Iranian.Com Sourcewatched

Iranian.Com Sourcewatched
by NUR

Here it is, the Iranian.Com Sourcewatch article.

I find it quite amusing that according to the site's own statistics 70-80% of the users come from North America. What is more interesting is that one of the advisors of this site is the Asia Society which was set-up by John Rockefeller and is tied to the Rockefeller foundation.

No wonder (besides other closer to home reasons) that there is a pronounced pro-Baha'i spin here on this site. The Rockefellers and Rockefeller money is the nexus. Go figure...


See articles Bill Gates, Philanthropy and Social Engineering 



The Project For A New American Humanitarianism: Olympian Ambitions from Darfur to Tibet and Beijing



more from NUR

vicious attacks on JJ are false and unfair

by a friend of JJ (not verified) on

This person is obviously disturbed. His vicious attacks on JJ and are unjustified falsehoods. His attacks on Bahais and Bahaism is beyond the pale. I don't know what kind of a person is capable of such hatred and animosity.

This guy has multiple other sites where he is in complete control, but he keeps coming back here to spread his hatred.

It is to Jahanshah's credit that he continues to tolerate such vicious attacks and animosity, even though it is probably hurting his business. I have never seen an "Asia Society" advertisement and don't even know what that is. But will they advertise with JJ again?

He doesn't have to allow any of it. I know I would not. Yet he does it on principle. For this he wins my personal congratulation which I will give him at the Iranian music festival.

Far from being owned by "big-money" interests, JJ is sacrificing to continue operating If you also want to show your support, one avenue is to buy a ticket and attend the festival. Thanks to all, and remember "don't feed the trolls"!



Manoucher Khan

by faryarm on

With Pleasure


warm regards


Adib Masumian

To Pawn

by Adib Masumian on

>I meant these are the factions:

LOL, you can't possibly be serious. I don't think a single one of these "groups" constitutes more than 300 individuals worldwide. Allow me to show you why they are all wrong:

People of Bayan or Bayanis

You yourself have admitted that this is not a "Baha'i sect" for the obvious reason that they don't accept Baha'u'llah.


I have never seen a statistic on this group, and as such I question their number of adherents worldwide.

Essence of The Bahá'í Faith

John Carre does not constitute an entire "sect." If he constitutes a sect, then I have a serious question for you. If I proclaim myself as the return of Baha'u'llah and amass 5 followers over a 15-year period, have I legitimately made a division in the Baha'i Faith? If your answer is no, then you can already eliminate this "group" (it's really just one person) as well as almost all the others from your mind.

Unitarian Bahá'ís

Really? You mean Mirza Muhammad Ali and Kheirallah? Sorry, but they died a LONG time ago, and I don't know of anyone that believes that he was in the right as opposed to `Abdu'l-Baha. Mirza Muhammad Ali was the same idiot that wanted to "split the Baha'i Faith in half" from East to West with `Abdu'l-Baha. Who would give that kind of imbecile any credibility? By the way, their website is bogus and was created by Frederick Glaysher to make it look like the Baha'i Faith is severely fragmented, which it is not. Look the site up on if you don't believe me.

Free Bahá'ís

This is not an organization and it never was. It was a term coined by Herman Zimmer probably intended to categorize the "right sort of Baha'i", i.e. one that believes in a total absence of Baha'i administration, which is a totally ridiculous notion for a goal-oriented religion such as ours. Ruth White, one of the only people who fit Zimmer's criteria and dared to allege that `Abdu'l-Baha's Will and Testament was fraudulent, gave up her mindset quickly and decided to follow Meher Baba. Their website is also bogus and was also created by Frederick Glaysher. Again, Domaintools is your friend.

Reform Bahá'ís

This label was created by Frederick Glaysher. He is its founder and indubitably its only follower. There has been no proof to the contrary. When one person asked him for a worldwide statistic, he refused to disclose the information.

New History Society

I can't believe people are STILL using this one. The New History Society of Ahmad Sohrab and Julie Chanler was a SECULAR MOVEMENT. It didn't have anything to do with the Baha'i Faith. This is depressing. Do some independent research for God's sake.

Orthodox Baha'is

40 members in America according to a recent U.S. court memorandum. You'd think there'd be more given their Internet presence, but there isn't. They just know how to use the Internet to further their own aims.

Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant

The reader may be interested to know that the founder of this movement, Leland Jensen, was a convicted child molestor and that his first "followers" were his inmates. At any rate, ever since Neal Chase assumed leadership of the group, it has only fragmented more and more into little subgroups, all of which probably have no more than 20 adherents.

Heart of the Bahá'í Faith

This group is mainly comprised of disenchanted Jensenites (the above group). Their Yahoo group only has a couple-hundred members, and their activity since 2008 is extremely dismal.

Tarbiyat Baha'is

This consists of Rex King's immediate family. That's it.

Heterodox Bahá'ís

That would be me, Faryar, Alborz, etc. We number at 6 million. ;) Nobody uses this term except for the above breakaway groups.

Followers of 5 Elders

What in the world? This is a new one even for me. But not to fear everyone: their provided website doesn't even work.

And by the way, Baha'u'llah didn't kill anybody. There's no proof of that. Azal, however, did poison Baha'u'llah, and some writings done by his own hand as an aftereffect of that poisoning attests to this fact.


Manoucher Avaznia

Faryam Aziz;

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Sometime ago you posted a critical study of Miller's book which I did not have the time to read and I was unable to retrieve it from the site either.  Can you, please, post it again.





To: alborz

by Passing Through (not verified) on

I have read almost all of the comments, and I personally believe that much of this problem stems from Jahanshah himself.

The way that he runs this site is very much a sit-of-the-pants type operation. By that I mean, he doesn't even follow what he preaches others to do.

There is no question in my mind that he is trying to push his own agenda. The idea of NOTHING IS SACRED, sadly, is nothing but b.s. ..... Unfortunately, that's the truth




Listen people! I agree with

by AK (not verified) on

Listen people!
I agree with you that 'your people' should have freedom of choice and no one should bother them etc...BUT...
from what I've seen on these pages here Bahai's have NOTHING to say but to talk about Bahaulah, his son and grandson... and constantly quote quotes from your books.
As soon as someone says the 'sky is blue' you say -- sure... Bahaulah said that before anyone else! ...and you quote verses from him ....
Baba enough is enough...
OK It is all fine and dandy to believe in your own religion and God( see how I've written it 'cause I believe in God)but your proselytizing and trying to convert people (albeit softly and inconspicuously) is just too much, way way way TOO MUCH!
...and that is putting it mildly!
I used to think well Bahai's are just fine people and they have their own ways and let them be ... but after what YOU (plural) have written here in these past few years, I no longer read the things that you write ...every time I see one it enervates me...

You don't realize this, but you sound just as bad as any other hotheaded fanatic of the existing religions! Sometimes even worse!

But of course you have the right to write here and say what you want... just wanted to let you know that many a time you really bug the heck out of people by your insistance and hammering away (I'm not talking only about myself, I know a few others who feel the same way and they are basically all peace loving people)

And as for this one, I just got interested in this one to see why there were so many comments.

Good luck to everyone!


dava sareh lahaafeh mollast

by IRANdokht on

did someone need glasses or maybe a couple of english classes?

Current Site Advertisers


Apparently this person doesn't know what this list means and it (he or she) started this whole thing on the misunderstanding caused by  illetracy or poor eye-sight. 

I actually enjoyed reading this part:

Referring to the content of the site, Jahanshah Javid states that "There are no taboos or sacred cows, as far as I'm concerned. You want to say how great the Shah was? Go ahead. You want to make fun of Reza Pahlavi? Okay. You want to say Khatami is a fraud? Fine. You want to say the Bahai faith is better than Islam? Sure. You want to say the Bahai faith is just like any other organized religion? Sure. You want to write about sex? I have no problem with that."


ok it must be that NUR didn't read the information he made refrence to.  Can't really hang the guy for being a little slow, can you?  just move on folks and let it (he or she) be. It's less headache that way.




by faryarm on

"It is a fact that Azal was Bab's elder son.." ???

enough said :)

nima nur jaan VER are you me ol mate?


Please take 2 weeks off..

we may forget about this one...soon 



Oh boy

by Pawn (not verified) on

Alborz you shouldn't have. Now NUR is going to go Katie Couric on you! Oh boy.

I did say bird singing and all, didn't I? Azalis are not a Bahai faction. I meant these are the factions:


As far as Bahaullah and Azal I am sure the 2 of them had a good old step-brother relationship and they treated each other like any other red-haired/red-blooded step-child. It is a fact that Azal was Bab's elder son. One way or another Bahaullah had blood on his hand and that alone makes him no Mahatma Gandi.


