Who's to decide we are either "White", Iranian-American, or both?


by obama

We are being encouraged to write Iranian-American on the census, instead of white! First, let's define what white is before we go any further. White, or caucasians are the people who are supposedly have come from the caucasus mountains which bear certain physical characteristics and genetics such as the DNA of their hair, the shape of their face and so on. My purpose is not here to be too technical since this can be a road with alot of IDS.

My ancestors are from caucuses mountains and Zagros mountains. All along I believed that I was white (nothing to be proud of of or ashamed of). Speaking of kordish, they are as pure as an Aryan (caucasian) can get.

Since when an Iranian is not caucasion? Let's not mix up the race with nationality. The kords are as pure a caucasion as caucasions can be. Infact, we are the real caucasion not so much those anglos. I am proud of my background as an Iranian regardless of the genetic make up. I am proud of my history and culture, not so much today's. Most impotantly, I should be proud of who I am as a person. Before, I came to America in the mid 70's I never thought about my background or anyone else's. I always thought of people as one race. In fact, I never answered the question rearding my race. I found that offensive and racist, even though at times though cost me.

Now, some people have decided on our behalf that we have to become a minority like the mexicans, koreans, chinese, etc. so we can get some political power leading to financial gains for the community. I see this very short sighted. This is misuse of the system that has already been misued and abused. The ture minorities are native americans and blacks who have have been for generations, not the new arrivals. They are the real victims of the white discrimination and that is why the affirmative action was created. Now everyone getting off the boat or airplane from china, korea, vietnam, latin america wants the share of the pie! This is stealing from the true minorities, and it is unethical!

The minorites never feel that they are part of the main stream, and that alone might mentally hold them back from achieving their full potentials. They don't feel that the country belongs to them as the whites do. They feel that they always have to fight for their rights. Always complaining and bahaving as victim. Sorry, I don't need any handouts! Of course, I could have achieved even more if I were not considered to be an Iranian, but who cares - after all it is the US.

However, I know my kids with no accent would have no problem to achieve anything that is available to their white or non-white Americans friends. For me, we have to look at the impact of this decision on our future geneartions, where they wouldn't have this problem.

I, like 60% of iranian-americans, have married to a non-iranian and my children rightfully refuse to write Iranian american, unless they add their mom's as well. This is a very divisive and racist system that I want no part in it. If America has anything to learn from us should be not to concentrate on the race so much. If we go this route, we should have 200 categories or more.

Do the jews write jewish american? no, but they are the richest and most powerful minority-majority group. They act as one and they are proud of thier background. in fact, they use the white to mingle and get access to the white world while they help each other as non declared minority. America, should be one, and despite the mistreatment I get which is much worse than a minority, I am not willing to push myself to a political world to gain certain status. NO! I am white and I am Iranian-american, but not Anglo white, and  that remains no matter where I go! I cannot change my race as I change my nationality.

Meanwhile my kids put down Iranian- ...........- American! They are Americans, you know! This kind of behavior would only push us more in to a corner and isolation! I want my kids to stand up on their own feet without feelin any inferiority complex that comes with the minority status. 

Also, why is it so important to know how many of us are living here? How accurate that would be? If we are serious, we should act as the jews do by helping each other, not taking advatage of each other. When was the last time that any of you who could help an Iranian to get a job or promotion, you lent him a helping hand? That person who does, gains my repsect. Look how the jews bringing people from Russia, israel etc to this country and help them giving jobs and everything. Why don't we start with that instead of the easy way of writing Iranian-American? We need a revolution in our community in becoming one.  What do you think?  


more from obama

Obama- good luck to u & ur money, but, you can only have 1 vote!

by MM on

Whereas, the Iranian-American community will bring him/her many votes.

And, I certainly hope that you mis-spelled census intentionally.


MM, Congressmen would come to us if we give money, not census.

by obama on

The jews are 2% of the population and they own the whole US congress and the white House and everything in between, and they don't have a catagory for jewish american. Howver, they all know who they are and they wield their power by controlling most things, including the media where public opinion is controlled.

If we are serious, we would help each other, and yes the congressmen would beg us to come to our gatherings, if he wants to be re-elected. Of course, this is not going to happen with our generation, it owuld be the second and 3rd enerations, if they haven't forotten that they are still Iranians.

Money brings the real influence, not showing Iranian-american on the census as a sub white american. As they say: put your money where your mouth is! And that goes for all of us. Merci for your comment MM!


