Part of Khosrow Golsorkhi defense in military court in 1973

by Tapesh

The famous Khosrow Golsorkhi who openly declare his attachment to Marxism , defend himself in the military court in 1973 .


more from Tapesh

کرامت دانشیان ....


که در همون بیدادگاه به اعدام محکوم شد..

به عقیده من، این جانباختگان راه خلق دقیقا نمایندگان موضعی کاملا انقلابی‌ هستند که رژیم فاشیستی جمهوریه اسلامی از آن ترس بی‌ نهایت دارد، موضعی کاملا روشن، رک و بی‌ درواسی که در خط آخر به رهایی ایران از این رژیم منفور فاشیسم اسلامی می‌رسد، نه‌ با استفاده از بمب و راکت آمریکایی یآ اسراییلی، نه‌ به امید به چند فسیل "اصلاح تلاب سبز رفرمیست" که دستشان به خون پاک ده‌ها هزار جوانان و نو جوانان انقلابی سرخ هست، بلکه با دست توانای خلق به رهبری طبقه کارگر. فراموش نکنیم ده‌ها هزار کمونیست جانباز که در این سی‌ و اندی سال اخیر به دست اسلامیون در ایران به جوخه یآ دار اعدام فرستاده شده، تمام اینها از کمونیست‌هایی‌ مثل دو خسرو عزیز ما، گلسرخ و روزبه درس  عشق به وطن، به زحمتکشان و پا برهنه‌ها و عدالت اجتماعی و مقاومت تا لحظه مرگ بر ضّد دیکتاتور را یاد گرفته بودند. ما رک و بی‌ رو در واستی میگیم، که از روزبه تا گلسرخی و جزنی   تا گل سرخ مردم کردستان و ایران، معلم کودکان گرسنه و پا برهنه‌ کرد، رفیق عزیز فرزاد کمانگر و ده‌ها هزار کمونیست به خون خفته به دست جلادان ساواک شاهی و ساواما اسلامی، اینها همه الگو‌های ما و تمام خلق انقلابی‌ ایران بوده و خواهند بود تا روزی که ریشه ظلم دیکتاتوری و طبقاتی  از هر نوع از خاک پاک وطن ما کشیده شود.  

هوا دلپذیر شد گل از خاک بر دمید، پرستو به بازگشت بزد نغمه امید...

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No thanks

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

  As one of the people Golesorkhi wanted to help: no thanks! Why do some people want to help me when I did not ask for it. Marxsists should have kept their help.  
  • I don't want or need them to help me. If you want to help your nation then go do something good. Say build a univesity. Or go  teach some kids to read and write.
  • Next time you love your nation, don't shove Isalm on it. Frankly if this was "love", I rather deal with people who hate me. At least they know their hate and admit it.
  • Road to hell is paved with good intentions. It remineds me of the guy who "loves" his kids so much. In his love tries to "decsipline" them by beating them to a pulp.
Romanticization of leftwing ideologues is childish. I a 20 year old in 1979 doing it but not a 50 year old now. The time for indulging in make beleif stories is passed: face reality.


Lets put it this way

by Disenchanted on

   Golsorkhi despite his misgivings had love of his people and gave up his life for their sake. His courage was commendable. I wouldn't exchnage his toenail with that criminal thug Parviz Sabeti (maghame amniati)!

Soosan Khanoom

Thanks MG for these beautiful poems

by Soosan Khanoom on

In general,  all human activity is political because it takes place in a context of history....  For a poet this becomes a passion.  

For Golesorkhi it was a passionate involvement in the political movements of the time and deep feeling towards the people and the society that he used to live in....…   Sometimes the inner feeling can only be explained in written words something that he brilliantly expressed. 

Even if one is not a fan or a follower of his school of thoughts, still he or she can be deeply touched by Golesorkhi's beautiful poetry. Cause it is from heart and it sits in heart ....  