Pawn - you are very mistaken...

by alborz on

Azalis and Bayanis are not factions of the Baha'i Faith.  In fact besides NUR, sometimes here as Sophia, how many other fellow believers like him, have come to express their views? Zero.

How much has NUR shared about the beliefs and mission of this group? Never.

How has he exemplified these in his conduct on this site? Shamefully!

Chronologically, the followers of the Bab, the author of the Bayan, became the followers of Baha'u'llah, based on the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Bab Himeself.  You need not believe in this, but the Bab is revered by the Baha'is and so there is no conflict here at all.  The Shrine of the Bab on Mt. Camel is a place of pilgrimage for Baha'is.  Can you resolve this fact in your thinking, if the Bab was to be the head of a competing faction within the Baha'i Faith?  Probably not.

If NUR was concerned with the representation that he was making of his faction, then would you not think that he would express himself in a different manner than the approach he has taken? Yes.

Also, there are no Haifan Baha'is. Period ! Are you that gullible to think that just because a single person introduces a term, it is now a legitimate group?  I would like to think that you are not.

Disagreements, points and counter-points can all be made respectfully and rationally, and not once has he made a reference that has not been a contrived attack.  In fact would you not want to know more about his beliefs and how it is to be a healing message to the wounds of this world?  No chance of that.

So when you think you have learned of factions within the Baha'i faith, I will leave up to you to decide whether NUR by himself consititutes a faction.  You decide for yourself. 

The Baha'i Faith today is known and recognized around the World to a great extent because of these attacks and the sacrifices made by its adherents.  The potency of a belief is after all measured by the transformation in the personal lives of its adherents.  Again, you decide for yourself.

These attacks have always served one purpose and that is to educate and inform

So, thank you.



Nima, This is your

by Ostoraliaayee (not verified) on


This is your Psychologist, please take your medication and avoid light and sound . Be careful on the internet as there are smart people on the net who can read and investigate !. I think IRI has hired you to even discredit Azalis by your writings and behavior. let the anger go and admit that you are not going anywhere in life with this attitude. you have become a liability to whatever cause you attach yourself.

Doktor Majboori


A few well meaning remarks..

by faryarm on

Forgive me Pawn but,

It sounds like the misinformation of a Oneman Band Azali anti Bahai has gotten to you.. 

There is only One functioning Bahai Faith, on the planet , spread over 200 countries with adherents in every race , religious background, numbering millions, with authentic literature published on the internet in four different languages.

Most people who know and deal with Bahais whether Iranian or not, will generally attest to the fact that, they are mostly well informed ,productive, educated and more importantly reasonable and loving human beings.

Bahais may be reverend and self sacrificing towards their beliefs, but their sense of purpose in life certainly does not make them attack others or act irrationally. There are volumes that can be written in response to Nur's Bayanic baseless attacks against the character of Bahai central figures and its institutions; books and documents written by both iranian and non- iranians have been written, recording actions of Azali/Bayani factions in their attempt to poison and arrest the power and influence of the Bahai Faith; one independent and non Bahai and non-partisan source is  Dr. Bahram Choubineh.

Now this, This character shows up bombarding the site with relentless attacks against Bahais,calling himslef Bayani, quoting from obscure and historically discredited sources, falsely accusing well known individuals in opposition to The Bahais, trying to create a False impression amongst some people with an already  little regard for religion and the subject and even less motivation to examine facts.

So all of a sudden the "five"* Bayanis in the world have the same credibility as The Bahai International community? 

This distraction has obviopusly emboldened and brought joy to a bunch of already bigoted lot who simply who have no regard or  use for facts or are unable to  see through the distortion and NOISE.

The fairminded and Just will no doubt Not fall for such misguided deception.

Sadly  ridicule of Bahais and their Fact based examples of Bahai Teachings, makes any statement not worthy of serious attention.

Please try to be more informed and more balanced in your judgement

With regard to NUR's agenda.

I dont exactly know the history or the Background of Nima Hazini/ Wahid Azal.

But I am sure that some encounter early in his years with either a Bahai, elected Bahai member or a Bahai Institution started triggered something that set him off on a self destructive path. 

From what I have observed in the Bahai community; Humility, reverence and a sense of service to community as opposed to ambitious arrogance, without humility or a sense of service , are welcome qualities.

