Attack on Persian Gulf. Here we go again فقط خلیج فارس

Attack on Persian Gulf. Here we go again  فقط خلیج فارس
by oktaby

فقط خلیج فارس


3/4 of responses are Arabian Gulf as you would expect: // 

There is a 'survey' with an obvious intent. Please be sure to vote and spread widely. This is a survey being spread in Arabic speaking (specially Persian Gulf region) to push for the name change.

Don't forget to send your Thank you note to IRR for opening the door to something no one dared before they came about: changing the name of Persian Gulf


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Lost Civilization Under Persian Gulf?

by zuruz on

In past few days many articles have been published worldwide by archeologists, anthropologists and scientists. they are celebrating the new break through and discovery of signs from 75000 years history of civilization and existence of Garden of Eden under the ancient Persian Gulf and perhaps in Persia/Iran land not dessert of Arabian peninsula, I don't know why Fox News or truly False News Network acting unprofessional and moronic regarding the recent break through by National Science Foundation. Fox news published a falsified and fabricated old map along with forged information and used an illegal term for the ancient Persian Gulf which PERSIAN part was obviously erased or colored out and left only the GULF there. After some research, I found out that fabricated map was delivered from little sheikdom of Emirate so called museum! What a joke? "UAE" created only 50 years ago by British colonialism after discovery of OIL in the Persian Gulf region like other Arabs in the Persian Gulf has no identity from its own. According to some statistics UAE population are over 50% Persians and the rest are from Asia and other ethnic backgrounds with only hand full of Arabs who were chosen by their master British Empire to run the sheikdom. This tiny sheikdom which is a puppet for west and live under any flags for protection to survive with no democracy and human rights values and supporter of Al-Qaida, Taliban and international terrorism which claims and forges many of the Persian identities like the Persian Gulf, ancient Persian Philosophers & Scientists such as world famous Bu Ali Sina, Zachariah Razi, Bu Nasr Farabi and many more and considers them as Arabs. Some other Arab sheikdoms such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain leaders along with UAE have been following the same pattern in bribing the world media, publishers, businesses, organizations and world leaders and officials from OIL revenue and ask them to falsifying and forging the PERSIANS identities and LANDMARKS with thousands of years of history. Persia is by any mean the cradle of the world civilization. Those Arabs who follow panarabism mentality that was mainly encouraged by mad men such as deposed Iraqi Sadam during 8 years war with Iran and Osama and his Arabs supports and financers who have plan to destroy America and West and their goal is to establish Sunni Islamic sharia throughout the world.  Of course nobody can change the ancient world history and money can’t buy ancient identities to fit their need and desire of panarabism greedy appetite. Other than legal and historical name of the Persian Gulf any other forged name and falsifications or fabrication by any member nations, world leaders, officials or publications, media, businesses and organizations for the internationally recognized and registered by the United Nations which America is a significant member of that world body is illegal and committing severe crime of history and should be subject to investigation and prosecution by the United Nations justice system. The Persian Gulf has been Persian Gulf for thousands of years and will remain Persian Gulf for ever.


Even if the voting was not rigged, an election it was not

by oktaby on

Whether the selection was rigged is a secondary point. IRR and elections are mutually exclusive. 

And the biggest lie of the last century was the islamic devolution of 79 along with Friedman/Reagonomics. 



I regret

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

If there is one false and baseless claim is out there in regard to Iran, it would be the biggest lie of the century about last year iranian presidential election being rigged.

ram jams


'quick search on internet' will produce picture of many

by oktaby on

with each other. All kings and queens hung out with each other and they still do. Shah has dozens more pictures indicating 'closeness' with just about everyone except Khaje Hafez Shirazi. To the extent that another Middle Eastern king was his buddy, it was Hassan II, the king of Morocco. Your claim that Hussein was Shah's buddy is baseless. By internet or by actual history.


Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Saudi and UAE are may not be totally militarily stronger than the IRI--at least not yet-- but they have just enough strength (such as their air superiority) to call IRI's bluff and stand up to it.  That's the nuanced difference that IRI's hoopla and propaganda tries to cover and hide.

LA Rams 


quick search in internet

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

rwill reveal Houssien from Jordan was actualy the closest firend with Shah. the island of Kish where the two had so much fun was used as hang-out place for them. check their photos on line. Shah gave him generous loan that Iran still trying torecover.

On a different note, so Sauadi and UAE are militarly stronger than Iran.well that is not what themselves are saying or Americans believing. The name game with persian gulf started during Naser era and has gone on. Check Shah interviews in utube.not a twisted version taught bythe west and the zionist regime.

am jams

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Shah's relationship with the Persian Gulf sheikdoms was from a position of strength, self  confidence and total military dominance.  As opposed to IRI's position of terrorism, religious conflict and weakness.  IRI's air force is at least a half century behind that of Saudi Arabia, and even the UAE once they receive their latest aircraft acquisition.   That's the difference and that's why the sheikdoms can get away with renaming an internationally recognized body of water.


IVA, revisionism and twisting history is hallmark of islamism

by oktaby on

and a specialty of of IRR. It is the bastard child of imperialism & zionism it screams against. Who are you trying to convince of your version of non-history?

