The U.S. Should Take Control of the Strait of Hormuz


Anonymous Observer
by Anonymous Observer

The United States should put a preemptive end to IR’s belligerence and take operational control of the Strait of Hormuz.  Why should the world be taken hostage to the threats of a terrorist and out of control regime?  Taking control of the Strait is extremely simple given the extent of American, British and French naval forces in the region.  The United States alone currently has two aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf.  Other Western nations also have destroyers and other naval assets in the area.  So why not just take control of the Strait?  The U.S. can position ships around the Strait and declare its intention to secure it.  It should then stop and search every Iranian ship passing through the Strait to ensure the IR won’t conduct a terrorist attack or try to throw in an obsolete mine or two.  That should put an end to IR’s threats and the civilized world can rest easy knowing a terrorist regime is in check, at least in that regard.

And trust me, if faced with the situation, the IR will only respond with precisely two things: jack and shit, just like it did (or didn’t for that matter) after Operation Praying Mantis, when half of its navy was destroyed in a matters of hours.  The U.S also shouldn’t be worried about China or Russia.  Those has-beens are no match for our firepower. They will hart-o-poort for a little while, but will then STFU when they realize who the boss is.  Plus, we have every right to do this.  The Strait of Hormuz is the bloodline of the industrialized world, and it’s being threatened with closure by a bunch of terrorists on a daily basis. 

So, what are you waiting for America?  Why do you take shit form these murdering terrorists?  Remember:  the only language that the mullahs understand is force.  They will never enter into a grand bargain with anyone.  Remember 1988?  Saddam destroyed half their cities when the grand akhoond drank the poison chalice.  Not that we should attack Iranian cities, but when it comes to showing the IR who’s in charge, the only way to do it is by force.  Remember that piece of advice and you’ll be all set.      


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more from Anonymous Observer

For Azarbanoo and Demo.. it is good to share

by Shirzadegan on



by Fesenjoon2 on

I wasnt expecting any answer from Demo really. And even if he/she did answer, I already know what it would be, because I have already been thru the phase that Demo is going thru. And I saw that it leads to nowhere. Like you said: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are all one gigantic case of plagiarism. The entire story of Jesus Christ and baby Moses are all copied from Egyptian mythology, and the stories of the Bible, like Noah's flood for example, are straight out of the Epic of Gilgamesh. 

Eventually, Demo will hit a fork in the road, and she/he will have to face the hard questions, without taking a supposed middle ground. I was lucky enough to find a satisfying solution to those big questions, but I realize that many may not.

Like you, I have nothing against Demo either. 

Dr. Mohandes

Non - stick Teflon . that is why

by Dr. Mohandes on

IG joon.

Ajab. I don't stick to the topic . did you evein read what i wrote? I said I DISAGREED WITH YOU. which means on THE TOPIC of your choice i had a different opinion from you.

I Guess what your are trying to say here is DIversionary tactic my friend, not...that word in whatever language it was that your wrote. 

Why would i wanna proofread my comments? hmmm....lemme see. ohhh i get it, so as to make them palatable for you right? so that it will echo word by word What you convey in your messages. No hon. It don't works that way:)

So Khodet mibori o khodetam midoozi. LOL. On that basis of course i lack class and that "shows" my standard.

Yeah. right. Have a nice life buddy boy. 

The last time i checked An ha ke Standard daran Pasheemoonan.  


Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Dude, that IS funny.  But for some reason, I have a soft spot for Demo.  I think he means well, and he always tries to interpret the religion in a moderate way.  Plus, he hates mullahs, which is good.  I think that he's an observant Muslim who is disappointed with his religion being portrayed as a terrorist cult.  

As you know, I'm an atheist.  I believe that all religions are bullshit.  But I also believe in freedom of religion and choice, so I don't have anything against people who practice religion--any religion.  It's their choice.  

It'll be nice if he answers your question.  But I honestly don't see him as the kind of person who will impose his views on others.  May be I'm wrong, but I hope I'm not. 

Immortal Guard


by Immortal Guard on

That is just a figure of speech.

Please don't misinterpret things. You put a spin on things the way you see fit.

My last reply was to Dr. Mohandes not you Zolfali!


Immortal joon: I "stuck to topic"!

by zolfali1 on

the topic of your choice was, that you threathened to do this to me:

"slowly grind and fray your nerves and render you tense. "

Then your "lebaas shakhsi" friend from toronto   turned up asking for the address of my village to execute your fatwa on me!!!

So I ran away. But i'm now back, since i see admin around, and i guess i should be safe !!!!!!!!


Immortal Guard

You don't stick to the topic!

by Immortal Guard on

As I said you do not stick to the topic and discuss the issue at hand objectively. You resort to derisory tactics. You don't even bother to proofread your comments. That shows your standards.

