Iranians WON BIG!!

by Jaleho

The Iranian people by their massive presence in the election won on many fronts:

1. Internationally, no aggressor can now dream about an Iran attack when millions of brave Iranians showed their solidarity by standing behind a leader who defended their rights. No dreamer can now hope for a division of Iranian people, or hope to create a wedge between people and their overwhelmingly elected government.

2. Completely opposite to what some people feared, now US-Iran rapprochement will speed up under re-election of Ahmadinejad! Now that US can not continue with a futile dream of a leader that they could possibly push around, US HAS TO proceed quickly with a new friendly Iran policy.

3. Internally, the security felt against foreign threats translated into a more open democracy. The debates opened gates that no one can close again. As a result, the student will be charged up for months and even years to come, and the fracture that was introduced in the well protected factionalism inside Iran will only grow deeper. This is the start of a new phase of maturation of Iranian democracy, and it can only get better from here on!

This was a fantastic victory for Iranians. Congratulations to all participants who frustrated the designs of ill-wishers.

PS. With both camps announcing a "quick" and early win, it is now clear who the real "liar"  is :-)

PPS. To find out about real  sore losers though, you'll have to wait until tomorrow. 


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more from Jaleho


by moo (not verified) on


"The election results are incredible. It's just nonsense ... If it was a genuine election landslide, surely people should be out on the streets in euphoria ...

"The potential for unrest is high. People will wake up today in Iran in a state of shock, not that Ahmadinejad has won, but that he has won on such a dramatic scale ... The scale of the election victory that they have given Ahmadinejad means he must have won big in the cities. That is simply not borne out by what people were saying in the major cities (before the vote)."


Dear Rosie, you said:

by Jaleho on




Why not? the supremen leader is just ONE and the councils (I don't know which one you're referring to), but it is under a hundred, we are talking about 45 million here....OK couldn't resist that  :-) :-)

Look, there has been many discussions about Iran's political structure, about who appoints the supreme leader and who elect those who appoint him ad nauseam. In my early appearnace on this site, I myself have addressed that few time and have seem it addressed by many others, but I don't think you like to learn them. Whether those LAWS can be improved is another question which Iranians can decide when they see it fit through debates you saw the example of. For the moment you can learn them a bit more before repeatedly addressing them without even knowing the rules.

If it might make it easier for you ponder upon this first:

In the US people elect just ONE president who in turn appoints governmental positions. Sounds strange to you? 

The laws also allows presidents to nominate judges (often of their own political persuasion) to the supreme court who are then appointed by US Senate, and those 9 judges in turn have the power to overrule and interpret LAWS the way they see fit. Sounds like a vicious circle to you?

Then this might also seem too much of a vicious circle to you:

The supreme leader is ELECTED and can be dismissed by the Assembly of Experts which itself is ELECTED by direct public vote.

The Guardian Council which intrprets Iranian Constituion on the other hand, has 12 members 6 of whom are jurist appointed by the leader, and 6 are elected by Iranian parliament, each of which are either elected directly by people, or appointed by people who were elected directly by people. This sounds more democratic than the US supreme court, doesn't it? Not that I like the system or am willing to chat back and forth with this, I know you do!


Iranians got SHAFTED BIG

by capt_ayhab on

Next step for Ahmadinejad??

When is Ahmadinejad going to declare himself a lifetime president?

I bet you all lunch[Chelo kabab for all] pretty soon he is going to do that and become lifetime president of IR. 

This election is perhaps second darkest day for Iran after bloody akhund mutiny of 1979.




Dear "rosie is roxy is roshan",

by MiNeum71 on

That's enough! One of my life experiences is: Respect is not a one-way street. Maybe these people are mentally out of control, but they are ruling a country. And what are we doing here? Keeping a civil tongue in our head? What's the use of it?

I am dreaming of killing all these bloodthirsty criminal ...


Darius Kadivar

Et Oui ...

by Darius Kadivar on


To: Jaleho

by Your Nemesis (not verified) on

If you honestly believe that the Election in Iran was fair and square, then I have to say that you are much more delusional than I thought you were.

