چاپار آزاده

گردشی در کوچه باغ های درون


چاپار آزاده
by Jeesh Daram

هان ای دل عبرت ‌بین از دیده نظر کن هان
ایوان مدائن را آینه عبرت دان

تنی چند از دوستان براین حقیر خرده گرفتند، که تنزل فکری پیدا کرده ایم و یکی دو مطلب یا مقاله اخیر، موجب کاهش و خلل در میزان خنده و تبسم ایشان گردیده است.

برخی تحقیر میکنند و گروهی تحدید و یا تهدید، که هم از تصویر مجازی خسرو پرویزدروغین بد نگو، هم پوراندخت قلاّبی را مطرح نکن و سخنی از سیاست طلبان جاه طلبی که دویست تن را بکشتن میدهند تا آنکه خود جان بکنند را بمیان نیاور و به جرگۀ عبایشان برخورده است. چه؟ که ایشان دراوج شادی افیونی خود، تصاویری بسیار زیبا از قهرمانان اسطوره ای آینده کشیده اند که مانند برنج باسماتی در حال دم کشیدن است، و همه چشم انتتظار. قلم دست و پایت را میشکنند، اگر کنجکاوی نموده و ابلهانه دم کنی را از روی دیگ برداری.

گه گه به زبان اشک آواز ده ایوان را
تا گو که به گوش دل پاسخ شنوی زیوان

قهرمان سازی ایرانی همانا بمانند علم کیمیاگری است، که فقط معدودی از افراد نظر کرده، در پشت پرده های رنگین و با دستهای نامرئی، مطلا و آهن ناچیز را طلا کنند و جاه طلبان را قهرمان. سایرمردم موظفند به تعظیم و فرود آوردن سر و ضمن انتظار برای پلوی نذری، به سر دادن شعارهای حماسی بپردازند، به همان گونه ای که ماکیاولی تجویز کرده است. شعارهائی، که نویسندگان آن اکثرأ علمای اخوان المسلمین ساکن لندن و پاریس و شاهدوستان پراکنده در غرب و یا جانشینان ایشان در حکومت ایران امروزند.

از ناله جغد الحق ماییم به دردسر
از دیده گلابی کن دردسر ما بنشان
آری چه عجب داری که‌اندر چمن گیتی
جغد است پی بلبل نوحه است پی الحان

جمعاً حکم دادند و تصویب نمودند و دراوراق تاریخ هم ثبت کردند، که آنکه در پاکستان ترور شد (و چه بسا ظرف همین یکهفته نام اورا فراموش کردند)، زنهار که یک قهرمان بود و "ثبت است بر جریده عالم" دوام او و ما از مرحله پرت هستیم که عکسش را هنوز درآلبوم قهرمانان قرار نداده ایم. که میزان این غفلت، بهمان اندازه است که اگر کاسب کاری در زمان رژیم سابق، عکس اعلیحضرت را بدیوار مغازه آویزان نمیکرد. یا اگر امروزهمان ملّت مرده پرست عکس دشمن اورا بدیوار دکانهایشان نیاویزند. به همین دلیل پس از تروراخیردرپاکستان، بار دیگرغیرت ملی فی ما بین همین چند نفرزنده بگوران مرده پرست بیدارشد و به امثال ما ناچیزان یادآوری کردند و هشدار، که فقط "مارا بخندانید" و "فضولی" در مسائل پیچیده را موقوف فرمودند.

گویی که نگون کردست ایوان فلک‌وش را
حکم فلک گردان یا حکم فلک‌گردان

حالا سئوال بنده اینست، که ما کجا امضا دادیم و قباله سپردیم که هدفمان از نوشتن چند سطری، قلقلک دادن و خنداندن خلق است؟ اگر ناشرین تصمیم میگیرند مطلبی را در قسمت "طنز" چاپ کنند، و شما هم بخاطر سلامت مزاج قدری میخندید، آیا این الزامأ دلیل به آنست که هدف ما ایجاد کرکر خنده در بین شما و دوستان بوده است؟ چه لزومی به تذکر است اگر میخندید و یا میگریید، ما که آبونمان جمع نکرده ایم که ترسی از پس دادن آن داشته باشیم!

