How do they feel now?

Photo essay: 1979 revolution

by Ahmad Kavousian

Darius Kadivar

FYI/Well Now We can Have Sigheh's ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on

Golpari sigheh mishi??? Musical, Very funny

Sighe Part 1


sighe part 2




by verytass on

These images are too depressing to watch. How dumb we were!

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

راه انقلاب را مذهبيون و لنين پرستها به سوي خود كج كردند .

حيف كه ان انقلاب با ارزش غريبانه به دست حجره نشينان قم افتاد.لعنت بر اناني كه از انان دفاع كردند و هنوز سر بر يك توبره دارند.


To Areyo

by IRI embassy employee (not verified) on

I bet all these folks who still beat their chests for IRI and post comments here saying bah bah chah chah in favor of their turbaned benefactors under various diguises all LIVE outside Iran!

Mostly in Toronto and Vancouver and some in LA!


BRAVE revolutionary men and women!

by Jaleho on

who stood up against powerful western colonialism and for idependence of their country. The revolution by definition is an immense upheaval in the social order which typiclly comes with a rough time during the chaos, and before the new system sets in with a degree of stability; hence terminologies such as "diactatorship of proletariat" which most of those revolutionaries were plenty aware of in their gut. Yet, they stood up bravely for the future of their country and once and for all, uprooted the savage and backward thousand years of monarchy in Iran. Thankfully, because every strata of society  was unfied agaisnt Shah as the pictures show, the revolution itself was one of the least bloody of the historical revolutions. But, unfortunately because of Iran's vast natural resources, maily oil, the western colonial savages tried really hard to beat Iranian revolution by imposing an 8 years of bloody war in which all of the west, Arabs, and even former colonial powers such as Russia joined to beat Iranian revolution. Thanks to the unified voice of people we see in these pictures, Iranians prevailed, albeit at an imposed high price. Those people sure are tired, but they should feel great for their sacrifice which led to an independent Iran which is advancing at a pace it could not have afforded while under colonial yoke.

The dreamers who can't accept the reality after 30 years, and are still whining, would have to continue to whine! The Russian dreamers waited for the return of Tsar from 1917 revolution all the way to the disintegration of Soviet Union at the end of century. Iranian clowns can toast to the return of Shah on forum and parties, while 75 million Iranians are getting ready to elect yet another independent president for the Islamic Republic of Iran :-)


Javid Shah & Payandeh Iran!!!

by AnonymousPB (not verified) on

Javid Shah & Payandeh Iran!!! I can't wait to see these akhonds to get what they desreve.


Symptoms of a deeper problem

by Areyo Barzan (not verified) on

Dear SamSamIIIII and 'BBC’s mullhs'

Firstly I would like to thank you both for your honest and realistic assessment of the events. I believe that you both have said the “jaan e Kalaam” and I do not have anything extra to add.

However what I want to talk about is a deeper problem and a disease in the fabric of our nation which is the cause to 90% of our problems both as a nation and individually. The disease which led us to the disaster of 1979, and still is preventing us from finding our way out of it.

This octopus has many limbs, but due to the scope of this article I am only going to point to three most important aspects of it.

Firstly, both as a nation and as individuals “WE NEVER MAKE MISTAKES”. Culturally we have a hard time dealing with being proven wrong and admitting our mistakes. This is in our culture and even in our religion, as we prefer to have leader who are not capable of making mistake (ma-soom). So we resort to various ways to evade responsibility or attempt to make various phony excuses for our acts of stupidity. Funnily enough some of these excuses are even more outrageous than the original mistake (Ozr-e bad tar az gonaah) and in would have been much less complicated and also we would have been much better off if we accepted our mistake in the first place. This problem and the unrealistic expectations that come with it prevents us all, from Shah to Mullah and from the big boss in the white hall to the ordinary man in the street from realising our mistake quickly in order to be able to correct it in time before amounting into bigger disasters. This is why you see that after 30 years of disaster and paying such a hefty price for our stupidity we still prefer to make excuses and live in fantasy rather than facing the reality admitting our mistake. For any nation who wants to walk on the path to recovery this is an important issue. As one can never put a mistake right unless admitting to it in first place

The second problem is lack of information and more importantly lack of desire and will to be informed. This is what we call IGNORANCE. We simply do not know about our history near or far and more importantly we do not accept that we do not know. We do not like the idea of reading a book just for the sake of being informed. We much prefer for someone else to tell us about it. We are a nation of quoters and gossipers and NOT a nation of readers and investigators.

