Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
by Marjaneh on Sat Jul 03, 2010 09:36 AM PDTAre you serious?
Every fascism is an index of a failed revolution - Walter Benjamin
MM, you've had me in stitches!
by Marjaneh on Sat Jul 03, 2010 09:14 AM PDTI just tried it without the sound! Absolutely hilarious!
Every fascism is an index of a failed revolution - Walter Benjamin
VPK Mankind is corrupt it
by Escape on Sat Jul 03, 2010 07:49 AM PDTVPK
Mankind is corrupt it doesn't matter if you are talking about Religion,Law,Sex,Corporatism whatever..Power will always be corrupted.
In Iran society now is corrupted because of Religion,before that it was because of Heirarchy. Across the world Socialism,Communism and Democracy are corrupted,Governments are corrupted because Mankind's 'Greed' and 'Good Intention'.
Marjaneh - watched ur video w/o sound - is it about god or porn?
by MM on Fri Jul 02, 2010 08:13 AM PDTSorry, no sound on my computer today!
Religion is what makes us human
by Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi on Fri Jul 02, 2010 03:53 AM PDTHow typical of the decadent Iranians who live outside of the guardianship of the jurist and protection of Islamic law that they associate black with white and white with black.
Religion is what links a man or woman with the source of all power and blessing. Without it, we are no different from the apes.
But we all know that the taghooti need only the gift of a banana from their western masters in order to accept their satanic will.
Such is their corruption, decadence and rebellion against the holy tenets of divine religion.
by Niloufar Parsi on Fri Jul 02, 2010 03:40 AM PDTessentially, the growth of a) sedentary societies, b) the first city states, c) organised religion, d) marriage/nuclear families, and d) male domination of societies all went hand in hand.
religion and the state have never been far apart. kings as gods or kings/priests as representatives of gods allude to the same. today this human tendency to worship something and follow 'sacred' rituals is reflected in several alternatives such as sports, hollywood, party politics, music charts etc.
we seem to have a defective 'follow the leader/ritual' gene in us, and it manifests itself in many ways, be it friday prayers or saturday football or the gossip column.
point is, the 'evil' you refer to is, in my view, internal to ourselves rather than external. it was the first follower that made khomeini a leader.
by Niloufar Parsi on Fri Jul 02, 2010 01:50 AM PDTwhat you want is not the same as what people in iran want. why do you make such irrational assumptions against available evidence?
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Thu Jul 01, 2010 05:26 PM PDTReligion was originally invented to explain the inexplicable. People wanted meaning and reason. They needed guidance. What made the skies light. What were the stars. Why do we live. What happens before and after. These led us to make religion believe in gods or one god.
In time people started to use priest as go betweens with gods or god. The priests figured out how use it to control others. From then on religion has been an instrument of death. This is organized religion. Plain and simply a totally negative force.
Humanity will do well to reject this evil. If you want a relationship with the divine then do it privately. Why do we need these moft khor priests? To be fair I have seen some priests providing useful services. I have also noted how they do the most vile acts.
From Khomeini to the Pope. Murder to child molestation and rape. Rot and corruption is in their hearts. We don't need them. Go to god on your own. No need for the middle man! How arrogant of these Imams and Bishops to think they got access to god and we need them: we don't.
Niloufar these are my last words to you
by Escape on Thu Jul 01, 2010 04:28 PM PDTStop defending people living under Islamic law,especially when they don't want to and are being held to it by a Military dictatorship.Stop defending the people holding Iran to that law while you go and live your life,apparently totally against those belief's..
by Escape on Thu Jul 01, 2010 04:18 PM PDT...
by Niloufar Parsi on Thu Jul 01, 2010 04:13 PM PDTi know. you are right. but what's it got to do with the subject?
You misunderstood
by Escape on Thu Jul 01, 2010 03:10 PM PDTTotally.You do describe the society in Iran quite well.
How far would you get with that paragraph in Iran? What would happen to you?
Would you stop all the law's against blasphemy against God? What would happen to you if you went to the Mosque's of Iran and stated that paragraph? Read the comments in your blog.What if you all took your campaign to Iran instead of the outside world where it's ok to lash out against religion.
Go to Iran and lash out against Religion.I dare you.Read the words on your blog and tell me they fly just fine in Iran.Then when I tell you the truth,I get your 'paragraph'..Well that's the truth about Iran,I didn't make that decision.
And I have read some of the most anti religious comment's from Iranian's on the outside world,most of them defend the regime then use their freedom in the west to priviledge themselves selfishly.
