Dear Souri


Dear Souri
by IRANdokht

Dear Souri,

I wish you a very happy birthday full of smiles and a wonderful year of health, happiness and success.

We don't always see eye to eye, but once I learned more about the Aquarius woman I learned to appreciate what you offer everyone as a member of the community:

Aquarius Woman January 21 - February 19

Slogan: I know, therefore am.


Aquarius is the most unpredictable sign of the zodiac.

Aquarius women are referred to as the “heavenly bohemians,” because they seem to have their own rules and regulations as to their conduct and they completely reject others telling them what to do.

Aquarius is a fixed, airy sign. This means that these are girls are very rational by nature and exceedingly firm in their opinions.

Although an Aquarian woman might disagree completely with what you believe, she will certainly be open-minded enough to support your personal right to to your beliefs.

Do not attempt to impose your ideas or philosophies upon the Aquarius woman as she will powerfully resist any attempt by you to influence, or change in any way, how she goes about leading her life.

Aquarius is the unpredictable force of nature who wakens us to new possibilities. She is the brief inspiration of lightning, who surprises even herself with her sudden insights. The only sure thing about Aquarius is her independence and unpredictability. She is drawn to novelty like a magnet, and loves reaching out to touch every person or thing that fascinates with its newness. She is famous for her spontaneity.

Aquarius sees everyone as her friend, and views each with complete impartiality and equality. This is because she sees the intrinsic value in everything, and appreciates all aspects of man and nature. To the Aquarius, all serves earth and mankind, and all is worthy of respect and reverence. Those closest to her may find it hard to feel they are special in her heart. Rest assured - romance may be cool, but devotion to those who truly matter is not.

The Aquarius is often seen as a kind of mad scientist - aloof, scatter-brained and non-conformist. She is merely preoccupied. There is always some new thought, discovery, idea, plan or person to pursue, study, assess and put to good use in the world. The Aquarius is in tune with electricity, communication, invention, mechanics, friends, social groups, humanitarianism and politics.

The Aquarius loves humanity above all. Her devotion to friends can be greater than her own sense of self preservation, and she rarely hesitates in risky situations. If the Aquarius lives on the edge, it is because of a deep inner knowledge that her life is but a speck in the face of so much that is amazing and wonderful.

Here's a little dance music to accelerate the heartbeat :0)

A french Chippendale dancer pour ton anniversaire :0)

et voila! more French to make you smile :0)


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Thank you my dear Natalia

by Souri on

Alas, I'm that old!! This is life.

I was scarrd at that time, but today I cop with it. Thanks for your nice words.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

N'est pas posible.........

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

No way that you are 50 years old. All this time I thought that you were younger.

 Happy Belated Birthday!


Thank you Jamshid aziz

by Souri on

Nice to see you here again. Where have you been all this time?

I'm very flattered. Thanks a lot. Wish you the bests too.


Well well well...

by jamshid on

Just browsing and here I find this blog!

Happy birthday Souri! I wish you the very best and hope you had a wonderful birthday!



Thank you Kaveh jaan

by Souri on

It's very nice of you. You always act as a real gentleman!! with a mustache of course :O))

I'm very flattered by your greeting, my dear.

Kaveh Nouraee

Souri khanoum

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I wish you a very happy birthday.


Chers Amis

by Souri on

T.h.e.P.o.p.e, Orang and Darius,

Merci beaucoup pour vos jolies mots. Je suis sincerement touchée.

Je vous souhaites à tous aussi, une trés belle année, ou que cela commence dans le temps pour vous !

Darius Kadivar

Happy Birthday Souri Jaan ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Tavalodat Mobarak Souri Jaan,

Live it to the Tilt !


Orang Gholikhani

Joyeuse anniversaire soori jan

by Orang Gholikhani on

Ke sad saal zendeh bashi.

Hala I bedeh :-)


C'est ta Fete?! Alors,,,

by T.h.e.P.o.p.e. (not verified) on

BONNE FETE SOURI KHAANOOM, tous mes meilleurs voeux,, que cette journee soit tres belle pour toi a tous points de vue,,, amuse-toi bien...! :o)

-je leve mon verre a ta sante...