شما پیام آور را مجازات میکنید به جرم حمل پیام. ما چاپاری هستیم آزاده در جاده ای گلی و بی انتها، سوار بر خری رنجور و لنگان که او نیز عینک آبی رنگ بچشم زده و اگر گنبد خضری را در افق بما نشان دهید باز هم "گنبد نما" بکسی نمیدهیم و "نرود میخ آهنین در سنگ".

وقتی کوکب سادات با دوستش، درد دل کرده و از آذرمیدخت مجازی و یا شهید پاکستانی انتقاد میکند، این غم هجران یک پیرزن از وطنی است که در بازارهای جاده ابریشم تاروپودش به حراج گذاشته شده است و ناموسش در ملأ عام. و یا وقتی نویسنده، شاهد روضه خوانی یک کلاش خانم باز در مسجد پامنار است و شما را مطلع میکند تا مواظب فرزندان آینده خود باشید، آیا تصور میکنید هدفش تولید و تحریک کرکر خنده است، یا آنکه مطرح کردن حقیقتی تلخ؟ چرا غمگین شده اید که نمیتوانید بخندید؟

بر دیده من خندید کینجا ز چه می‌گرید؟
گریند بر آن دیده کینجا نشود گریان

گه گه به زبان اشک آواز ده ایوان را
تا گو که به گوش دل پاسخ شنوی زیوان
دندانه هر قصری پندی دهدت نونو
پند سر دندانه بشنو ز بن دندان

یکی دوتا هم با لباس ارتشی که دیگر برایشان تنگ شده است ظاهر شدند و از دادن فحش و ناسزا کوتاهی نکردند. برخی تصور میکنند که یک ارتشی و یا بطور کلی یک نظامی الزامأ، وطن پرست تر از یک فرد فقیر پا برهنه میباشد! ما در این چند صباح عمر بسیار دیدیم نظامی دزد، ولی بخاطر نداریم پابرهنه فقیری که محکوم به وطن فروشی شده باشد.

گفتی که کجا رفتند آن تاجوران اینک
زایشان شکم خاکست آبستن جاویدان
بس دیر همی زاید آبستن خاک آری
دشوار بود زادن نطفه ستدن آسان
خون دل شیرین است آن می که دهد رزوان
زاق دل پرویز است آن خم که نهد دهقان

نمونه ای کوچک از کار بسیاری از نظامیان هم آن بود که صف طویل مردم را جلوی سینما ها نادیده بگیرند و دست همسر و یا نشمه شان را گرفته بروند جلوی صفوف طولانی و با غرور و تبخترفراوان، بلیط خریده و وارد سینما شوند. همان مردم زحمتکشی که شاهد آن زورگویی ها بودند، بعد هم درون سینما با اکراه جلوی تصویر اعلیحضرت باید بلند میشدند،و آنها بودند که سرانجام ندای انتقامجویانه خمینی را لبیک گفتند و به امپراطوری انگلیس و شرکای روسی ایشان سر تعظیم فرود آوردند.

نی زال مدائن کم، از پیرزن کوفه
نی حجره تنگ این، کمتر ز تنور آن
این است همان ایوان کز نقش رخ مردم
خاک در او بودی دیوار نگارستان
این است همان درگه کو را ز شهان بودی
دیلم ملک بابل هندو شه ترکستان

آیا آن ارتش کذایی که انباردان قراضه ترین سلاح های آمریکا و انگلیس بود، فاتح کدام جنگ بود، که افسرانش با چنان گستاخی حق مردم غیر نظامی را چپ و راست پایمال کنند؟ حالاهم در خفا با هرکدام مصاحبه میکنید، ژست کارشناسان سیاسی را میگیرند و در پاسخ سئوال "چه شد؟" میگویند "ما بشاه گفتیم، ولی گوش نمیکرد".... پس شما که به شاه گفتید چرا دیگر امروزه به ملکه تان و یا به "ابناء ذکورش" نمیگوئید! و اگر شاه گوش نمیکرد، آیا شما به که گوش میکردید؟

این است همان صفه کز هیبت او بردی
بر شیر فلک حمله شیر تن شادروان
پندار همان عهد است از دیده فکرت‌بین
در سلسله درگه در کوکبه میدان

بهرصورت، اینهم فرصتی بود که قدری درکوچه باغهای اشعار جاویدان خاقانی پرسه بزنیم. به درستی، شعر ایوان مدائن ارزش خواندن روزانه دارد. یعنی اگر فردی اشعار ذیل را مطالعه کند، دیگر نیاز ندارد که از خصال نیک این شاه و آن ملکه به او بگویند، گول این آخوند و یا آن آخوند را بخورد و منت این و آن را بکشد.

