Solution to the hijacking of

Solution to the hijacking of
by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

Since great analysts and ardent contributors Farhad Kashani, samsam1111, and their usual par-gheychees have now through their tireless efforts and research revealed that and its founder JJ are hijacked by un-Iranian elements, I propose the following:

1) Stop whining and form your own site -- a site you make sure no un-Iranian can hijack. You can use JJ's motto with a small variation: Nothing is sacred but some nothings are more sacred.

2) Membership in the site can be granted upon receipt of DNA results certifying non-existence of Arab genes.

3) And finally a picture of the applier with a half open shirt revealing a hairy chest where a golden Faravahar hangs from a ¼ pound chain rivalling those of Hip Hop bands.

There could be other restrictions and I’d welcome reader contributions to the above list. Let us all help this pure Iranian, Non-Muslim, Non-Un-Iranian group achieve their goal of creating the perfect site.

P.S. 1: I would suggest they make the hits counter of their site be hidden to avoid embarrassment.

P.S. 2: They can save their energies and just use the site.


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What a bigot blog with bigot comments to match it!

by curly on

Appaling.. just appaling, I am new to this site, but for someone to openly ask non muslims to go away!! well is this sound of a bigot rat or what?

also read the comments, they openly are making fun of star of david, and zoroastrian medalion. Well I can imagine the writer of this blog , drunk, dreaming  about his lefty , non existant golden utopia, and his bankrupt ideology ! cheers , Rafigh.....


آقا، آغا، عاقا، عاغا، ئاقا، ئاغا

فارسی شکر است (not verified)

ببخشید، چاره ای نیست بجز اینکه این سئوال را بکنم:

در پاسخ به این نکته’ مهرناز که مهدی مظلوم اورا "آقا" خطاب کرده بود، آیا خیال می کنم یا خانم صهیون به جای ایشان توضیح دادند که در فارسی، شیوه’ خطاب کردن زنها و خاجه ها "آغا" می باشد و به همین دلیل آقای مظلوم هیچ اشتباهی در خطاب کردن یک زن به آن شکل نداشته اند؟؟!!!

حالا فهمیدم این ها روی این سایت چکار دارند می کنند! آمده اند به ما فارسی یاد بدهند. امیدوارم "آغا مهرناز" هم جواب دندان شکن خود را از خانم صهیون دریافت کرده باشند و دیگر از این اعتراض ها نکنند!

واقعا که فارسی شکر است، آن هم از نوع اسرائیلی اش!

شاید هم فارسی قبل از قادسیه این چنین بوده!


اقا vs اغا


Both versions of [agha] is used for men. 

اقا =  means sir

where  [ اغا] means Unic, a man without testicles. 

Neither one is used by Mongolians to mean elder brother.

The word elder brother in Mongolian is [GhaAn] غاان

capt_ayhab [-YT]




by Zion on

Thanks Merhnaz. Now about "rats", I know exactly what you mean by it:
Very nice. Very revealing.


Zion, Roxane and Khaleh moushe!

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

Zion this for you:

"Kuntar is a hero of the Resistance... He should have been given his weight in gold for his brave resistance against the "occupying Nazi regime". Long live Palestine and all those who support it against the colonial racist regime of Israel." Having said that, I have also expressed concern for the Israeli victims. Hamas's terror acts are driven by Israeli brutality. There is a way to end it, END THE OCCUPATION AND TREAT THEM LIKE HUMAN BEINGS.

As for your explanation about agha, Zion, no-one uses those terms, only utter idiots or rats who have been caught might use such obsolete language.

Roxane and Khaleh Moushe, Of course, my concern is not whether or not the contributors to this website are Iranian or Farsi speakers! I dearly welcome YOU, Roxane, for instance. You have brought so much warmth and intelligence to this site. As a matter of fact, as I have said before I am in favour of Israelis discussing here, but not sneaking here ... The case with Masloum is that he had used Farsi phrases routinely and has seemed to understand Farsi very well indeed. Therefore, not knowing, on that occasion, that Mehrnaz is in fact a female's name is an indication that there must be more than one Masloum, at least ... We all know that Iranians who have been brought up outside Iran, may not know Farsi well or at all, but in the case of Mazloum (one of them), his Farsi is evidently too good to make such an elementary mistake as "agha" for a female. SPY SPY SPY!

Hamid Y. Javanbakht

Reinvent The Sacred ;)

by Hamid Y. Javanbakht on

I like the fact that by "nothing" they mean this place is neutral, no "sacred cows", but that may be misinterpreted as utter nihilism. There is beauty and culture which although not of any "god", arose in a natural and wonderous manner, whether you call it the "logos", "sun", "life force", "galactic center", the very least something abstract and undefinable but essential to our culture, even if they're simply the four seasons and mankind itself.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Couple things I saw recently onsite that I think are relevant...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

suddenly since Erdogan Ottomans have been the beacon of pacifism facing a warlike Europe all these centuries. Suddenly Turks are "our Middle Eastern brothers". What does this mean, clash of civilizations? I thought that was a NEOCON term! And..Westoxification--my god, where did THAT come from out of nowhere on this website?!!

