Why not IRAN?

Palestine again?!


Why not IRAN?
by Ben Madadi

So, as the usual conspiracy theory goes, I am expecting another check from the Foundation for the Promotion of Zionist Conspiracy to Take Over the World (FPZCTOW) for my 'priceless' contributions to their cause. And to have further contribution, here goes another article about a related matter. I have bills too, you know!

I recently saw an article "Palestine does exist" on Iranian.com about the sad realities of the Palestinian people. The author had showed with all the good intentions of a true human-loving compassionate Iranian, that we are not writing enough about the Palestinian cause and their sorry state of affairs that have been going on for so long. I am not saying and I am not trying to say, by any means, anything bad about the author of that article. Absolutely not!

The article made me think and I looked in to my heart to see what I felt. I did feel something for the Palestinians. Yes, I actually felt… sorry for them. But googling for the word “sorry” in my heart I came across it, but a much, much, much bigger sorry that had overshadowed my sorry for the Palestinians. That sorry was for some people called Iranians. My sorry for Iranians was soooo big, heavy and profound that the little sorry that I felt for the Palestinians was almost completely eclipsed. So that was why I kind of never wrote any article about the cause of the Palestinians. I looked at the sorry, the huge and shadowy and heavy sorry I felt about the Iranians and I saw things written all over it that I was very much familiar with. Some of those things are as follows:

* A people that has sacrificed tens of thousands of its young for the cause of freedom one hundred years ago, and then thirty years ago.

* A people that has sacrificed hundreds of thousands of its young in defence of its values in its war with Saddam.

* A people that despite all the sacrifices has been unfortunate enough not to reach most of its wishes and ideals.

* A people that has ended up so often in the hands of thugs and bandits, among whom some in the 21st century hang people for ‘crimes’ such as adultery or other types of consensual sex.

* A people who despite all their natural resources and valuable human talent and energy suffer from rampant poverty, criminality, drug-abuse and unemployment.

And this really huge sorry was not the only bigger sorry I had in my heart. You know, I am not a hypocrite I guess. I actually accept that I care for my own more than others. Why do I need to feel so sorry for others while my own kind inside Iran have a much worse fate than Palestinians? Palestinians are… how many? Are they 3 million, 4 million? Iranians are probably more than 75 million if we take into account those who are outside Iran too, like me.

Why should I put Palestinians in my priority-list while I really feel sorry for Iranians, especially my own relatives who have no justice and no hope inside their own country? So many Iranians want to leave Iran to pursue their dreams and I understand them perfectly. So, Israelis are kicking the hell out of Palestinians. So what? Why do I care for them while Iranian rulers are kicking the hell out of Iranians inside Iran?

And, let’s get a few things straight! My sorrow for Palestinians is not the biggest sorrow after my sorrow for Iranians. It is further to the back in a waiting list. I should have written for the cause of Darfur - Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq first. These are places where Muslims kill Muslims so many in a year that Israelis have been unable to kill in more than 5 decades.

But why do we feel so much the Palestinian sorrow, and not the other ones that are far worse? Those that I just mentioned above are much worse than the problem with the Palestinians. There are also many others. Chechens in Russia! Do you ever hear about them and their problems? They are Muslims too. What about sub-Saharan Africa where people die every day in their thousands due to starvation, AIDS and wars. We don't hear about that either.

Palestinians receive so much money, in billions of dollars every year, from the same infidels (also from Muslim states though in smaller sums) they hate, the US and the EU and most of the money is stolen by the same Muslims that the IRI arms, further cutting the chances of ordinary Iranians having the investments they need and deserve inside their own country. You know why we hear so much about Palestinians, and so little about others.

Okay, I'm going to be blunt and cynically honest about this. Because if there was an average Muslim country with an average Muslim ruler, though with Israel's military might, they would have bombarded and annihilated all their enemies (in this case Palestinians, Hezbollah and others around them) within less than a few months, and this would have happened some decades ago, and nobody would remember anything by now. But Israel, though very imperfect, is a much more civilised country than our own Islamic countries.

Yes, truth often hurts. But that is the truth. Israelis try, at least try, to observe some of the values they fought for in their ordeals in Europe and elsewhere. I am not saying that they are okay, all I am saying is that this is the real reason we hear so much about Palestinians and so little about others. Because others are quick and ruthless in their reaction toward their enemies while Israel is not exactly like that. There are also other reasons such as accessibility and propaganda.

