I forgot what I was going to say

by MallyJack_Secrets

I was just about to post a really thoughful entry just now, and as I got logged in, drained the last sip of Peets, and settled in for a knuckle cracking go at it, I completely lost my train of thought.

You see I happened to glance at the new large, tempting, volumptuous, ads for Iranian Singles, and for some strange reason, now I can't get Dolly Parton, breast feeding, and my old girlfriend "Rosie", out of my head.

Oh well, I'm sure it will come to me sooner or later.

I'm not sure what exactly "Sex" sells, all I know is that increasingly, I enjoy the process immensely.


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Omid Hast

What?! What was I gonna say?

by Omid Hast on

Oh yeah, those bazookas are very distracting :O)



by Aref-Adib on

I was going to make an interesting comment but I also got distracted by Maheenjoon of Iranian personals!