نگاهی بر تیتر های "Fred"


by aynak

اگر شما هم مانند من هر هفته چندین بار (بر مبنای کار و گرفتاری های دیگر) به سایت ایرانیان.کام رجوع می نمایید، حتما با نوشته های جناب "فرد" آشنا هستید. اینگونه است که با آشنایی افراد با "بلاگر" های گوناگون، هر شخصی نویسنده (های) مورد علاقه و نه چندان مورد علاقه خود را می یابد. که سعی می کند، ان نویسنده ایی را که می پسندد دنبال کند و نویسنده ای را که نمی پسندد - توجهی ننماید . البته همیشه در امور استثنا هم هست، و آن وقتی که شاید تصور کنید آنچه می خوانید خلاف واقعییت یا لااقل تصور شما از واقعیت نوشته شده - پس وظیفه خود می بینید که نظر خود را در میان بگذارید.

یکی از فعال ترین نویسنده های این سایت جناب "فرد" خودمان است، که اگر شماره بالای صفحه درست باشد در ۴ سال گذشته بیش از ۸۸۷ بلاگ (تعداد اخباری که ایشان ارسال کرده را حساب نکردم) کمک کرده اند. این کمک ها اخیرا بصورت ۲ بلاگ روزانه که هر دو شاید اتوماتیک به صفه اول میروند، شاید نه از نظر محتوی بلکه تیتیر خیلی جالب به نظر می آیند. سبک ایشان، در ظاهر اینگونه است که برای بیان یک مطلب احتیاج پیدا میکنند که به ایرانیان یا اقوام احزاب ... مختلف توهین بنمایند - سپس در برخی نوشته های خود، ما را با عمق درایت و بینش "خیر خواهانه " خود آشنا می فرمایند. آنچه نظر مرا جلب کرد، مخلوط کردن این تیتیر هاست: یعنی در درجه اول "فرد" ممکن است یک یک تیتر توهین آمیز را برای دهن کجی (به زعم خودش) انتخاب کرده باشد و در اصل نوشته نکته ای ۱۸۰ درجه مخالف تیتر را پیگیری کند، ، و برخی از این تیتر ها را دقیقا برای توهین انتخاب کرده. اما با عاریت گیری از نوشتار خود ایشان، که --ایرانی-- ستیزی در سبک انتخاب تیترهای ایشان ملموس است. نمی دانم دلیل تیترهای انتخابی فرد که اخیرا بیشتر توهین آمیز شده چیست - حدس من و بر مبنای نوشته خود ایشان تاثیر رابطه اسراییل و حکومت فعلی است (فرد جان شما خودت شرح بده آیا سبک نوشته شما به شرایط ایران و اسراییل ربط دارد؟ ولی قبل از پاسخ حتما مروی به تیتر های ۴ سال اخیر بفرما و اینکه چرا لحن نوشته شما بیشتر توهین آمیز شده )
اخیرا "فرد" از ۲ موقعیت استفاده کرده و اسراییل و ایران را متحدان طبیعی دانسته و اگر احدی صحبت یا نقدی به اسراییل داشته باشند، ایشان از جمله معروف "پس شما یهود ستیز" هستید - بجای پاسخ گویی استفاده می فرمایند. ولی جدا از همه اینها- باید بر گفتمان ایشان در مورد حکومتیان پرداخت. استفاده کلماتی مانند تجاوز گر و وحوش برای افشای جنایات رژیم در بسیاری زمان ها ممکن است برای خبر رسانی و نشان دادن عمق فاجعه ضروری باشد. ولی استمرار ان بطور روزمره- و سپس مخلوط کردن آن بطوری که ذکر شد با کلیت ایران - "چپول ها" "توده ای های خائن" "نهضت آزادی های ابله" "فداییان مزودر ....." و "مسلمانان ...." که در کل بخش قبل ملاحظه ای از مردم ما را تشکیل میدهند، بوی تبلیغ تنفر و ترویج انزجار را میدهد. به زبان خود "فرد" که اخیرا استفاده از این تیتر ها برایش نوعی عادت شده- تا بلکه خواننده ها هم برایشان عادی شود- این خود براحتی میتواند نشانی ایرانی ستیزی نهفته جناب "فرد" باشد.
در ضمن اگر شبهه ای بوجود اید که ایشان اصلا سبکش این است که با توهین مطالبش را اعلام می کند شما چرا به ایشان کرده می گیرید لطفا فراموش نکنیم که وقتی پای لابی اسراییل و رابطه با اسراییل میشود، "فرد" دیگر با ان زبان صحبت نمی کند:

AIPAC, Iranians & the common cause
Iranians at AIPAC +
ببینید "مثبت" هم داده به ایرانیانی که در AIPAC بوده اند.