Hossein was no buddy of Shah. Sadat was murdered by your islamist brothers who also mentored your chief mercenary, khomeini.


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

thank you.



the biggest monarch's accomplishment 1975-78

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

The greatest of shah's achievments must be the forming of non-nation state of Bahrian-the rest of his anti-arab propaganda exsisted only in the history books. While promoting almost racist point of views agianst arabs in schools, Shah established the best ever relationship with arabs-except sadam-since the fall of Sasanian. Among shah's best firends were sadat from Egypt and Hossein from Jordan-Hossien actualy fired the first shot in Iran-Iraq war. King of Persia is restng in Arabic Republic of Egypt. Hypocracy is the name of the game. 

ram jams




مستی؟ خوابی؟ 

مرتیکه تو هر روز میای اینجا از اون   عنتر و اون ضحاک حمایت میکنی 

مرتیکه تو و هواداران این هیولا پیش بنده خدا رو سیاهین  چه برسه به خدا

این قوم اومدن ایران رو به ذلت بکشن

تو هنوز با هاشونی؟

چند روز پیش داشتم  

فرمان خمینی رو در روز آزادی خرمشهر میخوندم

این مادر قحبه اسم ایران رو هم نمیآره

مگه صدام به اسلام حمله کرده بود که خمینی میگفت این یک پیروزی برای اسلامه؟

اون صدام بدبخت که تا دمی پیش از دار هوار میزد همه این کارارو کرده که اعراب رو از عجم حفظ کنه 

از ایرونی

شماها کی هستید که منافع ایران رو با منافع اعراب برابر کردیدید و این بلا رو به سر ما آوردید 

که ضرب و شتم و بند کشیدن زن و مرد رو

و قتل و شکنجه و

تجاوز و

دزدی رو توجیح میکنید؟

از عقوبت نمیترسید؟



Oh get off it Sargerd

by fozolie on

That was quick buit you still need to attend a few Akaber classes, I like the response times of the regime's agents. Best form of defence for being exposed is attack? Laughable just like your and your  masters' new found patriotism.

Mr. Fozolie

Anonymous Observer

Oktaby Jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

Don't forget to send your Thank you note to IRR for opening the door to something no one dared before they came about: changing the name of Persian Gulf.

Indeed.  Let me remind everyone of a little known story concerning Iran and the little gas station nations around the Persian Gulf.  Back in the latter part of the 1970's (I forgot which exact year, but it must have been 1976-1978) the Arab states of the Persian Gulf were attempting to start a news agency called the "Arabian Gulf News Agency".  The Shah at that  time got a whiff of the project.  He immediately recalled all his ambassadors from those nations to Iran in protest and told those little oil barons that there will be a price to pay for that misadventure.  The little oil monkeys immediately backed down.  the Ambsaadors were sent baclk in about a week, and the project was never heard off again.  

Now fast forward to early 1980's--right after the IRI goons offered to change the name of the Persian Gulf to "Islamic Gulf (which in and of itself legitimized the fake "controversy" over the name).  We had the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation Council ("GCC"), with Iran, of course, being excluded.  

Now Tahgord jaan--that's being anti-Iran: IRI's legitimizing a fake controversy over the name of the Persian Gulf that was created by one of your Arab idols: Gamal Abdel-Nasser to pander to Arab racism and nationalism.   Stop smoking weed before you post comments please.

Sargord Pirouz

Hey, is it that out of line

by Sargord Pirouz on

Hey, is it that out of line for someone here at IC to not be anti-Iran?

I mean, sure there's a lot of anti-Iran folks here on the site. So I guess you're pointing out how unusual it is for someone to not be anti-Iran.

Or is it you're so out of touch, you no longer even know what being a true Iranian is, apart from the self-interested choice of exile and the path of becoming anti-Iran. 


sargerd has found nationalism like his paymasters

by fozolie on

since the arabs rejected the Izlamic Gulf idea. It is a joke to suggest that the IRI suddenly has decided to look after Iranian national interest. That is just another Akhoond ruse to prolong the life of their stinking murderous regime (hence their shameful suggestion of renaming it to Islamic Gulf, are your memories that short people?).

Also the demagogue Nasser may like the other Fascist Nationalist Arab leaders taken an anti-Iranian stance and popularized it (a fact  ingnored by all the Iranian traitors ooops sorry students who went to Egyptian and other Arab training camps who brought us the 'glorious' revolution), but the idea came from the British. So Arab Nationalism was a convenient toy for the devide and rule policy pursued by them.

I quote below from the article in this link


Some observers have traced the origins of the campaign to change the name of the Persian Gulf to the rise of Arab nationalism and in particular, Gamal Abdel Nasser. In fact, this campaign predates Nasser by several decades and, like many other noteworthy events in that region, inevitably involved the British. The first person to propose changing the name of the Persian Gulf to the "A******" Gulf was Sir Charles Belgrave, the British adviser to the rulers of Bahrain in the early 1930s. Belgrave made the proposal to his masters in London, but both the Colonial and Foreign offices rejected it outright.