Mash Ghasem

" خواب یلدا"

Mash Ghasem

"  خواب یلدا"

شب که می اید و می کوبد پشت را
به خودم می گویم
من همین فردا
کاری خواهم کرد
کاری کارستان
و به انبار کتان فقر کبریتی خواهم زد
تا همه نارفیقان من و تو بگویند
فلانی سایه ش سنگینه
پولش از پارو بالا میره
و در آن لحظه من مرد پیروزی خواهم بود
و همه مردم ،‌ با فدکاری یک بو تیمار
کار و نان خود را در دریا می ریزند
تا که جشن شفق سرخ گستاخ مرا
با زلال خون صادقشان
بر فراز شهر آذین بندند
و به دور نامم مشعل ها بفروزند
و بگویند
خسرو از خود ماست
پیروزی او دربست بهروزی ماست
و در این هنگام است
و در این هنگام است
که به مادر خواهم گفت
غیر از آن یخچال و مبل و ماشین
چه نشستی دل غافل ، مادر
خوشبختی ، خوشحالی این است
که من و تو
میان قلب پر مهر مردم باشیم
و به دنیا نوری دیگر بخشیم
شب که می اید و می کوبد
پشت در را
به خودم می گویم
من همین فردا
به شب سنگین و مزمن
که به روی پلک همسفرم خوابیده ست
از پشت خنجر خواهم زد
و درون زخمش
صدها بمب خواهم ریخت
تا اگر خواست بیازارد پلک او را
منفجر گردد ، نابود شود
من همین فردا
به رفیقانم که همه از عریانی می گریند
خواهم گفت
گریه کار ابر است
من وتو با انگشتی چون شمشیر
من و تو با حرفی چون باروت
به عریانی پایان بخشیم
و بگوییم به دنیا ، به فریاد بلند
عاقبت دیدید ما ما صاحب خورشید شدیم
و در این هنگام است
و در این هنگام است
که همان بوسه ی تو خواهم بود
کز سر مهر به خورشید دهی
و منم شاد از این پیروزی
به حمیده روسری خواهم داد
تا که از باد جدایی نهراسد
و نگوید هوای سردی است
حیف شد مویم کوتاه کردم
شب که می اید و می کوبد پشت در را
به خودم می گویم
اگر از خواب شب یلدا ما برخیزیم
اگر از خواب بلند یلدا ، برخیزیم
ما همین فردا
کاری خواهیم کرد
کاری کارستان

Mash Ghasem


Mash Ghasem


تن تو کوه دماوند است
با غروری تا عرش
دشنه ی دژخیمان نتواند هرگز
کاری افتد از پشت
تن تو دنیایي از چشم است
تن تو جنگل بیداری هاست
هم چنان پابرجا
که قیامت
ندارد قدرت
خواب را خاک کند در چشمت
تن تو آن حرف نایاب است
کز زبان یعقوب
پسر جنگل عیاری ها
در مصاف نان و تیغه ی شمشیر
میان سبز
خیمه می بست برای شفق فرداها
تن تو یک شهر شمع آجین
که گل زخمش
نه که شادی بخش دست آن همسایه است
که برای پسرش جشنی برپا دارد
گل زخم تو
ویران گر این شادی هاست
تن تو سلسله ی البرز است
اولین برف سال
بر دو کوه پلکت
خواب یک رود ویران گر را می بیند
در بهار هر سال
دشنه ی دژخیمان نتواند هرگز
کاری افتد از پشت
تن تو
دنیایی از چشم است

Mash Ghasem

خاطره عزیز خسرو گلسرخی

Mash Ghasem

با تمام احترام و ارادت به خاطره عزیز خسرو گلسرخی  وی  شاعری متو سط (سیاسی-رزمی) ، همراه با تمامی محدودیتهای یک  شاعر سیاسی-رزمی بود. اشعار وی بیش از هر چیز گویای اختناق و خفقان حاکم در دوران شاه بود، با پیروی از زیبا شناختی خاص خویش.  البته ناگفته نماند که حتا پس از گذشت بیش از چهل سال هنوز که هنوز بسیاری از  اشعار  خسرو  گلسرخی  برایم فراموش نشدنی است، ولی همواره این پرسش برایم  به جای خود باقی است که آیا واقعا  این زیبا شناختی و اسلوب شاعری گلسرخی بود که این آثار را برای من و امثال من جاودانه کرده است؟ یا آن خاطره عصیان و سر پیچی از استبداد و سلطنت؟ آیا اگر گلسرخی درجامعه ای آزاد و باز شعر خویش را میسراید، باز هم ما با چنین شاعری روبرو بودیم؟ 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No death penalty

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree there should be no death penalty in Iran. Must be outlawed in Iran starting with the IRI criminals. If people set that as the example nobody could argue for it again.