چندین تن جباران کین خاک فرو خورده ست
این گرسنه چشم آخر هم سیر نشد زایشان
از خون دل طفلان سرخاب رخ آمیزد
این زال سپید ابرو وین مام سیه پستان


اینهم متن کامل شعر ایوان مدائن:

هان ای دل عبرت‌بین از دیده نظر کن هان
ایوان مدائن را آینه عبرت دان
یک ره ز ره دجله منزل به مدائن کن
وز دیده دوم دجله بر خاک مدائن ران
خود دجله چنان گرید صد دجله خون گویی
کز گرمی خون‌آبش آتش چکد از مژگان
با دجله گر آمیزد باد لب و سوز دل
نیمی شود افسرده نیمی شود آتشدان
بینی که لب دجله چون کف به دهان آرد
گویی ز کف آهش لب آبله زد چندان
از آتش حسرت بین بریان جگر دجله
خود آب شنیدستی که‌آتش کندش بریان
بر دجله گری نو نو وز دیده زکاتش ده
گرچه لب دریا هست از دجله زکاتستان
تا سلسله ایوان بگسست مدائن را
در سلسله شد دجله چون سلسله شد پیچان
گه گه به زبان اشک آواز ده ایوان را
تا گو که به گوش دل پاسخ شنوی زیوان
دندانه هر قصری پندی دهدت نونو
پند سر دندانه بشنو ز بن دندان
گویند که تو از خاکی ما خاک توییم اکنون
گامی دو سه بر ما نه اشکی دو سه هم بفشان
از ناله جغد الحق ماییم به دردسر
از دیده گلابی کن دردسر ما بنشان
آری چه عجب داری که‌اندر چمن گیتی
جغد است پی بلبل نوحه است پی الحان
ما بارگه دادیم این رفت ستم بر ما
بر قصر ستم‌کاران تا خود چه رسد خذلان
گویی که نگون کردست ایوان فلک‌وش را
حکم فلک گردان یا حکم فلک‌گردان
بر دیده من خندید کینجا ز چه می‌گرید؟
گریند بر آن دیده کینجا نشود گریان
نی زال مدائن کم از پیرزن کوفه
نی حجره تنگ این کمتر ز تنور آن
این است همان ایوان کز نقش رخ مردم
خاک در او بودی دیوار نگارستان
این است همان درگه کو را ز شهان بودی
دیلم ملک بابل هندو شه ترکستان
این است همان صفه کز هیبت او بردی
بر شیر فلک حمله شیر تن شادروان
پندار همان عهد است از دیده فکرت‌بین
در سلسله درگه در کوکبه میدان
از اسب پیاده شو بر نطع زمین نه رخ
زیر پی پیلش بین شه مات شده نعمان
نی نی که چو نعمان بین پیل افکن شاهان را
پیلان شب و روزش کشته به پی دوران
ای بس شه پیل‌افکن کف کنده ز شه پیلی
شطرنجی تقدیرش در ماتگه حرمان
مست است زمین زیرا خورده ست به‌جای می
درکاس سر هرمز خون دل نوشروان
بس پند که بود آن‌گه برتاج سرش پیدا
صد پند نو است اکنون در مغز سرش پنهان
کسری و ترنج زر پرویز و به زرین
بر باد شده یکسر با خاک شده یکسان
پرویز به هر خانی زرین تره آوردی
کردی ز بساط زر زرین تره را بستان
پرویز کنون گم شد زان گمشده کمتر گوی
زرین تره کو بر خوان رو کم‌ترکوا بر خوان
گفتی که کجا رفتند آن تاجوران اینک
زایشان شکم خاکست آبستن جاویدان
بس دیر همی زاید آبستن خاک آری
دشوار بود زادن نطفه ستدن آسان
خون دل شیرین است آن می که دهد رزوان
زاق دل پرویز است آن خم که نهد دهقان
چندین تن جباران کین خاک فرو خورده ست
این گرسنه چشم آخر هم سیر نشد زایشان
از خون دل طفلان سرخاب رخ آمیزد
این زال سپید ابرو وین مام سیه پستان
خاقانی ازین درگه دریوزه عبرت کن
تا از در تو عبرت دریوزه کند خاقان
امروز گر از سلطان رندی طلبد توشه
فردا ز در رندی توشه طلبد سلطان
گر زاد ره مکه توشه است به هر شهری
نو زاد مداین بر تحفه ز پی شروان
اخوان که زره آیند آرند ره آوردی
این قطعه ره آوردیست از بهر دل اخوان