The next attempt was made by a more consequential individual. After the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry by the nationalist government of Dr Mohammed Mossadegh in 1951, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co (AIOC) was desperate to sabotage Iranian interests in the region to avenge its losses. The task of reviving the "Arabian Gulf" project was entrusted to Roderick Owen, arguably one of greatest unsung heroes of the British secret state in the 20th century. Using the cover of a shadowy functionary of the AIOC, Owen was in fact a senior MI6 officer in the Middle East. The primary product of Owen's campaign was a book called The Golden Bubble of the A******* Gulf. This book constituted the first literary work of any significance to popularize the term "A******* Gulf". Thus the campaign to distort and eventually displace the historical term "Persian Gulf" originates in the retreat and defeat of British colonialism in the Middle East.


Mr. Fozolie



by pas-e-pardeh on

Odd to see you have any feelings for Iran.  So, this is not an Islamic issue?  Strictly nationalistic?  Odd to see you on our side.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

was a total disaster. He cost Arabs and Egypt many lives and land. He was big in the mouth but impotent in actions. He got his butt kicked but Israel big time and made Arabs a joke. The whole Arab 100's of millions got beat by a few million Israeli!  In his impotent rage he lashed out at Iran instead of Israel. Arabs will do well to put his legacy behind or suffer new losses. 


lost memories and not a good vision

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

It was Jamal Abdul Naser, the president of Egypt whose successor Sadatwas a close firend to Shah, who first changed the name and used this name of Arabia to boost the arab world morallity, after lossing so many wars. There are few video clips of late shah talking about the matter.

Secondly, I was suprisingly happy to see that youhave misunderstood the result. After some 290000+ voting for the motion, the persian gulf is at 74.8 and the other is at 25%.

ram jams



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I love it!

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

How about:   The Sinai Desert => Zion desert  


VPK, that's a good idea. SG suggested similar

by oktaby on

It may be that we need to pick and choose. Arabian sea and Peninsula are good targets. For the latter we start by calling it Israeli Peninsula and see how they like it. 



Thanks Kofri, those references to A gulf are not accidental

by oktaby on

American media have been playing that game and Brian is not that stupid not to know the difference. 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Regarding Persian Gulf the IRI has behaved alright. They have fought to keep the name so I give them credit. They also have managed to keep the rocks: good.   Yes, the Shah gave away Bahrain a bad move. He did it under pressure from the West. More reason not to trust the West. Iran territory should never be given away no matter what.    

Sargord Pirouz

There's an Iranian military

by Sargord Pirouz on

There's an Iranian military installation on Gap-sabzu Island (Abu Musa), the largest of the three islands in the PG that the arabs are crying about.

Knowing that their movements are closely watched by satellite imagery, on their parade ground they have painted in huge white letters: "P-E-R-S-I-A-N G-U-L-F"!

I wish I still had the photo of it. I looked, but couldn't find it.

Hey, the Shah gave away rights to Mishmahig Island (Bahrain). At least the Islamic Republic of Iran is capable of retaining these three rocks in the PG.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

There is only one

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

way to deal with it. That is to hit back really hard. The best defense is a good offense. I have this idea that we should start replacing name Arab in anything we can with something else. 

These are good candidates for redoing:


  • Arabian Nights => Thousand and One Nights or Persian "something".
  • Arabian Sea 
  • Arabian Peninsula
  • Arabian Horse
  • Gum Arabic
  • Arabian whatever
I know I am going to be called names by the usual gang. But sorry I am not the Jesus type. No turning the other cheek. 



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Well done

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Oktaby jan thanks. I just voted and wrote them. This may turn out just fine. In fact if we can get > 80 % it may put this to rest. Maybe they wanted to use this against us but now it will work for us. Ado shavad sababae kheir agar khoda khahad!


NBC Nightly News Anchor, Brian Williams

by Kofri on


I stand corrected and/or the numbers have changed

by oktaby on

as this gets updated and is floating Iranian sites. Regardless, that's even better. lets make it 99%

Fooladi, that may be the case. These polls do not have 'validity' but are used in various pro-whatever PR. Every PG name change has been defeated thoroughly so far. No reason to stop cremating now.



the other way around

by pas-e-pardeh on

Looks to me like 75% say Persian Gulf, not the other way around.


This is a ruse and there is no need at all for such surveys

by fozolie on

This is a ruse by the Arab Nationalists to create doubout about the historical legitimacy of the geographical name of Persian Gulf recognised in International conventions (UN).

The historic name of the Red Sea was the Arabian Gulf, let them hold a survey on that and keep their grubby paws off the Persian Gulf.

اين حقه بازی اعراب است تا ما را وادار سازند کاری بکنيم که آنها ميخواهند!
اگر در باره نام خليج فارس ما هرچه امضاء کنيم يعني ادعای اعراب را وارد دانسته و همه پرسی را قبول کرده ايم!!
اين کلاه گذاری هوشمندانه است که از در عقب وارد ميشوند!
نامهای جغرافيائی بين المللی که بهمه پرسی گذارده نميشود!



Mr. Fozolie


There is an idea.

by oktaby on

Petition and misinformation campaigns to rename Oman sea and few other entities. 
