Lack of trust and confidence in the Islamic Republic is weakening everything.
The generals would never let him get away with it
Khamenei allowed relatively open and free elections only so long as Iranians voted the way he wanted. That changed when reformers started winning
Don't miss this one if you are at all interested in assessing Iran and Syria today.
Khamenei's strategy has "worked" only if you assume improbable goals
That's almost certain if their candidates are banned from running as regime hints now suggest.
Would Maliki make such bold moves in Iraq without Khamenei's approval? If so, expect consequences.
Moussavi and Karoubbi may be released soon.
"The era of Iranian ascendancy is over," said Hamid.
In their shoes, you'd rant too!
If Iran's model is so great, why is even Hamas having second thoughts--with encouragement from the MB?
Expect this report to spread quickly and seriously tick off three groups--Arab neighbors, the Syrian people and Iranians who charge that Khamenei used similar "imports" against his own people in 2009.
A Russian regime which has acted a lot like the mullahs in rigging elections and eliminating prominent opponents may be in deep trouble.
The regime urges Moussavi to be conciliatory. What's behind it?
As unbelievable as it may seem, the Greens may run again in the next presidential election because of one man.