
Rosie T.
by Rosie T.

you are tearing

you are tearing

you are torn in two


like your nation

your beautiful nation

you are torn asunder


there are two of you


and it wounds you

so you wound others

to heal those wounds


but the battle

that rages

must be fought in you


because you

only you 

can heal your nation's wounds 


your beautiful wounded nation

is waitng for you 


nation of  Haafez

of Forough  

nation of nightengale and rose


of koroush


of al-quarezmi 

and mossadegh


shirin ebaadi


nation of you


your beautiful bleeding  nation

is waiting for beautiful you


and the final 


must burn in you

and the forest must succumb

to the flames


and the Light

must triumph

over dark

it is foretold


new growth emergimg

far richer than ever imagined


trees of Faith

trees of Strength

trees of sacred Truth


of branches

reaching out

embracing the world with Light


and the time

it is now

and has always been now

it is here right here

this is your time Iraan


Everything is Sacred

the Sacred is You



Jaavid Iraan

I will never lose Faith in You.




Recently by Rosie T.CommentsDate
guess who
Aug 19, 2008
what is the color of love
Aug 17, 2008
Our Generation (for nazy kaviani)
Aug 15, 2008
more from Rosie T.
Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Hablemos el mismo idioma

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

by Gloria Estefan  I changed a couple of words which were Latinos and Hispanos. I made it universal. You know we are all the same race "Human Race". I just think it is such a meaningful song. En la vida hay tantos senderos por caminar
Qué ironia que al fin nos llevan al mismo lugar
Pesar de las diferencias que solemos buscar
Respiramos el mismo aire, despertamos al mismo sol
Nos alumbra la misma luna, necesitamos sentir amor
Nos alumbra la misma luna, necesitamos sentir amor
Hay tanto tiempo que hemos perdido por discutir

Por diferencias que entre nosotros no deben existir
Las costumbres, raices y herencias que me hacen quien soy
Son coloros de un arcoiris, acordes de un mismo son
Las palabras se hacen fronteras, cuando no nacen del corazón
Hablemos el mismo idioma y así­ las cosas irian mejor

Hablemos el mismo idioma, que hay tantas
Cosas porque luchar
Hablemos el mismo idioma, que solo unidos se lograrian
Hablemos el mismo idioma, que nunca es tarde para empezar
Hablemos el mismo idioma, bajo la bandera de libertad

Si lo pensamos nosotros tenemos tanto en comün
Y no conviene que el mundo nos oiga
Con una sóla voz
Es importante seguir adelante con fuerza
Y con fé
Forgemos nuevos caminos, en la unión hay
Un gran poder
Orgullosos de ser latinos no importa
De donde, todo podemos vencer

Hablemos el mismo idioma, que hay tantas
Cosas porque luchar
Hablemos el mismo idioma, que solo unido se lograrian
Hablemos el mismo idioma, que nunca es tarde para empezar
Hablemos el mismo idioma, bajo la bandera de libertad

Hablemos el mismo idioma dame la mano
Mi hermano
(ad lib) no importa de donde seas todos
Somos hermanos tú ves
Que no existan las diferencias entre nosotros
En esta vida hay que trabajar para lograr lo que queremos
Las palabras se hacen fronteras cuando no se
Hablan del corazón si tú ves
No importa raza ni religion, somos hermanos
En el corazón pero que fuerza tenemos
Los latinos si nos mantenemos unidos


In life there are so many paths that we can choose to walk
How ironic that they all lead to the same place
In spite of all the differences that we tend
To look for in each other
We all breathe the same air and wake up to the same sun
The same moon shines down on all of us
And we all have the need to feel love
We've already wasted so much time arguing about differences
That should not exist between us
The customs, races and inheritances

That make me who i am
Are like the colors in a rainbow, different chords in one song
And words can become barriers when they don't come from the heart
Let's speak the same language
And that way things will go so much better
Let's speak the same language
There are so many things worth fighting for
Let's speak the same language
Only united can we achieve the things we want let's speak the same language
It's never too late to begin let's speak the same language
Under the flag of freedom

If we think about it, we have so many things in common
And it's better if the world hears us as one voice
It's important to always look forward with
Strength and with faith
Let's forge some new paths with strength in our unity
Proud of being latin, it doesn't matter from "where"
We can overcome anything (repeat chorus)
Let's speak the same language
Give me your hand, my brother
It doesn't matter where you're from, we're all brothers, you see

