عشق پوسیده

حزب توده با خیانت، جمهوری اسلامی با جنایت - قسمت اول


عشق پوسیده
by Shazde Asdola Mirza


بر قرار کردن ارتباط منطقی‌ بین گوز و شقیقه از همه آسانتر است، که اول بدان میپردازم.  پریروز، چند کلمه ای در مذمت حزب توده و رابطه بیمارش با خمینی جلاد نوشته بودم؛ که به یکی‌ از "رفقای" سابق حزب برخورد.  او هم دو صفحه نوشت - اولی‌ داستان و دومی‌ فحش به "شازده".  بنده خدا، از حول حلیم توی دیگ افتاد و آنقدر در حمله پیش رفت که وقتیکه از میهمانی به خانه برگشتم، مطابق معمول خسته و ملول، با خواندنش داشتم از خنده روده بر میشدم!  خدا، خریت و خنده را از من و شما نگیرد!

مثل برادران گمنام و زحمتکش اوین، پرسیده بود: نام، نام خانوادگی، محل سکونت و عکس ۶ در ۴.  از ترس به خودم ریدم و دیدم که باید حداقلی را فاش کنم!  پس لااقل اعتراف می‌کنم، که چرا می‌‌نویسم.

فیلم "دزدان دریایی کارائیب" را به خاطر آورید و کشتی "مروارید سیاه" را ایران فرض کنید، و همه مان را نفرین زده‌های ابدی!  به گناه حرکتی که در ابتدا عشق و گرمی‌ به وجودمان داد، و به لعنتی تاریخی‌ یا جبری جغرافیایی، که از آغاز جنبش مان را محکوم به شکست نمود.  حالا، چه مثل نود و پنج در صدی که در ایران هستند و بر آن‌ "کشتی‌ سیاه" زجر میکشند و برای اربابانش فعلگی میکنند، و چه مانند پنج در صدی که اینور آب به زور و زحمت لقمه نانی در می‌‌آورند؛ مذاق جملگی تلخ است و طعم شیرینی‌ و عشق نمی‌‌بیند.

پس، از عشق نمی‌‌نویسم؛ چون در دل‌ نسل ما سالهاست که مرده و پوسیده است.  سکس شاید، مشروب البته، افیون هر وقت که برسد؛ اما عشق، اما امید؟  از پوسیدگی و مرگش مینویسم، که عزاداری صنعت دیرینه ماست.  در فراغ عشقی که کفن شد، که کود شد تا درخت نفرت و خشم سیاهمان را بارور کند.  نفرت از دین، تنفر از مسلک، خشم به راست به چپ به شمال و به جنوب.

بقول اخوان ثالث: "باغ بی‌ برگی، که می‌گوید که زیبا نیست؟

داستان از میوه‌های سر به گردون سای، اینک خفته در تابوت پست خاک، می‌گوید!"

بهترین غذا‌ها را می‌خوریم و طعمشن را نمی‌‌چشیم.  زیبا‌ترین مناظر را می‌‌بینیم و لذتی نمی‌‌بریم.  قلبمان و روحمان تا ابد اسیر آن‌ "کشتی‌ سیاه" است.  یا شاید، تا وقتیکه آن‌ طلسم را بشکنیم؟  ذره ذره آن‌ گنج امید را که به سرقت رفته، بیابیم.  دانه دانه آن‌ ارواح زجر دیده و جان باخته را شاد کنیم.  برگ برگ آن‌ خاطره‌های رنج و درد را از سیاهی نفرین و لعنت ابدی بشوییم.  سپس همه را در چلواری سپید بپیچیم، آغشته به خونی نو، از عاشقان نسلی جدید.  تحفه و قربانی برای خدایان کهن.  شاید آن‌ بقچه خاطرات، ملقمه ایده ال‌ها و تلاقی افکار، اینبار نجاتمان دهد؟