Dr. Mohandes


by Dr. Mohandes on

I am holding my breath....i hear the drum rollsss....I just could not wait to see which answer gets picked...

And the answeir is.... and i just can picture regis phelbin sitting there and with his  voice and through his nose  saying: Is that your final answer?:)



by Fesenjoon2 on

Regarding that #3, I think Demo could give 2 valid answers:

1. Yes, I am Ok with it. I realize that killing the Danish cartoonist is as stupid and wrong as the Rushdie verdict. People can say what they like about Muhammad, and I won't give a rats rear, even though I don't like what they say (thanks to Voltaire). If someone is being a jackass by drawing porn cartoons of Ali and Fatemeh, I would recommend they see a shrink, and I pity them, but it's a free country. Live and let live. He can choose to go to hell. Free Will rocks. Let him have it. 

2. No, I will not tolerate it. No religion should be offended. However, I will not be a hypocrite and insult Jews by questioning the holocaust. I would treat their beliefs as I would like them to treat mine. I realize that one cannot expect respect from others, while at the same time calling Jews Najes, and disrespecting Bahais, Buddhists, Sufis, Hindus, etc. And I realize I am not in a position to pass judgement on what is a real belief (to be respected) and what is not. If there is going to be respect, it should be for everyone's beliefs, right or wrong, not just my beliefs. I can't call Wahabism "a tahreef shodeh sect", but get pissed off when he says Shias worship Ali and Hosein, and have a twisted Persianoid monarchist form of Islam. The law has to apply to everyone. I can't get furious because some pinhead in FL burns the Quran, but be cool with burning copies of the Bible, because they are supposedly not the word of God. (see last sentence of link below)


Dr. Mohandes


by Dr. Mohandes on

Thanks for that funny reply , Hal nemoodeh shod:)

If someone can actually dare to come with an up with an answr to any of those questions they deserve a nice polish job!

But i guess number 3 on your list is a little to extreme man is it not? i mean not even in the states or any other christian countries they useha up that kind of language towards the figures SOME people revere and hold in high steem. To me, it should not even matter. Who cares really who their idols are? let them worship anything and anyone they want to, just let do others do the same thing and stay the hell out of the way and do not be pricks like these baseejees and pasdars in iran.

IG jan

dude jan, with every post here you dig yourself a deeper  grave, I mean talk about taking the phrase "ozre bad tar az gonah" to a very new height. I am sorry but non of your reasons seem justified to me. I strongly disagree with you. Having anti-isreali ...anti-jewish, anti-zion or whatever have you, does not necessarily mean that there are no equivalent number of Anti-french sites. What kind of Lojik jik is that? did you get an official count? How can you be so sure of that????!!!

please refrain from making exaggerated claims just to justify your assertions. Your female friend just did that on the other blog and the stench literally filled up the whole blog . 

On a totally unrelated note and according some Lady member,  i guess i am part of this admin without even knowing about it. how did i miss the memo? i check my emails 100000 times a day.

Oh and her reason for this is that" every time she eeez offf eye kome on and make essstooopeeed comments abut her". 



by Fesenjoon2 on

Of course trying to humanize Islam is all fine and dandy, but if we really wish to know where people like DEMO stand, call them out, and put them on the spot. Ask them to respond to the following questions:

1. Do you support a secular system of govt for Iran where religion has its place, and matters of state have their place?

2.Would it be ok with you to live side by side with people of ANY creed and faith, including Jews, Baha'is, and atheists? Would you be OK to see them hold positions in govt? (or would you adopt crazy-ass policies like those of Navvab?)

3.Would you be OK if someone calls Fatemeh a whore, and Ali a bastard? In other words, what would you do, if faced with someone who writes/says offending things about your religion? Would you chop their head off, or would you be OK with it?

4. Would you be willing to  let go of the stupidity of Sang e Felesteen ro be seeneh zadan? In other words, which is higher for you: are you Iranian first, or Muslim first?

5. Would you be willing to have normalized relations between Iran and Israel and US, and acknowledge that every country has blood on its hands, and no one is perfect? In other words, will you agree to abandon the phrase "Marg Bar so and so" from your political lexicon, and grow up like the rest of the world? 

DEMO, or any one else claiming to represent Islam would have to be very brave to answer these questions. 




این چه جای خطرناکیه! همینو کم داشتیم! یکه بزن پهلوون پنبه بسیجی! لات "پایین شهر" تورنتو!!!! با داداش "متخصص زیمنس"!!!! که بیان ما رو با کشتی‌ "فلگی" لات و پار کنن!

آقا ما در رفتیم! 


وِست اسرائیل هستی یا وَسط آن؟


 داشم، دست بالا دست زیاد است! پهلون اون که سرش پائین باشد!