Your comrades in Iran Did Not even try to fix the election in such a way that it could appear even "semi-credible"! By their incompetent rigging, Ahmadinejad got twice as many votes as Moussavi (62 percent for Ahmadinejad, versus 31 percent for Moussavi) .. They were so desperate, that they rushed to fix the election in such an obviously fraudulent way! - No one who knows anything about Politics in Iran, is going to believe these results! ...IMPOSSIBLE!

Shame on you for making a blog on such an ILLEGITIMATE Result! Unfortunately, you are nothing but a tool in the hands of this repressive regime! I hope that you are proud of yourself!!

Long Live The Youth Of Iran ..... Down With All The Repressive Elements!

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on









Jaleho, Kurush,

by MiNeum71 on

Do you remember, what happened to SAVAK's staff after the Revolution? I wish you the same fate, from the bottom of my heart.



Dear Fouzul Bashi, you said:

by Jaleho on

"باید باور کنیم که مردم ایران فقط شمال شهری‌ها نیستند."

That is true. However, they ALL tend to have internet access, camera, they are lovers of fun and fads like "color revolution," and they also include many vibrant youngsters who legitimately opposed their restricted liberties, and are very passionate to pour in the streets.

We simply happen to see "that group" more in the TV for those reasons and because CNNs of the world like those more than the black boring chadoris and villagers who quietly go and cast their votes. I must add, they were a pleasure to look at, although the even larger "boring" majority who defeated their candidate are even more lovely :-)

Let's not foget again, the victors were the IRANIAN PEOPLE who said:

"bye bye boycotters...bye bye boycotters"

The Mousavi supporters were a very impressive 13 million" Iranian youth!

Darius Kadivar

YOU Sure WON ! ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Demerdez Vous Maintenant ...




Excellent post KURUSH !!

by Jaleho on

you said: "the Western thugs have been demonizing Mr. A for a good reason. They know the Iranian leadership well enough to have guessed that they can not ‘buy’ Mr. A. by some sweet deal."

That was exactly the essence of my point #2. Not that other candidates were a sure sell out at all, but for sure Ahmadinejad has proved himself that not only he wouldn't "sell out," but he made it clear that he is for full transparency in any talk with the west! He "shouts" what he wants to say in open letters, in the UN, in debates in front of millions of Iranians, and takes a pride in being completely honest and open with the people, at the expense of not being perceived as "chic."

This is what US hates the most as it kills any chance of clandestine deals that has been traditionally and historically their modus operandi in the Middle East. Khatami crew started to get comfortable precisely with this type of clandestine deals with the excuse of "wise diplomacy." Ahmadinejad's first election was in large a reaction to that kind of "deal" on Iran's nuclear rights. It was just natural that now that he's proven on that front, he gather even more supporters than the first time.

Obama did wait for the result of Iran election to see what path he CAN take, and it is clear that he HAS TO accept Iranian's right to nuclear energy, and start the reconcilliation FAST NOW!

You also siad,"The moneyed power centers which Rafsanjani & Khatemi & Moussavi represent were eager to make a deal with the West and abandon 30 years of hard-earned revolutionary change which transformed Iran from a front-line Western controlled military bastion ( against the Soviets) to one of full sovereignty . "

You are again right on the money! I am not denying the great services of any of these personalities, or all their sacrifices for Iran in their own time. But, clearly there are factions who have amassed too much financial and political power around some power centers, which is not legitimate. US knows this exactly, and that is why UN resolutions  have been designed to punish "certain individuals and their foreign bank accounts and travel restriction," if Iran doesn't give in regarding its rights to unranium enrichment. These were precisely introduced to create a big internal opposition from these powerful  reformers to Ahmadinejad's nuclear and foreign policy. No wonder even Rezaie ran against Ahmadinejad, he would have normally been in Ahmadinejad's camp. The IRG though was one of the groups whose foreign travel and bank accounts would get hit most by the west.


Ali P

by Princess on

Theoretically you are right of course, but at the same time being cut from the same cloth and belonging to the same system, makes each party uncannily familiar with the tricks the system uses. So they can call eachother out with a great deal of detail and 'pateye hemdiga-ro roo ab berizan' so to speak. As the debates made it clear, this is dog eat dog, if only we had a real opposition to step in and take advantage of this power struggle. Alas!!

