استقلالش که شده نوکری روسیه و چین به جای آمریکا و انگلیس.
آزادیش هم که خودتون در جریان هستید.
"جمهوریش" هم که به گفته رهبری اومد نیومد داره.
اما اسلامیش: خوب ربا که هست، دزدی که هست اعتیاد هم که بی داد می کنه شکنجه و تجاوز حکومتی و غیر حکومتی هم که هست سرنوشت ملیارد ها دلار نفتی هم که نامعلوم - فرهیختگان و دانشجویان هم یا باید جلای وطن کنند یا کنج زندان بروند که شعبون بی مخ های جدید مانند شریعتمداری ها و جنتی ها .....
پس تنها دست آورد این نظام پس از ۳۳ سال، حجاب اجباری است که از روز اول به زنان تحمیل شد.
با تبریک به طرفداران نظام.
Recently by aynak | Comments | Date |
To the ignorant censor machine at iranian.com what the fuck? | 5 | Aug 31, 2012 |
Did FIVB (International Volleyball Federation) shortchange Asia/Iran in summer Olympics? | - | Aug 02, 2012 |
Who is telling the truth? Fakhravr? Batebi? Neither? | 8 | Jul 31, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Great Blog with a BIG TRUTH
by Maryam Hojjat on Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:25 PM PSTHarpi-Eagle: Great response to this NAtevan. Where is Goosh e Shanava like all ISlamists.
Great Blog with a BIG TRUTH
by Maryam Hojjat on Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:25 PM PSTHarpi-Eagle: Great response to this NAtevan. Where is Goosh e Shanava like all ISlamists.
Re: Na Tavan
by Harpi-Eagle on Fri Jan 06, 2012 04:32 PM PSTI mis-spelled "Moslem, Muslim", "Islam", "Mohammad" on purpose, but I guess the sarchasm is beyond your inteligence level, hence the title "Na Tavan, maning Na Tavaneh Fekri".
Islam does indeed mean submission, but god has nothing to do with this submission, it is intended to mean as submission to assimilation into the depths of ignorance braught about by the "Airabs". The word "Arab" here was mis-spelled on purpose FYI, just wanna make sure you catch the sarchasm. Because I have no respect for the Bedouine Airabs of 1400 Yrs ago inluding the Sociopathic lier "Mooohamed" himself, or their ways and because I refuse to become assimilated into a cult of "Shaitaan", I see no reason to spell or pronounce their names correctly.
Stop with your "Taghieh". I am refering to you trying to give your own meaning to the word "Eghtelo", this word comes from the same root as "Ghatl" which means to kill last time I checked.
Based on your posts here and in the past I believe you either really believe in this "Airab mumbo jumbo" or are a paid IRI apologist/agent. In either case I feel sorry for you, because if you really believe this crap, then you have in effect sold your sole to the devil, and if you are a paid agent, you have sold your "Sherafat" and human dignity. I still urge you to go and read the Tazi Nameh, but read it in Persian, so you can uderstand what it prescriobes.
Payandeh Iran, our Ahuraie Fatherland
When you have weak eyes {ayank} can help you see better!
by Oon Yaroo on Fri Jan 06, 2012 03:44 PM PSTOf course, unless it's sunny where it helps you to see less!
Thank you Mr./Mrs. aynak!
ده، حالا چرا بهت بر خورد؟
Roozbeh_GilaniFri Jan 06, 2012 03:02 PM PST
سوال کردی جواب دادم. اگه از جوابم خوشت نیومد، دفعه دیگه این جوری بپرس: "سوال من برای همه هست، غیر هر چی آدم کله ماهی خور خنگ"
A Harpist Muslim!
by Tavana on Fri Jan 06, 2012 02:55 PM PSTReshaping the 'tunes' straight:
1. It is Muslim & not Moozlem! Muslim (from 'Salaam') means at peace/submission/tranquility with GOD. Moozlem (from 'Zolm') means the 'oppressed.'
2. Islam is the GOD's religion. Quran is the final GOD's true guidance for the whle mankind ever till the judgement day. Tazi manifesto? That is how the deniers of the truth calls it.
3. 'Eghtelo' also means all 'fight back, stand for the truth, quarrel' in Arabic.
4. Mohammed & not Moooohamed. That 'paraised' name has the word 'hamd' in it. 'Hamd' to the believers is the most beautiful tune ever made to praise GOD with.
5. Will continue with the 'tunes' lessons if GOD allows such later.
6. For a 'heart to heart' connection, no language is needed whether it be Arabic, Farsi, Parsi, Rashti, Turkey, or the 'Ants' language as the King Solomon was able to understand it.