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more from Jeesh Daram

Always frustrating...

by Sh (not verified) on

I had the pleasure of reading the article 'manshoure kouroshe bozorg' the other day and of course looked for all other articles you have here.

It is strange that people are sometimes so ridiculously demanding!...

I see the humor in your articles but the bitterness is so strong that only a fool misses the point... and asking you to be funny!!!...no wonder you decided to write an article about some of your readers.

Some of the readers of Mr JD, perhaps perfectly match with where they come from and what they ruined behind. We can happily blame British and Americans for our fates but hey...why are we so susceptible to their policies? Why are we kept in the state of being deprived from being the magnificent we all dream to be?!!....
Forget it people, just be silly and enjoy your endless her her ker ker sessions and dream about a 'ghahreman' to save you, and meanwhile (given that you won't get it anyway)sleep on the dream of being a Kourosh's descendant...At least the story has pleased you until now while the rest of the world is laughing at you for not seeing how ridiculous you all so helplessly look.



by Mazloom on



John jon

by Anonymous4now (not verified) on

You need to go back to elementary school to be educated. You missed it all the first time aroun. Here is a sound bite for you reducation. I won't mix it up withanything else so you don't over load.


"At the war's end Britain withdrew but Soviet troops stationed in northwestern Iran not only refused to withdraw but backed revolts that established short-lived, pro-Soviet separatist regimes in the northern provinces of Iran Iranian Azerbaijan, the People's Republic of Azerbaijan and the Kurdish People's Republic in late 1945, both effective Soviet puppet states. Soviet troops did not withdraw from Iran proper until May, 1946 after receiving a promise of oil concessions. The Soviet republics in the north were soon overthrown and the oil concessions were revoked."

Learn your own history and educate yourself or you will always be manipulated.

Jeesh Daram

To Mr. Pooresina and other kind remarks

by Jeesh Daram on

I try my best not to respond to even the kindest complements, because I feel the space on the bottom of the articles are for the readers and not so much for the writer to interject. However, in certain cases I can't help it, in particular when the constructive editing is offered.
I liked your reminder about the word "Tahdeed" so much that I added back to the article along with the other spelling. Indeed the meaning of "censorships or limitation" fits well as you indicated, but since in the next sentence I mention that "threats" were also made, I thought to also use the other spelling suggested by Mr. Hamfekr.
I became greedy and used both words.


I take this opportunity once again to thank:
Mina T
Mash Mandali
Your Biggest Fan
and other readers....
Again, it is quite difficult to come as the author and make comments...
Best Regards


To my friend Hamfekr

by pooresina (not verified) on

تهدید یا تحدید....؟؟؟؟

با سلام و تیریک به شما دوست عزیز ( جیش جان ) برای ادای خوب و بجای این مطلب و با یادآوری برای آن دوست محترم ( همفکر ) در مورد کلمه ( تهدید ). این کلمه به معنای کسی را از عقو بت کاری که میکند بر حذر داشتن یا آگاه کردن است ولی آنچه که شما معنی کرده اید کلمه ( تحدید ) است که جهت محدود کردن کسی یا چیزی بکار میرود . موفق باشید.....