Dear Farshadjon and Desi khanom aziz

by Souri on

Many many thanks to both of you. sharmandeh kardid with your warm greeting. I am very grateful. Wish you the bests too.



by desi on

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOURI!!  I hope you have great day!!!




Happy Birthday, Souri khanom!

by farshadjon on

Happy Birthday, Souri Khanom.

 I hope that we celeberate your 100th brithday here!!!



by Souri on


Thank you, just don't call me "Souri Khoshgeleh" anymore...and it's all forgiven!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Souri jaan - happy birthday

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

بی‌ ادبی‌ های منو به خانومی‌ خودت ببخش .


To all my friends

by Souri on

So many kind words, so much good intention, so many beautiful song and clips....Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

This is my 50th Birth Day and I was very scared of that number!! Actually it
came up one of the most pleasant one, with all the friend around and
wishing the good things for me.

I am blessed by the angles!!

Mona Jan: You are one the angles of this site, I am so grateful to you.

Dear Samsam: My good friend, we don't agree on many views, but we agree on being good friends :O)

Dear Majid: You said it! Not eating the bones. Actually it's always
enjoyable reading your comments everywhere. Thanks for the video.

My dear Green Lady Fish: Thanks again for the nice words. I'm flattered you chose the same song for my BD as for your sibling.

and the
Secret Admirer :O)) Say what? I love "secret"....and "admirer?" who
doesn't just love it? Thank you for the beautiful choice of music. You might
know me well and have a guess that I love Farokhzad (??)

I love you guys....Merci beaucoup ! and here's my gift for you all :



Dear Birthday Girl

by IRANdokht on

I am very touched by your comment. When I was reading the latest comments/poems on Mr Yassari's blog, I found out it was your birthday and asked a very good mutual friend of ours to help me with the video search since I am at work and couldn't really browse the videos too much. 

Actually two of my closest friends are Aquarius ladies and once I found out that you are too, I saw a lot of the characteristics that I know and appreciate in you too. You're right, it only takes a simple effort to see where the others come from and what might motivate them. You see, as a virgo, I am also true to my planet's strange spin ;-) 

I too have recently found myself agreeing with you (albeit silently) on many points.

I am thrilled that you liked your little birthday gift of a blog and found it as what it was intended to be. 

Enjoy this new period of your life with your loved ones in health and prosperity.

Best wishes today and always



Tavalodet Mobarak Souri...

by Secret Admirer (not verified) on

For You... this is not your avarage happy B-Day song but I'm sure you'll like it! ;-)


anonymous fish

"may you stay forever young"

by anonymous fish on

Souri... i'm glad you liked it.  it's kind of my official "50th" birthday song now.  i made a DVD for my and my twin bro's 50th birthday a couple (not going to be specific about how many a couple is) of years ago and this was the introduction song.  i also included it on a DVD i did for my son when he was stationed overseas.  it literally brings tears to my eyes whenever i hear it.  i'm happy to share it with you on YOUR special day.   :-)


Happy B.Day Souri

by Majid on

Yes, it's true that we don't agree on some issues here and there, but it's your Birthday and here is a zarb ol masal that fits,

Ma agar goosht ham dige ro bekhorim ostekhoon ro door nemindaazim!

I hope you have a wonderful day

At the begining of this clip it says " Happy birthday Souri khaanoom" in Japanese! enjoy



Souri khanoom

by samsam1111 on

Araba migan 'Addoo shavad sabbabeh khair gar khoda khahad" or "doshman shavad abzareh nikki gar khoda khahad" .

Best wishes on your birthday & hope your Family and friends have an extra 100 more years to enjoy your company . Happy birthday dear lady!!!

Mona 19

ahhhhhhh am I late for the party ? ;))

by Mona 19 on

I wish for happiness on your birthday. Hope your birthday is a special celebration of all that means the most to you....Have a Spectacular Birthday Souri Khanum!