Today 90% of those who wave the flag of Dr Mosadeg do not even know who he was and how he was thinking, as they have not even read one of his books (for example Khaterat va ta-allomaat). The same could be said about majority of the Shah’s fans who have not yet read his book of “Answer to history”. In fact 99% of Iranian Muslims have not yet read Koran in a language that they understand and 99.9% of those who believe what happened in 1979 was a just and legitimate revolution, have not yet read the book “Akharin Talash-ha dar Akharin rooz ha” by Ibrahim Yazdi, who was Khomeini’s right hand man, or the memoirs of general Huyser or the memoirs of the last American ambassador in Iran or that of the British ambassador in Iran in1979, just to find out about the truth for themselves. They have not even read Khomeini’s Tozih-al-massael or his book of Makhzan-Al-Asrar just to find out what kind of man he was for that matter.

We much prefer to sit paa-ye manbar and be told what to think. We just quote each other, and that is where mullah’s strength comes from. This lack of information and lack of will to be informed by going after the fact is the mother of all disasters.

Thirdly, the other problem with us as a nation is lack of will to accept responsibility for our actions and our own destiny. If you talk to the majority of Iranians today, what happened in Iran for the past few centuries is either the fault of the West or the fault of Arabs or the fault of dictator regimes and other intruding forces. As if we as a nation and the owners of this land did not have any responsibility or will to take the matter in our own hands. Even today we are either waiting for America to come and save us or praying for the Imam Zamsan to appear and correct our mistakes or even waiting for the mullahs to realize their mistakes and change their ways.

But none of us is personally willing to lift a finger and even worse we will shut-up who ever attempts to do so, and guess what no one else is willing to do our job for us, and quite rightly so.

Unless these problems are recognized and tackled head on, I am afraid we are in for a long ride and much, much more of the same thing


BBC's dalghak

by FACTS (not verified) on

you sound like an aging dinosaur who is having trouble letting go.

fact: The Monarchy is over and is never coming back.




by BBC's Mullah (not verified) on

Ann8 --

You can play with words 'till you see that Arab Imam Hussein in Paradise, but the Iran that the mullahs inherited in 1979 was a modern society with a GDP equal to that of Spain. The Iran that the Pahlavis inherited was a one-horse and donkey show, the laughing stock of Europe! Iran's economy in 1925 was the equvilant of Ethiopia! By the way, Spain's GDP today is over One TRILLION dollars while Iran'S GDP is $150 Billion -- AND SPAIN HAS NO OIL!!!!!!!!!!

After the filthy revolution, our economy went into the toilet, while Spain rocketed into the 21st century. Who can we thank for our monumental decline? Please send your thank you letters to that Hendi Mullah and his black revolution, which the BBC sold to us on a silver platter!

Indeed, what the akhunds have managed to do is return Iran back to 1925! Today, we have double-digit inflation, 30% unemployment, 60% of the population under the poverty line, highest per capita heroin addicts in the world, 600,000 prostitutes in Tehran, corruption at an obscene scale, with Mongol Rafsanjani the biggest thief in Iran since Omar himself!

Indeed, the Islamic Revolution was the 2nd Arab invasion of Iran. So, while Iran bleeds, you and the rest of the bache-mullahs can try to divide us, but your time is running out!

Even if the Iranian people can't kick you out, the significance of oil will wane in the next decade. Some creative American company will come up with a new energy source, and just as the horse and buggey and the dinausars became extinct, so will oil. And then, when the akhunds won't have any more money to pay their thugs to beat up students, they'll quietly remove their turbans and shave their beards and go to Amsterdam and try to enjoy their blood money.