هدف من در اینجا "فرد" جان نشان دادن تشویق استفاده تیتر هاییست که منجر به این نشود که من خواننده فکر کنم شما قصد خدای نکرده "demonization" یا بد جلوه دادن ایرانی ها را داری؟ در تاریخ از این روش بسیار استفاده شده که برای --توجیه- هر عملی- اول طرف مقابل را به سطح پایین تر از انسان نزول داده و سپس هر گونه رفتار با او را مجاز دانست. این همان حربه ایست که حکومت اسلامی از آن با نام خودی - ناخودی استفاده می کند و اگر شما در باطن با آن موفق نیستید پس روشی غیر از آن در نوشته خود اتخاذ فرمایید.

حال نگاهی کوتاه به برخی از تیترهای مقالات "فرد":

نوکر صفتی ایرانیان ۲
ایرانیان دروغگو
نهضت ابله آزدی
ایرانیان نازیست
حزب خائن توده ۲
ابتذال اسلام
ایرانیان نفهم
ایرانیان چپ ، چپول و کمونیست
ایرانیان بی حیا کمونیست
نوکر صفتی ایرانیان
ایرانیان نق نقو
ایرانیان خر کمونیست
تضاد تمیزی و زیبایی و اسلام
مسلمانان خر مذهب
لذت کشتن ایرانیان
فغان از توحش ایرانیان
اسلام دین بی ادب ها و نادان ها
لذت انتقام گیری ایرانیان
توحش آذرباییجان
اسلام آلت ظلم بر ایرانیان
توحش عید قربان
زنان دردری ایرانی
تشنه به خون اعراب
زنان یک با فاحشه ایرانی
بی ناموسی دختران ایرانی
حزب خائن توده
دفاع از ایرانیان کار حیوانات است
انتشار درخواست یهودی کشی
ایرانیان لیاقت دمکراسی ندارند
ایرانیان چشم به راه دخالت خارجی
نفرت از عجم
لاشی گری زنان ایرانیان
دختران اغفال گر ایران
اقامه توحش ماه رمضان
نازیسم مقدس ایران
وحوش دانشمند ایرانی
زن تجاوز پذیر است
عادت به تجاوز جنسی
ایران عین عراق و لیبی بشه
ایرانیان منحط
نعمات شیطانی ملی گرایی
گور بابای ایرانی
ایرانیان هیچ کاره
همدستی وحوش ایرانی در ۱۱/۹
ایرونی کم ظرفیته
سادیسم ایرانی
ایرانیان وحشی
ایرانیان باید اول آدم بشوند.
کشتن مجاهدین صواب دارد.
چریدن نوروزی
افغانی که آدم نیست
لگد زدن ایرانیان
کلت بهایی
فلان لق ایران


more from aynak

Tale of unsophisticated sophistries!

by Arj on

Dear aynak, our (we Iranian's) problem in most part lies with those inside Iran with no interest in the outside world on the one hand, and those outside who have lost touch with inside iran! Hopefully, time would push these two extremes towards the middle and out of fringes of lunacy, so we can find our way!

Meanwhile, all we can do is call them up on their B.S. whether it emanates from IRI's Keyhan or blogs of this sort!


And Only if there is NO FOG!

by Zorumbaa on

Hope the weather man/woman gives you an accurate forecast.


...and thanks God, there is mirror!

by Disenchanted on



Artificial Intelligence!

by Zorumbaa on

I have spent a lot of my years to learn about human behavior and why we do, act, think, as we do. This is an interesting quote from someone that I have great respect and learned a lot from.

“My colleagues, they study Artificial Intelligence, me? I study Natural Stupidity.” Amos Tversky, Founding Father of Behavioral Economics. Stanford.

I do agree with MOST of things you say, but please, keep observing and studying stupid people; we may all learn something from it!



کمک های اخیر "فرد"


ایرانیان هرزه گرد شهوترآن

بهاییان بیسواد

راستی روش دیگری برای بیان یک مطلب، جدا از ابتدا  توهین به مذهب و قومیت  نیست؟




eivallah Fred!

by Fesenjoon2 on

Ah, the 7000 toman/hr paid cyber-agents of the Islamic Republic hard at work once again to silence the opposition on the internet.

Fred, if I were you, I'd go at it even harder! 


I am glad to announce we have received Fred's two blogs

by Disenchanted on

for today March 9 of 2012! Little Blessings of being alive and understand Farsi! Tabrik :-)


To quote Iraj Khan, f/k/a Mola Nasredeen

by Onlyiran on

"To all you who try to shut [Fred] up I have to say: It's been tried before and has failed, you're wasting your time.

