
Hooman Samani: The Kissinger

Inventor of applications "facilitating intimate human tele-presence"

DR. HOOMAN SAMANI'S "Kissnger" provides a novel way of transferring a kiss through interactive digital media. It provides a physical interface enabling kiss communication for several applications facilitating intimate human tele-presence with the real and virtual worlds >>>


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I can already predict what improvements will be in version 4

by JavoonDeerooz on

Just need a vibrator on one end and an orfice on the other. Internet dating is now complete. 

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Does it have to be lips-to-lips, Hooman? I am not being rude or question is whether or not I can enjoy (french, or ass) kissing my dead national idol?


When a Kiss is just a Kiss!

by Faramarz on



I would be careful to put my mouth there. You never know what has been there before!

Jahanshah Javid

Heard about it on the radio

by Jahanshah Javid on

The BBC world service aired a program on the Kissinger this morning.