Thank God, sooner than later, Iran will be free and rid of Islamic parasites forever! That was the one good thing to come out of the national suicide that was the Islamic Revolution: We will never EVER let the Akhunds, the Ayatollahs, the Hojatoleslams and the rest of the black brigade fool us as a nation EVER again!!!

Thanks to their British inspired revolution, the days of Islamic significance in Iran are over! We have paid a high price and have learned from our national tragedy!


BBC's Mullah,

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

You write: "And yet -- AND YET!!! -- all we ignorant Iranis do is mock and criticize the Palavis, AS IF -- AS IF! -- a nation that was run into the groung for over a thousand years by incompetent Shahs and greedy mullahs can be turned into Switzerland over night!!!"

I completely agree. How can IRI be expected to fix everything in just 30 years. Surely it needs more time to overcome thousands of years of incompetent Shahs.

This point is not made often enough.


Islamic Revolution=National Suicide

by BBC's Mullah (not verified) on


you write that BUT FOR the American support for the Iraq war and the mayhem created by the Mujahedia and the Tudeh, the Islamic Republic would have turned out differently.

What is your evidence? The Islamic Republic was a terrorist creation itself from DAY 1, even before, when the mullahs hired Palestinian thugs to burn down Cinema Rex and kill hundreds of innocent Iranian women and children.

As for the Iraq war, in 1982, after Iran had kicked the Iraqis out of Khoramshahr, Saudi Arabia and the other Persian Gulf countries were willing to pay Iran $80 Billion in war reparations (and that's 80 billion in 1982 dollars!!!), but Khomeini, the hendi mullah, said no! Iran will not stop until we get to Karbala! And from 1982-1988, over 500,000 Iranian soilders died UNNECESSARILY!!! And Khoramshahr still lays in ruins!

Not to mention that Khomeini, from DAY 1 was inciting violence against Saddam's Iraq, even before they attacked on September 22, 1980, because Khomeini wanted to spread his filthy revolution into "shiite" Iraq!

Facts, who do you think you're trying to fool???

And as far as Mujahedin and Tudeh terrorism is concerned, all that pretty much ended during the first few years of the revolution. What have the akhunds done since then??? Unlike the Shah, who only enjoyed 5 years of OPEC oil money (before OPEC, Iran got pennies for its oil), the Mullahs have had the benefit of 30 YEARS of OPEC (fair market) oil money! And what have they done with all that money other than depositing it in their personal bank accounts in Dubai and Europe???


You sound like the classic IRI apologist, and frankly, nobody is fooled!


One of the four Noble truth

by ramintork on

The Buddists have this belief that in life we suffer because we don't know how to live.

Can we be blamed for what we do not know? No.

Do we suffer because of it? Yes.

What can we do?

Evolve and become knowing, or be stuck in our realm and suffer for as long as we continue making the same mistakes.

I remember when for the National oil and Petro-Chemical companies a general strike was called for and when the first employee who had attended his work was shot and killed everyone was feeling intimidated. There were mixed feelings about how people should respond but that intimidation along side years of Toodeh Party propoganda was enough to bring out the bitterness in people and make them stay at home. The few who attended their work later paid a heavy price and were crushed by the unmerciful hands of the IRI regime. At that time they saw the old regime as their oppressors and the new one as their liberators.

It was when the oil stopped flowing that the revolution happened.

I once had a conversation with an English collegue and as I explained to him the state of Iran he turned back and said a nation gets the leaders it deserves. Even though I could see the truth in what he said, I was so angry I felt like punching him.

A society is made of a collective of individuals, and if these individuals do not know what is good for them or sit in silence and let others decide their destiny then their fate will be in the hands of the mob.

It isn't that Westeners are smarter or more knowing but their culture and circumstances allowed them to setup the institutions to safe guard the society from mob mentality.

Whilst through Islam and our monarchy our society was perfecting the shackles and chains around the individual's legs, they were talking about liberty and evolved the idea to extend it to their minorities.