U R & always B our #1

by Your Biggest FAN (not verified) on

Dear Mr. Jeesh,
Hello again, I can't tell you how many times a week I come to Iranian.com running to the end of the first page (and sometimes go to the other pages, just in case) in the hopes of seeing your articles, reading them and then e-mailing them to all my friends (even copy and pasting some in a word document and from there to my e-mail) just to be able to send them to Iran, so everyone can enjoy reading them. (As you may know, sites such as Iranian.com are forbidden over there, amongst many) why did I tell you this? Because, I wanted you to know how undoubtedly your talented mind, thoughts, penmanship, and intellect are appreciated amongst many of us. In fact if anything, judging from the response all your writings receives, I would say (and I am sure many would agree) that, such response and invocation, is a testament to your endowed forte. Please don’t be discouraged, and pay no attention to (some of the) nonsense (below). These are the kind of people that see nothing but this insatiable need to show off in front of fellow “Hamwatan aan” … Please rise above that by indulging us with your sense of humor and genius.

mash mandali

Doost-e man, you DO owe us !

by mash mandali on

I tell you what you owe us, the readers here.

You owe us the sense of humor you have all the times .

I remember the motto of "towfigh" magazine:



And you my friend have that talent , the talent of making your point sugar coated with a brilliant  " TANZ ".

If I had that sense of humor I would write an article twice a day .

Please keep'm coming and don't worry about critics , some people NAG even when they're hung with an old rope !

Azarin Sadegh

To Saeed kafili: Oops...

by Azarin Sadegh on

Sorry about my mistake. I missed to see the double quotes. I am going to re-edit my previous comment to address the right person.

Thanks for your reply,


Saeed Kafili

To: Azarin Sadegh

by Saeed Kafili on

I was quoting a poster by the name of John Goodarzi, who posted a comment on this page.

 I happen to agree with your position.


To Jamshid

by Sibil (not verified) on

Were you in the arm forces in Iran? Just curious.


to Jahanshah

by Anonymous21 (not verified) on

to rafti Europe shodi nokare darbast? chera note ghabliye mano bardashti?
change your motto to "freedom of speech only for IRI nokars"

Azarin Sadegh

to John Goodarzi

by Azarin Sadegh on

As much as I know, and as much as my mother remembers, the liberation of Azarbaijan was a real thing. During the one-year occupation of Azarbaijab by the Soviet Union military, my grandfather – a simple teacher -- fought with them and he had to hide, otherwise he could get arrested and executed.

So in your opinion, what was wrong with my grandfather trying his best to fight soviet union? Or what is wrong with my mother who has always been grateful to the Iranian Army to save Azarbaijan and her family too? 

Do you mean that it was better for Azarbaijan to go communist and separated from Iran back then? Or do you think that Iran without Khuzestan would have even survived?

Do you really think that for the Iranian Army, trying to protect Iran was "trash"? I don't know about you, but for those ordinary people of Azarbaijan that period was one of the darkest period of history and that "liberation" was a real freedom -- and not trash.  Pishevari and the Tudeh party were not the voice of defiance to the central power, they were separatists and represented the betrayal to the sovereignty of Iran as a whole.



Saeed Kafili


by Saeed Kafili on

"liberation" of Azarbaijan and Khuzestan was nothing but trash that they fed that generation and apparently a few generation after. Any voice of defiance from the central government was shut down by mass murder committed by those generals and you call that a military victory? Killing your own people is a military victory?"


And you think you have heard it all...!

Just mind boggling!


well if

by MRX on

The issue is not humor or essence, the issue is to express a feeling

as you saud, then Ms. Maryam K, I did that exactly. what exactly is your problem then? I sense not getting laid has some thing to do with it!


Re: Private Citizen and Goodarzi

by jamshid on

Your ignorance and lack of knowledge is just amazing. 

Under the previous regime, the armed forces were created and designed for defending Iran against foreign aggression. It was specifically designed to defend against a possible Soviet (conventional) full-scale invasion while intimidating other regional smaller powers like Iraq/Saddam into submission.

They were not meant nor trained to suppress a revolution and that is why they failed against it. I say this even though I fault them for becoming neutral at the time Bakhtiar needed them most.

