Chaharshanbeh Souri: developing news


Chaharshanbeh Souri: developing news
by Shifteh Ansari

Another occasion for protests is upon Iran.  In keeping with the by now standard procedure of defining the next occasion for protests, Charshanbeh Souri, the night before the last Wednesday of the Year, is the next date on which Iranians will come to streets to protest.  Since its inception, Islamic Republic of Iran has never recognized Charshanbeh Souri as a national day of celebration for Iranians.  Conversely, it has banned lighting fires and observation of standard rituals and ceremonies associated with the occasion.  During the past 30 years, Iranians all over Iran have held on to the thousands-year-old tradition, less lighting fires and jumping over them, and more and more using firecrackers and explosives which are easier to manage than fires on the streets.  The traditional celebration, therefore, has already turned into a night of danger and unexpected injuries and explosions.

Now as the next "meeting point" for the protesters who have faced threats of arrests, imprisonment and death sentences, Charshanbeh Souri is here.  Almost on the eve of the event, in response to a question about the legitimacy of Charshanbeh Souri, Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei has shunned the Persian fire festival as an un-Islamic event which
causes "a lot of harm."

Judging from reactions to Khamenei's statement, Iranian protesters have found new resolve in showing up to streets and celebrating the occasion to confront what has become an increasingly personal matter between Ali Khamenei and Iranians.  This blog will be an effort to bring information about events in Iran to the community.  As I have mentioned in previous developing news blogs, please bring any articles or news items you would like to share with others and post it here. You can also stop by just to read or to discuss the news. These are rapidly changing times in Iran and in the absence of official and accurate news reporting out of the country, Iranians inside have turned to citizen journalism in order to capture contemporary Iranian history in their tweets, blogs, and clips. On the receiving end, we have a job to do, too. We need to read and understand what they are trying to convey. We need to get their voices out to each other and to the world. We are the media. Please do your share to


more from Shifteh Ansari
Shifteh Ansari

Sargord Pirouz

by Shifteh Ansari on

May I ask that you make yourself useful?  Why don't you help by posting some news?  You can include your commentaries there, too.  This way, we can have an actual information and thought exchange.  What's so nobel about putting down the efforts of so many who are trying to report/find out what is really happening in Iran?

May I suggest that you "man" Twitter for us?  Here, start by checking this link and if you see anything useful, post it here.  Thanks so much in advance for your active and productive participation.


Mardom Mazloom

Sargord Pi^2

by Mardom Mazloom on

The last time (for Ashura I think) that people were beaten to death you came on Shiteh's blog and were commenting on the uniforms of thugs beating people.

Now, you're the focus of this thread's commentary because we find that the color of your uniform suites very well with your rich-vo-mich. It's a question of harmony.

Shifteh Ansari

Guardian: Iran protests: festival of fire live blog

by Shifteh Ansari on


Lack of reliable news

by Fair on

is due to fascists like your bosses being in power, and not allowing a free press.  What are you so afraid of that you close down so many newspapers and reporters, and allow no reporting of Charshambeh Soori, one of the most ancient Iranian traditions?

By mainstream, you clearly mean "mainstream anti Iranian", like Baathists and Khameneists.  

Many foreigners come on this website, and they are by and large welcomed by Iranians, who are a hospitable people.

But when traitors and anti Iranian fascists like you show up and put down our country, we will cream you, as Iranians have pride and will not accept being pushed around.

Indeed that makes you, along with all other sworn enemies of Iran, like Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, Saddam Hussein, the Mongols, the Arabs, and Alexander, the MAIN focus of Charshambeh Soori, and therefore this blog.  So get used to it.

So to all Iranians and Iran loving foreigners on this website, happy Charshambe Souri.  And to all the fascist enemies of Iran, I say may you burn in the eternal fire of Charshambeh Souri.  Iran is bigger than you puny people, and will defeat you.  As Iranians have been saying in the streets,


and if you cannot understand it, get one of your translators to help you.



Sargord Pirouz

I see, there's so little

by Sargord Pirouz on

I see, there's so little reliable news related to political subversion in Iran during Chahar-shanbeh souri, that I'm the focus of this thread's commentary.

