Work Sets You Free


Work Sets You Free
by Cost-of-Progress

"Work Sets You Free"... that is what the sign says (in German) that greeted hundreds of thousands of people who passed through the gate at Auschwitz from 1940 to 1945.

I had an opportunity to personally visit this sobering site earlier this year [photos]. In my opinion, everyone should visit these two sites, Auschwitz-Birkenau, to see first hand the evil that man is capable of committing. It is irrelevant who suffered there. What's relevant is that we humans hold ourselves so high with respect to other species with our religions and supposedly superior intellects, yet we are capable of doing the appalling things that happened here. Our tour guide was a young Polish guy whose content for the place and what had happened there was all too obvious. I will never forget this place and the feeling it gave me while I was visiting it.

Auschwitz-Birkenau are two separate sites about 2 miles apart in the town of Oswiecim, its Polish name (Auschwitz is its German name). Birkenau, although less known, is over 25 times larger than Auschwitz and is the site of the two large “ovens” that had a capacity to incinerate 20,000 corpses in a 24-hour period when they were in use. The ovens and the gas chambers were reportedly blown up by the Germans prior to the liberation of the sites and prisoners and closure of the camps by Russians. Having visited the “ruins” close-up, I believe that they were demolished on purpose afterward to lessen the emotional impact a standing death chamber may have on folks (Visitors & others). Auschwitz's two (much smaller) crematoriums are still standing (the photo with two “ovens” and sliders). Also standing is the death/gas chamber next to the crematoriums in Auschwitz. Being inside it, walking through it, gives one the creepiest feeling there is. The sites are best-known cemetery and place of genocide in the world. The photo that shows a small pond is actually an ash pit, a human ash pit... next to the large, now-demolished crematoriums in Birkenau. There are actually 3 pits of the same size there.

Auschwitz started in 1940 as a concentration camp for Polish political prisoners, in 1942 the camp became a center for the extermination of European Jews. During the years 1940 to 1945, approximately 1.5 million people died there. The majority of the camp's victims were Jews, along with Poles, Gypsies, Russian POWs and members of other nationalities. These sites were declared a World Heritage Site in 1979. Put it on your bucket list to go see this place. It just might change you!


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It Happened
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Thanks COP

by divaneh on

Human is capable of doing so much evil and is a very slow learner. I don't think I would be visiting as I am sick of torture and killing but your explanations and photos helped me to get a better understanding of the sights.


Doctor Mohandes

by Faramarz on



I agree with you. Rahbar and the gang, most likely will retire in Florida, playing golf with some NY Jews and reminisce about the good ol' days!

Dr. Mohandes

Hey . This Just out

by Dr. Mohandes on

Some kind of skirmish just broke out Near the coast of dubi. Looks like some Juje basseeji who did not get it the night before from one of the fati commandos were trying to Scratch some Itch or something. Just watch these Bozos start a war on a larger scale FOR NO GOD DAMN GOOD REASON... Opps sorry about that. 

I just get excited everytime i see SK leaving a comment Damning and doomning the Eezzraeeleez for no apparant good reason.


Faramarz: I don't think any of us would be that Lucky, They will probably send the stupido off to Damascus or some Shittytown, somewhere in the region. Would not be surprised though at all if he shows up in your local neighborhood, or even Shazdeh Asdolah's neck of the wood.

I puke everytime i see his MFing Ugly face. Don't you?:)))

Dr. Mohandes

Hey . This Just out

by Dr. Mohandes on

Some kind of skirmish just broke out Near the coast of dubi. Looks like some Juje basseeji who did not get it the night before from one of the fati commandos were trying to Scratch some Itch or something. Just watch these Bozos start a war on a larger scale FOR NO GOD DAMN GOOD REASON... Opps sorry about that. 

I just get excited everytime i see SK leaving a comment Damning and doomning the Eezzraeeleez for no apparant good reason.


Faramarz: I don't think any of us would be that Lucky, They will probably send the stupido off to Damascus or some Shittytown, somewhere in the region. Would not be surprised though at all if he shows up in your local neighborhood, or even Shazdeh Asdolah's neck of the wood.

I puke everytime i see his MFing Ugly face. Don't you?:)))


Karbala = IR Regime Challenging the World

by Faramarz on


Rahbar and his 72 followers will be wiped out within minutes of challenging the US and NATO, and the Regime supporters here in the west can only pull their hairs, beat their chests and cry


مدینه گفتی و کردی کبابم!


hamsade ghadimi

واقعه آشویتز = افسانه کربلا؟

hamsade ghadimi

کورخوندی.  تو افسانه کربلا چن میلیون تازی به دست برادران تازی‌شان کشته شدن؟

Soosan Khanoom

Auschwitz = Sahrayeh Karbala

by Soosan Khanoom on

Here you go.....  I've said it. 

I like to see the pouring outrages over this ( from both side ) ... oh god .. this site is pricelsss !!



hamsade ghadimi

thanks c.o.p. for the

by hamsade ghadimi on

thanks c.o.p. for the blog.  now, i'm intrigued to visit aushwitz. 

also don't worry about the hypocrite ala.  he rails against anonymous commenters who disagree with him (based on their anonymity) and praises or defends the pro-iri anonymous commmenters who agree with him.  just another hypocrite.  i don't think he even bothered to read majd's poorly-researched book (hence, blaming the millions of iranian dying at the hand of british).

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks COP for your blog

by Anahid Hojjati on

I think it is very relevant to post this item on IC. As far as putting the visit to these two places on my bucket list, I don't think I will be able to do that but I appreciate your blog.


Ala...Dude, You feel Better?

by Cost-of-Progress on

Like I said before, just because you wear a tie, it does not make you progressive. Deep down, you too are bound by what has brought us to this point in our history.

Are you that character's lawyer, do you represent him in any ways (other than what is obvious)? Then what makes you believe it is any of your business to comment on his behalf? He's a hateful little man, he can speak for himself. This character continues to be disruptive with anti-everything posts, so I told him to GTF out if he does not like it. I have the same advice for you too!

BTW, no one said that the atrocities of the past - or present - are an excuse for what's going on now, except for you people, of course.

Mohammad Ala

Iran and Iranians had NOTHING to do with this!!!!

by Mohammad Ala on

What “HAPPENED” was a tragic event which Iran and Iranians had NOTHING to do with it.

Many IC members have complained when non-Iranian related materials have been posted including C.o.P.  C.o.P recently mentioned to another member (CIM) to LEAVE and not to post on IC.   He has ridiculed IC members who they have disagreed with him.

There have been many tragic events which “HAPPENED,” in Iran’s history for example famine and is considered as WWI’s damages which went beyond the massacre of Armenians in Turkey and Jewish holocaust during WWII.

Very briefly, Mohammad Gholi Majd explains how Britain used food as a weapon to wipe out half of Persia’s population in WWI (The Great Famine and Genocide in Persia 1917-1919, by University Press of America). 

How about the following:

When asked on US television if Madeline Albright, US Secretary of State thought that the death of half a million Iraqi children [from  milk and food sanctions] was a price worth paying, Albright replied: “This is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it.”  (John Pilger, Squeezed to Death, Guardian, March 4, 2000).  Also cited in many other sources.