The whole Palestinian thing is too much and we are having too much of it. Arab and Muslim states, as we know, do not hesitate to use the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as their scapegoat for their thuggish ruling and political and systemic shortcomings.

Let's stick to our own problems! We have too much of them. I know that I didn't say anything new, so I hope I didn't bore too many people.


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Well said!

by Rose (not verified) on

Thanks ,I loved your article,all the people that are blind to the plight of humans in africa and only cry out for palestin are bigot Islamists.Who are so blinded by their prejudice and ignorance.


Well done!

by Fereshteh (not verified) on

Cheraghi ke be kahneh ravast be masjed haram ast!!

Have thoes who care about palestinian ppl ever asked themselves if Arab nation ever care about Iran and Iranians??!! were not all behind SADDAM during the war between Iran and Iraq?!!
If America deceides to attact Iran, wont all thoes arabs give military bases to America ??! arent they willing to call the Persian Gulf Arabian Gulf??!!! (which I had a raw with a dear!! palestinian guy once about it because he said its Arabian!!!)
doesnt lots of iranian money which should be spent on Iranians go to Palestinans instead??!!
and a lot more !!!

come on wake up or you are not Iranians.. you are Arabs !!!!


when have you cared about Ir?

by Farhad2008 (not verified) on

this is israelian spy .. they never stopp running propoganda with some hundreds atombombs and making some miilions refuge still they are keeping " negh & negh".
You say why should i care about palestine when iran is.. when have you cared about iran? you like other israelian are enemies of iranian pepole. Israel is not less enemy to iran than other arabs neighbors. and you loser, why should iranian care about israel ? because if not they call us antisemtism? lol, or probably terrosists? and what about if we are against palestinian ? then we are libral, democrat .. this is just.shit take your money and get a life .. do u think any1 care about your notes? Iranian have helped week people 2500 they were jews now palestinian:)



by ProPersa (not verified) on

Well said! Most well and truly said!
Charity begins at home, and Iranians
must help Iranians first!
The scum subhuman palestinians were
instrumental in bringing IRI to power,
and PLO did and continues to terrorize
the Iranian people inside Iran.
Damn the palestinians!
May they all be exterminated!
The cancer in the heart Iran is
the Shia Mullahs!
They are psychopathic murderous gangsters
abusing religiosity to destroy a great nation.
The mullahs must be destroyed!


Let me Explain a bit ...

by Bang Man. (not verified) on

Palestine is the other side of the equation … A counter balance …

US is pursuing a Iran-isolation policy … The oly reason they did not / have not gone to war is partly be cause Iran is supported in the Moslem world … If you know what I mean …

To put this in prospective, I would like to refer the readers to a book "Open Secrets: Israeli Foreign and Nuclear Policies " by Dr. Israel Shahak published a decade ago.

It is still very relevant (From Chapter 4, "Israel versus Iran", 24 February 1993):

"Since the spring of 1992 public opinion in Israel is being prepared for the prospect of a war with Iran, to be fought to bring about Iran's total military and political defeat... "

"... Provoking Iran into responding with war or measures just stopping short of war, is also elaborated by many other commentators."

"... First, Israel always seeks to persuade the West about what its 'true' interests and 'moral duties' in the Middle East are. It also tells the West that by intervening in the Middle East they would serve the authentic interests of Middle Eastern nations. But if the western powers refuse to listen, it is up to Israel to assume 'the white man's burden'."

"..since the early 1950s already, is that in the Middle East no other strong state is to be tolerated. Its power must be destroyed or at least diminished through a war. Iranian theocracy may have its utility for the Israeli Hasbara, but Nasser's Egypt was attacked while being emphatically secular. ... Israeli hegemonic ambitions, Orientalist 'expertise' requires that natives of the region always remain weak, to be ruled always by their traditional notables but not by persons with intellectual capacity, whether religious or secular. Israeli Orientalism, on which Israeli policies are based, is no more than their belated replica."



by Ei-Baba (not verified) on

Ben has a point. Even Islam itself has prioritised the offering of help, starting from your immediate family and then extended family and so on.

The Palestinian situation is sad. However, people in Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and many other places are also seriously suffering.

