
دادگاه "ايران تريبونال" جمهوری اسلامی را به "جنايت عليه بشريت" محکوم کرد

رادیو زمانه:‌ بخش دوم دادگاه "ايران تريبونال" که موضوع آن کشتار زندانيان سياسی ايران در دهه ۶۰ بود، با رأی قضات دادگاه به پايان رسيد. اين دادگاه با شنيدن شهادت‌های ده‌ها زندانی سياسی در دو نوبت، کشتارهای دهه ۶۰ در ايران توسط جمهوری اسلامی را "جنايت عليه بشريت" شناخت.

به گزارش راديو زمانه، بخش نخست دادگاه رسيدگی به کشتار زندانيان سياسی در دهه ۶۰ که به نام "ايران تريبونال" معروف است به مدت پنج‌ روز، از ۲۹ خردادماه تا دوم تيرماه ۱۳۹۱ (١٨ ژوئن تا ٢٢ ژوئن ٢٠١٢) در مرکز اقدام حقوق بشر سازمان عفو بين‌الملل در لندن برگزار شده بود و بخش دوم آن نيز از روز پنج‌شنبه چهارم آبان‌ماه تا امروز شنبه ششم آبان‌ماه (۲۵ اکتبر تا ۲۷ اکتبر)، در سالن صلح، ساختمان دادگاه لاهه برگزار ش.

دادگاه "ايران تريبونال" که در سه روز اخير هر روز ساعت ۹ صبح تا پنج بعد از ظهر ادامه داشت به رياست قاضی جوآن کريستين برسيگر از آفريقای جنوبی برگزار گرديد و پنج نفر هيئت قضات آن پروفسور جان دوگارد از آفريقای جنوبی، پروفسور هاکو هاتوا از کنيا، پروفسور باتريشيا سلرز از بلژيک و پروفسور مايکل هانس فيلد از انگلستان بودند.

گروه دادستانی اين دادگاه را نانسی هورماشيا، مژده شهرياری، کاوه شهروز، جان کوپر، سر جفری نايس، گيسونيا و پيام اخوان بر عهده داشتند.د >>>


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Vildemose on your Question

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Khomeini asked that the peoples of the world, and the governments of the world,
should step in and affect a regime change in Iran to save Iranians from
Human Rights abuses and the tyranny of the shah's regime. What has

Due to the Stupidity of Many Iranians who were not yet capable of managing a democracy we now have 2 issues 1) A Handful of Supreme Idiots wanting a Multi-party Democracy from the situation Iranian has regressed to today, the change in a heart beat group 2) the change we have now experienced is, we actually do have human rights abuses and tyranny of a regime, and the honest know that it did not exist before. (Only people that did not wish to seem dark before all, pretended extreme crimes existed so they could conceal the depth of their own evil from humanity, though they are today all caught red handed and insisting denial.  I'm not just talking of the Islamists or other extremists in Iran like MeK and Communists in the opposition to the Monarchy as vocal as they are in their shameless denials and counter allegations.  I'm talking about the Free Democracies of the West, who helped the extremists come to power and have done everything possible to keep them in power and make the job of the people of Iran as difficult as possible in removing them.  What is evident is the Western Democracies are actively trying to fool their own people Americans, Brits, Frenchmen and Israeli's to their actions and motives because these supreme criminals, leading Free Democracies are so Sadistic they need their own people totally seduced, so in the future they can use their own people as willing and motivated cannon fodder, in order to participate in the profitable business of war for their countries against "evil" people. It worked very well in the past few centuries of their miserable existance, no?

Is there a reason to expect that the use of love of country and family won't work on a new generation of patriots, by the sadistic in control in the west, who have the truth concealed from many and control of a medium like the media and various articles that are officially pumped out and trusted by most? 


 khomeini's interview

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 khomeini's interview asking for intervention and regime change:



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


The evil Khomeini in an

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The evil Khomeini in an interview in Paris before the revolution  asked that the peoples of the world, and the governments of the world, should step in and affect a regime change in Iran to save Iranians from Human Rights abuses and the tyranny of the shah's regime. What has changed?



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


  Noose is getting

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Noose is getting tighter for IRI criminals lately….Crimes against Humanity for 30+ years must be answered in this world not Next….


We Shall Never Forget...

Shazde Asdola Mirza

مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی

Shazde Asdola Mirza


توحش وحوش


آن نازنینانی که توقع اصلاح رژیم را دارند، هوادار بخش "اصلاح طلب" نظام نکبت مسلمین هستند و به میرحسین موسوی خامنه، کروبی، خاتمی و ... دخیل بسته اند و خیال باطل دارند که بین این دست وحوش با وحوش دیگر حاکم فرق ماهوی وجود دارد، هنوز ابعاد توحش و جنایات وحوش را درک نکرده اند.

روز ماجرا نزدیک است، بسیار نزدیک است.