There is rather radical principle in The Bahai Faith that places the importance of Unity above the notion of being right.

Having been tested by this principle myself, I can assure you that it required a great deal of humility testimg my beliefs to the core for me to overome this test.

It was a situation after my father's passing; where I Had to decide between maintaining the Unity of my family, or carrying on with what I believed to be the right thing to do.

This same principle is a major challenge to many Bahais who at one time or another have to decide between the unity and their own personal agenda.

And so Because of this and  nature of Bahai system of administration,There is no place for those whose personal ego or ambition for rank or personal followoing or leadership; blinds them.

Unfortunately most people with that kind of agenda have either ended up leaving or become its opponents; some trying to form splinter groups that ultimately split into smaller and smaller insignificance.

Homa Ehsan, the Veteran female Iranian journalist is one example of an ex Bahai.  I may not agree with her, but at least she is honest about her motives; that she does not agree with the Bahai principle of non involvement on partisan politics and left the faith free to pursue her agenda. 

It would be a fair assumption and  guess as it seems by how Nima/Nur  has characterized himself in his blogs, that he was a perfect candidate for this test of character; where he possibly saw himself as too knowledgable or far superior, and Im am  just assuming here that, the he simply had no understanding of the wisdom behind the priciple of maintaining unity regardless of being in the right or not; a level of spiritual and personal maturity that he obviously did not have when he was a younger fireball. He probably became a divisive element in his community, and any attempts to reason with him by his family or the local Bahais made matters worse, finally leading to his estrangement from the Bahai community.

I would like Nima/Nur or any one of his friends who knows of his story to enlighten us as to what happened to this obviously intelligent, sensitive young man. 

Up to now He himself has refused to answer any questions regarding whatever or whomever he represents or his goals, apart from destroying Bahais.

I sincerely would like this atmosphere of hate to end, regardless of who is right or wrong; As a Bahai I  would be a hypocrite if I wished him any ill will. I would like the people that he loves and trusts to help him in any way they can to stop the condition or whatever that makes him see demons, where there simply is NONE.












Rosie Roshan

by Pawn (not verified) on

It is a waste talking to our resident Haifan Bahais (term introduced by NUR ;) as you can see below.

However, you have better judgement and started your initial comment properly and then steered towards the same logic of mental help. I am sure you've read about the mental help advise to him before.

You could've asked NUR how come he as an ex-Bahai is entitled to wash his hands off his Bahai past and JJ isn't entitled to the same right with his Hezbollahi past?

Looks like you've noticed some positives about NUR. I'm not suggesting he is right here, he isn't. The link he posted isn't new and I'm also sure you remember back in the days someone was posting the same link over and over again like what this guy DETOUR is doing to NUR. You can do a search and see the multiple SPAMs.

If it wasn't because of NUR we were being fed that Bahais are all united and peace loving and birds singing and all that. Nothing about factions in Bahais or what rights they should have. Ok to defend Bahais but not offshoots of Bahais?!

We are not living in Iran without the freedom of speech. We are discussing in a website which is free. So criticism of Bahais does NOT equate to their persecution in Iran. It is just history and now behavior and beliefs as we witness here.

It is like when Ahmadinejad said Holocaust is a myth and Israel used that as their one and only talking point. For 4 years now that is STILL the talk of town. Same political ambition is being used here. No one say anything because Bahais are persecuted in Iran. Everyone should be at awe since Bahaullah was the genius that believed in "communication" which meant internet as discussed later by his grandson, Mirza Effendi! WTF?! Mirza Mofangi more like it!

Cut the crap is right but it cuts both ways. The more you deny the same rights you advocate for others, such as deleting SPAM comments of DETOUR, or suggest NUR and others are one and the same with different names, the more something starts smelling and the more things smell the more mental help is needed.

BTW, since you liked his wanker comment, the other day he called Zion (tsion) a Mendel! What does a Mendel mean? I want to ask you and not NUR.

Fish Here

OK Nur

by Fish Here on

Your problem is that you think calling me a Bahai somehow bothers me.  It doesn't.  I am not a Bahai but I do have respect and compassion for Bahais.  In the interest of helping another tormented Iranian, and if it makes you feel any better, let's say that I am a Bahai and JJ is a spy, and all advertisers are advisors!  If it makes you feel better further, you can imagine that we have all received our "just punishment" which you will determine!  Let's say that the just punishment is for the lot of us to be executed after we have been thoroughly investigated by the IRS and discredited by you!  Would you feel any better then?