You Can't Silence [Fred,] [H]e Will Be Heard!"

There you have it you bullies!  This is straight from your own gang's mouth:


As Mola Felestin said, albeit about himself and his fake cries for Gaza, you cannot silence anyone on IC.  You can sign up under a 1000 different usernames and write a thousand different blogs calling Fred a PR firm in New York, an operative in Tel Aviv, an organization, etc., etc.  he will continue to express his well researched opinions despite your despicable bullying.  You are nothing but a bunch of desperate bullies.

So now, as Iraj Khan also says:

Take a hike! 

G. Rahmanian

It's sad

by G. Rahmanian on

To see how petro dollars are used to preserve the rule of the criminal Islamists in Tehran. It's even sadder to see those who call themselves Iranianians sell their heart and soul to such criminals.


Agree with the first post

by Cost-of-Progress on

bikari baba

iraj khan

Iranians are

by iraj khan on

A Letter from the Leading Actor of "A Separation" to Asghar Farhadi

"During the ceremony, I was very happy to hear your speech like millions of other Iranians. Looking from the stage, you could see how all big names of cinema whose works you had seen through your life and about whom you had read many things, were staring at you; as if the love and energy of the Iranian people had helped us to stand firm in that place.

The moment that you talked about your people, I knew that millions of people in our country are staring at us and you, supported by their love, mentioned them instead of talking about your loved ones; and to tell the truth Asghar, how pleasant it was to be an Iranian up there.

The value you attach to this people will become better related to you representing them when one remembers what an American critic had written about A Separation. He wrote if anybody wanted to threaten Iran, they better first watch this movie to know with what people they are dealing and change their mind"

From Soosan Khanoom's blog today  //iranian.com/main/blog/soosan-khanoom/asghar-we-are-really-indebted-you

Oon Yaroo

What is the size of your shalvar (pants)? Spring 2012 styles are

by Oon Yaroo on

already out at your nearest Walmart (courtesy Hoom Majd!)



G. Rahmanian

Just look at this site!

by G. Rahmanian on

Every time IR is criticized and its crimes exposed, IR's paid agents, supporters and apologists make sure to follow you around and try to diminish the impact of your blog or comment by talking about irrelevant issues or vehemently defending IR in their "subtle" way!


Faramarz jon...

by Disenchanted on

when you are funny (often that is) I take you seriously. So when you are serious, i take it to be funny! Just a word on meaning of Disenchanted as it is mistakenly interpreted ALL the TIME! Disenchanted has a second meaning which is: Disillusioned! That's what I represent proudly on this site! :-) Thanks anyway!


Anahid, very convincing! Thank you.

by Disenchanted on

  • Wow! This is it! I am relieved now. Finally someone gave an acceptable answer. We have the answer by Anahid:
"IC administration for a reason or another has decided to feature two blogs of Fred every day"! Thanks a bunch! :-)



by Faramarz on

Your name definitely fits your outlook and attitude!

Good job.


Anahid Hojjati

Nothing is sacred but you are not in charge either

by Anahid Hojjati on

to those opposed to Fred being featured every day:

Nothing is sacred but IC administration for a reason or another has decided to feature two blogs of Fred every day. If you don't like it, start your own website and feature blogs that you like, that is if you can get people to submit blogs.


Money Mone' Mone' Mone' Moneyyyyy

by Sean-K on


For the love of money
People will rob their own brother
For the love of money


Here comes Fred's cavalry!

by Disenchanted on

do... do.. dod doo dood doo do! (remember cowboy movies?) :-) In case you folks missed the last episode here is the problem: 
  •        Fred is doing the Bibi's bidding. He doesn't even deny that! 
  •        He gets two spots guaranteed on first page. Guaranteed like taxes and death! While everyone else may be pushed to back page.
That's all folks. Otherwise there is nothing wrong with writting 20 blogs a day and criticizing anyone! 

G. Rahmanian

Who is forcing you to read Fred's blogs?

by G. Rahmanian on

Why do you bother with his blogs? If you don't like them don't read them! Pretty simple.

Genghis Khan

Persians are losers

by Genghis Khan on

If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

Mammad was/is a big joke. Once I wrote about the great majority of Iranians wanting regime change and he was so upset he used insulting language. I wonder what he thinks of the recent boycott of the recent "elections" by the greatest majority of Iranians.

He may currently be taking an anger-management course I recommended he should take.