نقطه ضعفمان، پاشنه آشیل و چشم اسفندیار مان در همین خون است.  باید از تبار ما باشد تا گناهان و خطا‌ها مان را بشوید!  لاجرم بر دوش جوانان است، که باقی‌ را جان و رمقی نیست.  نسل قبلی‌ یک بار داده و هنوز جای دادنش درد می‌کند!  چه اندازه؟  چقدرش کافی‌ است؟  مخملی با صد نفر؟  قهر آمیز با چند هزار؟  جنگ داخلی‌ و چند ده هزار؟  حمله خارجی‌ و صد‌ها هزار؟  آنها که فرزند دارند می‌دانند که، هر قطره‌اش برایمان دریاست!  با وجودیکه می‌دانیم الزامی است، نمی‌‌توانیم باورش کنیم.

اینجا، دانسته و ندانسته، همه مان در همان تلاشیم.  یکی‌ شعر مینویسد، دیگری تئوری می‌‌بافد و سومی‌ داستان سرایی می‌کند.  در این "نمایش زنده" سهم شازده این است؛ دلقک بازی و لوده گری.  وصل کردن گوز به شقیقه، حتی گوزیدن به شقیقه، مال خودش و دیگران.  اما اعترف می‌کنم که توطئه واقعی ام، مثل هر دلقک مناسبی، گفتن چیز‌هایی‌ است که آدمهای محترم می‌‌دانند ولی‌ نمی‌‌گویند، می‌‌بینند اما انکار میکنند، میشنوند ولی‌ به فراموشی میسپارند.

گفتن که چه عرض کنم.  نه با تئوری و تحلیل و منطق - بلکه بیشتر با فحش و قصه و مزاح.  چرا؟  چون زبان قلب خیابانی من است.  همه چشم و گوش بوده - از خیابان تا بیابان، از شهر تا ده، از فقر تا غنا، از جنگ تا آرامش - همه را بیاد دارد.  چون بی‌ نیاز است، بی‌ خیال و بی‌ غرور.  مهمتر از همه، چون پزشکم مصرف "وایگرا" را بیش از هفته‌ای یکبار، برایش ممنوع کرده است!

>>> PART 2


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Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear friends: thanks for your support & sorry if I have offended

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Every voice counts! Every action counts!


اعتراف میکنم !


"اما اعترف می‌کنم که توطئه واقعی ام، مثل هر دلقک مناسبی، گفتن چیز‌هایی‌ است که آدمهای محترم می‌‌دانند ولی‌ نمی‌‌گویند، می‌‌بینند اما انکار میکنند، میشنوند ولی‌ به فراموشی میسپارند." You said it simply and beautifully Shazdeh Jaan!


Shazdeh aziz!

by Fatollah on

just wanted to let you know, I don't love you! and that's a relief for both of us! you always bring a smile to my otherwise grim face!
I am fond of your sense of humor and your writings, thanks so much and please keep it coming! :-)



Souri Khanoom...

by shifteh on

To begin with; anyone on this site might be a psychopath; as far as i am concerned.  When i go to the chatroom and feel the tension, i get out, as simple as that. 

Plus, why do not you let the readers decide whom they want to read, or not to read?! Do you seriously think people lack that much of intelligence, critical thinking, etc... and cannot disregard junk and glunk when they see it?!!  Please Souri khanoom, give everyone a bit of a credit and do not take on everyone's decision on your shoulder; it will be quite a big cross to carry...

As for my point about the bitterness and the despair we feel as a nation; again, we are not children and we are not exactly imbeciles and retards here!  Make as many comments as you wish, write as much as you like, in any form, style, or shape; take any view you wish; and let the readership decide; practice democracy rather just giving it a lip service.  Again, here is a perfect platform for "practicing" democracy; your population are not ignorant; they can debate based on facts, and they can choose to walk away if they dont like it!  How is that?

Now to the issue of abuse.  Abuse is a serious issue in any shape or form; but if you cant walk away from it in the real world, you can do that in the virtual world, cant you? You do not feed the abuser and you do not engage; you have many venues, even here in the virtual world, to stay true to your moral standrads and not to feed the beast; and that my dear is the only way!    