What would your "message" be then?  Will you have one other than attacking and discrediting and slandering another group of people?

Is there anything in your faith which might guide you to be kind and loving and respectful of others?




by sarbaz (not verified) on


its you turn to be a spy for Hezbollah , Britain , Israel
and Russia !
you Fascist trader you LOL!!!
its written in BOLD letters so it is trough

By Paranoid


Nur you have abused lots of us.

by Tahirih on

By posing as covenant, Nur, Sophia , and many more. What do you want from bahais ? You have published pictures of our beloved Baha'ullah in the most distasteful manner, under the name of covenant to get a reaction from us bahais! when you saw that there will be no reaction , you started your Nur character, and my lord you did write all non sense.

Now your questioning the integrity of the person and the site  manager who has given your sick mind a forum to put your garbage???? Listen to Rosie, she is right , you suffer from paranoia, and need help.

Ok, your Azali, start promoting your faith instead of all this hate propaganda. Leave us alone, and STOP this insanity. I usually do not reply to you because I feel sorry for you. But enough is enough.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Well, you know, I wasn't gonna go there Sam but /non-Bahai

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

since you addressed the "censorship" issue again, Non-Bahai, as regards your thoughtful post below, part of the mission of this site as a free speech forum is to provide a voice for people who wouldn't otherwise be heard, and that includes mediocre and subpar writers, And that is why you will see such work featured.

As to why you will simultaneoulsy see good and sometimes superior work not featured, that is an issue, admittedly, but putting it into the larger framework you will see it better in its proper persepctive.

In any case, I for one love to hear feedback from the "general readers"about what they've observed about "our" yikkety yakkety..  So one thing I'll say for sure, great to know at least SOMEONE's reading the non-featureds. LOL

Take care, Roxane


اندیشه در گرو تهمت

a.reza (not verified)

Nur! Since first day how many anti-Bahai blogs you have written, and how many anti-Azali/Bayani blogs have Alborz/Faryar written?
When you try to spread lies about Bahais then naturally they express/defence thenselves after all they have been through during past 160 years in their own homland.
Today people have access to informations even in daro dehat!

Yes, you dont like JJ because he was one of thoes who signed:

Happy Easter.


JJ is not a saint but

by SamSamIIII on

It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense . By the mere token of publishing his blog here , he has practicaly put his jj censurchii argument to rest ;) . Guess , In his case , common sense ain,t so common .

btw* here is the real shadowy figure behind this site..Oooooooooooh ooooooooh






rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

A person who is as eloquent and capable of research and as diligent as Nur is and who tries to prove that Asia Society is an "advisor" to this forum, and then JJ comes and says, TWICE, very CLEARLY and unequicocally, no they are not, they were "advertisers" once, and then the person comes back with "they are not an advertising agency";within the context of this discussion, is either

a) playing an April Fools trick a few days late

b) a complete moron

c) severely paranoid, which is an illness.

So re-read the thread carefully from bottom to top to see how the conversation went and you come back and tell me which one of the three you think is the right answer.

As for psychologizing, I have a right to. I'm highly trained in most aspects of psychology, from the traditional to the esoteric and the in-betweens, and I also have a pretty good knowledge of psychiatry, ile. psychiatric medications. And the reason I reason I recently learned about the latter is that I had to take them, for VERY severe depression, and they have changed my life enormously for the better. And with the ability they've given me to make changes in my life, thoughts, behaviors, I won't need them permanently. But I needed them SO THAT I WON'T NEED THEM.

And THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HAVING A MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, SPIRITUAL, whatever you want to call it, illness. Nothing. It's just an illness, It's treatable and often curable.

The only thing WRONG is when other people around deny it and therefore feed into it and make it worse.  And stop them from getting help..

In the case of paranoia, by itself it doesn't require medication. But if there are other elements present, such as severe depression, anxiety, etc. it can. And also some anti-depressants work wonderfully on what it called "obsessional thinking", btw. In very severe cases it can go into schizophrenia, (i.e paranoid schizophrenic) and then you definitely need medication and it's not a pretty situation. So STOP FEEDING IT.

As for LOL at the end of my post, I AM laughing out loud. I'm laughing out loud because Nur IS right about some things he said but I'm afraid to say them (which is called positive reinforcment) when the big picture is one of serious paranoia, an illness.

