The hoax that is israel palestine non-issue


The hoax that is israel palestine non-issue
by oktaby

The picture you see is Gaza. How many cities in Iran look as nice and plush? But that is not the image everyone in the world sees. 

The day I see palestinians protest for HR of Iranians or any other people; I'll start caring about them. IRR supporters in the guise of HR tow the line palestinian cause and beat their chest have no problem supporting the criminal regime in Tehran, are having a field day with the convoy incident.

Is this a human rights issue, and are israeli's breaking all the rules left and right? No doubt. Does the world care and do something about it? Yes, more so than the attention plight of Iranians gets, and many other HR issues globally. Have the palestinians helped and supported this criminal regime knowing what they do to Iranian people? Yes and happily so. As long as they get paid for it.

The world is full of human rights violations. From Myanmar to pakistan. In all cases the suffocation, deaths, atrocities, shear scale of violence match or exceed palestine. Should we care more about palestine more? Not if you accept the premise that human rights are universal. Aung San Suu Kyi was prohibited from running on elections of Myanmar (among most abused people on the face of this planet) but I don't recall bleeding hearts writing blogs and memos with a typical snide and pompous attitude.

The palestinian life is supported by a slew of NGOs and organizations on top of UN, xyz etc. Plus millions of palestinians all over the world. They have a special status/passport and without them (or the israeli extremism) the middle east chaos cannot be maintained. This conflict supports them both as does tyrannical governments' excuses for existence all over the arab world and of course the IRR since the 79 devolution. palestinians are well aware of this and play along. Does that mean many of them not suffer under their own tyranny supported by IRR and others for a slew of reasons? sure it does.

I don't recall a single instance of meaningful support for Iranian people anywhere in the moslem world either, including many educated arabs here in the west? The very same arabs who bleed for palestine and financially support them. There were hundreds of them protesting in SF just yesterday.

Now when you bleed so hard for palestine, you have other motivations and agenda and little to do with 'suffering. Or, like most you have fallen for the never ending ruse.

If you do it on with all that is going on in Iran, anniversary of selection, rapes, Majid Tavakoli condition and overall context of what is happening to our fatherland, you are an IRR agent or apologist. And a rather shameless one at that.


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Gavazn, let him be.

by oktaby on

neshaste masto khiar mikhoreva kose she'r mige. It is probably therapeutic for him anyway. You can't make this stuff up if you tried.

Why ruin a good thing: "If you dare attack Bahaii, then you'll see, (as I will soon) how they would react angrily!"

or, "never mind those guys who don't speak for majority of us!"




Obama the confused

by Gavazn on

It is you making personal attacks when you accused people of being Zionists and Agents. Do you want the links to your comments on other blogs, and your unbelievably ignorant rants about Jews causing all the World Wars?

You have double standards when it comes to what determines an attack, and need to get your facts straight before lecturing people about history and morals.


Dan, I suspect by now you know who is giving you the best

by oktaby on

Perspective. It is obviously, the intelligent, articulate, balanced and coherent Obama.



A memorial to freedom and the long list of victims of IRR

by oktaby on

including Neda, Sohrab, Kaveh, Kianoosh, Iman, Mohsen, Farzad....

and the many we may never know. 





Dan, never mind those guys who don't speak for majority of us!

by obama on

These guys don't know about islam, since they are not raised moslems or they are ignorant of islam. Their knowledge of islam is limited by what they see on the streets and american/zionist media!

They are prejudice against any moslem, equating islam with IRI! IRI is not an islamic country! It is a disgrace to islam! If you dare attack Bahaii, then you'll see, (as I will soon) how they would react angrily! Ready for the cover! If they had the power of IRI they would do the same! No democracy!

Never mind that I haven't belong to any religion for 30 years, but that's not going to stop their attacks and accusations that I am a supporter of IRI! They are here only for their own agenda! That's why they attak NP constantly to silent her!


Okteby (is that a secret mason sign?), I find it rather disappointing to see your anger and curse against whoever you disagree with! If you don't want to hear any opposing views, then why do you bother writing blogs all the time? Is this blog only good for Israeli/Bahaii propaganda? If you don't know by now, that people like me are not IRI supporters, and the opposite is true, then you have a problem with judgement!