Soosan Khanoom

More than a hero he was a great poet

by Soosan Khanoom on




با سیاهی دو چشم سیاه تو 

خواهم نوشت 

بر هر کرانه ی این باغ 

دستی همیشه منتظر دست دیگرست 

چشمی همیشه هست که نمی خوابد"       May he rest in peace    



Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

Untill and unless we, once and for all eradicate this degenerated violent culture of physical elimination and capital punishment from our political discourse in Iran, we'll be stuck in the dark ages, forever.


Anonymous Observer

Shah didn't execute the right people

by Anonymous Observer on

that was his biggest mistake.  He let criminal, terrorsit, murderous anit-Iran sociopaths like Khomeini, Khamenei and Khalkhali off with a slap on the wist, but killed nobodies like Gholesorkhi with much fanfare.  

What an idiot! 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

More responses

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree that Golesorkhi should not have been executed. For one it made a martyr out of him. But I do not get why people insist on making hero out of ideologues. There is nothing heroic about being rigid and closed minded.

People like that force their ideas on others. Because they are so sure they are right and everybody else is wrong. Others are either stupid brainwashed or paid off. They want a revolution and damned be anyone who disagrees.

We get the same kind of thinking right here. It is anti freedom and anti democratic. Why don't they accept people don't have to agree with them. Yes they did have too much time on their hands. To cook up more and more stupidity.


He didn't deserve to be executed ...

by anglophile on

but Golsorkhi had to be shown for the "hollow drum" (Farsi idiom) that he was. His brother-in-law. Iraj Gorgin, attested to his undeservedly exaggerated importance. Broadcasting his defence served no purpose other than adding to this importance and inflating his image. Had he been properly debated and critiqued, he may have been spared the death sentence.  

Kaveh V

In retrospect....

by Kaveh V on


One thing that stands out more and more, after so many years, is the absurdity of these extremist leftist ideologies. Instilling an image of the proletariat "land of milk and honey" in the minds of an uneducated and ignorant population was one thing, but advocating the destruction of the emerging middle class (or the 'petit bourgeoisie' as they called it) that, some how, was supposed to benefit the "peasant" class, was beyond criminal! It was treason!

Furthermore, all of this was to be achieved through violent armed struggle against the system that had established more for the welfare of the population in education, medical care and rapid industrialization than any other time in the country's history!!??

These were indeed demagogues who had no idea where to begin their journey to "the land of milk and honey", and were ever-so ready to (as they did) sacrifice a nation for their half-baked and violent fantasies.



درود بر گلسرخی، گل سرخ زحمتکشان ایران...


درود بر شرف و غیرت این انسان کامل که  به آرمان‌های خود و پابرهنه‌ها و زحمتکشان  ایران با وفا ماند، سر به دیکتاتور خم نکرد، برای زندگیش چانه نزد و در آخر،  با سر بالا و اراده پولادین کمونیستی، جان پاک خود را فدای زحمتکشان ایران کرد. درست عین رفیق قهرمان دیگرش، سعید سلطانپور که به دست جانیان ، دزدان جمهوری اسلامی به شهادت رسید.

راه سرخشان ادامه دارد، تاا سرنگونی جمهوری فاشیستی ولیت وقیح، و پیروزی حکومت مردم...

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

To lose all the brightest of Iran just...

for a personal opinion.

1 ba 1 mosavi nist.

sarhang dadsetan was also ordered from above to get rid of him! shame shame.



Taking sides

by oktaby on

is one thing but insulting all differing views hardly works favorably.

I disagreed and still do with Golesorkhi's ideology but:

-He was a committed idealogue not a demogogue

-He was a product of that era and not anyone's toy

-His trial was broadcast live and he stood in that court fiercely like a Real Man and defended his belief and minced no words... "man dar daadgahi ke oon ro gheir ghanooni midoonam az khodam defa' nemikonam" and was executed for that gusto

-He was a true Iranian with best of intentions even if his views coincided with some that were Soviet supported and supporting. Leftists along with JM were both duped and helped the rapist republic come to power.