Let's speak the same language
Give me your hand, my brother
Let there be no differences between us
Let's speak the same language
Give me your hand, my brother
In this life we have to work for what we want to achieve
Let's speak the same language
Give me your hand, my brother
Words become barriers when they're not spoken from the heart
Let's speak the same language
Give me your hand, my brother

Let's speak the same language
Give me your hand, my brother
It doesn't matter what race or religion we are
We're all brothers from the heart
Let's speak the same language
Give me your hand, my brother
If, as latins we stand united, we can be very strong
Let's speak the same language
Give me your hand, my brother

Omid Hast

I am totally committed

by Omid Hast on change a pixel, and that’s all I can change in this world.

Rosie T.

Shadan, Ebi, Puzzlied

by Rosie T. on

Shadan thanks for fixing up the thread and for writing to me about it. 

Ebi, yuo fllatter me.

Puzzled, I am not surprised that you are puzzled since the answer to the question you ask is contained exactly in the place where you got the information that there were in fact any deletions at all.  All this would seem to indicate that either you have suffered all your life from a learning disability, in which case you should be used to this state of puzzlement by now, or you must be coming down with a head cold, which is not such a surprising occurence.

Please re-read the thread from the bottom up to get the answer to your question yourself, it will be good training for you. If you have the learning disability, if it is too difficult for you, get someone, perhaps a neighbor, to help you.  If it is the head cold, suggest you wait until after it is over and wishing you a speedy recovery.

And then please. do come back and enlighten me about the craft of poetry and the spiritual, artistic and political history of Iran.  I await with baited breath your return.


Oh and P.S,  Use caps and lower case and spell all words out fully otherwise I won't read your post.  This thread deserves respect.


this poem

by puzzled (not verified) on

rosie t: is that compulsory to say only nice things about your poem? am i going to be deleted otherwise? is that fair? let me know coz i have something to say.

p for puzzled

ebi amirhosseini

Rosie Jaan !!

by ebi amirhosseini on


Quote :
" Sorry Shadan thanks for your compliment but no thanks.  It is NOT a beautiful poem.  It is an UGLY Poem written by an UGLY Jewish person with Ugly Dearms about your beautiful country.  It is UGLY,. I am UGLY, My poem is UGLY. mM vision is UGLY, It is Go tell everyone to hell with my vision and to follow the vision of Mustang Sally".

 Ugly + Ugly =Beautiful

Suddenly ; I started to like the word " UGLY "!!! .



Nice poem.

by Anonymouse on

It is nice Rosie.  Very nice.  The first part can stand alone on its own and applied elsewhere.



by Anonymouse on

Are you a Deleter?  Your profile says you've registered in the past 3 days.  JJ said some of the Deleters are going to blog about their views and stuff.  Are you going to blog about it?  JJ said there are 5 or 6 "Chiefs" and presumably you are one of them.

3 days?!

Moderator 1234

You are absolutely right,

by Moderator 1234 on

You are absolutely right, Rosie.  I should have read all the comments in your post before replying to you.  I stand corrected and apologize for the oversight. Those comments should have been flagged as offensive and dealt with as soon as they appeared earlier in the day and I am surprised that they weren't.  My reply to you did not in any way mean that I condoned or approved of those comments.  I simply replied to say that I hadn't deleted anything on your post.  I hope this makes sense. 

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Ebi very interesting.......femenism

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I think that "Second Sex", by Simone de Beauvoir would have been a good post on her latest poem on Benazir.

Solh va Doosti


Rosie T.

Thanks so much for stopping by Shadan but with all due respect

by Rosie T. on

It is stated the guideliones recently drawn up that:

 Ethnic and racial slurs are forbiddin.

Attacks on personal appearance are forbidden.

Accusing someone of being some kind of agent is forbidden.

 I am called Pentagon Poet an Miss Shalom and more and you're oOKAY with that?  FOR GOD'SS SAKE HE EVEN USES THE SPECIFIC WORD MERCENARY THAT IS SPECIFICALLY FORBIDDEN and that's okay.? I am called an UGLYNECK BRAINLESS SELLOUT by this clearly deranged person and someone says his mother works in a brothel and HE gets deleted and this one STAYS?  And you come out approving of him so that he;ll come back a fourth time?