BUT THE ONE THING NUR SAID THAT I COULD NOT STOP MYSELF FROM CORROBORATING is that yes, our fearless leader is...a wanker...our favorite wanker in the whole wide world...LOveryL.

Now stop adding fuel to the fire. The man has an illness, just like I do. I don't care who started what. He's pursuing Faryar and JJ ON THIS THREAD and that is LETHAL for him. He has to stop and focus on himself. On helping HIMSELF. On getting someone to help him help himself.

Or, to put it another way, Pawn,

cut  the crap, will you?

Mona 19

re: Pawn

by Mona 19 on

"A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvellous swiftness and perfect regularity. A world metropolis will act as the nerve center of a world civilization, the focus towards which the unifying forces of life will converge and from which its energizing influences will radiate."

~ Shoghi Effendi ( the grandson of Abdul' Baha)

The World Order of Baha’u’llah P. 203

when he wrote this expectation more than seventy years ago (between
1922 and 1929), there was no way of appreciating the prospective
cyberworld of the Internet, and the book published in 1938.



Dear Pawn

by faryarm on

Sorry to change the subject, but 

By Islam has ran its course; it was meant that God never intended for Islam to last forever,

All Religion are One in essence and progrtessive;

The social teachings of Islam were not meant to last beyond their intended course of their time; Just as the Bahai Faith is not forever; There are plenty of verses in the Quran to back this up. 

I shall find and post it for may also contact me directly. 

Besides nothing more than today's example of Islam whether in Iran, or else where better illustrates how its social laws are not compatible for a Global Society.

Perhaps you are joking; But Baha'u'llah Never spoke about actual wireless packs :)

What He did envison was the necessary technolongy, means of mass commuication and human institutions that would enable the Unity of The Planet.

I have posted this numerous times:

"A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvellous swiftness and perfect regularity." (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 203)  

This describes to the letter what you are using to read this..

is yours "wireless" wifi or 3G ? 



Anonymous Observer

Nur - Let me Break it Down for You

by Anonymous Observer on

1) what the f**k is Sourcewatch?  2) who gives a f**k about what they say.  3) what the f**k is Bayanism? 4) who gives a f**k about what some miserable Bayani says.

You know, if I were JJ I would have banned you from this site a long time ago because of your boring, nonsensical, irrelevant and tiresome attacks on another group of people.  But I guess Mr. Javid is a better person than I am. 


Manoucher Avaznia


by Manoucher Avaznia on

حالا که جایگزینی پیشنهاد کردی خواهش میکنم آستین بالا بزن راهش بنداز و بنده هم چیزهایی را که دراینجا بلغور می کنم به سایت بی شیله پیله و بی سانسور شما می فرستم.  به دوستان هم توصیه می کنم.


پیروز باشی


Rosie, A Brilliant Gainful Employment Opportunity for our friend

by faryarm on

A Suggestion for some Gainful Employment:

He will have an actual opportunity to interact with actual humans and give the SOURCEWATCH people a well needed break; I read that they have formed the same opinion as you..As with Bahais, He is free to continue to "downsize us", like down to the 5 Bayani-Azalis.

With The Job proposed, He can still Argue, Curse and Spew  all Day and generally do what he does best..and still GET PAID.

He may even get health, benefits, even therapy.

I dont know if Monty Python is Sourcewatched yet, but if they are'nt, i am sure He will write them up. 






"So stop pursuing

by Pawn (not verified) on

"So stop pursuing Faryar"

Faryar started it! He also talks about Bahaullah talked about wireless access back in the days and Islam has run its course. Run its course?!

So Rosie don't take side and don't use their logic of offering psychiatric help or lumping 5 different people into one and then LOL at his comment!

rosie is roxy is roshan

Okay listen carefully Nur, this is not a joke anymore,

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

You probably said a couple of things that were true about the site. Or about JJ. Or even about the Bahai. But that isn't the point.

The point is that JJ just told you twice, and ENDED by saying it the second time clearly, as the last thing he was going to say, that Asia Society was an ADVERTISER, not an advisor, as sourcewatch says it is,

Nur, he never SAID Asia Society was an advertising AGENCY. He said it was an ADVERTSER. Just like Or amazon. Or Iranian Cemetery. It's an ADVERTISER, Nur.