-Not all Arteshi in that court or anywhere else were vatanforoush and other adjectives thrown at them but stuck in a bad situation and many later turned against Shah and turned the country to khomeini. By this kind of standard, most people in Iran today working for and with or even putting up with the rapist republic are khaen, kallash and vatan foroush

-Shah's rastakhiz and trial shows were a disgrace and harmful to Iran and himself in the long run but that does not put him in the same 'asfal ol safelin' class as mollas of today just because shah/sheikh rhymes and sounds logical. All those who were promoting violent uprising, including the left, somehow supported (and still do) peaceful change aginst a regime that is orders of magnitude more violent, ruthless and intrusive of all their basic rights. Go figure. 

-hindsight is 20/20. A lot of Adam Smith type free marketeers looked like heroes and prophets until a few years ago, now they are seen for what they are: goats. However, many were true believers and still are of that school of thought and a fraction are the crooks. Conversely, many discredited people of years past look awfully good now. Point being judge Shah, Golesorkhi and others in context and with a bit of deliberation and less emotion. Particularly after what we have witnessed for past 33 years.




Time will Show

by jmyt17 on

Iran need more people like him.Not defending our self, defending our home land.Let’s respect each other first.Khosrow Golsorkhi rest in peace.You are always in the people heart which thinking like you.Respect each other.

Anahid Hojjati

VPK, did you know who

by Anahid Hojjati on

designed "daneshkadeh Fani"? if i remember correctly, that was Kianouri. So to say that they were bikars, it is not correct.

Jeesh Daram


Jeesh Daram

بطور کلی سوال در این است که آیا چند نفر دیگر در آن روزگار شهامت آنرا داشتند که در مقابل آن دادگاه ارتشی که متشکل از یکمشت افسر بی پدر مادر و طنفروش دزد و کلاش کاسه لیس بود بایستند و عقاید خود را بیان کنند.  همین امروز اکثر محکومین سیاسی  با آگاهی از آنکه اعدام خواهند شد باز میایند و اقرار میکنند و طلب پوزش و بعد میبرند و اعدامشان میکنند.  مهم آنستکه آن جوان نباید اعدام میشد و اینکار شاید بنفع شاه میشد.  گفته های او اکثرا  در سطح انتقاداتی بسیار عادی در یک کشور آزاد از دولت وقت است.  پس نباید بیائیم و شخصیت آن مرد را بعد از اینهمه سال با نیش قلم و زبان خود در هم بشکنیم و به او توهین کنیم، او که خود را قهرمان نخواند پس چرا شما به او توهین میکنید؟   آیا آن افسران حاضر در دادگاه، چند سال بعد برای وطنشان چه کردند.  فقط کارشان سلام دادن بود و زورگویی و دزدی.   اگر خمینی چند سال زودتر اعدام شده بود، شاید ما دیگر نیازی نداشتیم گل سرخی ها را اعدام کنیم.   یک فاتحه برای روحش بخوانید و مسئله را خاتمه دهید 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear MG

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I don't think you get my point at all. I did not say Shah gave us political freedom he did not. It is just that I did not mind all that much. Definitely not enough to want a revolution.

These political types were "bikar" with too much time on their hand. Instead of working they sat around cooking up bull and dissent. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Faramarz and Oon Yaroo

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Very interesting points. It depends on what you mean by intellectual. It sounds like  Dr. Holakouei means "political" intellectuals. I generally have a wider definition. However using his definition then he is right.

The one thing I say is the "second" kind did not really know their own ideology. The Marxists in particular did not understand the failings of their own system. They still do not get it!

Regarding pulling the nations forward I don't think we needed them. Nation was being pulled just fine. All these guys did was whine. Nations advance by people who innovate; make jobs and work. Not by political hacks even the good ones.

Mash Ghasem

We had people like Mostafa Rahimi. Shamlou, Haj'sid Javadi and

by Mash Ghasem on

many others like them that  opposed shah, and had zero illusions about khominie.

We just don't remember them, or don't want to remember them.

History is a terrible thing to waste!

Oon Yaroo

VPK & Faramarz, Dr. Holakouei is correct.

by Oon Yaroo on

We had:

10000 of the first kind,

1000 of the second kind

10 of the third kind.

Imagine a carriage (Arabeh) when 10 people are trying to pull it forward, 1000  people are sitting on it, and 10000 people are trying to drag it on 10000 different directions.

