of Rene Guenon (and a convert to Islam through Sufism) detailed the inner corrupting process of these times in a monumental book he wrote entitled The Reign of Quantity and the Sign of the Times. I believe this book has been translated into Persian as well. People should read it.

This book explains the metaphysical processes behind the sociological (and as well psychological) processes behind why a sub-section of the Iranian diaspora has become what you describe. Unfortunately such individuals are not to be blamed because they are in reality actually unwitting victims of processes they do not even understand or are aware of. On the apparent level they are victims of 1) a corrupt system back home that masquerades under the cloak of religion and Tradition, but is in actual fact its worst enemy (i.e. the IRI), and 2) they are victims of an insidious global culture of materialism and nihilism that like black magic has erected a deep labyrinth inside the minds of countless many throughout this planet: a labyrinth many are increasingly finding difficult to find their way out of, including and especially many otherwise religious people who should know better. 

The answer is people need to find their own Way back to the Source of All-Things, because It is "closer than the jugular vein," and for each person how the Source chooses to manifest Itself is different. But one place to start is in getting good with Nature and Mother Earth because as a wise, ancient saying goes, "as above, so below."




by yolanda on

I truly enjoyed reading everyone's post here!

Thank you! Great discussion!


Obviously this person has

by vildemose on

Obviously this person has never lived in the West and is probably a Basiji from Iran or has grown up in a closed religous community of muslims in the West. There are so many of those places even in the US where they only interact with the people of the mosque they go to.  These kids grow up ill-adjusted and ill-prepared to function  in the real world with many paychological problems.

 He is repeating VEVAK's talking points. He also sounds like Holden Caufield to me.



by Raoul1955 on

Is this article the result of some social research, or fantasy?  If research, then how many subjects were chosen, for how long, and in how many different societies?


Godless??? Slutty???!

by capt_ayhab on

I am not getting what the gentleman of the author is trying to say.

1- Are you criticizing/broad brushing on Iranian young women and men in respect to their personal and private decisions as to how to conduct themselves?

2- Are you trying to suggest that western culture is cursive?

3- Are you suggesting that these types behavior[I am not being judgmental here] only exist in western cultures?

To begin with, type of attire one chooses to wear is a form Self Expression with is protected by freedom of choice which is NATURAL and undeniable right of every single human being.

Secondly,  labeling every youth who is living abroad [Godless] is in itself an unfair generalization, as it it broad brushing every young woman as  [girls wearing extremely revealing and Slutty look] dresses as [shameful].

It is rather shameful to be calling anyone whom we do not know as [Slutty look] just because we do not approve of their PERSONAL choice of clothing and or makeup.

In addition, being modest[with itself is highly subjective matter] has nothing to do with the culture/country one live nor has it to do with the religion or lack thereof. Modesty is , with its all various definitions, is a matter of personal choice.

No argument that some young men or young women might wear clothing that might be considered [sluttish, revealing], BUT as an adult that they are, as free spirits they are they should be respected for their choice and not to be labeled sluts or any other revolving name.



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

MM Jan well said

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


People who think being in the West is godless know nothing of the West. They also know nothing of the Iranian diaspora. They are projecting their own empty lives onto us. I have a full life with spirituality and meaning. My one sadness is that my people in Iran do not get the benefits I get.

I do not have to put up with a bunch of demon worshiping Mullahs. I do not have to fear being raped in prison because I criticized someone. My daughter does not have to wear a hijab or be treated as half a man.

If Islam specially the radical version is supposed get us near "God" then no thanks. I will get near God my own way. I don't need to be tortured of kiss some Mullah's butt.



Iranian Diaspora is educated & religion / dress are private

by MM on

Where do you get your statistics, my freind?  I do not know where you have been to get those crazy ideas, but:

1. The Iranian Diaspora is one of the most educated segments of the US society.

2. Religion is a private matter and everyone chooses to manifest it differently.  Even in Iran, they say that before the revolution, they prayed inside and drank outside of homes, while after the revolution, they prayed outside and drank inside.

3. How one dresses is a matter of ones' social freedoms and it changes every generation in the western society, unlike the 7th century hide-everything mentality of some folks who never changes.

So, please stop lecturing us without real data, and concentrate on your own family.  We know several societies in the world where they will tell you how to dress and how to pray every day of the year.  Feel free to ask where they are located.



by yolanda on

What is your solution to the problems you presented in your blog?

Thank you for your blog!