You keep asking what the hell did the officers ever do?

1. During peace, a strong army and its officers are supposed to be trained, practice and be prepared and ready for action against any foreign aggression. They are not suppose to do anything else. And yes, they get paid only for these and nothing else. They are meant to be a deterrent. Everyone knows that the officers in the shah's army were the best trained and best prepared.

It is like insurance. You don't buy insurance because you want to get into an accident. You buy it just in case you did. You may never get in an accident and end up paying thousands of dollars for nothing. That's how insurance works.

2. During war, a strong army is suppose to defend its country by putting into action all their training and money spent on them. At that time, they'll even put their lives in danger. The members of shah's army just did that during the war against Iraq.

Once IRI realized that Basij and Pasdar can't handle the Iraqi army, they turned to the officers of the (imperial) army. Despite of being imprisoned, tortured and many executed, they joined the battle and soon the Iraqis were thrown out of Iran.

Many of those officers gave their lives to defend Iran. And defend it they did. Some of those who died were the same officers that so piss you off for having "perks" under the shah's regime. Some others you may meet in NY who don't know how to speak English and drive cabs to make ends meet because they did not steal money and they did not have any other training.

In the front, even the Basijis and Pasdars became exited and their low moral rekindled by seeing their ex-enemies join their ranks to fight against Iraq.

There were many imprisoned members of special operation units of the (imperial) army, many of them high ranking officers, who were allowed to reassemble and join the battle as well as train the basij and pasdars. I myself had the privilege of being trained by one such high ranking officer during the Iraq war.

The IRI kept them in a low profile for obvious reasons. But NOTHING could be kept on a low profile in the front. Even the Basij and pasdars admired the dedication of these officers who were being in prisons or planned to be executed just days before they were transported to the front.

Goodarzi: The difference between the shah's army and today's IRI army is that one was trained to defend Iran against foreign invasion and the other is trained to surppress internal uprising. That is why one failed against an internal uprising, and the other has very little chance of failing against an uprising, at least against the kind we saw in 1979.

The reason why I am upset at Jesshdaram is his ignorance. There is no doubt that there were a few worthless high ranking officers in the previous regime's army, you can find them in any army. But to so ignorantly generalize all of those officers into one category and demonize and humiliate them with his pen is only a demonstration of either his lowly and audacious character, or if not that, then his ignorance.


to Ali P.

by John Goodarzi (not verified) on

Ali, you are saying and I quote:

"but this phenomenan exits everywhere, especially in the East. Talk to your Russian friends, Romanian friends, Arab friends, and African friends, and they all bear witness to this concept: Standing in line , like everyone else, should be avoided if you can use your uniform, money or family ties."

Well, that is the very reason that author was saying that this attitute should have been abolished in Iran. You use phony words as "phenomenan" is if Zigmond Freud is talking and analyising.

What Russians and your other friends (not mine) are doing is WRONG, and if Iranian officers did it was wrong too, stop defending a corrupt regieme and its stooges.

Your example of "liberation" of Abarbaijan and Khuzestan was nothing but trash that they fed that generation and apparently a few generation after. Any voice of defiance from the central government was shut down by mass murder committed by those generals and you call that a military victory? Killing your own people is a military victory? You must love General Pinochet too.

Were were those brave soliders to revolt against your Shah when he was giving Bahrain away? Stop believing in a history which was all built on false interpretation. 2500 years of lies and deceive.

The Iranian Military never did anything good during Pahlavi dynasty, nothing, nada, zelch!


To: John Goodarzi ....I name one !

by Ali P. (not verified) on

"can you name one fucking constructive function that those military officers did in the entire Pahlavi dynasty?"

I'll name you one: Liberation of Azebaijan by the Iranian (Imperial) Army from Pishevari's puppet government in 1946.
And before that, during Reza Shah's era: Liberation of Khuzestan from Sheikh Khaz'al in 1924.

* * * * * * * * *

Many shed their blood for this country. Did some "cut in front of the line in the cinema" ? I am sure some did. I am sorry , that this happened to you. I truely am.
But this phenomenan exits everywhere, especially in the East. Talk to your Russian friends, Romanian friends, Arab friends, and African friends, and they all bear witness to this concept: Standing in line , like everyone else, should be avoided if you can use your uniform, money or family ties.
It is unfortunate, but this seems to be in our blood, and it doesn't change with regime change, be it the Shah, Khomeini, Assad, Gorbachev,Putin,Bhutto or Musharraf.