The result is the mass suicide of 1979.

Now, Mash Ghasem and the rest of the old friends should go and drink some tee and smoke some Oshnno cigarettes. With due respect :-)

Mash Ghasem

shah is not a totalitarian, although he created Rastakhiz party

by Mash Ghasem on

a single party system, but anyone who opposes him becomes a "totalitarian." That's the kind of monarchists I'm talking about.

When you have a single-party state in full effect (very much like the late period of shah's rule),...

When you have the "intelligence" forces working hand in glove with the most reactionary muslim forces (SAVAK working with Hojatieh),...

 some folks would like to try to just mind their own business, but all this garbage created by the state; and that means shah, SAVAK,... will catch up with the whole nation, as it did, and we're still seeing the results after 32 years.

Howard Zinn the great American historian had a very apt saying:

Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”
Howard Zinn

Nader Vanaki

اَنگل او فیل

Nader Vanaki

در سن سی سالگی شاید امیدی بود که فارسی یاد بگیری ولی الان نه عقلش رو داری و نه سوادش که یه خورده بیشتر بخونی.  گلسرخی هرکی بود و هرکاری کرد با عقل خودش کرد حالا روی مبل نشستن و تئوری بافتن های فلسفی و اگزیستانسیالیستی چیزی به وجه سیاسی ات اضافه نمی کنه مخصوصاً که از کاری که اتحادیه و میرزادگی کردن داری دفاع می کنی. 

وارد این قضایا نشی بهتره چون معلومه که دل و جیگرش را نداری.  بذار تاریخ همون قضاوتی را که برای گلسرخی کرده برای مردم بمونه، توهم سرخودت را با آخرین بازی playstation گرم کن.  راستی مرد عنکبوتی 3 در ماه مارچ داره میاد روی اکران، می دونم که قهرمانت همونه، بیا ببرمت سینما.



by Faramarz on

Last week I was watching Dr. Holakouei whom I respect and he got into a discussion about the role of the intellectuals at the time of the revolution.

He argued that we use the term intellectual incorrectly. He broke it down into three categories.

1. The educated people, like most college students at the time who were not intellectuals. They were just educated. And god knows we had thousands of them both in Iran and abroad.

2. The ideologues. You can include the majority of the leftists and Shariati crowd in this category. These people he argued, were fully versed in their own ideology, but not necessarily aware of its shortcomings or the positive aspects of other ideologies. I would say Golesorkhi falls into this category.

3. The intellectuals. These are the people who know the ins and outs of most ideologies and can lay out the pluses and minuses, and the pitfalls of each. He didn’t name any names, but his point was that we did not have many of those guys back in the 70’s.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

What Monarchits MG?

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Do you think anyone who did not whine was a Monarchist? There were people like me who preferred to live normally. I really did not give a s** about Rastakhiz. If Shah wanted it I did not mind.

Fine I would sign up and go about my business. You think all the people have your values. Well they don't. Many people have other things than politics on their minds. If all your friends were revolutionary then yes SAVAK was your problem; not mine.

Most people I knew had no run in with SAVAK. One of my cousins got involved with the Marxists and died because of the Marxists not SAVAK. Others minded their business and we never had any problems with anything.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Dear Oon Yaroo: we did and do have real intellectuals. The problem is and was that these idiots declare themselves "an-tellectual". Then people even dumber follow them!

They have no right talking on behalf of "people". How did they become my spokesperson? People like this guy were and are totalitarians ***holes. Their way is in MKO and you may all see it! If you like MKO you would love Golesorkhi.

Regrading this bravery: is jumping off a 30 story building bravery? It is just the same thinking that may get Iran in a no win war. People who are missing the brain and wisdom to know the difference of mass suicide and bravery.

Mash Ghasem

Rastakhiz was nuts, SAVAK working with Hojatieh was nuts

by Mash Ghasem on

all those conditions that turned a country of 35 million people into one big prison were nuts.

And exactly what kind of response do you monarchists expect from the people. Just sit back and take it like a bunch of obedient slaves?

Where there is repression there will be resistance. We might not agree with every single point about that resistance, but to deny the background and the context of such acts of resistance, just points out how MONARCHISTS AFTER 32 YEARS STILL  DON'T KNOW WHY PEOPLE REVOLTED AGAINST shah.