What should Iranians do with Quran in Ramadan?


by rottengods

After I start to set quran on fire, so called moderate muslims in the US, England and Australia started to use their true language, violent and threats. They have threatened my life and so on and still keep saying "we are moderate muslim" What the hell?!

So here is the piece for you so-called moderate muslims: It is so weird how Moderate Muslims are most worried about Quran and Islam than how Islamic governments (in our case Iran) is violating human rights on daily basis in the name of Islam! There are two possibilities:

1) Islam instructions are instructing to violate human rights so we have to get rid of it because human right comes first than a cruel Islamic instruction.

2) Moderate Muslims say Islam instructions are good and peaceful but extremists hijacked Islam and misinterpreted it in the way that serves their objectives. In this case Moderate Muslims should rise against extremists who hijacked and abused their beloved and peaceful (which is not true) Islam's name and they have to react to daily human rights violations in Islamic countries.

If moderate muslims for real are really out there, I mean if there is any exists, we have to hear their voice when Islamic government violates human rights on daily basis. so where have they been so far that we haven't heard about them when Iran is executing children more than any other country?

I don't have any respect for Islam or anything that you believe while your belief system is suppress people and kill them by Islamic laws. Moderate Muslims don't care how Islamic government is violating human rights in Islamic countries because they are muslim.

That's why in current situations you will see my protest in a manner that everybody, including moderate Muslims and extremist get my message and think about my frustration which is the daily problem of me and every Iranian people.

After set quran on fire Islamic Iranian government understood that setting quran on fire is going to take them down eventually so they stopped executions in public but still they are executing people so setting quran on fire is not gonna stop here. We do have some new plans for ya, wait and see.



Recently by rottengodsCommentsDate
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Mehdi Mazloom

Zolfaghar Cheeze koloft ?????????????

by Mehdi Mazloom on

you write:

insulting a religion and that is because you have never had proper political education

Now, what is the "proper education" to which you are referring?. Or maybe you meant Proper brainwash of innocent and gullible people to follow a hate filled preacher and semi literate, whom calls himself "supreme leader", single handedly affect the lives of 70M Iranians.

If you want to do something for Iran and Iranians, stop insulting
religions, any religion. You won't get anywhere by attacking religion

Yes you may call it "attack and insult on religious. Others may call it a constructive crtisizm of a religious which pins down more then 1.4B people around the world. Channels their lives, goals, aspirations and hopes evoleved around ONE illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago, and the one who still instills so much fear on anyone who dares to comments about his inappropriate conducts. 



by Zolfaghar Cheeze koloft (not verified) on

I meant fictitious names like "rottengods". I wrote "OmidIran" by mistake.


you are wasting

by Zolfaghar Cheeze koloft (not verified) on

you are wasting your time by insulting a religion and that is because you have never had proper political education.

If you want to do something for Iran and Iranians, stop insulting religions, any religion. You won't get anywhere by attacking religion. Don't follow bullshits that George Bush tries to feed you and worse than that don't be fulled by the British whores.

For you to serve Iran, you need to understand the nature of British interferences in Iranian affairs. Installation of Khoemini and his gang and continuation of support for the IRI. You need to fight and attack the British if you have the balls, to hide behind a fictitious name such as "OmidIran" you are pissing on a wrong tree.

Stand up and let the British know that you are an Iranian and want to kick their ass out of Iran.....

Good luck


Thank you

by OmidIrani (not verified) on

One man between 70 million voiceless. that's how it should be. we have to get back to our origins to know what happened and why then start to rebuild our beloved country.

that's the beginning as you very well said "we should get rid of" all these extra meaningless things like korans and ayatollahs and .... then start a new world from there

thank you Sir!