Well, be that as it may. As long as public mayhem in Tehran is kept to a minimum, mainstream thinkers such as I will be pleased. 

Shifteh Ansari

تجمع در ستارخان، انقلاب، میدان امام حسین

Shifteh Ansari

آحرین خبرهای رسیده از تهران حاکی است که خیابانهای ستارخان، میدان انقلاب، میدان امام حسین شلوغ شده است. و جمعیت زیادی در آن تجمع کرده اند. در ولی عصر نیز جمعیت زیادی جمع شده و شروع به ترقه زدن کرده اند. از خیابان کارون به میزان زیادی صدای ترقه و بازی با فشفه می آید یکی از شاهدان گفت جوانان به صورت دسته های چند نفره اقدام به درست کردن ترقه ها و نارنجکها و انفجار آنها می کنند .
در تهران پارس، خیابان ۱۹۶-صدای ترقه و کپسول به گوش می رسد .
در شهرک غرب بنابه گزارش شاهدان، در میدان صنعت مأمورین در دسته های ۱۵۰ نفره ایستاده و جوانان جلوی پای آنها ترقه می زنند، درحالیکه پلیس ضد شورش هم حضور دارد.

Shifteh Ansari

در ميدان مادر درگيري شروع شده است

Shifteh Ansari

خبرنگار آژانس ايران خبر- تهران – 25 اسفند: امروز در ميدان مادر ميرداماد-مأمورين به قدري زياد هستند كه از اينطرف به آنطرف خيابان يكساعت طول ميكشد تا بشود عبور كرد!!
مردم هم در جمعيت زيادي جمع شده اند تقريبا خيابان ميرداماد قابل حركت نيست.
در ميدان مادر درگيري شروع شده است. و مامورين در مترو ايستاده اند و مردم را ميگردند.
ضمنا منطقه اكباتان خيلي شلوغ شده است.

Shifteh Ansari

مردم اعتنايي به نيروي انتظامي نمي كنند

Shifteh Ansari

آژانس ايران خبر – ۱۳۸۸/۱۲/۲۵
خبرنگار آژانس ايران خبر-تهران ـ 25 اسفند- منطقه نارمك -از حدود ساعت 1700 حوالي ميدان هفت حوض شلوغ شده و مردم به تدريج مشغول تجمع هستند. نيروهاي انتظامي هم بطور گسترده هستند ولي مردم اعتنايي به آنها نمي كنند و كارخودشان را ميكنند.



by capt_ayhab on

#KamranMehrpour News of clashes north of Hemmat Hwy,
Ghods township, Tehran. Fireworks thrown at security forces #iranelection
#revolution #4chanbehsuri



this tweet">  

The sun hasn't gone down yet and
explosive are heard repeatedly already #iranelection



AO, please excuse waffen SS major

by Fair on

He is a stateless terrorist and an anti Iran pro fascist cheerleader.

Only an anti Iranian fascist like Khamenei would denounce one of the most ancient Iranian traditions (the other person who did this was Saddam Hussein).

And only his fascist traitor supporters would completely shut up about such crimes against Iranians, as the waffen SS major does.  He is just a stateless parasite who makes noise on this website, and has shown his lack of allegiance to Iran many times, including this one.

The biggest threat to public safety is actually the Islamic Fuehrer inciting a riot by making such anti Iranian statements.  Therefore an actual lawful police force and judiciary should go after him first.  A terrorist anti popular fascist militia of course is another story.



Mardom Mazloom

Sargord (Pi)^2 *

by Mardom Mazloom on

Any comments about the range of the missile Noor in the possession of people in Chahrshinbeh-suri?