As Iranians, Muslim or not, if we are going to help, our countrymen must come first. If there is anything left, then share it with others.

I guess what Ben is saying is : "Stay away from the emotion of the situation. Think and act logically"
Am I right Ben?

If you have a piece of bread, while both your mother and your neighbour are hungry, which one would you feed?! It is really as simple as that.


Palestine love or Israel Hate!!!!!!!!!!!

by Agha Shirazi (not verified) on

What is it about some of us Iranian's/IRI and the love we have for the Palestine people, or is it more of hate we have for Israel that we have passionately pursued this cause with our dysfunctional IRI allocating a yearly budget to the Palestine cause. I ask you, no I plead with you please go out and find a Palestine person and get to know him and than tell me if its worth our effort and time to pursue this cause.......


Why NOT ... ?.

by Bang Man ... (not verified) on

It is all about 1) Land and 2) Oil.
Middle-East has it, and US and Israel want it ...

It is part of the same equation ....

The rest is smoke screen.

Ben-Gurion and the rest of the Jackals traveled miles and miles from Poland and other places to Palestine to get the land. Put your self in his shoe; When he first landed in Palestine, what did he see? He saw a dusty plane and some simple Palestinian shepherds. Like a predator in African Savanna would see it’s pray!

It has been around 60 years since and there have been a lot of dead and displaced Palestinians.

But take a moment to think about the level of despair that drives the Jackals to leave there long lived countries, homes and neighbors for that dusty land …?

Think what mental prerequisite would enable the Jackals to justify the ethnic cleansing that followed. In another words, they had to think of Palestinians as dirty subhuman to do … what is being done.

By the way, some of the early arrivals who came under cover of the night would disguise as “children of Iran” or “children of Tehran” to sneak their way in …. (Like some people on this web site!)

Any way, for those who are interested, here is a point to ponder:

Q. What did (and do) the Jackals trade in return for support of the land grab?

I do not have to make the case for Palestine, the case already have been made in the court of public opinion and no matter how much you say “Islam_o_X” it will not change the facts.
The world is moving forward! The recent events in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria have helped to put it in focus. There is a universal awareness and with it, I hope a global response to Israel’s expansionist policies.

I will quote some excerpts from “Kathleen Christison” who sys it more eloquently than I do:

Kathleen Christison
Former CIA political analyst and has worked on Middle East issues for 30 years.

Words fail; ordinary terms are inadequate to describe the horrors Israel daily perpetrates, and has perpetrated for years, against the Palestinians. The tragedy of Gaza has been described a hundred times over, as have the tragedies of 1948, of Qibya, of Sabra and Shatila, of Jenin -- 60 years of atrocity perpetrated in the name of Judaism. But the horror generally falls on deaf ears in most of Israel, in the U.S. political arena, in the mainstream U.S. media. Those who are horrified -- and there are many -- cannot penetrate the shield of impassivity that protects the political and media elite in Israel, even more so in the U.S., and increasingly now in Canada and Europe, from seeing, from caring.
But it needs to be said now, loudly ….. to recognize that we stain ourselves morally by continuing to sit by while Israel carries out its atrocities against the Palestinians.
A nation that mandates the primacy of one ethnicity or religion over all others will eventually become psychologically dysfunctional. Narcissistically obsessed with its own image, it must strive to maintain its racial superiority at all costs and will inevitably come to view any resistance to this imagined superiority as an existential threat. Indeed, any other people automatically becomes an existential threat simply by virtue of its own existence. As it seeks to protect itself against phantom threats, the racist state becomes increasingly paranoid, its society closed and insular, intellectually limited. Setbacks enrage it; humiliations madden it. The state lashes out in a crazed effort, lacking any sense of proportion, to reassure itself of its strength.
The pattern played out in Nazi Germany as it sought to maintain a mythical Aryan superiority. It is playing out now in Israel. “This society no longer recognizes any boundaries, geographical or moral,” wrote Israeli intellectual and anti-Zionist activist Michel Warschawski in his 2004 book Towards an Open Tomb: The Crisis of Israeli Society. Israel knows no limits and is lashing out as it finds that its attempt to beat the Palestinians into submission and swallow Palestine whole is being thwarted by a resilient, dignified Palestinian people who refuse to submit quietly and give up resisting Israel’s arrogance.
We in the United States have become inured to tragedy inflicted by Israel …..…. a military establishment that drops a 500-pound bomb on a residential apartment building in the middle of the night and kills 14 sleeping civilians, as happened in Gaza four years ago, is not a military that operates by civilized rules.
A military establishment that drops a 500-pound bomb on a house in the middle of the night and kills a man and his wife and seven of their children, as happened in Gaza four days ago, is not the military of a moral country.