Why them and not us? Well Chaos theory, 'cause and effect' does not just apply to the world of physics it applies to social sciences too. If by chance we became the first of civilizations because we happened to live within a geographical area where the ice age melted and had pastural land then they were fortunate in having a weak King who through Magna Carta allowed the concept of free Men. They therefore became free of absolute monarchy and had a Parliament, eventually a secular society was formed and finally charters for a libertarian society. Learn what they did, apply it to yourself, to your family and friends and then the society and don't kick yourself for being born in the wrong place at the wrong time, follow the formula and your time will come! 


Iranian Revolution

by FACTS (not verified) on

was the single greatest achievement of the iranian people in history. It was far more successful than the 1905 revolution and had much more grass roots support. If this revolution is not legitimate than nothing in History has been legitimate.

the FACT is that without the Mojahedeen and Tudei raign of terror and assassinations which killed many democratically elected leaders in early years after the revolution. Without the American supported war of aggression from Iraq, the Islamic Republic might have turned out very differently.

This is a secondary point that does not change anything about the legitimacy of the revolution.


Banayan stop trolling!

by BBC's Mullah (not verified) on

The dellusional Banayan writes:

"Stop typing B.S. on this site."


Are you seriously for real? You write that one of the advances of the Islamic Republic of Iran is "Internet service." If I may ask, what does that have to do with the mullahs???

And as for the subway service and the nuclear reactors -- they were in fact put in place by the Shah, as was the plans for the latest airport in Tehran, Kurosh Airport. This shows how little you know about Iran! Please, go troll somewhere else. Or if you're trying to be a comedian, go to the Laugh Factory, or better yet, get on a plane and go to Iran and talk to the akhunds and see if you can implement your idea of a Republican Democracy!


Pahlavi dynasty a disaster for Iran

by Davood_Banayan on

Americans for a Democratic Republic in Iran.

To say that the Qajars were worse than the Pahlavis is not saying much.

If technological advance is what should be respected then:

After the Iranian Revolution Iran has:

1. A subway in Tehran. And a subway that will be completed in Isfahan.

2. Internet service.

3. More women in Iranian Universities than men.

4. Free Sateelite Television, all you have to buy is a satellite dish and a satellite receiver. In Iran you can even get the Adult movie channel from Germany for free.

This is more advance than was possible during the reign of the Pahlavi dynasty.

Iran has now several nuclear reactors working to create nuclear energy, so when the oil runs out, Iran can use nuclear energy to provide electricity to more than 70 million Iranians.

One can not use the topic of technological advance as a measurement of advance in Iran.

Iran was ruled by one man rule during the Pahlavi dynasty. It was a 2 person dictatorship. Reza and Mohammad Reza. In 1979, the Pahlavis handed over Iran to the theocracy.

Stop typing B.S. on this site.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi ordered that no one should stop Ayat'Allah Khomeini's entrance into Mehr'Abad Airport. This is a fact.

If anyone is to blame for the theocracy in Iran it is Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's fault. Mohammad Reza and Reza Khan's dictatorship led to today's theocracy.

We have only the Pahlavi family to thank for the Iranian theocracy. Even Mohammad Reza Pahlavi would visit Imam Reza once a year and kiss his shrine.

If you ask me, Mohammad Reza and Reza Khan strengthened the Shia Clerics beyond belief.

Mohammad Reza exiled Khomeini to "Free Speech" France.

And it was an Air France plane that returned the Ayat'Allah to Tehran. Let us not forget that Former Queen Farah Diba has a house in France, the same country that Khomeini lived in while in France. What are we to make of this fact?

Even the Shah's twin sister lives in France. For all we know, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi was Khomeini's temporary wife. As I recall, in farsi they call it "seegheh".

And that is Ashraf Pahlavi's claim to fame, being Khomeini's temporary wife for 15 minutes.

The Pahlavi dynasty's 15 minutes of fame are up.

Let us move on and look for creating a democratic republic like the USA in Iran. Anything else is barbaric.