Now, your bodies are coming to help! This is not the way to have a blog, when you are being so rude to people! Stop the persoan;l attacks which is against the rules of IC!

boom shakalaka

NP (p for Palestine)

by boom shakalaka on

What do you people expect from a heartless/shameless IRI supporter who writes, "iran is a relatively free country in the region. it is certainly not in the habit of shooting at unarmed humanitarian aid workers in international waters."

And this shameless propagandist has the UBER audacity to say this as we near the anniversary of Neda's murder.

Words like "porroo" and "audacity" and "gall" are not nearly strong enough to describe this drone's utter lack of decency and shame. 

Iran is a prisoner of IRI 

boom shakalaka


by boom shakalaka on

I'm a little disappointed in your following quote, " I condemn the attack on the Gaza bound ships. I don't know of any reasonable people who do not condemn it."

Why would you condemn the attack on a Gaza bound ship? There was a blockade in place. These terrorists pack these "humanitarian" ships with arms and weapons for Hamas and Hezbollah. Never underestimate the degree of duplicity of Muslim radicals. The ship should have never tried to brazenly break the blockade. As an Iranian nationalist who would love nothing more than to burn the three Abrahamic religions to smithereens, I trust Muslims (shiits or sunnis) as far as I can toss man-hole covers.

In our fight against the bastards with turbans, the Palestinians are NOT our allies, no way, no how! They are our enemies! Pure and simple, lest we forget the thousands of Palestinians who fought against us in the Iran/Iraq war. As that ugly homosexual terrorist Yasser Arafat, who died of AIDS by the way (that's a fact, not an opinion), once famously said, "Iranians are our friends, but the Iraqis are our brothers."  

Iran is a prisoner of IRI 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I give you credit for being honest and asking. So here we go:

  • Iranian expats are not in agreement on forced regime change. Some oppose it; some are indifferent and some will support it. Not a surprise since there are 4-6 million of us!
  • Iranian expats are not in 100% agreement over IRI. I would say the majority oppose it strongly (or they would not be expats!). There are however some who support it.
  • The death visited on Palestinians is due to their land being taken by Israeli immigrants. To my knowledge neither US nor Israel is planning to send settlers to Iran. So the issue is different.
  • The Iraq situation is more complex. I am not asking for forced regime change in Iran. Furthermore not even the most hawkish Americans are asking for an Iraq style land invasion. So US is not a threat to Iran in that way.
  • The main reason US and Israel might bomb Iran is the IRI. Their inept diplomacy and in-your-face belligerence is giving US and Israel an excuse to attack Iran. Therefore the IRI is the main thread. If IRI was gone then US and Israel would be robbed of their excuse to attack Iran.

In addition IRI is routinely torturing; raping (yes really the real kind; they do it); and murdering Iranians. They practice child executions (I know so does US; but that is not a justification). In short: if it were not for the IRI Iranians would be much safer and more prosperous. Plus they won't be getting routinely executed. FYI: the IRI bills the families for the bullets they use to murder their children. I know these; I personally know of youth put to death by the IRI.

There are not TV news to me. They are personal. I know people. When you ask a mother how is her son and she tells you: he was executed that hits close to home. Something I hope you never have to deal with. 

Dan Huck


by Dan Huck on

I'm trying to learn. Not knowing the country, the religion, the history, the culture,nor the language, there is no doubt there are many things I am mistaken about.  One thing I hope to do is get a sense of what Iranian expats believe about the pros and cons of externally 'facilitated' regime change.

You have indicated in your opinion the US and Israel are not l/l000 the threat the IRI is to the people of Iran. May I take that to mean you feel the death and devastation being visited upon the Palestinians over the past 60 years, or the example of our 'regime change' operation in Iraq are reasonable prices those people should be willing to pay, or that the chances of something like that happening to Iran are less than one in a thousand?

Or are you saying life in Iran for 70 million people is already like anything the Iraqi or Palestinian people are living with?

Thanks for your patience!



In memory of Neda

by fooladi on

In memeory of Neda and other martyrs of democracy in Iran, let's remeber their motto:

Na Ghazzeh, Na Lobnan, Janam fadaye Iran

No to Gaza, No to Lebanon. I sacrifice my life for Iran.......


