Deconstructing the Iranian A**hole


by eroonman

There are very precise moments when things seem to be heading in the right direction for Iranians, for a change. These moments require us to all hold our tongues, hold that thought, hold on for just a damn second would you? A moment in the ongoing space and time continuum, when we all just need to remain cool, unobtrusive, and sane, as the possibility of taking one collective step forward looms ever dangerously once again.

You know the time. It's happened many times before, too many times before. Always only to fail miserably and crash down yet one more lost opportunity to advance the Iranian species. The one chance to be taken seriously, to be respected, to have earned the respect and be given another chance to stand amid the Gods that own this planet, and be heard as a people. A reasonable and considerate people. Worthy of at least never bombing.

It would be fair and understandable if this continued jinx was a result of some strange cosmic alignment, or some other explainable unluckiness. But it isn't. Worse than the unknown guiding our collective fate, is when it happens at the hand of one of our own. That poor unseemly donkey, the retarded donkey, a retarded donkey with mad cow disease, that somehow becomes separated from the rest of herd that is for the most part quite healthy. But before anyone notices the lost donkey, or has a chance to pull him (or her) back into the herd and smother it quietly, the donkey starts to bray. Arrrrrr! Arrrrrr! EeeeeArrrrrr! EeeeeArrrrrr!

Examples are many. Too many to list them all. And their timing is what kills me. But wait,  I'm not done painting the picture yet. This is just the landscape. Let's start on the details now

Today's subject(s)? With the new Obama administration working fast and hard on the economy, we'd be well warned to just lay low until we can see what the "anointed one" has in store for us. You know, keep cool. Wait for it. At least until such time in which they begin to shift their breath of fresh air intellect and attention to the "Iran Problem". For you know it's coming!

But in our "culture" if you can call the present state of Iranian existence a culture. Actually maybe it is too soon to call where we are at geo-politco-socially an outright culture. Mostly because of the obvious dual life-schism we exist under now. But overall our main cultural defect seems to be the philosophy of "mitoonim, va mikonim" or in other words, because no one stops me from doing the thing, so I do it! Even if I probably am not qualified to do it, and more importantly, shouldn't do it. I do it anyway!

The idiots among us, seem to feel no shame in acting irresponsibly. That their inexcusable and irresponsible actions, could possibly hurt our collective image, and damage our global reputation, even more than has been damaged in the past 50 years. Yes, 50 years. Compared to this, the Qajar era has been positively glorious.

I am sure that Dr. (loosely applied) Kamrava's Rodeo Drive practice would not have been in the slightest jeopardy had he "refused service to anyone", as he should have in the case of the Bad Angelina Octopuslets. However his arrogance and the audacious attitude, that he could, so he would, is the kind of act that all too often embarrasses all of us, and like the other idiot, the real estate nerd in Atlanta building a replica of the White House, doesn't understand his connection and duty of honor to represent Iranians in a sane and honorable, responsible light.

Everyone should send a fax to this idiot Kamrava's offices and express their disgust and embarrassment. He changed his first name to Michael, why couldn't he have changed his last name too! The reason? He was proud of his last name. Now that's what I call infertility!

This week's IOD reminded me that I used to be ashamed of the "Iron Sheikh", the Iranian former wrestler in the US years ago. In comparison, he carried himself with dignity and honor. Not that you would think to do it, but if you ever go up to an American wrestling fan, and talk trivia, the Iron Sheikh is actually a point of fond memories, and general agreement. Compared to Kamrava's recent idiocy, I am now proud to be an Iron Sheikh fan!


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by eroonman on

The Proof that I am possibly right in my assessment, is your attempted defense of the reprehensible. You are actually arguing for the idiot du jour doctor who knowing the patient has 6 kids already, seems to feel no compelling question in her request for yet more offspring? Hmm. Oh wait I forgot, you must be the Iranian Idiot's Fan Club President! Congratulations! Now we know who to call.

PS. This was a blog. It comes with minimal editing, maximal freedom of speech. Don't like it, don't read it. But if you are goign to insist on commenting on my commenatry, please try and understand what you are reading before commenting. It makes it easier for everyone, when you think first.

You Can't Always Get What You Want


Mr Jahanshah Javid (The ditor I presume)

by Irate (not verified) on

How did you find this idiotic ramblings post worthy? Did you verify his credentials? Did you check his facts? Did you check his language? Did you find it worthy of this forum? Did you feel it will bring the much needed intellectual content? Are you a shock blogger, now?


Make sure you know what you

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

Make sure you know what you are talking about before you open your mouth or your pen. Even the heard of the biggest group Ob/Gyn associations in the USA said on Larry King that Kamrava may not have done anything wrong given that of his 70 attempt at IVF only 6 had made it, meaning less than 10%. So attempting for 8 so 1 can make it is very reasonable.

Until you have medical degree call yourself an a..hole not others.



by Anonymous212 (not verified) on