Islamic Revolution was a Counter-Revolution

by BBC's Mullah (not verified) on

First... as to SHAHROKH, who says:

"I was 13 years old and I demonstrated against the Shah...I demonstrated because even I knew of the corruption of the goverment."


Shahrock, you were 13 years old, what the hell did you know?!!!! Don't get me wrong, I was 10 years old at the time of the revolution, and I, too, was against the Shah, but not because I knew anything, but because I was parroting what my dad and uncles were saying! We, they, and YOU didn't know sh*t!!! You were 13 years old, for crying out tears!

My grandfather, when I was 25 years old would tell me, "go play with your girlfriends, you don't know enough to talk politics!"

And your parents and my parents didn't know crap either! They were fooled by the biased western media and the mullahs! The difference between you and me is that TODAY I realize that I didn't know crap back then. But to this day, you actually think you were right to stand up against the Shah!

If I may humbly ask: What did you know back then about geopolitics, corruption and the oil business and the rest? When you were 13, did you have a grasp of 19th and 20th century Iranian history?

Did you know how backward and poor and mismanaged we were in 1921? Did you know that we were the equivalent of an African country in 1921 (economically speaking), through no fault of the Pahlavis?

At 13, did you know that the mullahs were responsible for so much of our backwardness? Did you know that all the corruption and instances of torture during the Shah's regime were grossly exaggerated by the revolutionaries to destabalize his regime???

You were 13 years old for Chrissakes!!!

You should've been out riding your bicycle and eating ice-cream! What did you know about politics and governance? Samsam is right, there were so many ignorant teenagers in the streets of Tehran skipping school and protesting in those days!

And for those who say that the villages in Iran were ridiculously poor in 1978, I have news for you, my grandparents came from a village near Kashan and we had electricity, paved roads and a very comfortable life! It is utterly amazing to me how we STIL REPEAT THE SAME NONSENSE 30 years later!

Baba, the man is dead, the shah mordeh and here we are picking his bones! Why don't all of you former revolutionaries go and fix the monumental problem you all created when you kicked him out!

It is utterly amazing to me, how ignorant (the flip side of arrogance) we Iranians are! We don't even know our history! Sure we know about Kurush and Dariush, but we don't know a hill of beans when it comes to what came before Reza Shah!

We don't know anything about what kind of a country Iran was from 1796-1921. We don't even know that when the WEST had trains, automobiles and airplanes (by 1914), we got our first BICYCLE in 1911, which was an IMPORT, by the way!!!

We were soooooooooo backward! We were a SAD JOKE! We were not even a true country, with no real independence! The Euorpeans laughed at us, made fun of us! "Persia" was the joke of Europe! All thanks to the akhunds and the Qajars!

And yet -- AND YET!!! -- all we ignorant Iranis do is mock and criticize the Palavis, AS IF -- AS IF! -- a nation that was run into the groung for over a thousand years by incompetent Shahs and greedy mullahs can be turned into Switzerland over night!!!


What we failed to realize in 1979 was this: instead of crying about HOW FAR we had to go to become a great nation, we should've given more thought to HOW FAR we had come in a very short 53 years under Reza Shah and his son!

Even in 1945, at the end of the 2nd world war, Iran was devasted economically and in a constant state of turmoil (because of the English and the Soviets)! It is amazing to me how much "oghdeh" and false pride and ignorance we have as a people!

The British were even thinking of dividing Iran into 4 countries in 1919, until someone like Reza Shah showed up! We were a JOKE in the 1920's, thanks to the Qajars and their masters, the mullahs!

And yes, the late Shah made many mistakes, but his heart was in the right place. In his heart, he was a patriot. He was the leader of a nation that had been raped and pillaged by the great powers. He was a leader of a country that would not be left unmolested by the great powers because of its natural resources. He was the leader of a nation of backward mindsets. The Shah tried to wake us up from a thousand year sleep of paradise and Imam Hossein, and we, like school children, not wanting to wake up in the morning to go to school, snapped back at him and said, "We don't want to wake up from our dreams of paradise, we want to go back to sleep!"