شازده جان


شازده جان

بدون  تعارف از صمیم قلب بگم که واقعاً زیبا و بیریا نوشتی‌.
این یکی‌ از نوشتار‌های بسیا زیبایی شما به حساب میاد، چون از دل‌ بر
میاید و به دل‌ می‌نشیند.






by kharmagas on



Shaazdeh jaan,

by ThePope on

Thank you; beautifully written.
We all have a 'heavy heart' about the situation in Iran...

My whole love and respect is for the person who accepts himself totally, as he is. He has courage; the courage to [easily] allow the inner child in him to surface...
Shaazdeh, that's why khaaterkhaah ziyaad daari...

ps   I don't understand why JJ changed the original title, a famous Persian expression (coined/popularized by Iraj M.).


my 2 cents (for what it's worth)

by IRANdokht on

I expected the Iranian gentlemen to refrain from insulting women, I don't know why... maybe because that's the type of environment I grew up in, but for the ones witnessing such acts to actually cheer them on, join in and attack the ladies is a lot more disappointing to me. Being hurt about our fate and what we've lost and will probably always miss is shared by men and women alike. I just don't understand why it justifies some of the most aggressive behavior and why is it called "khaleh zanak bazi" when a woman shows her frustration.


I don't think anyone has objected to the vulgarity in some of your stories, I know most guys and some of the ladies like and comment on your blogs. But when the profanity is aimed at specific people, then it becomes more than a venting and it's offensive. I have seen many rude and insulting comments from you that are not justified. Even if a woman (actually anyone) expresses political views that you don't agree with, she doesn't deserve to be responded to with vulgarity.

All that said I think this matter has escalated too far. Obviously Souri Khanoum and Shazdeh have personalities that clash and neither is willing to move on and let it go. I wouldn't be surprised if it all started with a simple misunderstanding.

May I suggest to both of you to take it off the site, write each other emails and try to stay calm, respectful and logical. Find a common ground and hopefully you'll get past this rivalry. The people who are fueling the fire are not helping. Maybe it's best to leave them out. 




by kharmagas on



Anonymous Everyday

بی ادبی بدتر از به تربیتی نیست.

Anonymous Everyday

 شما دوتا خانم هنوز درک نکردین که بیشتره کسأنی که به این سایت میان از بی‌تربیتی شما بیشتر بدشون میاد تو از بی‌ادبییه شازده. اینقدر خودتونو نخود هر آش نکنید، اینقرد هم خاله زنک بازی در نیارید، کسی هم سر به سرتون نمیزاره. ننه من غریبم هم حدی داره!

Anahid Hojjati

Guys on this site many times support each other no matter what

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Souri, one observance that I have had on Iranian.com is that if a woman attacks some male writer on this site, many other guys support the guy.  No matter how correct the woman is and how bad the man 's behavior on the site has been, you can bet that there will be many supporters of the guy.  It is as if men think that by writing against that specific guy, the woman writer is saying something against all men.  


To all the Shazdeh lovers

by Souri on

With all due respect, I have to share my worries about your overindulgence to this individual who seems to be a serious psychopath.

Why all of you, keep quiet when we point to his vulgar writing?
How many times you have read profanities and gross words and curs words from him which have been flagged and deleted?
I hope some of you have personal contact with him and at least know his identity, otherwise, as they  say in French: we will find ourselves in real dirty sheets, my friends, because perhaps you are feeding a wolf, by this kind of encouragement.

When someone, comes here and write his sexual fantasies of how he would penetrate a baton to the back of some readers, when he never stop using profanities against people whom he doesn't like, added to the words he used in the chat room, threatening me about what he will do with me when he will be in Montreal and having hand on me, describing word by word, giving even the size of his "aalat" to me.......that scare me!

There's nothing wrong encouraging a funny writing, but watch you are not abusing the site, by feeding the abuser!
I don't agree with your claim, that because we are far from Iran, we are all heart broken so "we are a bitter bunch; we don't know how to relate, how to love, and how to cuddle....."
It is like justifying a child's bad behavior by saying he is too sensitive!