Mona ;)


How can I say Thank you ?

by Souri on

Dear Irandokht

First, let me say a big thank you for your nice intention, I'm speechless !!
I could never believe if someone will ever write about my BD, that someone would be You! How strangely the world turns, just blow my head.

True, we weren't at the same wave length most of the time in the past. Although, recently I had found myself more and more in tune with you in your different point of views.........and this is the fruit of practicing tolerance and trying to understand "other's point of view" which is not something hard to do but most of the time we fail to see it so easy.

Coming from you, this very blog is one of the most spiritual gift for my BD, I have had since years!
Usually, I feel uncomfortable when I get too much attention from the people. However, I'm so much thankful to you for your kind gesture that I needed to verbalize my feeling now.

Your nice words, put me at ease for considering myself as a real member of the, which I'm very proud to be.

The Aquarian personality description was also amazing!!
Even the defaults of my personality have been shown in a positive way under the light of "great characteristics", now I am more confident about myself and can even defy the critics :O))

I've found that personality analyzing, so true. I always thought it was natural to be "myself" but now I know that, it's not "me" but my planet who makes me to behave like "me" !!!

The clips were magnificent too. I loved all of them.The French ones are
something though, you can't believe how loud I laughed for a long time.

All the video choices were great, really. I am very grateful to all of you :
Dear Irandokt
My dearest Ebi(whom I thought doesn't like me at all :O)) ....yet another surprise !!
Princess aziz
Moucheye aziz (with whom I had the pleasure to have a great Moshaereh last night !)
My very dear Nazy, I read the Hafez poem carefully, believe it or not, it fits exactly this days concern for me !!
The very nice Anonymous Fish (thanks for Bob Dylan song) so much appreciated.

Guys, you made my Day, today!! A very big THANK YOU to all of you. I am so grateful to all !!!!


anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

does that mean the big 5-0?  it's scary, i know, but you WILL survive...:-0

Happy Birthday Souri... enjoy your day!


Nazy Kaviani

سوری عزیزم، فال حافظ روز تولدت، میم هم مجبور نیستی بدهی!

Nazy Kaviani

روزگاري شد که در ميخانه خدمت مي‌کنم
در لباس فقر کار اهل دولت مي‌کنم

تا کي اندر دام وصل آرم تذروي خوش خرام
در کمينم و انتظار وقت فرصت مي‌کنم

واعظ ما بوي حق نشنيد بشنو کاين سخن
در حضورش نيز مي‌گويم نه غيبت مي‌کنم

با صبا افتان و خيزان مي‌روم تا کوي دوست
و از رفيقان ره استمداد همت مي‌کنم

خاک کويت زحمت ما برنتابد بيش از اين
لطف‌ها کردي بتا تخفيف زحمت مي‌کنم

زلف دلبر دام راه و غمزه‌اش تير بلاست
ياد دار اي دل که چندينت نصيحت مي‌کنم

ديده بدبين بپوشان اي کريم عيب پوش
زين دليري‌ها که من در کنج خلوت مي‌کنم

حافظم در مجلسي دردي کشم در محفلي
بنگر اين شوخي که چون با خلق صنعت مي‌کنم

این هم شاهد بسیار زیبای فالت:

من ترک عشق و شاهد و ساغر نمی کنم
صد بار توبه کردم و دیگر نمی کنم
باغ بهشت و سایه’ طوبی و قصر حور
با خاک کوی دوست برابر نمی کنم

Nazy Kaviani

Dear Souri

by Nazy Kaviani on

Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope this is a good day for you, full of joy and good events which will turn into good memories. My gift to you is a Faal-e-Hafez which I just opened for you. I will put it in another comment so it won't mess up the lines on this one.

The added bonus of my gift to you is that you can read it, specially the Shaahed part, and you don't have to give me a Meem!

Have a beautiful day Souri Jan! You are fabulous!


Just for You!

by Moorche on



by Princess on


ebi amirhosseini

Happy Birthday !

by ebi amirhosseini on



Ebi aka Haaji