Point being the discussion here and worldwide has become polarized to such extremes due to this crisis. Myself personally I bang my head against a wall because yes, on this site I try so hard to find SOME common ground or make SOME case for my Zionist co-religionists because they are my people, they are Jews, surely anyone can understand this desire in me. And all they do is thwart me with yes, exactly, these spurious arguments and more, making it virtually impossible for me..

but the same can be said for someone babbling about Ottommans as though they were Quakers and so on...point being, as I said below, I stand where I stand ideologically far as ping pong goes I'm on the side of the ball.


Suggested websites for our felllow so-called "Iranians"

by AnonymousGoyim (not verified) on

My own suggestions for MRX1 and Samsam:



On appellations and quotes

by Zion on

Mehrnaz dear,
Actually I think the word agha (originally Mongolian for the eldest brother) in Persian is supposed to have two meanings [with a different spelling?] and the scond one is actually used for women and eunuchs. Not that even a mistake like this proves anything at all.

But now that we are quoting this and that, how about you repeat what you said about Samir Kuntar the child murderer (// )


You know like how
'Kuntar is a hero of the Resistance... He should have been given his weight in gold for his brave resistance against the "occupying Nazi regime". Long live Palestine and all those who support it against the colonial racist regime of Israel.'

MRX, I agree with Sam. A good one! ;-)



by samsam1111 on

Time to clean up & disinfect sacred Iran from the Ommatie syndrom & Ommatie agents who overstayed their self issued visas (the Arab genocide of Iranians)..::)) Go back to your Karbala & take ur camels with u . ahhh , ok ,you can keep your fake Iranian names too as a token of true Iranian generosity .

Great post MRX1 ..Cheers Patriot!!! 

khaleh mosheh

Merhnaz Jan

by khaleh mosheh on

In my humble opinion, It is all about disinformation, PR and orchestrated spread of pro israel propaganda. They may or may not be of Iranian origin but I guess thats somewhat beside the point. I am saying this as they tend to concentrate onto side issues as it also helps the disinformation campaign ( I guess in persian we may call it safsateh).


One thing that they use with montonous regularity is that if there is really a valid/powerful argument againts them, they turn it upside down (make the white black and black white) and come back with it at you). It seems to work quite well as a great form of safsateh. So debating becomes almost a futile exercise as it is an issue that does not require a great deal of reasoning or philosophy. Just simple presentation of the facts will lead any reasonable person without an ulterior motive to make their own deductions. The trick for disinformation campaign then becomes confusing the issue so much that the facts either can not be presented accurately or are fudged so much that they can not be interpreted.


Does this mean

by MRX1 on

That some of you guys are going to create the following sites:


rosie is roxy is roshan

Mehrmaz, about these "non-Iranians"...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

I have acouple of things to say. There was a post a couple of weeks ago by a (very thorough) fish which I have since tried to locate but I just can't remember the thread. Nonetheless. The poster specifically said that Zion, MM, Bijanam and Kaveh Noraiee were not Iranians. I said how do you know this about the latter three and the poster proceded in great detail to delineate what he/she "knows". I have to tell you that Kaveh is Iranian, I can't swear to the others but that one fact speaks volumes about this aspeect of the discussion. Also to be Iranian can mean many things, a person could be of Persian origin but their family was born outside Iran yet they still identify with that heritage, even though they are removed from things about the language and culture which are obvious to others.

I have also had to listen to people lump "non-Iranians" into a category as though we were a hulk, i.e. instead of saying "the non-Iranian Zionists', which is one thing, they say "the non-Iranians are rabid Zionists", which is another thing entirely. And all this while I am breaking my back to participate in the Gaza and related discussions as much as I possibly can. And then they say oops, sorry didn't mean you...fine, okay, apology accepted I have to explain the but? To me it's a big but that also speaks volumes.

As for smhb, smhb posted a newsfeed so-called a couple of weeks ago which was really a pastiche of quotes randomly taken from 2000 plus years of Jewish texts to "prove" that we are (genetically? culturally?) programmed for violence. A feed that was a) not news and b) in essence no different from eighteen million blogs I have seen on this site saying similar things about Muslims, a viewpoint I have worked my fingers to the bone to rebut, even at times with success and thanks from the people I challenged. It wasn't easy and this discussion isn't easy either..

but I remain an equal opportunity gadfly.

(I don't mean to criticize smhb actually, (s)he doesn't do that--and other things I told her/him I thought were like that--anymore, to me it's totally water under the bridge, but it is important to this discussion so that people can see both "sides" of the issue here.

Indeed, who is so pure?