I wear an Omega watch

Anonymous Observer

Fesenjoon and Demo

by Anonymous Observer on

I believe that Fesenjoon is correct about Islam.  BUT, as I have said before, and I believe that Fesenjoon actually agrees with me on this, I encourage people like Demo who have an "alternative" version of Quranic verses and Islamic history.  People like Demo should be applauded and encouraged for preaching a more tolerant version of Islam.  What they say may not be true, but hey, neither is the BS in the original version of that book (and other religious texts).  After all, that's what Jews and Christians have done in creating their "reform" movements.  Otherwise, the Old Testament is just as violent (if not more) than the Quran if interpreted literally.   


All about "I" & "You!"

by Demo on

The much "stressful' comments below are mostly nothing but "I" & "You." And that much stress will eventually take all to "ICU" room in the hospital. Isn't about time to shelve all these "I" & "You" and turn them to "Us."???


immortal joon, you are right!

by zolfali1 on

اره عزیز دل‌،  تو راست میگی‌! اصلا ده ما وست اسرائیل هست و امامزاده ما هم تنها امامزاده تو اسرائیل!

حالا ببینم، از موسیقی‌ خوشت اومد؟ کشتی‌ گرفت با بقیّه برادرات در این سایت؟ آروم‌تر شودی؟ 

خودا به تو از هر کجای نوار غزه هستی‌، انشاالله شفا بده!

Immortal Guard

Zolfali1 sorry dude you are not an Iranian!

by Immortal Guard on

I suggest you self-medicate yourself.

Iran's nuclear and missile program is exactly mean to slowly grind and fray your nerves and render you tense.

Enjoy it!

Last but not least I am convinced YOU are not an Iranian!


still, not relaxing..

by zolfali1 on

your blood pressure must be sky high by now.

learn to relax. try yoga, try some wrestling with your brothers!!!! listen to some music.

p.s. good try, but i'm still convinced you are not iranian.

Immortal Guard

Automatic Assumptions!

by Immortal Guard on

Again a simplistic accusation that I am an Islamist. I was born a Shia Muslim but I prefer reform Zorostrianism as the official religion of Iran and also advocate purification of the Persian language from Arabic words.

What you are reciting belongs to the distant past. This is like complaining that the Mongols killed close to one million people in Northeastern Iran.

I just don't think any true patriotic Iranian would envisage an attack on Iran and its territorial integrity a good solution. Many many Iranians who were against the Islamic Republic went to war against Iraq in order to defend Iran's territorial integrity.

Now Israel is stirring the pot in order to get its desired result. But I don't think any attack on Iran will have any long-term beneficial results for Israel. It will only relieve their itching for a while.

And last but not least the Islamic Republic does not care that much about its people. If you think the sanctions will weaken the ruling Mullahs then you are indulging in self-fulfilling prophecy.





by Fesenjoon2 on

in answer to your hypothetical question, this conversation takes place:

  • Tree: "You dumb son of a bitch! Here I am protecting you from the 313 soldiers of armageddon, and you take a dump here?!...."
  • Jew: "Sorry dude! I couldnt hold myself, and I dont have an aftabeh!"
  • tree: "well go and get one! Akhonds carry 7 aftabehs (haft dast) with them under their abaaa all the time!"
  • jew: "I asked him to lend me one, he wanted to charge me!"
  • tree: "for how much?"
  • jew: "an hour with my wife!"
  • tree: "dude, he already did your wife, and converted her into a muslim!" 


To all the lovers of Mohammad, Hassan, Hossein, ...& the 12th ..


Curiosity will land on Mars on August 6th like no other space craft has ever landed any where including the one that carried the astronauts to the moon where they left a steamy one that later resembled Khomeini's face....

All you guys are doing is racing against each other as to who loves Mohammad the most.

Shlomo leaves a steamy one for the memory of Khomeini on a daily basis.



by Fesenjoon2 on

You can believe what you personally like, but you cannot change the facts about Islam.


  1. The Qibla PRECISELY changed because of the Jews. Read the first sentence here.   
  2. Mohammad exiled and slaugthered the jews of Hijaz. That's historical FACT. Both Shias and Sunnis agree with the account. Your beloved Ali alone beheaded 700-900 jew prisoners in a single day.
  3. unless you know more than people like Allameh Majlesi, the Quran you keep referring to isnt even the real thing!! It's a compilation by Umar and Uthman. I read this myself in Usul-e Kaafi. The real Quran has 17000 verses


Immortal Guard

I made an observation!

by Immortal Guard on

You guys don't write and write and then suddenly all your comments come in at once! Is it the one and the same Israeli agent impersonating different people?

Baba YOU should relax. Your tolerance threshold when it comes to criticism of Zionist Jews is so low that it is amazing! I know this is a media tactic to simply drown out the opponent's voice by calling him/her simplistic names.