(*) (a)^2=aa

Mardom Mazloom

توزیع عکس خامنه ای در تهران برای آتش زدن

Mardom Mazloom

پیش ازظهر امروز(۲۵ اسفند) یک خودرو در شرق میدان امام حسین عکسهای اندازه ۳A خامنه ای را توزیع کرده است. زیر عکس نوشته است: «چهارشنبه سوری سبز با آتش زدن عکس ولی امر ظالمین (جشنواره نور علیه تاریکی) این عکس را آتش بزنید .» تهران: ازساعت ۰۹۰۰ تا ۱۱۳۰ در خیابان ستارخان نرسیده به پل و بعد از برق آلستوم نیروهای رژیم در حال جمع آوری سطل آشغالها هستند , سه روز قبل کیوسکها را جمع کردند الان سطلهای کوچک را هم جمع میکنند. تهران: ساعت ۱۴ به وقت ایران در خیابان رودکی بدلیل ایجاد مزاحمت مزدوران سپاه وبسیج بین آنها ومردم و رانندگان ماشین های مسافری درگیری صورت گرفت . همچنین خیابانهای شادمان و بهبودی ، نیروی وحشتزده رژیم مسقر هستند و برای مردم مزاحمت ایجاد میکنند .


وای چه حالی میده

Shifteh Ansari

پرشین رادیو : صدای مهیب انفجار ترقه در مجیدیه تهران

Shifteh Ansari

به گزارش خبرگزار مردمی پرشین رادیو صدای انفجار مهیب ترقه ها در شهر شنیده می شود و شیشه های برخی از مغازه ها شکسته شده است
و فضای کلی تهران ملتهب است
سه شنبه 25 اسفند 88



Mardom Mazloom

در شيراز مردم آتش بازي چهارشنبه سوري را شروع كرده اند

Mardom Mazloom

خبرنگار آژانس ايران خبر- شيراز - ساعت 15:30 يک صداي مهيب در خيابان چمران به گوش رسيد و دود تمام محله را گرفت و نيرو هاي انتظامي به محل صدا رفتند ولي کسي را نتوانستند دستگير کنند به نظر مي رسد جوانان دست پيش را دارند.

به کوری چشم اهرمن و ملیجکاش

Shifteh Ansari

From Twitter

by Shifteh Ansari on

تهران ساعت 18:آغاز درگیری در میدان محسنی/تهرانپارس در کنترل مردم است/انفجارهای شدید در حوالی میدان گیشا/درگیری در خ زیتون اهواز

Shifteh Ansari

غريو انفجارها، تهران را فرا گرفت

Shifteh Ansari

بنابه گزارشهاى دريافتى در شهرك غرب در تهران صداى ترقه و نارنجك به گوش مىرسد
يك شاهد در شهرك غرب گفت مردم بمباران خود را از صبح با ترقه شروع كردهاند
همچين صداى انفجارهاى زيادى در اطراف خيابان وليعصر و تقاطع وليعصر تهران شنيده مىشود.
در کوچههاى اطراف اين منطقه جوانان بر روى بامها بانگ الله اکبر سر دادهاند.
در خيابان رودكى مردم با مزدوران بسيجى و پاسدار درگير شدهاند.

Shifteh Ansari

گزارش از چهارشنبه سوري , مناطق مختلف تهران

Shifteh Ansari

خبرنگار آژانس ايرن خبر- تهران – ساعت 17.30:
بنابه خبر دريافتي تجمع مردم در منطقه اكباتان در فاز 4 ساعت 1630 عصر شروع شده است اين محل اصلي و سنتي همه ساله تجمع جشن چهارشنبه سوري است . نيروي انتظامي در فاز 9 اكباتان مستقر هستند.
نكته قابل توجه ديگر اينكه دربرخي مدارس تهران وموسسات آموزشي درشرق تهران حكومت ضمن تعطيل كردن اين واحد ها به جاي محصلين و كاركنان نيروي سركوبگر امنيتي متمركزكرده است كه اگر اعتراضات مردم بالاگرفت آن هارا براي سركوب بفرستد .
عليرغم همه تمهيدات , در خيابان هاي مركزي تهران سروصدا ي ترقه به گوش مي رسد. بطور خاص درمنطقه سعادت آباد - پايين تر از ميدان كاج صداي ترقه ها و انفجار زياد است .
همچنين در خيابان كارون به ميزان زيادي صداي ترقه و بازي با فشفشه به چشم مي خورد جوانان به صورت دسته هاي چند نفره اقدام به درست كردن ترقه ها و نارنجك ها و انفجار آنها مي كنند .
درخيابان وليعصر - صداي ترقه ها تا چندين خيابان آنطرف تر به گوش مي رسد جمعيت مردم و بخصوص جوانان زياد است و شروع به ترقه زدن كرده اند و قطعا با تاريكي هوا بيشتر خواهد شد .