A society that can brush off as unimportant an army officer’s brutal murder of a 13-year-old girl on the claim that she threatened soldiers at a military post -- one of nearly 700 Palestinian children murdered by Israelis since the intifada began -- is not a society with a conscience.
A government that imprisons a 15-year-old girl -- one of several hundred children in Israeli detention -- for the crime of pushing and running away from a male soldier trying to do a body search as she entered a mosque is not a government with any moral bearings. (This story, not the kind that ever appears in the U.S. media, was reported in the London Sunday Times. The girl was shot three times as she ran away and was convicted to 18 months in prison after she came out of a coma.)
Critics of Israel note increasingly that Israel is self-destructing, nearing a catastrophe of its own making. Israeli journalist Gideon Levy talks of a society in “moral collapse.”
Michel Warschawski writes of an “Israeli madness” and “insane brutality,” a “putrefaction” of civilized society, that have set Israel on a suicidal course. He foresees the end of the Zionist enterprise; Israel is a “gang of hoodlums,” he says, a state “that makes a mockery of legality and of civil morality. A state run in contempt of justice loses the strength to survive.”
As Warschawski notes bitterly, Israel no longer knows any moral boundaries -- if it ever did. Those who continue to support Israel, who make excuses for it as it descends into corruption, have lost their moral compass.

Re-hash ... //iranian.com/main/comment/reply/6988/6333?q=...


Naravad Mikhe Ahanin dar Sang

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Well Ben!

I have to say that I am not surprised even a bit.
Actually from a person of your caliber and mentality I could not expect any thing better.

Time an again during your divisive articles I observed how callously you are trying to draw line along ethnic divides even among Iranians, and instead of trying to strengthen our points of sheared value culture and identity which unites us, you have always tried to highlight and even exaggerate our minor differences and even set us against each other (Turk against Fars, Persian against Arab and so on). So how could anyone expect you to show even a tad of humanity towards others?

It reminds me of an old saying that goes like this

Kasi ke baa maadare khod zenaa konad baa digaraan chehaa konad

But fortunately the majority of us Iranians are not as narrow-minded as you are. For us humanity and morality knows no nationality, ethnicity or borders and favors no particular group over another.

This issue is totally irrelevant to Mullahs and their cronies, or the manipulative ways that they use everybody and everything to advance their own interest and prolong their existence.

The regime in Iran does not even care about their own people let alone the Palestinian suffering. The fact that they pay a lot of lip service to Israel/Palestine issue or pay lots of money to their terrorist cronies in the region to stir up trouble or suppress uprisings in Iran has noting do with them being concerned about the human catastrophe that is happening in Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan or anywhere else in the world. They simply do it to serve their own interest and prolong their life as a regime.

Further more, those criminal bustards who help the Mullahs in their attempt to suppress our people are noting but mercenaries (Palestinian Iranian or otherwise).

Mercenaries by nature are loyal to noting and no one. They fight for the financial gain and have no country, conscience or sense of humanity.

We however should know better than selling our soul, conscience and humanity in a reactive impulse to their criminal actions. It is our moral duty to speak against injustice any where in the world whether it is Palestinian terrorists targeting innocent Israeli civilians or Israeli apartide that collectively punishes the innocent along with the guilty and shows no mercy toward the innocent by standers or women and children on the other side

Being the true descendants of kooroshe kabir Iranians by nature are and should be against injustice and suppression.
But as you never respected or understood koorosh and his message of universal human right I see no point of further explanation

Naravad meekhe ahanin dar sang


Nice Ben

by Bored iranian dude (not verified) on

I like what you write, but this time you hit the nail on the spot. The best thing Iranians can do to bring peace to the middle east conflict is to pull away from Hamas and Hezbollah, accept Israel as a country, and mediate if the Arab states and Israel wants to. Like the Egyptian foreign minister said "They should stop meddling in Arab business". Well lets do just that and let them kill each other off as much as they want to do, at the same time, rebuild our own country.