This guy who posted this blog even prefers Palestinians to Iranians. It does not make me wonder since Arabs and Jews are both Semites and thus are naturally closer to each other.

And it was the Arabs like Iraqis who expelled the Jews from their countries.

Please sit back and listen to that music called "Amrikaa Amrikaa Marg be Neyrangueh To" and then reflect upon what it means. The Jews pull the strings from behind the curtain so that nobody can discern what they are doing and if anybody "dares" to protest they single him out and drown out his voice. In order to do that they do character assassinations and mud slinging and use convenient terminology such as Anti-Semites and Jew-haters etc.

Dr. Mohandes Jaan:

Taa Nabashaad Chizaki    Mardom Nagooyand Chizha

Actually the Jews thrive on "stupid" Anti-Semitism.

And why is it that there exists so many Anti-Semitic websites on the web? How come there are not, for instance, anti-French websites etc.


Jew Hating: A No, No, No in Islam

by Demo on

Hating Jews is an absolute NO per Quran teachings. And the following quoted statements are 100% untrue:

"Mohammad hated jews so much he ordered the Qibleh ("center of the
universe") to be redirected away from Jerusalem to Mecca, just to piss
off the jews."

"He expelled 2 Jewish tribes from Arabia, and the last one, the Banu
Qurayza, was wiped out after it threw itself on Muhammad's mercy, all of
the men executed, and the women sold into slavery."

It is oft-repeated in Quran that all people of faiths should let their differences to be taken care of by GOD on the judgment Day.

Mollas can say whatever they want to say. The same is true with SATAN & his friends! 

Dr. Mohandes

Reason and Treason?:))

by Dr. Mohandes on


They tear a new one for any reason you can give them.


wow! that was so revealing. I mean....whoa! One question: what if the jews start taking a dump behind that tree...what will happen then?:)

LOL. sorry. I posed that as a serious question but could not help it. Is there a standard procedure for that?



Anonymous Observer

Guys, let this character be

by Anonymous Observer on

Trying to reason with these rabid antisemites / racists is like chewing on your own liver.  This particular one is like a jukebox.  You put a quarter in him and he spews out a Jew comment.  His idological brother, "ILoveIran" was the same, with the difference that he spewed out a Jew hate video instead of a comment when you put a quarter in him.


the funny thing about Iranian Jew-haters

by Fesenjoon2 on

The funny thing about Iranian Jew haters is that no matter what they choose their Sassanid name or Achaemenid avatar to be, their jew-hating sentiments are a spot-on give-away to being an Islamist.

Mohammad hated jews so much he ordered the Qibleh ("center of the universe") to be redirected away from Jerusalem to Mecca, just to piss off the jews.

He expelled 2 Jewish tribes from Arabia, and the last one, the Banu Qurayza, was wiped out after it threw itself on Muhammad's mercy, all of the men executed, and the women sold into slavery.

Finally, there is this gem of Islamic hadith, often quoted among mullahs of Iran:

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews , when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).Sahih Muslim41:6985, see alsoSahih Muslim41:6981Sahih Muslim41:6982Sahih Muslim41:6983Sahih Muslim41:6984Sahih al-Bukhari4:56:791,(Sahih al-Bukhari4:52:177)




by Fesenjoon2 on

The Strait of Hormuz international shipping lanes are NOT inside Iranian territory! Hello...?!


Dr. Mohandes


by Dr. Mohandes on

They really could not help it, It is a hatred which has been harbored deep inside of them for many centuries.

It runs deep man. 

Dr. Mohandes

Immortal joon

by Dr. Mohandes on

Hey, hey..easy there big fellow.

I hope you did start throwing things around and breaking things once or even before the you typed your message. 

Are you referring to me? Are you saying i was the one advocating an attack on iran? would you please shed some light on that?

Let's assume that you were. I just do not get people like you and their sick mentality. No matter how many times one states that NO ONE IS advocatinag for invasion of iran LET ALONE...LET ALONE THE KILLING OF IRANIAN PEOPLE<====== Bebin amoo mibini ino ya na? IS that clear enough for you or will you repeat the same old jafangiat next time around-----You are hell-bent on repeating on the same old shenanigans and to do that you freaking spin a good yarn and connect the most unrelated and irrelevant events together in order to Justify your nonsensical claim. I guess Old fanatic habits die hard ha?

So A nice looking GDP number, which is in rmost cases meaningless anyway, is the only measure we have to go by right? Wow. that is deep man.

Y ou are the one who needs to cleanse ur mind of this sick and perverted mentality that anytime someone brings up the topic of displaying another powerful nation's might against the sickos of IRI, who might actually be able to help us out of this mess,  your mind immediately imagines the worst possible scenario, which necessarily includes the absolute and definitei annihilation of iran and iranians. 

You are the one with the deep problem khoshtip. 

Get Help ostad. TODAY!