Azarin Sadegh

Dear Jeesh

by Azarin Sadegh on

Regarding your piece, I rather not categorize or generalize people. Lots of “Arteshis” joined the army of Shah to be able to be the sole bread-winner of their family at an early age and I am sure that some of them never stole and remained true to their values to the end. I know a few who died poor, even though they had high ranks in the Army.

I think there are good and bad in all of us, no matter who we are or what is our position in the society.

I read also all the comments about your piece and I understand your frustration about people's frustration! But I am sure you already know the root of this frustration. Your name is "Jeesh Daram" for god’s sake and until a while ago, you used to write only excellent funny pieces, so why are you so surprised?

Of course you have the option of changing your style and the content of your writing, following whatever pleases you, but maybe under another name (something more serious like del-dard or kha-moosh or keest-am...).

And please be kind to us, your readers and your fans! There are already too many angry, sad and depressed people out there and your funny pieces are like the best remedy to their/our mood.




I appreciate ...

by Mina T (not verified) on

Dear JD you just go right ahead and write!

I appreciate your writing.

The truth hurts some of the people some of the time... yet, it must be told.
I don't always agree with you one hundred percent all of the time, but I listen to see if there is further truth to be discovered -dar koocheh pas koochehaye tanz o haghighat!
There is much food for thought all around us. I need to open my eyes and to listen.
It is never too late to learn from anyone, even my 4 year old grand daughter!


To all

by John Goodarzi (not verified) on

I read all of your comments. Question for all those who are defening the army officers: can you name one fucking constructive function that those military officers did in the entire Pahlavi dynasty?

Are there any difference between the millitary officers of the Shah and the ones who are serving mullahs today?

Why the hell do you defend military? How come in no other country in the world (other than former communists) a nation is so paranoid about its military officers?

Are there any one good function that any army officer did in the entire sixty some years of Pahlavi? Cut the shit out.

In fact I recall that those bastards used to cut the lines not only in movie theatres but at the grocery stores, bakeries and you name it. They were the one that deserved the wrath of Khomeini....


hey Jamshid

by Private Citizen (not verified) on

If Russians and French and others have perk for their officers that is because their officers have produced something. They have made sucess for their countries and they get perks, but even that is wrong.

Why do you think that officers should have "perks" why not teachers have perks, doctors, technicians, bus drivers, mothers?

Who the hell do you think the officers were to deserve what you call a perk? They were paid monthly salary for just wearing a uniform, jut like your dad. But the rest of the nation had to work their ass off.

What are you exactly proud of? What is your problem being so negative, other than being a voice for the officers.

They fucked up Iran. Shah trusted bunch of lazy fart-heads.

Perk is equal to corruption, the issue is corruption, that is the porblem with Iran and not who was in the military and who was not. Wake up boy!


so true

by Ishmael in New York (not verified) on

Shah's military put terror into the hearts of people. Police, Army, Air Force , The guards, they all scared the shit out of poor people.

Today, Iran is far better than what it was at the time of the Shah. Today Iran has a chance of a change, at the time of the Shah, change meant torture.

The only people who support Pahlavi are former army officers who are now suffering from hemoroid and they all opened a SUBWSY restaurant from the money they embezzled during the Shah's era.

When you read the petetic comments below, you can easily tell who is an army peddler and who is not.

I met two high ranking officers in New York on my way to work in different occasions. Both former army generals. They could neither speak Persian properly nor, English. It just amazed me what a thug each of them were.

I am so happy I was not there during those days, but boy I hear of the tyrany of those army officers.


Re: jeesh daram

by jamshid on

So all your pain and moaning and rolling about the military in the past regime is because they could cut a movie theater line and go to the front? Is that all? Is this where your "oghdeh" comes from? How pathetic.

