Sugar menopause

Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

I grew up in a household where dessert was the main staple. My mother made the best cheesecake, chocolate cake, angel food cake, lemon meringue pie, apple pie, cup cakes, doughnuts... oh my god, it was insane.

And I loved candy so much I would become a petty thief when my weekly allowance ran out. I would stuff my pocket with Mars bars and walk out the store. (Well, I only did it once. Maybe twice!)

But in the past few months there's been a dramatic change. It's like I'm going through sugar menopause or something. Maybe I've become diabetic. Or I've got cancer. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me!

Earlier this year I vaguely remember having something sweet and suddenly feeling not so good, physically. It was as if I was eating pure sugar, not a piece of chocolate. I thought maybe I was just not in the mood that day. Maybe I felt guilty about breaking my diet. But no, this aversion to sugar has gotten steadily worse.

A few weeks ago my ex-girlfriend made this popular Hungarian dessert and after one bite, I was done. I actually told her it was terrible and she should never offer it to anyone ever again. I wanted her to know the truth. I was being a true friend. (A true olaagh more like it.)

Just yesterday at the local supermarket here in Budapest I stood for a good five minutes by a fridge full of all kinds of ice cream: Chocolate, double chocolate, caramel, almonds, strawberry ... No reaction. I couldn't believe it. I forced myself to grab one but 30 seconds later I put it back. I knew I was going to get a bad sugar high and feel awful.

So I don't know. Is this a phase? Will I ever be able to enjoy a Mars bar again? Who knows. I haven't lost my sweet tooth entirely, but it's pretty close to zero compared to the past 48 years.

I'm actually very lucky. Cutting sugar is the hardest thing for those like me who've always had a weight problem. Now it's a piece of cake.


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by Gharib on

Dear JJKH,

Perhaps its because of those times when you stuffed your pockets and left the store with the Mars bars ( if you believe in Karma).....LOL

Kidding aside, as they say, the best peace of mind is to consult your "Pezeshk".

You can see from our responses that we are of no help...... 

Organic NUTritionist

a piece of cake...

by Organic NUTritionist on

well i think it is amazing!!! :)  

here is a nice light tuna salad recipe, i made it yesterday, it's delicious...



Anahid Hojjati


by Anahid Hojjati on


Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on



Sargord JJJ has been drinking some Maccabee beer. Try it!

by Anonymouse on

Maccabee beer 

Everything is sacred

Sargord Pirouz

In the past, I noticed I ate

by Sargord Pirouz on

In the past, I noticed I ate a lot less sweets during times when I drank a lot. (You drinking a lot these days, JJ?)

I hardly drink at all these days compared to back then, so I now average 2 chocolate bars a week or so. (Which is a lot for me) 


Yes you are lucky to loose your sweet tooth

by Anonymouse on

My recent health test results are border-line on just about everything.  The sugar and potassium levels are high and the Doc was saying I'm pre-diabetic

I keep eating these dark chocolates and gummy bears! LOL!  So I'm going to try and curb my enthusiasm for sweets and no more one banana per day, maybe go bananas once a week only

So JJJ if you've lost your sweet tooth it should be a good thing and you should celebrate it, provided it doesn't mean something else.  Sugar is real bad once we get older and reach our ages

همینمون کم بود که بهم بگن پتاسییمت زیاد شده!

Everything is sacred

Darius Kadivar

The Candy Man Can ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

JJ and the Chocolate Factory:


But I am sure after this : 


Your Candy will be Aroused Once again !