We are all the adult who learned to deal with the daily cores and problems outside of our country for a long while now and have became the very normal member of the societies where we are living or working.
How come, this is only when we come to a website, under an anonymous identity that we are allowed to forget all the principle of integrity and humanity?
I'm a heartbroken homesick, so I can come here to insult and injure all the people whom I don't even know but I think that I don't like? Seriously?

What if your funny character is a dangerous bipolar psychopath, Shifeteh khanom? How would you deal with this? Will you still be so proud of yourself for having encouraged him to continue his abusive way toward the members of the site? If your response is Yes, then think twice about this. And think seriously.
Because it just might be true.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

شازده جان ، در شما،این صداقتتان ستودنیست ! چه از احساس و چه از عقل و منطق که صحبت می‌کنید،اصل قضیه بر دل‌ می‌نشیند و این در بین بقیه دوستان تا حدی نایاب است .




shazdeh jan: This was one

by vildemose on

shazdeh jan: This was one of the most brilliant literary pieces I have read both in Persian and English. Are you sure you're not a professional writer?? Keep on writing. Your writings are certainly from the heart unlike others whom after taking hundreds of creative writing classes still sound contrived and belabored in their writings.

Your is a gift from God. I encourage you to write more, please.


My dear Shazdeh

by shifteh on


There are a few things that i like to comment on; but before doing so, i want you to know that i read this twice, not because i didnt understand it (I am quite fluent in reading and writing in Farsi).  I read it twice, because it was an AAH; the sound you make when someone ripps your heart out...

Firstly, I am not so sure why you decided to go out of character?  If this is a literally endeover for you, an exercise in writing in a new style; i guess i am ok with it; that would be your right as a writer to do so.  But, if it is a response to the attack?!  Didnt you know that most of us understand that your writing is a way to deal with much pain that is happening to you, to me, to us a nation? You, need not to justify!  You, like everyone else has a right to post your opinion in ways that you think is most suitable. 

Secondly, i read Souri's post; and. as she admits, she is not a writer, nor is she a story teller.  She wanted to highlight her bitterness and her disgust for you; and she framed it within her experience.  Again, i was not particularly impressed by that; lacking both storytelling element and style.  But, i have seen far more substandard writing, opinion pieces, TOMARNAME, etc., in this site!  And, this is the nature of the beast; this site is sort of ASHE GHALAMKAR; it has a sort of taste to it; but there are some ingredients that you may not like; and you just have to let them be.

Thirdly, i am yet again, baffled by how human behave, even when everything is virtual!  This seems to have become a real "thing" for some; not realizing its limitations and its lack of "realness."  Sometimes,i want to scream to the screen and say "GET A LIFE! NONE OF THESE PERSONAS ARE REAL!  PEOPLE ARE PLAYING THEIR PARTS HERE!"  To me, it is utterly unbelievable how the cyber world has become real to some. 

And last but not least, it is sad to see most of us are taking our bitterness at eachother, not realizing that we have lost something very precious, our motherland.  Either by choice,or by force; us who lived our most fruitful years outside of our motherland; were deprived of her precious cuddle, hold, and touch.  As a result, we ara a bitter bunch; we dont know how to relate, how to love, and how to cuddle...and most importantly, we dont know how to let go.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thx Ebi & Maziar: the original title, which JJ changed, for info

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

رابطه گوز با شقیقه، حزب توده با خیانت، جمهوری اسلامی با جنایت

ebi amirhosseini

شازده جان,وزیرالوزرا , !!

ebi amirhosseini

مدینه گفتی و کردی کبابم:

 "بهترین غذا‌ها را می‌خوریم و طعمشن را نمی‌‌چشیم.  زیبا‌ترین مناظر را می‌‌بینیم و لذتی نمی‌‌بریم."

Ebi aka Haaji


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

khoosh bashid omid inke harfe sedighetan ghalb hay baazi ra moor moor nakonad .

we should all acknowlrdge;betrayed from LEFT & RIGHT.

waiting to read part II.     Maziar