, U R D Best

by jimzbund

I have been with this site for a short period and just trying to get to know the written and unwritten rules of being a responsible cyber citizen in

Unfortunately the misinformation and distrust created in us Iranians over the many decades and centuries has resulted in us being intolerant of anything not conforming to our beliefs . We all repeat " freedom, human rights and ..." like a trained parrot but at time have no clue how to practise it or even tolerate it.

I salute for giving everyone a platform to say what they think is important for them to say and although I love to see as much variety of opinions as possible but if some are disgruntled because everyone can write something here ! then as we say in Farsi " raah baaz o jaadeh deraaz" or in English " hit the road Jack" . 

Thank you guys at the . ignore the cheap shots of being agents, spies ... and the regular low voccabulary of some of these guys . your mission is noble and nobility is a rare commodity nowadays.

JimzBund is Bounded to !  


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ebi amirhosseini

دل زدم به دریا

ebi amirhosseini


دوستان، در وادی : "ایرانیان . کام"،جدید نیستم،خیلی هم آنتیک نیستم !

با  اینکه برچسبهای یک قلو و دو قلو* و حتی سه قلو به دست اندر کاران این سایت زده شده،میشود و در آینده هم زده خواهد شد !  دل به دریا میزنم و به همه آنها صمیمانه خسته نباشید میگم! دست مریزاد !

ارادتمند :

بنده حقیر آماده پذیرش انواع برچسب!!

پانوشت :

* با الهام از چسب دوقلو " مهندس غفاری "، ساخت ایران. دوستان هم سن و سال بنده حتما  آن را به یاد می آورند !؟



Khar Gir?

by Majid on

Where the heck did you find that picture ?

It's such a funny avatar and it fits your alias... LOL 

" Be een migan Khar-e dar band" in the world he's going to get down ?


To Khar Gir

by LoooL (not verified) on

your ID and photo made me laugh for a good5 minutes. Thanks for the laughs :o)

Khar Gir

Barikalah, Baladi javab bedi.

by Khar Gir on

Tou ro doost daram. Beh garee nemibandamet.


dozd geer ,bel akhareh tow ham fahmidi ?!!!

by jimzbund on

Bund, Jimz Bund


anonym 7, it is a good start

by jimzbund on

 I am not looking forward to argue with you nwo as I know you need to read some books and get ready for the future ! Please read some non-Islamic books too . If you have discredited Zion then I will make you sigh on ! hala boro donbaleh ketab khooni after the rowzeh khooni.



Bund, Jimz Bund


khar gir, baadan migam kojaro !

by jimzbund on

Bund, Jimz Bund

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Many leave for a time and return after resting.........

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I have taken a couple of breaks myself and have returned renewed. Something about that keeps us coming back for more.

Solh va Doosti



Rosie, man bishtar !

by jimzbund on

lotf daari . khejaalatemoon midi !


Bund, Jimz Bund


Tahirih Khanum

by jimzbund on

Respect demands  ( earns) respect . When some groups have no respect for others then they can't expect respect in return. At times a shock therapy is needed to jolt the brains of some who are possessed by demonic beliefs and are halucinating about life,heaven and hell and their duty to impose their beliefs on others.

I wish I had a cousin like you but you never know maybe we are cousins ?! just kidding.


Bund, Jimz Bund



by jimzbund on

Yes , I am a rookie with low expectations  but high speculations. I thought maybe you or someone similar to your name was quitting after Mona was leaving .. glad you stayed and hopefully your 6 become s7, 8, 9,10.

 what is the feminine of ghazanfar ? unless you are a maredh nazanin?! 

Bund, Jimz Bund

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on


Solh va Doosti




by jimzbund on

I promise, as soon as we have fixed the Iranian coexistence problem we will be working on the Non-Iranians !!!


Peace and friendship 



Bund, Jimz Bund

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Not so fast jimzbund..........

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

you forget not only do Iranians need to learn to co-exist but all humanity needs to learn to CO-EXIST which is where us non-Iranians come into the picture at :o)

Solh va Doosti



Ghorbooneh Hamegi

by jimzbund on

 Thank you all for contributing to the through your posts and comments . We Iranians need to learn to CO-EXIST with each other wherever we are and hope that the words like " eedaam baayad gardad". "Marg bar ", disappear from our voccabulary . I believe is a microcosm of Iranian society and we might be at times more agressive due to anonymity of posting but none the less the thoughts and beliefs behind the psosts are genuine and represent where we stand at this time in our history.

phew, this was too much high level for me to write in one shot but through divine inspiration and dear neighbors in I was inspired and motivated to write it. I especially thank the brave ladies of this forum who give a nice and feminine side to the  mostly masculine fightings .

Now, back to the real mission

 Bund, Jimz Bund


So you're a rookie huh?

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

So you're a rookie huh? Well, some of us have been here for Y E A R S and gone through many phases with 3J. That's why some have expectations beyond what is offered right now. But still, I would give it 6/10. The loss of Haji Agha was a major turn for the worse.
Lots of funny icons and ids here, yours is in the top 10.




Mr Bund ,is correct again!

by Tahirih on

I totally , love this site ,even though just like any other place on this earth has good and bad. My hat is off for JJ, and friends. I love the diversity of this site.I do not like negative remarks about Hazrate Mohamad , but as far as Mullah's they are fair game  due to their actions!

and Mr Bund , I mean Jimsbund, you are absolutely hilarious , you remind me of a cousin that I have .



Khar Gir


by Khar Gir on

Khar Gir

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on



Given that the majority of

by Q-geer (not verified) on

Given that the majority of comments deleted on this site are from non-muslims or atheists, that is hardly true that this site is anti-Islam. If anything, it is very tolerant of those who promote political Islam a la Khomeini; the most virulent kind.


I agree with you for once!

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Jimzbounded, although in general I disagree with you and what you stand for, I agree with you in this regard. Looking forward to argue with you in the future and discredit you like I have discredited our friend Zion in


Excellent. Point proven!

by dozd-geer (not verified) on

Your praise of this site now proves everyone's suspicion that it really is an anti-Islam site.

Good job bund!

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

You are amusing

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

at times and at other times ______________:o)  I'm sure others will fill in the blank.

Solh va Doosti