And if you people think Iran is more independent today, think again!!! Without Europe's blind support, the akhunds would have been GONE in the 1990's! Without China and Russia today, they would be gone tomorrow! The akhunds have no true independence. All they have is a monopoly! And they don't give a damn if our girls are selling themselves to Arabs in Dubai and they surely don't care that Iran has the highest per capita herion addicts in the world!!!

In point of fact, what the Pahlavis did for Iran WAS the REAL REVOLUTION! What the Islamic thugs did to Iran was a COUNTER-REVOLUTION!

LET US BE HONEST FOR ONCE: the Shah could've been like Ahmad Shah Qajar and had his haram and palaces and all he had to do was kiss the back of the akhunds asses and left Iran backward and Reza Pahlavi would be king today! But he tried to wake us up to the tune of the 20th century! He tried to modernize a backward nation and we buried him and his dream like a bunch of ungrateful dahatis!

Shame on us -- like they say, people get the government they deserve!!!


I remember the late 1970s

by Davood_Banayan on

Americans for a Democratic Republic in Iran.

I remember 5 Iranian Columbia University graduates that returned to Iran in the late 1970s.

3 were physicians 2 were engineers.

1 of them died in the Iranian Revolution taking down the statues of Reza Pahlavi and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The monarchy was abolished and that brave soul tore down the last pieces of the barbaric Iranian dictatorship.

2 died in the Iran-Iraq War. A war the UN blamed on Saddam's Hussein's Iraq.

1 died in Bosnia after returning from the Iran-Iraq war . He died fighting against the genocide of Bosnian muslims.

1 died in Lebanon during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon a few years back.

They all fought to end dictatorships and human rights violations.

They lived as brave men and died as warriors.

If they had to do it over again, I bet they would do the same thing over again.

Freedom comes with a price. Freedom is not free.



I agree with kurush.Unlike

by Dariush (not verified) on

I agree with kurush.Unlike samsamIIII, we didn't get out to skip school. We wanted to have independence, freedom and a better life for every Iranian, but the revolution took a different direction.

In my opinion, Khomaini would have stayed on the side line and let Mohanses bazargan and later Banisadr to run the country, but he found a few CIA agents among the educated individuals who had surrounded him and later a coup attempt made him worried and maybe angry. That is why he decided not to take a chance with them and asked them to leave. Then came the MEH and the communists fighting that made matters even worse and then the war.
So just as always, west had a lot to do with the direction this revolution has taken and they still do today.


Dear Holger, Iran scholar in Germany

by Amir Khosrow Sheibany (not verified) on

Are you telling us that in your opinion, a regressive movement that has rejected the Pahlavi revolution (women's rights, economic freedom, social freedoms, national independence through development), is similar to the forward looking revolutions of France, Russia, China etc.

Are we to believe the future for Iran is "sexual enjoyment of girls as young as a toddler" by misogynist men and re-living every day the moral anguish of where to sell ones donkey after one has had sex with it, or how to urinate on a wall.

These ideal's and actions that we "losers" are against, (and the winners are now ashamed of and try and hide), I believe, are imposed on us by the Western European countries that have finance the 'winners' when their actions would more naturally lead to famine and collapse. Countries such as Germany and France and England have morally endorse this regime with statements such as yours below. Not only did Khomeini appear on the scene in the same fashion as Lenin did. Not thanks to Germany as in Lenin's case, but on a privately chartered Air France 747, paid for by US interests, 30 years of appeasement, and justification of a reign of terror as "iranian Culture", by the same nations that considered the Shah of Iran as dictatorial, stands as proof of my assessment.

Such a social movement, organized from the outside of the country, implemented by the Iranian left of the political spectrum only, who willing acted as Khomeini's "useful idiots", could have been terminated decades ago, and a new course set.


Thanks DK

by Mehrban on

The guy in the clip is the only one with relevant and specific concerns.  Others seem to be going by presumptions and wishful thinking. (this is a reply to your earlier response to me).  



kashani , did you participate in the revolution?