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on




rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on





rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on





Iranians LOST BIG

by Anonymouz (not verified) on

In a statement released on Saturday on Mir-Hossein Mousavi's website, he protested "strongly" to the"obvious violations" in Iran's presidential elections. Mousavi, who late on Friday said he had won the election, called the official result of the vote "stunning."

He protested to "the current process of and obvious and numerous violations and irregularities in the election day" .

He asked the Iranian people "to remain in the scene" and pointed out that, "such an injustice will cause the removal of the legitimacy" and "in case the result is not changed the people will not condescend to the president."

"I personally strongly protest the many obvious violations and I'm warning I will not surrender to this dangerous charade. The result of what I see from such a performance of dishonest people is shaking the pillars of the system of Islamic Republic and the rule of deception and dictatorship."He said.

"I ask the officials to stop such a process before it is too late and return to the land of law and preserve people's rights."," the statement said.

"People who waited in long queues, they know the composition of the votes and they themselves know who they voted for," his statement said."They are surprised and are watching the juggling of ... officials when they announced the result."

Mousavi said he would reveal the "secrets behind this dangerous charade"

"I'm warning that I won't surrender to this manipulation," said Mr Mousavi.

He warned "people won't respect those who take power through fraud"and called the decision to announce Mr Ahmadinejad winner was a "treason to the votes of the people.

Darius Kadivar

Khomeiny Eye Imam REEDY BEH EEN GHIAM !

by Darius Kadivar on

You Got What You Deserved ... 

Ali P.

Correct me if I am wrong..

by Ali P. on

If you qualify to run, in an election, in IRI, and you do in fact run,


you qualify to vote , in an election, in IRI, and you do in fact vote,


Win or lose, should you not then gracefully accept the result of the process, in which you have put your faith in?


Fraud of results

by Dumb (not verified) on

85% voter turn out and Ahmadinejad win by wide margin?

You really think we are THAT stupid?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The marvelous Islamists

by Fred on

The resident rabid Islamist says:

“I also totally agree that we have a millenia-old class society with little interaction or even interest in knowing or understanding between the economic classes.”  


So it stands to reason that after thirty years of Islamist social engineering the ruling Islamists who vigorously, systematically and brutally decimated the old class of haves are themselves the haves of today who have no interaction with the have nots. If the Islamists are setting the argument for it will take millennia to finish the job they got another think coming.

Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies including this rabid resident Islamist are just marvelous.


Jaleho, I agree 100%

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

Ahmadinejad might not talk sweet and hang out with hip people, but he wasn't the candidate of making a western bloggers happy and "proud of Iran", but he won because all of Iran isn't Tehran.

It's funny, the Jersalem Post wrote how little this election means. So did the right wing US media. Suddenly, this means Iranians can't change their own system. They're thinking in the wrong terms. Iran isn't an editorial page toy. There were other issues than just being able to party and kissing Israel's hoohaa. Good for you Jaleho. Thanks for your blog.

Mardom Mazloom

‫فضول باشی

Mardom Mazloom

‫تو هم هر کار بکنی همون بیریخت جاهلی هستی که بودی. حالا به عناوین و اسمهای مختلف بیا اینجا خودتو ضایع کن، بیشرم درغگو.

‫حالا بگو ببینیم من کیم، یکخورده بخندیم.


بیانیه موسوی در اعتراض شدید به نتایج اعلام شده

1 Hamvatan (not verified)

آقای موسوی تاکید کرده که "خائنین به آرا مردم ابایی از آن ندارند که این خانه پارسایان به آتش کشیده شود."


rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on













they. exist.'re.'brainwashed'..I.don't.''

sloppy.thinker.with,an.overweening.sense.of. entitlement,which

"ill-wishers" voting???


wisher'.like, Shirin.Ebadi.




mixed feelings on this one

by Q on

I fully believe that MA could win 65% of the vote, and I have said from the beginning it would be very difficult to pull off an upset. I also totally agree that we have a millenia-old class society with little interaction or even interest in knowing or understanding between the economic classes. Only the very top class is "fun" to report and photograph for Western journalists who don't even know any better because whoever they talk to, even to set up their pieces belongs to the same class.