PS Incidentally, as a side issue, regarding the inherent Jewish violence viewpoint, as a side issue, the Jews of Europe were so non-violent that they were led like sheep to their deaths with very few instances of rebellion. It is in no small part their anger and shame and disgust at this recent historical fact that underlies the violent aspects of hard-line Zionism. Of this I am as I write certain but if anyone wishes to challenge my certitude please feel free to do so. I am also malleable.




by IRI-MIRI (not verified) on

Did you know that Estimates place the number of individual bacteria on the surface of one square inch (6.5 square cm) of human skin of about 50 millions? And that these bacteria cannot be removed by any amount of cleaning!

Now, here we are in the presence of some foreign agents … They try to overthrow IRI by coming and labeling anyone who disagrees with them, as un-iranian or ommatist on this site! By knowing that with any purge you’ll still have these bacteria around, we just have to wish them Good luck:

Hey, guys good luck in your battle against IRI, be just aware to not stick your lances in the windmills...


Who is so Pure and Masloum?!

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

Good idea, Maybekhor-Menbarbesoozan-e aziz! Perhaps one of those pure Iranians would be Mehdi Mazloum who fits their bill of purity. A couple of days ago, on another feed he addressed me (Mehrnaz) as an "agha". So this dear Israeli of Iranian origin who was welcomed by the pure blooders as no problem, is neither Mehdi, nor Masloum!!! Although he seems to be more than one. Oh, what a puzzle ... Below is how he addressed myself and smhb on a blog titled "raise your hand please!" about Israelis infiltrating blogs.

Enjoy: ;)

"nu nu nu, labeling people!!!!
by Mehdi Mazloom on Fri Jan 30, 2009 07:25 PM PST

aghaha ye Mehrnaz ve smhb"............................

"Mazloum, I am not a man, how many are you?!
by Mehrnaz (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 08:23 AM PST

Mazloum, firstly, since in another posting you addressed me as “agha”, I wonder how many people do you accommodate under that name Mazloum?! That one certainly could not have been of Iranian origin or would have known that Mehrnaz is not an agha!!!"
He has not responded!!!

The website is indeed attacked by .... Is there a 'headquarters' somewhere ...?


well said Manbar Bashi

by capt_ayhab on

Any democracy needs whiners[i.e. Rush Limbaugh] type. Without their [arajeef] how do you expect for us UN-Iranians to get our views heard.

However, I do have a suggestion for their site:

1. No other subject should be allowed except [fosh o fazihat] to Iran and Iranians. 

2. Every ILL in the world , one way or another should be blamed on Iran. Even if someone gets cut off in the high-way, it MUST be blamed on Iran.

3. commentators must spend at least 2 paragraph praising the owner of the thread.

4. There MUST be one paragraph on each and every comment bad mouthing JJ.

5. there MUST be at least one juicy paragraph praising Israel and her version of democracy.

I should come up with more.


capt_ayhab [-YT]

p/s talking about real issue is optional.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Always find that word "whining" fascinating..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

first saw it used right after my return here Jan. 1 2009 as in I am tired of Jews whining about the Holocaust... in defense of the Gazans, of course...someone with very prominent voice highly regarded by many here of the majority opinion...had to jump on that FIRST comment on a political thread since my return...wonder if it even would've been SAID if my own voice had been "prominent" here at that time...

and now see that word go back and forth like ping-pong ball. Whining..

Just as an example. Could give many more...but since that was the very first reply on the Gaza discussion it sticks foremost in my mind..

What am I trying to say?  No comment.

Whose "side" am I on? Ideologically my side is well-known and requires no further articulation. For purposes of who should leave or who shouldn't...

I am on the side of the ball.


Meybokhor Damet Garm

by Iruni (not verified) on

I didnt know we can find Sange Paye Ghazveen abroad too...


Keep dreaming

by Zion on

Sorry to disappoint, but we aint going nowhere. You, however, are always welcome to leave if you are feeling too disturbed and all that. :-)


Mey Bokhor...

by IRANdokht on

Nothing is sacred but some nothings are more sacred.

Too funny! 





by Abarmard on

I was under assumption that Farhad Kashani is an Israeli with a Iranian name. Regardless, democracy apartheid style ;)


MeyBokhor... Damet garm

by KB on

Well said.

Thanks mate.


You Shouldn't Have!

by Kurush (not verified) on

You shouldn't have made this suggession. Now, them pure-bloods are going to migrate to their own website and start blogging each other day & night, calling each other jan this, jan that, azziz jan this, azziz jan that. Thus they will begin an incestous relationship with one another which might taint & tarnish their pure-bloodedness. Even worse, they might get bored of each other, reading their own tedious platitudes & humdrum humbug, and might decide to re-invade the with their rambling hallucinations again. you really shouldn't have.


oooooh the image

by AnonymousX (not verified) on

of that gold rope chain with a Farvahar, Chai or Star of David buried in the thick black curly chest hair. YUCK!

Who needs birth control anymore...

khaleh mosheh

I will miss them too..

by khaleh mosheh on

like a bad dose of cholera.


Whatta great idea

by Anonymoushee (not verified) on

I am sure gonna miss'em though... it's like George Bush leaving office all over again.
who is going to provide free entertainment?