Being Irrational
by asman on Mon Jun 28, 2010 06:07 PM PDTWow you really have exposed yourself to your weakness of your intelligence. I cannot believe that God gave you a mind to think in a more positive and constructive way and yet your mind is clouded with what the society feeds you and hence you regurgitate with such irrational statement that only man made religion brain washes you daily. Do yourself a favour. Think for yourself by using the freedom God gave you rather then the religion the society manipulates your every thought. Be who you are and not what the society wants you to be.
You would hang in the streets of Iran Ms Parsi
by Escape on Fri Jun 04, 2010 04:28 PM PDTfor your words.
These statement's are equivolent to Death Sentence's
by Escape on Fri Jun 04, 2010 03:15 PM PDTin the Islamic republic of Iran.Even writing them online.
comment modified.........
WRONG! Religion is there to teach us about god
by Marjaneh on Fri Jun 04, 2010 02:31 PM PDTand god the almighty omniscient benefactor is lovely enough to give us bananas to prove his/her lovely existence, as told by lovely religion, as lovingly organized as a biodegradable, non-slip banana wrap.
Religion is love, the pure love of all bananas, the great gift of god.
And if you doubt my lovely words, then let it be known that god gave these lovely words to me via spam-messiah, and may I be struck by a banana devil if I do not reveal the truth that these messiahs' have told.
Thank you to all religions and purveyors of the supernatural, for bringing me the message of bananas directly from god.
Don't shoot the messengers of the banana-donator.
Still don't believe me? Unconvinced? Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron will explain. Let Truth be known:
Every fascism is an index of a failed revolution - Walter Benjamin
by asman on Fri Jun 04, 2010 01:48 PM PDTYes you're absolutely right that "religion is the opium of the masses". We become so addicted to it that we are unconscious of the devastation and onslaught it encompasses. Just like man made, manufacturer and composition of drugs, sedatives, alcohol and many other barbiturates along with various paraphernalia’s that enhance their flow into our blood stream which render us totally helpless and constituently making us unaware of our doings or circumstances that may lead us to are ironically the same way man made religion befriends us. Religion is illegal. Illegal in the sense we illegally use God’s name and subsequently quote words and phrases which we conveniently point to the origins of these in the so called ‘holy book’ that God himself wrote but the truth of the matter is that man won’t admit that he himself wrote this so called ‘holy book’. God is immortal so anything He does is immortal whereas whatever man writes and makes can be destroyed. Cunningly man exploits God’s name for his selfish, arrogant and devious mind to take control of himself. Being of these characters to over come his weaknesses so others would have more faith and trust in him he then invents another superficial being that would oppose God in every aspect and so he conceives an unimaginative imaginary being which he himself names it as a DEVIL/SHEYTAN. As long there is God there cannot be a devil as by man’s standards. God created the world and the gifts God gave each one of us to see, feel, hear, eat, breathe and think so that we can exalt God’s creations. God is immortal so in that respect what is devil and what has he created? Just like man created religion he created the devil himself. Combining the two he has mastered a plan to rule the world and consequently destroy everything that God created but unconsciously programmed his own demise in the future.
"Religion is the Opium of the masses"
by fooladi on Wed Jun 02, 2010 04:42 PM PDTKark Marx
by asman on Wed Jun 02, 2010 04:26 PM PDTHow to eradicate religion is simple by reversing the process how we in the first place become so inclined into it. The finger pointing goes to our parents. They are the part of the society who throughout our learning process right from the day we came into this world gave us food, shelter, love, trust, security and faith that we became so much dependent on them for everything. Whatever they said and did to/for us made us cling like a magnet to follow them in every foot steps and prepare us to be automatically incarcerated into the society that was just waiting for us to embrace. Like others things we learned religion too was very essential for our understanding and growth. As an infant our brain is like a sponge constantly absorbing everything we hear and see. Our brain is not matured enough to comprehend and justify whatever that goes around us and hence we leave it all up to over beloved parents to teach and make us understand while we are still growing physically and mentally. Eventually we evolve just like our parents in every aspect and become part of the society. So we too follow the footsteps of our parents and brainwash and manipulate our future children so they can also become part of the society.We should be aware and able to understand that we can make our own decisions and choices rather be so dependant on the society. We have the right and freedom to practice the freedom God gave us all and not to be brainwashed and manipulated by the society. Instead of misleading our children because of the way society controls us we should make our children be more aware of them selves and make them understand who they are and how God through them controls every aspect of their lives. Being honest and make our children understand who God we can eventually eradicate religion. It took many hundred of years to brain wash and mislead one to believe in religion and so it will take twice as long to completely wash away the man made concept of religion and to be fully aware of the power of God and who He truly is.The responsibility lies on us from now on and we better take this action seriously since new religions are already growing rapidly as the virus spreads like venom killing everyone eventually.