NP, use proper words in proper place and stop your sophistry

by oktaby on

When I call your 'repeated' return to this blog to 'repeat' the same thing over and over , as stated by yourself, and having 'declined' a non-invitation, then you are stalking. That's not paranoia. 

My last paragraph is a position statement and opinion given my priorities along with you and rest of IRR supporters history and blogs. That you respond to IRR comment is self explanatory. If you support IRR and AN as you do, I consider you to be my enemy. I'm not speaking in tongues so can't make it any more clear than that. When you speak of palestine while atrocities in Iran are several times worse, that makes you a @#$%%^ enemy.

Now you specifically are a black sheep whether you acknowledge/accept it or not. Therefore, all your statements and comments here are just plain dishonest, disruptive and outright fraudulent.

If it walks, quacks and looks like a duck...then it must be a duck. It is all supported by your digital footprint on this site. It is called calling a spade a spade. 


Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

no you are just pranoid. was responding to sk if you don't mind. you have blogged a racist diatribe. stop complaining.

vpk: i do get and appreciate what you mean. if we are going to strike a common cord, it has to be on basis of an understanding. i am trying to show some how their approach affects others, and how they should reconsider their way of dealing with free speech here.

anyone can call anyone an agent of anything! look at the last para of oktaby's blog again. it is part of the message. yet i did not see anyone point it out.

i am giving this pack its own medicine. but with no ill intentions. 

Darius Kadivar

For Those "Patriots" fitting Q's defintion with Alzheimers ...

by Darius Kadivar on


Good point CoP. VPK engaging this Moman is futile.

by oktaby on

DK, that was hilarious.



Darius Kadivar

By the Way it's pronounced "scheissen" NOT "scheisen" ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Takes TWO "SS" to make a Turk speak properly even in Hitler's dialect ...

SATIRE: Turk and Iranian argue in Austria ;0)


It's not a she

by Cost-of-Progress on

This character cannot be a female. Way too violent and way too rude. Ladies normally have a  sense of  femininism which defies this type of bahavior....unless...she's an alter of the infamous Jaleho, AKA fati commando!!!!






You are in no position to

by vildemose on

You are in no position to reprimand people and to get them to "question their values". How dare you insult people here when you need to take a good look at your own comments on the site and go work on yourself first. You support a murdering regime which does treat minorities like apartheid, and then have the audacity to point the finger at another, and at those that have to read your patheitic apologist IRI propoganda here on a daily basis. Take a good look in the mirror before throwing abuse at others.

SK: You're dealing with a robotic software program stuck in a self-repating loop.  She will continue blathering her tired old cliches  mindlessly and dutifully without ever answering your valid questions. Just ignroe her inchoherent diatribes.


NP, now you are stalking. Never mind the pile of horse manure

by oktaby on

you push for human rights and then connect gooz to shaghighe. You would not know human rights if it slapped you in the face. I can tell I struck an IRR nerve with you.

Do I need to call security to throw you out or will you leave in 'Peace'?   :)


Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

i am more than happy giving people exactly what they deserve. if the debate is not about values, what is it about at all? there is an outrageously racist message in this blog that any person serious about human rights would question. if so many predators here are totally allowed to dish out nasty personal attacks and stupid allegations against anyone who espouses peace and greater understanding, then they should be happy to receive the same. i see only israel, usa and a few loud mouths here scream for blood against iran on a regular basis. they also have the gall to call others 'apologists'. as far as i am aware most iranians are against greater tension with the outside world, and ahmadinejad's way would be a milder and more sensible choice for them than the predators here pushing aipac's line as 'iranians'. good for them. what i don't get is: how the heck does this sell-out pack end up calling others 'apologists'?  



Dan, your questions stem from your biased understanding

by oktaby on

and belief system. I don't care for religion or the hysteria and misinformation it feeds masses. My comment on Ju/Chr. in political context and clear so I'll leave that alone. Suffice to say most of the blood spilled over the last few thousand years sits at the door of these 3 franchises.

Many of those same secular jews are zionists so I don't even know what 'brotherhood' means in that context. I think that definition will be as limited as your questions. You pick on lower case on palestine but not the lower case I use on israel which exposes your bias, driving what you choose to pay attention to or pick on. Along the same lines I believe in many things for many good reasons both moral and intellectual. I can just about assure you that it won't jive with your religious views for the same reasons I explained. I can also add that I find 'brotherhood of mankind' in the context of any religion an oxymoron. 



