* Bloggers can post two blog entries per day.
* News/articles from other sites as well as announcements from organizations should only be posted in the News section.

07-Nov-2007 (22 comments)

Should our children learn Farsi?

06-Nov-2007 (7 comments)
US Foreign Policy Fails Once Again>>>
Sheila K
06-Nov-2007 (7 comments)

CBC interview of Marina Nemat author of "Prisoner of Tehran" is a great book, read it! //

Rahim Asgard
06-Nov-2007 (one comment)

Ardeshir Mohassess exhibition at Asia Museum next summer

SCE Campaign
According to an email... Although Ali was scheduled to be hanged along with 11 others who were recently executed, he was not taken with them...
06-Nov-2007 (4 comments)

Does society have a responsibility to say to some "We don't care if you call it a religious belief. It's stupid. You're stupid and this is the way it's gonna be.

Mehdi Jami
06-Nov-2007 (4 comments)

هولیگان های اینترنتی خطر بزرگی برای آزادی بیان اند >>>
05-Nov-2007 (19 comments)
Iran is the land of mysterious creatures... >>>


Nazanin Ghasemian
05-Nov-2007 (3 comments)
05-Nov-2007 (7 comments)
For those of us Iranians living in the U.S., shit is about to hit the fan. >>>
SCE Campaign
05-Nov-2007 (one comment)
Sina Paymard will no longer be executed after the family of the victim received the blood money >>>
Jahanshah Rashidian
05-Nov-2007 (26 comments)
Le hijab islamique ne signifie pas forcément un degré élevé de respect de l’islam, mais démontre plutôt l’existence d’un dogme islamique qu’on appelle « non-mahram » >>>
04-Nov-2007 (6 comments)
...let's call the whole thing off! Burma learns first hand how US foreign policy works [or doesn't]>>>
Bahman Mahmoudi
04-Nov-2007 (one comment)
A subcontractor had brought his Swedish girlfriend to the island, and the young and blond enterprising lady had started providing R&R for the oil drillers at premium prices >>>
04-Nov-2007 (one comment)
with a Qom ticket >>>
04-Nov-2007 (36 comments)
Imagine the IRI has collapsed. Would you go back for good? >>>
04-Nov-2007 (25 comments)
Declaration of war on the United States of America by the Islamic Republic of Mullahs... >>>
Iranian identity >>>
SCE Campaign
04-Nov-2007 (7 comments)
18 years later, Soghra Najafpour who was a child at the time, is facing execution and is in hiding: >>>
03-Nov-2007 (8 comments)
Wiped out >>>
Jahanshah Rashidian
03-Nov-2007 (54 comments)
Halal or haram have nothing to do with prophylactic, hygienic, precautions or medical meaning. >>>
03-Nov-2007 (2 comments)
China and Russia unite with US against Seyyeds >>>
02-Nov-2007 (21 comments)

It looks like Michael Mukasey, the man who is currently undergoing a Senate confirmation process to be the nation's next attorney general will get the job afterall.

David ET
02-Nov-2007 (9 comments)
In response to Bahmani’s article: Anonymity vs. Accountability >>>
02-Nov-2007 (35 comments)
After a walk around, and much offline debate at least this SOB is back and ready to tackle ANYONE!>>>
Bahman Mahmoudi
02-Nov-2007 (one comment)
I was involved with major problems of my life, such as putting the right shoe on the right foot or the potty training >>>
Jahanshah Javid
02-Nov-2007 (59 comments)
That sweet little thing took my heart and whenever I see her I always smile... I come alive.>>>
02-Nov-2007 (3 comments)
Averting the stick>>>
SCE Campaign
Amnesty International calls for an urgent action to save Makwan Moloudzadeh from execution: >>>
Haji Firooz
01-Nov-2007 (30 comments) is the only true and unsanitized reflection of Iranian identity. Let us not sanitize our identity. Let us be for once true to ourself. >>>
01-Nov-2007 (4 comments)
The cartoons and films that touched a generation in Iran! >>>
01-Nov-2007 (8 comments)

Iranian-French website.

01-Nov-2007 (23 comments)

With all the US-led misadventure and bullying, what is Iran to do? I think developing the nuclear bomb is the only answer if you are interested in long lasting peace.

Bahman Mahmoudi
01-Nov-2007 (one comment)
My Swiss friends invited me to go with them to Mount Baldy, which is about a hundred miles east of LA. >>>

Marjan Sertrapes Persepolis was released here in Spain to half empty theatres.  The movie is cool but for those with Iranian background it can bring back hard memories and feelings.



31-Oct-2007 (10 comments)
In 2007 are there no better (more imaginative) ways to fund this site?>>>
31-Oct-2007 (13 comments)

Hearts pounding, butterflies in the stomach, that 'tingly' feeling all over, like you are floating on a cloud. Oh how i miss it.

31-Oct-2007 (68 comments)
Tavalodet Mobarak RP >>>
October 2007 sees the publication of a new book on Iran and the Middle East. >>>
SCE Campaign

گروهی از نمایندگان پارلمان سوئد در تاریخ دوشنبه ۲۲ اکتبر، با ارسال يک نامه شديد اللحن به مقامات جمهوري اسلامي خواهان رعايت حقوق انساني در ايران شدند.

SCE Campaign
31-Oct-2007 (5 comments)
The 2 recent child executions increases the number of children reported to have been executed in 2007 to 6 >>>
When the imperialists get tough...Iranians get smart. >>>
در مورد برمه تمام رهبران «جهان آزاد» و تمام «رسانه‌های آزاد» صبح و شب با هیجان و آب و تاب از تظاهرات گزارشهای رمانتیک و دراماتیک می‌فرستادند... >>>
31-Oct-2007 (10 comments) contributors are talking about a strike!

Orang Gholikhani
31-Oct-2007 (6 comments)
رنگ وان گوگ>>>
30-Oct-2007 (9 comments)

اندر باب مراسم هالووین و لیل هالووین سنه ماضیه

Dar in Sayeha... >>>
David ET
30-Oct-2007 (14 comments)

In response to Mr. Bahmani's article " Editor is dead! long live the Editor!"

Bahman Mahmoudi
The summer vacation had started and we were going to have fun by going to the Caspian Sea in northern part of Iran >>>
30-Oct-2007 (87 comments)
Enough! Having had my A** handed to me on every single piece I've written, I give up!>>>