Now you are a very eloquent man and well-educated, and you have a memory like an elephant and know how to do research,. And your Englih is perfect. So you know how to read. And you know the difference between an advertiser and an advertising agency.

But you can't get it right. You can't accept that Asia Society jjust paid for an ad that was up for a show on Iran  they were having a while ago. And why can't you accept it? Because you see the world the way you want to see it, the way you THINK it is. Because , with all due respect, and not to mock you, you're paranoid.

And paranoia is an illness, Nur. And it needs to be treated. You need help. Lots of people go to get help. I've gone, There is a psychotherapit who has a featured blog up now, Lots of people need help. You in particular do, and as soon as possible.  You have an illness.

So stop pursuing Faryar, stop trying to argue with JJ, stop writing about the Bahai and stop going to sourcewatch. And start taking care of yourelf. Go get help.

Don't you have any friends or family in Australia? Don't you have anyone to talk to who can tell you you need to take care of yourself? And help you get help? Anyone OUTSIDE of that religious group you practice with?

Take care,

PS On one thing though, for sure you're right;  wanker.   LOL


Fish Here = Bahai Internet Agency hack: CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

by NUR on

JJ's sin is that he is an opportunist who in the 1990s while still on the IR payroll was deliberately trying to silence the anti-regime opposition at the University of New Mexico by influening which articles got published in the campus paper he edited. I got my material through, but only when JJ was not on duty. And I'm not the only person who JJ duplicitously tried to censor at UNM, as he is doing now here. This guy has a problem with the truth if such truth happens to collide with the interests of whatever master he happens to be serving at any given time...


[Comment and time of posting saved in case of deletion by Aftabeh Censor Javid]


JJ is an Opportuni$t

by NUR on

Dear Manouchehr,

As many of us who know JJ in real life will tell you, Jahanshah Javid is an opportunist bar none - pure and simple - and a duplicitous weasel and political wheeler and dealer. One day he is beating his chest for the IRI as a khatt-i-imami, the next day he is a melli-mazhabi and finally he follows the money and beats his chest for the Haifan Baha'is and their agenda! Here is part of his resume, in case anybody has forgotten:

Jahanshah Javid was a reporter for IRNA (Islamic Republic New Agency) [2] in the late 1980s covering the Iran-Iraq peace talks [3]. He had earlier freelanced for the Iranian state newspaper Kayhan [4]. In the 1990s Jahanshah Javid also worked as editor for the campus publication Daily Lobo published by the University of New Mexico as well as the BBC and Aftab Cable Television " 

As to whether I want to see this site closed down or not: I'd like to see the entire North American Iranian-Tehrangeles political establishment shut-down; its foundation funding and taxpayer subsidies cut; all the satellite stations and websites investigated by the respective Attorney Generals' offices; and every member of the  Tehrangeles North American celebrity establishment thoroughly and transparently audited by the IRS and the Canadian tax office -- and with the results of such audit made available both to the public at large and the offices of public prosecutors in both countries. A dozen people of the Tehrangeles crowd also need to have their day in court and face the music, maybe even JJ. A site similar to Iranian.Com can then take its place (if this one is shut down) with an elected board of administrators and moderators not beholden to big money interests unlike  here. This, because the present site is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece of those interests funding it - all of whom are corrupt economic scam-artists (kolah bardar) not to mention at core enemies of Iran and the Iranian people. 


[Comment and time of posting saved in case of deletion by Aftabeh Censor Javid]


Aftabeh Javid's plausible denials

by NUR on

The source is credible because it was independently verified. This in itself adds more credibility to the story, Aftabeh!  Isn't that the nickname Sa'eed S**** used to call you by back at UNM -- Aftabeh?

Asia Society is not an advertising agency. Here is what their own website says about what they do,

 "A nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization, the Society provides a forum for building awareness of the more than thirty countries broadly defined as the Asia-Pacific region - the area from Japan to Iran, and from Central Asia to New Zealand and the Pacific Islands."

It is also known (as detailed on Sourcewatch) that this Asia Society was set-up by John D Rockefeller and it is the Rockefeller Foundation which continues to fund its existence.

Finally, funny how you've gone through three marriages already and still haven't managed to get it right.  My sympathies to Javaneh Khodabaksh who had to endure (what here in Australia is called) a wanker such as you!


[Comment and posting time recorded in case of deletion by Censor Javid]