by asman on Wed Jun 02, 2010 02:41 PM PDTThere is no doubt in everyone’s mind that there is a living entity that created the world we live in and along with other galaxies in the universe. This entity is so powerful that we have named it by no other name but God. Well first of all religion has nothing to do with God. The word religion has been contrived by man to take control of him self and the only way to do it is by exploiting the name of God and God as a whole. Religion is man's way of expressing in his own words the laws and rules that he finds befitting him. To make it more rational and over powering for others to believe and accept it he falsely uses God’s name to exploit God it self. In any religious books and scriptures man falsely quotes words as if God himself said them. Man is a very cunning, arrogant and selfish person or should I say animal that God has created. By using religion man tries to overcome his weaknesses by taking control and imposing rules, laws and regulations so men, women, children and other species can follow him and he does it cleverly by falsely classifying them as God’s own words. Man should know and understand that God’s words cannot be written by any means that he himself has created to communicate with others. Whatever man creates can be destroyed and burned. God’s words are written every where but we are too blind to see. God's words are immortal. Religion itself shows impartiality towards woman since it is devised by man. Religion also surrogates us from one another. It creates invincible boundaries among us that we become intolerant with each other and hence hate is created that ultimately leads us to kill one another. Politics every where strive on religion. Religion and politics go hand in hand to rule mankind. So therefore the crooked government and political parties stem from the roots of religion which in turn are the roots of all evil. Religion gives birth to evil. It is a man made virus that affects us all and unfortunately the demise of our existence.One should focus on God then religion. People might argue that without religion how one can know about God? Well the truth is that everyone who is born is born with the spirit of God within them. Every living thing has the power of God within or inside of them. God is the soul in our body. It is the ultimate spark that keeps us alive. It the soul governs us every second of our life. In each one of us has a conscience which we often refer to as the silent voice. This so called voice tells us what is right and wrong and to follow the right path that has been paved for us. Yet we as human beings don’t listen to this spiritual voice of God because it is always deafened us by the loudness of sound the society we live in. The society brain washes and manipulates us every second of the day. It takes control of ourselves that we are too weak to fight it off. Religion is part of the society that feeds on us like a parasite. God has given us very unique gifts which are our mind, ears, nose, ears and limbs. The mind in particular is the best gift of all. God has given us freedom to make our own decision and follow in the path God has chosen for us all. The society we live in has taken this freedom from us right from the first time we can comprehend what our parents tell us. Our parents are the part of the society so as innocent infants we look towards them for love, comfort, food and security. We depend upon them so much as we grow in our lives not realizing that we are constantly brain washed and manipulated by them. Through our parents we get to know what hate is and how it is used in our daily life. As a baby we are all born innocent with God’s love and that’s what we look and crave for from our parents as we grow but unfortunately because of the society our parents and their parents and fore fathers grew in the society environment that we are immediately are forced not to make decisions for ourselves. Our freedom that God gave us to make decision on our own are taken away from us by our parents the society. Religion is the first thing we are right way brain washed into. As we grow older we are constantly brainwashed by the society we live in. So we too become the part of the society and cannot think for ourselves. We become lazy and constantly rely on the society to live our daily life. We become so dependent on the society that we allow the society to control our mind. God is in us all the time so we should for a brief moment without any doubt give ourselves a chance to listen to that silent voice of God with us and follow His path of joy and happiness. Be unique and different instead of following the society let the society follow you and hence you will eliminate the virus called religion and evil. Believe in God only and then you will understand the power and love of God. Love and peace to you all my brothers and sisters!