Shifteh Ansari

I removed this clip

by Shifteh Ansari on

This clip may not be from this year, so I removed it for now.  Sorry.

Noosh Afarin

آتش زدن عكس خامنه اي در ميدان آزادي دوشنبه 24 اسفند

Noosh Afarin

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Sargord or whatever your real name is

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

The news I provided shows the level of emergency contingency planning that will go into effect; which, if you're interested in public safety, you'll be relieved to hear.

The only emergency IRR is worried about is its own survival. From now on IRR will fear every single occasion when people get out. They are scared of the people. Because they know how much people hate them. They know their days are numbered. The only thing keeping them in power is their guns. Don't you try to fool us with pretense of them being worried about Iran. The Islamists hate Iran and Iranians; we are not stupid and we see right through them and you.

Yes they are going to be prepared and looking over their shoulders. Not one night will go with Khamenei and Ahmadinejad sleeping in peace. They know  if people get their way they will end up hanging off a tree.

The may extend their tyranny for a while. But sooner or later they  make a mistake. Then the full force of the Iranian people will come down on them. Then they will meet the devil to whom they dedicated their lives.


Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

I didn't actually quote Fars News. The Fars News element was lifted from a report in Persian from Asr Iran.

By the way, Anon, don't be so disingenuous. You're not here advocating Chaharshanbeh Souri, as much as you're cheerleading rioting.

Whatever, take into account that many will be taking vacation for two weeks of Nowrooz holiday. And there will be those, like Bahman 22, that will simply stay away for fear of the rioting that marred Ashura.

The news I provided shows the level of emergency contingency planning that will go into effect; which, if you're interested in public safety, you'll be relieved to hear. But of course, if you're cheerleading riots, casualties and destruction of property, then this will represent a potential setback.


Ms. Ansari

by capt_ayhab on

Thanks a million for your diligent update on the news.

Khasteh nabashin .



Thirty-one years of that satanic regime is enough!

by JG on

Dear Iranian friends, I hope that tonight, thanks to Chaharshanbe Suri's purifying fire, IRI will be thrown into the dustbin of history.

Piruzi! Azadi!

Anonymous Observer

Really Sargord

by Anonymous Observer on

"According to the Fars News Agency report"

Farce News? LOL...and you complain about other people's source of news?!!!  What a hypocrite!

And I'm impressed about your basic knowledge about 4shanbeh souri.  Did you look that up on Wikipedia as well, like you do with all matters related to Iran?

Word of advice: stick to your own national holidays.  Memorial Day is coming up.  Start getting ready for that.   


شیفته و بقیه دوستان خسته نباشید


I learned last night that we got permission to set up small bonfires in one of the streets of our city.   So we will be celebrating Chaharshambeh souri as a community.  :-)


Iran Bans Reform

by vildemose on

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Kaftaareeh pir is right about one thing:

The festivities have no basis in Islam,

Indeed and that is why they are pure. Not touched by the hands of Islam their fires will cleanse Iran of the filth. Ta chashme doshman koor beshe. What kind of traitor would shun this most Iranian of practices? Why the heck did people pick a pig over the Shah.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Shahanshah Aryamehr

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


was a real Iranian. Not like these traitors and Tazi parasts who took over thanks to the idiots. I wish we had a real Iranian like Shahanshah Aryamehr to govern Iran. Then we would not have to be scattered all over the globe.

We would go back home and live there as we were meant to. Thanks a lot guys.

Darius Kadivar

A Day In History ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Happy 4 Shanbeh Souri to All Iranians ...

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Shah Jumps Over BondFire (1976/77)



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Real Garbage

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


and the true corruption in Iran is: Islam. May the ancient fires burn this abomination and send it back to hell where it was spawned. By the sick mind of one man it came out of hell and by the hand of Iranians it will be send back there. To join its Khamenei when his time is up and will join his masters back in there.