Dan Huck

Christians see themselves as linked to Jews

by Dan Huck on


Christians hardly saw themselves linked with Jews?

Is that what you learned in your tradition? 

Coming from a Christian background and upbringing, I learned Christianity, like Islam, is an outgrowth of Judaism - a new covenant with the same people, but opening up to all people.

Isn't that the tradition George Washington was drawing on respectfully when he spoke to the members of the synagogue in Newport, RI?

The current term Judeo/Christian, I agree with you (I think) is used politically to set up in crowds and out crowds. It would make more sense theologically to me if it were Judeo/Christian/Islam.

Most Jews, especially in the secular tradition, believe in the Brotherhood of Man. How about you? I ask you this so directly, because I see you refer to Palestinians in lower case (does this mean they are low in some way?). I ask you this also because I wonder if you lump all Palestinians together, kind of like in a mass grave?


CoP, are u surprised?

by oktaby on

Or expected a miracle? 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The IRI is a direct threat to Iran. US / Israel are not even close. You are obviously mistaken or have an agenda. The mullahs are stealing and literally raping Iranians. They murder the children and suck our blood. The US and Israel are not 1/1000 the threat that mullahs are. If you had any objectivity you will know it.


One way to avoid an intelligent conversation or avoid the issue

by oktaby on

is repeating the same thing over and over.

NP, I thought you had said good bye to this blog. You seem to return, repeatedly. Unfortunately, as before, I'll respond once you say something of value or make a point.

VPK, everyone condemns the Gaza attack. Those harping on that do it with an agenda.

Boom, cheers. The very belief system of mullahs puts them in a position of traitors and abusers. That is not DJN but history.

Fooladi, do you really think he can/wants to hear or understand U?

Dan, what you bring up is a different discussion. I would say the world is a prisoner of religion. Separating islam from Jud/Chr. is simply a division along political alignments and regional interests. Even the Judeo Christian idea is a recent terminology as Christians hardly saw themselves linked with jews: never mind the Religious right and Babylon nonsense. That is just another made up subjective prophecy/fallacy. And jews are ok with that association because of its political expediency as majority of jews don't see themselves as extension of Christians.

Perhaps we'll revisit this. 






Chee bege adam

by Cost-of-Progress on

Calling those who do not agree with your ideology racist and AIPAC agents (in lower case) is not unexpected of those whose ideology is a failed one - tried and defeated, as in nice on paper, but impractical. Can you say Soviet Union?

What's worse is that these people live in the West, enjoy the freedom offered to them, most probably enjoy the handouts of the capitalist societies they despise and yet have the audacity to act as the armchair revolutionaries that they are.

chee bege adam..............






by sag koochooloo on

"other racist aipac apologists here pretending to be iranians"

Who the hell are You to be calling people racist ???

You are in no position to reprimand people and to get them to "question their values". How dare you insult people here when you need to take a good look at your own comments on the site and go work on yourself first. You support a murdering regime which does treat minorities like apartheid, and then have the audacity to point the finger at another, and at those that have to read your patheitic apologist IRI propoganda here on a daily basis. Take a good look in the mirror before throwing abuse at others.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I know that you were not referring to me. I just want to be clear since there is a lot of (understandable) anger and people are steaming big time. I really do not think anyone being unmoved by what happened. Although I like to see less anger and more forward thinking responses and real solutions.

There are some points in time when big changes may happen. This is one. If people lose this opportunity another one may not happen for a long time.

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

i see what happened there! the administrator will not let me use the initials of that BS character in the subject line. so it should have been addressed to BS, but instead the subject reads 'i will repeat'.

BS: i hope you did not miss it!

Dan Huck

Love Your Neighbor!

by Dan Huck on

If the world were a prisoner to the idea 'Love Your Neighbor', in the most broad and inclusive way, it might be OK. However, we always seem to get distracted by the beuty and impressiveness of our logic and reasonableness, and insist, either verbally or physically, in bombing each other into submission.

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

i was not referring to you in may last comment. i saw a similar comment you made on another blog. i hope that clarifies.  i trust your judgement more than you may realise :)