7. So long for now!
آفرین به این همه هوش روزبه
salman farsiFri Jan 06, 2012 02:26 PM PST
بیخود نیست میگن رشتیها با هوشند :))
For an Islamic democracy
Dear Tavana
by masoudA on Fri Jan 06, 2012 02:36 PM PSTI don't understand your insistence on writing in Farsi......I can write Farsi, just as well.....just know that part of the reason I write here is because I know well active Iranian websites especially this one are monitored by IR, and non Iranians to get some sort of indications on how we (the Iranian Population) thinks....thank god for the internet...otherwise we as a population would have had zero voice.
I also found your comment about Islam+Aab very shaky....but I also understand the need for an Islamic Renaissance and doing away with all the Benzins - as Harpi-Eagle correctly pointed out.
Roozbeh_GilaniFri Jan 06, 2012 02:08 PM PST
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
حالا بالا غیرتا خودتون بگین
salman farsiFri Jan 06, 2012 02:02 PM PST
من عذر خواه نظام ولایت وقیح هستم یا برادر طالبانیست ما توانا
For an Islamic democracy
A Great Blog!
by G. Rahmanian on Fri Jan 06, 2012 01:53 PM PSTLet the truth be told that the slogan, "Neither East Nor West" was a big Islamist lie(Taghieh). Unfortunately for Iran and Iranians, the opposition forces bought into such lies and brought the most ruthless regime to power. United, Iranians can take their country back!
Re: Tavana On Islam and Decedance (Fesad) ...
by Harpi-Eagle on Fri Jan 06, 2012 01:12 PM PSTTavana,
You say Eeezlam and Fesad are like Ab & Atash, try Atash and Benzin. You as a Moozlem, do you even read the Tazi Manifesto from time to time? You have any idea how ridiculous you sound when you glorify this Tazi Cult? I suggest you read some of the Madini Soureh of the Tazi Nameh to truely understand the decendant, violent, socio pathic, and anti civilization protocols of this satanic cult. Don't you know the meaning of the words "Eghtelol Kaferoon", which has been repeated in many of the Madini Sourehs (Baghareh, Tobeh, Ale Emran, Nesa, and Mooooohamad". Don't you know about the Kaferoon's wives being halal to the savage hords even they are married. Don't you know about 700 of the Bani Ghorazeh men and young boys being beheaded bythe Moooohamed's savage followers in Madineh and that very night their women being raped by them. You call yourself Tavana, try being a "Daana" instead by reading your beloved Ghoraan, to truely understand this Pseudo Religion of yours. Just put yourself in the place of your fellow country men who were subjected to the savagery of Mooozlems 1400 years ago, and if you're thinking about blaming all that on Omar, think again, Omar was nothing but a good Mooozlem that abided by the Rahnemood Hieh Mooohamed the psychopath as set forth bythe Tazi Nameh AKA Ghoraan. Read and learn Agh Tavana. Mind, it's a terrible thing to waste.
Payandeh Iran, our Ahuraie Fatherland
The rest of the blog???
by Tavana on Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:44 PM PSTافسوس که دوره جاهلیت است و وظیفه مسلمان فرار از چنگ (سایت) جاهلان! ولی تا رنگ قرمز شراب نپریده ٢ کلمه به پارسی باید پارس کرد (نبشت!):
آزادی دادنی و گرفتنی نیست. آنرا باید در خود پروارند.
جمهوریش در ریش آقایان تجلی میکند از چپ و راست.
زیرهر عنوان وهر پرچم و هر مسلکی میتوان فساد نمود. ارتباط اسلام و فساد مثل ارتباط آب است و آتش!
وقتی انسان آزاد نیست و دین را در ریش جستجو میکند و فساد میکند چه فرقی میکند اربابش کی باشد؟
چشم دارند و نمی بینند و گوش دارند و نمی شنوند. عینک و سمعک هم ول معطلی!
Short & Sweet
by masoudA on Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:07 PM PSTand to the POINT.
I add: not only IR is servants to Russia and China - they take orders from every Chaghoo Kesh in the middle east.
Of blog's first sentence.......
by پندارنیک on Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:01 PM PSTI don't equate their dependence on China, and the Russians with their predecessor's total obedience to the US...........unless we're doing kinda booze talk, which is fine..............but for a comparative study, we should look for the signs of similarity...........Shah, for instance, used to change his prime minister (it was the Shah's prime minister; rubber stamped by the so-called parliament) according to whatever party taking over the White House.......and what about the infamous "Capitulation Law" which cost Mansour his life...............
The rest of the blog is right on the spot...............thank you.........
مختصر و مفید
Roozbeh_GilaniFri Jan 06, 2012 10:52 AM PST
خیلی خوب و ناروشنفکرانه نوشتید، که حتی من بیسواد هم حالیم شد، چه برسه به آقایون و خانومهای فوق تحصیل کرده در این سایت مقدس..
به قول زهرا خانوم:
"خمینی عزیزم، بگو تا خون بریزم"!!
by Red Wine on Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:29 AM PSTهم خوب نبشتی و پیام دادی و هم خوب کردی که به پارسی نبشتی.