Are you such an ignorant that you cannot realize that ALL top military personels in ALL the countries have perks? Russia? China? Mexico? African countries? South American countries? IRI? Oh right, I forgot, why should we compare to them? you wanted Iran to become like France. Overnight. You wanted its people to reach that maturity in just a couple of generations. Do you, in your deep ignorance, know where Iran and Iranians were just 40 years before the time you have targeted in your article?

God, it was such an atrocious act for that general to cut in line and not wait like everyone else! Horrors!

Is this the best you can muster Jesshdaram?

The problem with people like you is that you think you know it all. You think you are one of the "mardomi" persons who is oh so  against dictators. hamisheh baraye mardom sineh chaak mikonid, vali avalin khatar ke omad khodetoon on mardom ro poshteh sar mizaardi va mizanid be chaak. You always end up hurting the people, the masses, more than helping them.

Today, though you can't hurt them anymore. With the IRI, we are at the bottom of the barrel. We can't lose anything else. So carry on. While the IRI is amputating your people, go on and put down the pahlavis and maybe the ghajars too. Relieve all the oghdeh you had accumulated over times.

The military man you so ignorantly criticize, for cussing at you, had lost thousands of his compatriots to the likes of Khalkhali in the early days of the revolution. They were getting executed while you were grinding your teeth in pleasure watching their dead photos in the news, relieving your long accumulated "oghdeh".

Your "oghdeh" was relieved to the tune of thousands of times. So let him relieve his once.

A few words describe you best: "naadaan vali por mode'a", "bi masraf vali talabkar", "az khod moteshaker vali bi faayedeh". You are good with your pen but that does not make you an "intellectual". It takes a whole lot more than good penmanship to be that.

Oh, I almost forgot. Yes, you are quite right in noticing that people are taking your articles as a "fokaahi" and for "khandeh". But don't complain, and please stop suggesting to them that there are "serious" messages "hidden" in your writings. A few borrowed poems here and there just won't cut it. Sorry, but your articles are just that: "fokaahi".



by Maryam, K. (not verified) on

when was the last time you wrote something descent? I keep seeing you comments all over, yet, one wonders, have you produced anything lately or ever? Just curious.

The writer has neither claimed to be funny or anything else, you suffer from reading disorder and I wonder if you even read what he has written so far.

The issue is not humor or essence, the issue is to express a feeling.

I look forward to read some of your masterpieces one of these days....


To: Ali P.,

by Azarmi, UK (not verified) on

I think, the "pireh zan" here is the symbolic "Iran". Silk Route is where the line-up of the world nations used to be. I guess that is what is meant. A flashback in history.

By the way when you write in English do not use the word Farsi, instead, use the word Persian. How many times shall we repeat that? Maghzeh khar mageh khordin?


you are loosing it

by MRX (not verified) on

stuff you write now is neither funny or informative. I think it's time for you take a break for a while and may be creative juices come back again..........

Jeesh Daram

با تشکر از استاد همفکر، مجید و همراه

Jeesh Daram

منظور بنده همانا "تهدید" است که شما تصحیح فرمودید.
با سپاس


Say what?

by Ali P. (not verified) on

این غم هجران یک پیرزن از وطنی است که در بازارهای جاده ابریشم تاروپودش به حراج گذاشته شده است و ناموسش در ملأ عا.

I have read some of your writings. Not a fan of yours, your tacky name, or your writings; and never found them funny.
My farsi is decent, but I failed to understand what the above meant. I doubt anyone else understood.
Oh, well.


Which Tahdid?!

by Hamfekr (not verified) on

Dear Jeesh Daram
Aldous Huxley, famous British writer once said: "Writers write to influence their readers, their preachers, their auditors, but always, at bottom, to be more themselves".

Thank you for being yourself.

And as far as those old army generals are concerned; Abraham Lincoln said:"I can make a general in five minutes but a good horse is hard to replace".

Va amma tarkeh aadat mojebeh maraz ast:

Tahdid with the spelling in your text means MAHDOOD KARDAN. No one, in my humble opinion is able to limit a writer's work.

Tahdid with HAYEH HAVVAZ means: to threaten which, according to our collective manner,seems more fitting.

With Regards


Very nice

by Majid on

To the point as always, Can't wait for the next one.

Peace out