Lets remember (A TRIBUTE TO A SOLDIER)


Lets remember  (A TRIBUTE TO A SOLDIER)
by Freedom5

SOURCE: Wikipedia

Sepah-Boad (General) Nader Jahanbani (Persian: سپهبد نادر جهانبانی , Nāder Jahānbānī, 1928 - March 12 , 1979) was a senior general in Iran under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. He was born into an old family with a long military history. His father, Amanullah Jahanbani was also a general, and his mother was a Russian immigrant. General Nader Jahanbani physical features were European and he was known as "The Blue eyed General".

He was a well-known pilot in the Imperial Iranian Air Force before becoming a General. He later was appointed as the head of the Sports Organisation of Iran. Islamic revolutionaries murdered him early by firing squad in Qasr Prison in Tehran

The history of the IIAF Golden Crown finds its beginning in 1955 with the delivery of the F-84G Thunder Jet, the first jet fighter of the Imperial Iranian Air Force. Prior to delivery of the first jets, the IIAF sent 15 pilots (including Gen. Mahammad Khatami who later became the commander of the Air Force) to Fursten Feldbrook USAF Base in Germany to attend the Jet Pilot Training School. Upon completion of the training program, 10 pilots (including Gen. Khatami) returned to Iran while 5 of them (Capt.'s Nader Jahanbani, Siamak Jahanbini, and 1st Lt.'s Iraj Mokhaberi, Amirhossain Rabii, and Abdolhossain Minousepehr) continued their training by going to Jet Pilot Instructor Course. Luckily, Fursten Feldbrook AFB was the home of the “Sky Blazers” USAF Acro team at the time, and their day-to-day practices were carefully being watched by Capt. Nader Jahanbani. He wished that someday the IIAF would also have such a team of their own. This wish was the source of a close friendship between Capt. Jahanbani and the members of the "Sky Blazers", especially with team leader Maj. Smallen. This friendship enabled Capt. Nader Jahanbani to participate in some of the Sky Blazers team practices by flying in the backseat of Maj. Smallen. After completing the Jet Instructor Pilot Course and returning back to Iran, Nader Jahanbani (now Maj.) formed Iran’s first AcroJet team by practicing with Gen. Khatami (now Air Force Commander), Capt. Jahanbini, Capt. Rabii, and 1st Lt. Minousepehr. Finally, after 72 practice sessions, in June 1958, the dream of Maj. Nader Jahanbani turned to reality and the beautiful blue Iranian sky witnessed a new flock of high-flying birds called the Imperial Iranian Air Force Golden Crown AcroJet Team (Teame Acro Jete Taje Talaee Niroueh Havaee Shahanshahi Iran ). Because Maj. Nader Jahanbani was able to turn his vision and dream into reality, he became the Father of the IIAF Golden Crown.

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Kaveh V

Rest in peace

by Kaveh V on


Every time I hear his name, I remember the news cast on that early spring morning anouncing his murder. I also recall how within minutes of the news I saw the somber face of his niece.

I am not sure if his murder was in any way dignified, as nothing Islamic is ever dignified. But, we can take comfort in the fact that he did not suffer the heartbreak that many of us experienced witnessing the Islamic debauchery in our homeland.