Attack on Persian Gulf. Here we go again فقط خلیج فارس

Attack on Persian Gulf. Here we go again  فقط خلیج فارس
by oktaby

فقط خلیج فارس


3/4 of responses are Arabian Gulf as you would expect: // 

There is a 'survey' with an obvious intent. Please be sure to vote and spread widely. This is a survey being spread in Arabic speaking (specially Persian Gulf region) to push for the name change.

Don't forget to send your Thank you note to IRR for opening the door to something no one dared before they came about: changing the name of Persian Gulf


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Sahameddin Ghiassi

Why we do not do the same?

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

We should call also the Oman sea, Iranian Sea and the land of Arabestan soghoti, just call it Keshwar.