Sorry Shadan thanks for your compliment but no thanks.  It is NOT a beautiful poem.  It is an UGLY poem written by an UGLY Jewish person with UGLY dreams about your beautiful country.  It is UGLY,. I am UGLY, My poem is UGLY. mM vision is UGLY, It is Go tell everyone to hell with my vision and to follow the vision of Mustang Sally,

ebi amirhosseini

Rosie Khaanom Aziz !

by ebi amirhosseini on

I wish,

I were !.

but Rosie jaan,why not !?

you can be illiterate,but intellectual ( figuritively speaking ).

I hope some poeple find time to read :

" Second Sex ", by Simon De Beauvoir.

I read it more than 20 years ago,helped me a lot with my "Macho",as a Muslim man!.

Moderator 1234

Not on my shift

by Moderator 1234 on

Dear Rosie:

I don't delete any comments on your blogs.  I am letting them through and haven't deleted any since I came on tonight.  You should know that if there are absolutely heinous comments, I leave them for JJ to decide.  None spotted tonight.

By the way, this is a very beautiful poem.  Thank you.


Truly jaavid Iran!

by jp (not verified) on

Truly jaavid Iran!

Rosie T.

Moderator, Ebi, Nez, etc.

by Rosie T. on

What I don't get is that when my friend who travels by car makes vicious comments abiut my Judaism, my appearance and accuses me of being a spy, which are three things that are EXPLICITLY forbidden under any circumstances in jj's recent blog on Respect, and when I have specifically stated to the moderators that I DO NOT WANT ANY DELETIONS ON THIS THREAD, because, after all the man in the Mustang is my friend, that when two times my other friend with the wings comes to tell him where to go in his Mustang, je gets deleted. but my car friend's sweet nothings remain I don't understasnd.dont understand.  Do you understand?

Nezanin, YOU seem to understand.  Could you please explain it to me.  As we all know, I'm a bit thick.

Ebi, intellectual discussion?  Where do you think you are, the Sorbonne?  After all, it didn;t even merit a feature.

Moderator, moderator, how does your garden grow?  With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in arow.


Heart-felt. thank

by copper moon (not verified) on

Heart-felt. thank you.

Rostam-Dastan: How infantile can you get? Why such display of hate and hostility??

"Hate is a coward’s response to intimidation"--Ghandi

Are you intimidated???

ebi amirhosseini

Nice Poem Rosie Jaan !!!

by ebi amirhosseini on

Why can't we have an intellectual comment on this poem (Positive or Negative )!? Supposedly we call ourselves "Civilized ",don't we?.

Why should we have to use foul language in commenting? doesn't it show that we try to hide our " Shortcommings " !?.


Maz Insult him for being

by n.zanincanadai on


Insult him for being him. Why drag his family into this? bad bakhta che gonahi kardan...mamanesho chi kar dari?

Rosie T.

Maz, stop being silly,

by Rosie T. on

we are all born between urine and feces (St. Augustine) and we a;; mist travel the same path "to the sea, that is death" (Jorge Manrique).  And each must choose his own vehicle.  You have wings, he has a car.  So what?

Personally I usually take the subway,


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

"History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives."

             -Abba Eban


Iran has gone through many phases and much suffering. I think many have learned from the past.


Rosie T.

Takhteh Jamshid-joon

by Rosie T. on

Yes new ways must be found.  When syllogisms keep butting heads with other syllogisms, it is time to find a new language. Please read my long post on Anonymoushaha's blog continuing Soraya's discussion.  It's no longer there but you can find it by tracking Haha.

I'm working on an e-mail in reply to yours.


Now, sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....



Wise message

by jamshid on

Beautiful poem.

I agree with you that the forest must burn down, so that a new one can emerge. The old tired behavior and methods have resulted only to failures. Iran needs new blood and a new message.

falak raa saghf beshkaafim va tarhi no dar andaazim....

RostameDastan: Keep your deep oghdeh to yourself, would you please? I can tell it is slowly eating you up inside out and leading you with a miserable life. I feel pity for you.

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

Hecjyll and Jeckyll:   Ssssssssssssssssssshhhhh........





by Q on


Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on