DMV ---> Caucasian, while in census ---> Iranian-American or..

by MM on

or just Iranian.

Take a look at the 2000 census results and ask yourself how they determined that xx% of Americans are German-American, xx% Italian-American ......... if they all put down Caucasion in the census.

If you do not consider yourself Iranian or Iranian-American, so be it, but do not be surprised if a congressman goes to a gathering of Iranian-Americans in your neighboring district because he known xx% in his district are Iranian-American while yours ignores your invitation.


Hi Trebek, actually it does gives money to the local governemnt

by obama on

for the expense of those illegal aliens and who are not counted as a rangt, but not to the individuals. Reagardless, it is unethical. I don't want to be part of a immigrant communities who try to cheat the system.

 Look at all those minorities from north of our country (part of former soviet union) who are on welfare, food stamp, midicare and so on, and this is on top of their illegal activities. No thanks! I want to have less, but earn it with honor. The last thing I want is to add more stereoptye to us.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

NP. Just try to read once in a while. It'll be more productive.


Thanks for the insult...Marge

by Cost-of-Progress on

So...express away. And oh...I do understand. However, to make your life even better.....Try some medication. You sound like you need it. 

PS. I never draw first blood. If I post something someone does not like, it is usually in response to a previous comment by them....(for the record).




I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

No, actually. Life is grand. I love life and life it to the fullest. Expressing myself is part of that. I hope you will understand this one day.

Thanks for just looking at a Marge comment and not the content. I stand by what I say.

Hugs and kisses to you,



Marge, it must be tough

by Cost-of-Progress on

to get out of bed every morning and face this world...... hang in there though...they say it's only tough the first 100 years!





Write "White Iranian American" !

by Arthimis on

If you really feel like you are of that race from Iran or any other way you wish... That's fine.

I am proud to be an Iranian American myself and like Holly said rightfully, the least we can gain by this is to finally know accurately how many Iranians really have been living in the U.S.!Any thing else is an extra bonous...

There are different ways we can look at this whole census thing!

I am proud of my whole existance, race and background... I do not wish to compare myself with any other race and background, yet have respect for all others irrespective of their race... Anyone who respects me equally as an individual...We Iranians in the U.S. and any other country on this planet each are an ambassador of Iran everywhere! And it is our duty to our GREAT CIVILIZATION to act positively and accordingly!

In my humble opinion, This Census issue should NOT be percieved as a negative intention toward anyone! Who cares how anyone judges you personally as long as you know you have done your best to represent yourself as a good human being on all levels regardless of your race... 

We are all like an individual musical instrument with our own unique individual sound and when we learn to play in harmony with one another we can play a beautiful symphony collectively... "Unity is in Diversity"!


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

When you fill out a scholarship application, do not expect to get representation. We will never match the Hispanic population. The federal government in the USA has no money at all. 

I don't recc. writing Iranian at all. It's a strange question entirely. If you really think that Iranian American children will benefit from government money, keep dreaming. Enjoy the slumber. The census in the United States is not used for representation other than congressional seats. 


You are a minority,

by Cost-of-Progress on

but not counted as one. Whether you know it or not, is another question.

If we're counted as a minority, we can have representation, our kids can get scholarships, etc....what's your problem?





Question for the IC 'Obama'

by HollyUSA on

You say:

'Now, some people have decided on our behalf that we have to become a minority like the mexicans, koreans, chinese, etc.so we can get some political power leading to financial gains for the community'

1) Nobody is forcing anyone, it is a request and everyone has the right to refuse.

2) What is wrong with Mexicans, Koreans, Chinese etc. that you object to this?? We ARE a minority whether you and I like it or not. White Americans don't view us as White and I'm not sure I prefer to be considered White!

3)  What's the downside of getting more political power and financial gains as a community? If it takes admitting we are American Iranian I say let's go for it! You tell me why not.

Also, besides the political/financial gains having accurate data will be helpful in many other ways one of which is that it is good to know how many of us there really are here in the US as opposed to the usual exaggerated BS we hear. 

Bottom line is: the realistic estimate has been given at a little over 1 million. Let's exeggerate and say it is 3 million. By checking white we'd add 3 million to the White population* - nothing gained.  But by writing Iranian American we establish ourselves as a specific group which will yield some gains for our community. Easy decision.

* 2008 estimates:

Population 304,059,724 Whites: 79.8% (that is 242,639,660)