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Did you participate in the revolution?


It ain't over yet

by hossein.hosseini on

Yes brings back lot of memories.  I can only add that hindsight is 20/20.  Fact is many of us knew what we didn't  want, but did not know what will replace it.  As the saying goes, If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there!

In my mind, the struggle of Iranian people for independent and democracy started over 100 years ago with the constitutional revolution and it will continue slowly.  There are bumps here and there, but we should not lose faith as a nation.  I will argue that Iran' youth of today are more connected, more aware, and more realistic than those of my generation.




Thank you for the historic pictures Mr. Kavousian

by Holger (not verified) on

As an Iran scholar in Germany, I find these pictures historic and fascinating.

Many revolutions or social upheavals have winners and losers. Winners are the ones who overthrew the previous order and losers are those who benefited from that order. Losers are never happy, always against the ideals and actions of the winners. Both sides are usually irrational and promote their respective points of view until the event becomes historic.

Farhad Kashani

The Islamist and Socialist

by Farhad Kashani on

The Islamist and Socialist alliance resulted in the biggest catastrophe for Iran and the world: the IRI regime.


No true democratic minded Iranian wanted this regime, but the Islamists, along with their Socialist allies, hijacked the revolution and an era of darkness started for Iran and the world.



The exactg meaning of....

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

Getting screwed rolyally - including yours truly - by no-one other than AKHUNDS (That really hurts)



by Majid on

Prince, IRANdokht, Kaveh, Ali P, DK.........

Thank you all.

Red Wine

روضه معتاد

Red Wine

جوانان معتاد ایرانی رو به معنویت و صفای روحانی آورده اند. این جوانان برومند با تاسی به انواع مقام های شامخ رایج در ایران، می روند تا جای پای خود را در فرهنگ متعالی کشور گودتر کنند //


Fake revolution

by SamSamIIII on

Don,t let Arabo Ommaties fool you with their grand stories of the event . %85 of daily participants of that mayhem were teenagers under 17 who had nothing against the Shah , or the way Iran was run ,  or wanting Imam & Islamic republic . The reasons they did it were very simple . They wanted to have their classes cancelled , do artist baazi & stunts with guard soldiers , adventure & dokhtar-baazi , exchanging numbers or just a carnival . To these teens (backbone of ann-gholaab) there was nothing political about their monkey-ing around but time to fool around and be counted & noticed in something so new to them . That,s all folks , there was no F***ing great revolution or whatever Arabo Ommah pimps want you to believe .

I was there as a 14/15 yr old (kharrazmi high school) . As an example, I was there too on the so called 13th Abaan massacre(lol) in front of university gate on Shah reza doing run & hide with Guardsman and tear gas & tiir havaii . Ironic that My conscript 19 yr old cousin guardman was 50 feet away from us chewing on sandwich I got him earlier in his Army truck while his supperior was giving fohsheh khaar madar to us kids to get the hell out . The only victim that day was a dumb kid who did some artist baazi on shah statue and got hit in the thigh by stray bullet yet that bullet didn,t kill him but the amount of shaking & shoving that morons did to showcase his body with bs lines like "mikosham ankeh baradaram kosht" , simply put they used him like a trophy and he lost so much blood that he died in the way to hospital . in kharrazmi school we lost 2 boys not to Guards bullets but Arabo ommatie jehadit amateurs friendly fire while rushing to get guns from army barack in late Bahman .

There was no killing and no massacre & I bet the total folks dead during this whole BS revolution  was less than 700 .

What a crock of S**t for a revolution. The rest is just old wives tales by Ommaties .





Thank you Darius

by IRANdokht on

It broke my heart then and it still breaks my heart to hear what Dr Bakhtiar had to say...


Ali P.

The lone Voice of Reason...

by Ali P. on

...lost in the excitement of Revolution.

Watch the first 30 seconds of the first clip DK has presented carefully; as if he could vividly see what Iran is going to go through if Khomeini wins.

He saw it like nobody else did.


How we did not listen to Bakhtiar's plea....