Let's learn from Iraj Khan (f/k/a Mola Nasredeen)

by Onlyiran on

If you don't like Fred's two blogs a day, why are you here crying about it?  Strat your own two blogs a day.  Who the hell cares?  Here, this is what Hypocrite Mola Felstin (Iraj Khan) said, under his other username, on another thread a while back:

 "For the hundredth times I ask you and your numbed head friends: "Who is stopping you to write about the Islamic Republic of Iran? Go ahead shout your brains out. Do you want to write about what went with Iraqi people ? Go ahead and write it. Do you want to write about the flees in your head go ahead and write it. Who the hell cares? I never read your stuff anyway. Because you have nothing new to say to me that I already don't know.""


By the way, speaking of being a hypocrite, here's Mola Felestin (Iraj Khan) again complaining on the same thread about the Admin allowing people to have multiple usernames, when at the same time, he was writing under Mola Nasredeen and was using Iraj Khan as another username:

"You with 6 different login names. Your avatar shows you've been here for 46 weeks or so but you don't have not even one blog published here. It tells Iraneh Azad is one of your many names here in order to stalk Q and the like minded ones. Or you have nothing to say, in this case go and do some research, learn about Iran's history, etc and then come back with a blog or shut up because as I stated before We Will Be Heard.

PS: The editors of this website should stop people like you who try to spam a blog by using many login names. People like you must be outed."

Now you know the charater of the people that you're dealing with! :-)) 


 AI: I couldn't agree

by vildemose on

 AI: I couldn't agree more...I don't think Iranian in Iran even hate the jews this much.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Fred, you are making the usual suspects act even more nuts!

by AMIR1973 on

And for that, you deserve a prize. I advise that we all promote Fred's blogs and simultaneously invest in the stocks of companies making anti-psychotic medications, since nothing can quite make the usual nutso haters go even more crazy than Fred's blogs.  



by Onlyiran on

I never saw any of the characters below complaining about iranmilitaryforum spamming the news section with 35 postings a day, all of which were about Israel and Palestine.  But they're always up in arms about Fred's 2 blogs a day.  But then again, IMF's posts were about Israel and Palestine, and we all know that Israel and Palestine ARE the most important issues facing Iranians and also facing the users on Iranian.com. :-)) 

iraj khan


by iraj khan on

I have observed and learned about the reasons behind pointing out the negative aspects of a person or a country is to demonize and dehumanize that person or country.

If you dehumanize a people then you can ridicule them, bomb, invade, destroy , etc.

Remember the movie called 300, Persian soldiers looked liked animals and creatures and the more of them being killed the more it was conveyed to the movie's audiene to cheer on. 

In Fred's and his helpers's writings on this website, that I believe is an organized action, we see Iraninans, their culture, their religion, their family structure, etc is being demonized. 

The sad part is the site is called Iranian!

The question is whose Iranians? 

I'm just saying,



"Nothing is sacred except Fred blogs"! :-)

by Disenchanted on

hala raazi shodid?! Fred blogs is not totally useless. I set my clock everyday by Fred's blog: by Fred on 03/08/2012 - 00:00  


فرامرز جان: حمایت شما و تمام دوستان دیگر ....


از تمام زندانیان سیاسی و مبارزانی که برای آزادی و استقلال مملکتشان در پشت میله‌های زندان به سر میبرند، با کامل زیاد قدر دانی‌ مکنم.  همینطور که خودت بهتر میدونی‌، متأسفانه تعداد این اشخاص که حمایت خودشون رو نشون میدند بسیار کم می‌باشد، منجمله Fred عزیز و دیگر دوستان. به توصیه شما که فکر می‌کنید نوشته من به فارسی اهمیت و اثر بیشتری خواهد داشت، این توصیه رو روی چشم می‌پذیرم و انجام خواهم داد. به امید دیدن حمایت شما در اون لیست روزانه ایرانیانِ مبارز و زندانی


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



You know what makes this blog incredibly sad?

by Simorgh5555 on

The time and effort into probing into Fred typical of the parvande sazi tactics of the Islamic Republic, Aynak could have listed the Sepah, Revolutionary Guards, Basijis and hanging judges of the Islamic Republic. He could have listed the names and nubers of the political prisoners in the Islamic Republic or the names of our countrymen executed by the IR. Instead, Aynak is on the watchout for Israel....sittting chronicling the Palestinian statehood week. Nope. We barely see eagle eye Aynak sitting down chronicling the human rights abuses in Iran or minute to minute reporting of the 2009 uprising against the IR. Nope our Aynak has one and only political hobby the liberation of Palestine-The tiny slither of land on the coast of the Mediterranean. Let the 65 millions of Iranians in a land mass 80 times as large as Palestine suffer at expense of Palestine. Thankfully, there are Iranians who speak up for Iran even if Aynak is not one of them.