David ET

felestine melestine

by David ET on

A regime that does NOT care about its own people , DOES NOT care about Palestinians either...They only care about themselves 

the rest are just smokescreens, publicity and distractions.



To: Faribors Malekashtar MD (Mentally Dysfunctional)

by Salar (not verified) on

Bazam ke to onja dari arrrr arr mikoni. What in hell is your business what happens to Palestinian Arabs? every year Palestinians with Lebanese along with other Arab asshole nations vote in favor of the three islands belonging to gulf Arabs and the name Arabian gulf. What in hell you care about bunch of Arabs or Israeli Zionists. If you can, fix your own country with 30% of inflation and 30 million living under poverty line and a broken economy. Build some refineries so we won’t have to import 40% of our gasoline from Arabs and outside sitting on the second oil reserve in the world. And learn some f**king English so you can make some sense when you write your garbage.


At Last you wrote something sensible!!!

by Salar (not verified) on

Gee, what took you so long? az bas to khaki tarafa Tarrrbiz, Ardaaabiiil dashti fast miroondi, goftam az ootooban dige beykhial shodi. welcome back to the road to sanity!!! I hope dige to khaki virage mirage nadii.

Your friend from Pars Abad mooghan.


article with potential

by Kurdish warrior (not verified) on

We should concentrate on our problems rather than putting our noses into others business like we don't have enough with problems. We need to stop our beloved fascist mullahs whom are funding them (Hamas, etc) with money that belongs only to the Iranian people.


REPLY : WHY:::::::::::::Palestineß

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

I open a Dialog hier Mr. Ben MADADI:
I care for my own more than others.
* self-preserving is the first and most natural motive in every human being, so I also find it quite right, i act also just as you.
Why do I need to feel so sorry for others while my own kind inside Iran have a much worse fate than Palestinians?
* This statement can be all right IF one does not be aware of that what palestinians are suffering from. Not being aware is also everybodies Right.
palestinians are… how many? Are they 3 million, 4 million?
* unregarded how many they are thier Homeland is occupeid.
of thier nummber Iranians are probably more than 75 million if we take into account those who are outside Iran too, like me. Why should I put Palestinians in my priority-list while I really feel sorry for Iranians
* I must now get quite material: The ones who in fact feel sorry about Iranians - if iranians living in Iran ever need any sarrow - ARE in Iran. They are there active and help. I think just feel sorry does not help, is not enough. besides one may loose the sight for some realities.
especially my own relatives who have no justice and no hope inside their own country? So many Iranians want to leave Iran to pursue their dreams and I understand them perfectly. * The ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN has never kept any body back who wanted to leave the country. Military duty, crimes and likewise reasons have allways been exceptions.
Israelis are kicking the hell out of Palestinians. So what? Why do I care for them while Iranian rulers are kicking the hell out of Iranians inside Iran?
* if we want to take the words of the media of the selfnamed free world for truth so are the rulers in Iran those 70 Millions Iranians living in Iran. They are the real protectors of the - in western countries as Mullah-regim named - System. And i think if they are not the protectors so who else? The western world is trying - just since ever to colonize the rest of the world. since the Islamic revolution they have intensified thier struggles to get again roots in Iran. We see they have no success. And why?
Mr. Ben MADADI, I am by no means trying to change yours or any bodies else opinions. I want that "IRANIAN" hold its Existence. I for my part have my benefits from "IRANIAN". There are jocks, FOTOs and Quizes. I amconvinced all Visitors of "IRANIAN" want the best. Of course personal loosings are bitter. and I know it is not easy to be objective about matters. As I see the situation Israel is the one which americans would like to send on the first frontline against Iran. The american imperialism has had such dogs also in the past. I think about poor germans who had to go stalingrad because america wanted to destroy the young social democracy there and opne its way to europe.
Some problems are so global. One can not differentiat and find single solutions. The Problems of the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN, of Lebanon, of IRAQ; AFganistan,and Palestine, syria, egypt and the moslem world as awhole are knoted together. Greeting


Aryan Pride

by Surna (not verified) on

Good job Ben. Slowly you are coming around. No more anti-aryan articles. We Aryans (Persian) should focus on IRI and Tazi SOB.