But this analysis of ever-unchanging vote percentages is valid. These numbers aren't natural, especially given the projected differences between city and country. AN should have gotten 90% in early results and like 40% in later results. It's not logical.

But if these numbers are just completely made up, no power on Earth could hide it. They would be easily exposed as soon as the Ostan/Shahrestan results are published (which they have been all the time in the past), then questions would begin to be asked.

At this point, Mousavi would have a choice: challenge it or be silent. Challenging it could lead to AN's impeachment. Khamenei will not hazitate to play the "good guy", by condemning MA if cheating becomes obvious. All these possiblities are foreseeable.

One thing that is completely clear on all sides is this: The boycotters are now irrelevant.

It's bad enough that they predicted nobody would vote, but this lame, and pathetic attempt to "take credit" for this crisis is even more appalling. If we listened to them, there would be no crises. None of this would be even an issue, as MA would win a routine election expectedly. There would be no one calling this a "coup-de tat" which reformists are doing.

Secondly, this "fraud" (if it proves to be so), is incompatible with the boycotters' own story. They kept crying that the Guardian Council has "rigged" the game already so it doesn't matter who wins. They just spent month telling us there is "no difference" between Mousavi and Ahmadinejad. That it's all for show.

Now, all of a sudden the regime is cheating against itself? Now, somehow it does make a difference who wins? Give me a break!

We can safely ignore these idiots from now on. How many times do Iranians have to reject these guys?

If something positive comes out of the present voting crises, it would be in spite of the boycotters and in no way with their help. Their participation is not welcome and will only hurt any legitimate challenge of the vote.


Dear Jaleho

by Shekar on

With all due respect for you and your independence of thought, and with utter shame for some of the insulting comments I read here, I would like to say that your blog shows a bit of unnecessary bullying and lacks in humanity. While I respect your views as a staunch supporter of Mr. Ahmadinejad, I do believe your tone to be insensitive under the circumstances. Please forgive me for the following observation, but I feel you need to hear it from a friend. Your post was reminiscent of another insensitive blog posted on the site last January.  Congratulations on your candidate's victory.

P.S. Fozoul Bashi, show some guts and leave your supportive  comments with your well known and seemingly liberal user ID, so people can see your real face.



1 Hamvatan (not verified)


درگیری بعد از انتخابات در ولی‌عصر و تیراندازی


""Two more pieces

by mio (not verified) on

""Two more pieces evidence

First- the early numbers showed the incumbent with 69%. Likely these came from
Rural areas. Assuming the urban vote comes in later, the margin should narrow substantially (no one can make me believe MA does as well in the cities as in the rural areas). Yet the margin isn't narrowing much at all. Very inconsistent, unless the cities haven't been counted yet.

Second, Mousavi had monitors throughout the country, he at least had a pretty good idea how he did. He may not have known for sure if he would win, but he at least had a pretty good idea. He annnounced he won by a huge margin (advisers said 65%). Would he really say that is he got crushed? I don't think so. He would say "we did well" or its going to be close or more likely he would say nothing. Can you imagine Walter Mondale in 1984 on election night saying he got 65% of the vote. Don't think so.

Finally, there are NO independent election monitors. Even Venezuela had them. That's how we know Chavez actually won his election. No monitors make election results highly suspect

This reminds me of 1986- Marcos v. Acquino in the Phillipines. Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

But I think it will come out. MA's mistake may have been being too bold in the margin""

Fouzul Bashi

Mardom Mazloom?

by Fouzul Bashi on

نه خیر مثل اینکه هر اسمی هم روی خودت بگذاری، بیسوادیت خودشو نشون میده. برو دوباره شعر بگو بخندیم، شروور نگو آبرو ریزی نکن


coup by ahmadinejad

by mio (not verified) on

The massive turnout is what makes it suspect
If this was just a normal election, I wouldn't question it. But with such a high turnout, there is just no way that MA got such a high percentage of the vote - 65%.

It defies conventional wisdom, it defies ever thing on the ground. MA just doesn't have 20 million voters. He has a fanatical following, but not extremely large.