by asman on Tue Jun 01, 2010 03:53 PM PDTThere is no doubt in everyone’s mind that there is a living entity that created the world we live in and along with other galaxies in the universe. This entity is so powerful that we have named it by no other name but God. Well first of all religion has nothing to do with God. The word religion has been contrived by man to take control of him self and the only way to do it is by exploiting the name of God and God as a whole. Religion is man's way of expressing in his own words the laws and rules that he finds befitting him. To make it more rational and over powering for others to believe and accept it he falsely uses God’s name to exploit God it self. In any religious books and scriptures man falsely quotes words as if God himself said them. Man is a very cunning, arrogant and selfish person or should I say animal that God has created. By using religion man tries to overcome his weaknesses by taking control and imposing rules, laws and regulations so men, women, children and other species can follow him and he does it cleverly by falsely classifying them as God’s own words. Man should know and understand that God’s words cannot be written by any means that he himself has created to communicate with others. Whatever man creates can be destroyed and burned. God’s words are written every where but we are too blind to see. God's words are immortal. Religion itself shows impartiality towards woman since it is devised by man. Religion also surrogates us from one another. It creates invincible boundaries among us that we become intolerant with each other and hence hate is created that ultimately leads us to kill one another. Politics every where strive on religion. Religion and politics go hand in hand to rule mankind. So therefore the crooked government and political parties stem from the roots of religion which in turn are the roots of all evil. Religion gives birth to evil. It is a man made virus that affects us all and unfortunately the demise of our existence.One should focus on God then religion. People might argue that without religion how one can know about God? Well the truth is that everyone who is born is born with the spirit of God within them. Every living thing has the power of God within or inside of them. God is the soul in our body. It is the ultimate spark that keeps us alive. It the soul governs us every second of our life. In each one of us has a conscience which we often refer to as the silent voice. This so called voice tells us what is right and wrong and to follow the right path that has been paved for us. Yet we as human beings don’t listen to this spiritual voice of God because it is always deafened us by the loudness of sound the society we live in. The society brain washes and manipulates us every second of the day. It takes control of ourselves that we are too weak to fight it off. Religion is part of the society that feeds on us like a parasite.God has given us very unique gifts which are our mind, ears, nose, ears and limbs. The mind in particular is the best gift of all. God has given us freedom to make our own decision and follow in the path God has chosen for us all.The society we live in has taken this freedom from us right from the first time we can comprehend what our parents tell us. Our parents are the part of the society so as innocent infants we look towards them for love, comfort, food and security. We depend upon them so much as we grow in our lives not realizing that we are constantly brain washed and manipulated by them. Through our parents we get to know what hate is and how it is used in our daily life. As a baby we are all born innocent with God’s love and that’s what we look and crave for from our parents as we grow but unfortunately because of the society our parents and their parents and fore fathers grew in the society environment that we are immediately are forced not to make decisions for ourselves. Our freedom that God gave us to make decision on our own are taken away from us by our parents the society. Religion is the first thing we are right way brain washed into. As we grow older we are constantly brainwashed by the society we live in. So we too become the part of the society and cannot think for ourselves. We become lazy and constantly rely on the society to live our daily life. We become so dependent on the society that we allow the society to control our mind.God is in us all the time so we should for a brief moment without any doubt give ourselves a chance to listen to that silent voice of God with us and follow His path of joy and happiness. Be unique and different instead of following the society let the society follow you and hence you will eliminate the virus called religion and evil.Believe in God only and then you will understand the power and love of God.Love and peace to you all my brothers and sisters!
so who created god? let me guess: 'god'?
the real problem is not religion. it is the empty meaningless idea of 'god' born out of man's fears and insecurities.
There is nothing wrong with religion as long as....
by MM on Sun Mar 28, 2010 07:06 AM PDTThere is nothing wrong with religion as long as it is a private matter.
Strong civil laws that protect the rights of all religions (even athiesm) is the way to go.
No doubt, Azadeh jan
by Nur-i-Azal on Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:56 AM PDTYou know me, I am prostrate on the ground bowing to the altar of the Divine Mother, the Primal Eve!
The saying has some Truth, however, if you know what I mean ;-) It even occurs to me that maybe the Supreme Goddess has intentionally created all these silly organized, patriarchal religions as a ruse to keep the unworthy and profane far away from Her Greater Mysteries. Now there's a thought...
BTW, happy belated Naw-Ruz to you!
Dear Nur
by Azadeh Azad on Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:36 PM PDTRegarding the first paragraph of your last comment, do you mean it happened this way? :-) I do believe that it was the Goddess who placed the Light of Truth before the Woman!
Dear Marge
by Azadeh Azad on Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:29 PM PDTYes, I agree with you that everything that pertains to human beings is political - if that is what you meant! However, I used the words "politics" and "religions" in their narrow and concrete sense. And I believe in education and consciousness-raising processes as tools of confronting the proverbial "evil."
There is a saying...
by Nur-i-Azal on Sat Mar 27, 2010 09:59 PM PDTGod revealed Truth and the devil organized it. This is what organized religion is from start to finish: an organized parody (and so fraudulent image) of Truth. As such church, mosque, synagogue, Bahai institution, etc = Ahriman. Period!
In the eternal words of the Egyptian Sufi Umar ibn al-Farid,
"I was a Prophet from Myself sent to myself, and it is by my own signs that I was guided to Myself."
This BTW is also a profoundly ancient Mazdaean idea, i.e. becoming the
Prophet-of-your-being. Any idea or creed that is by definition designed to imprison you and lead you far away from four essential things is by all standards a fraud, therefore a ruse to mislead and hence it is an empty and meaningless idolatry: 1) your essential Self (= 'ilm al-yaqin/the knowledge of certainty), 2) the reality of Love (= sirat al-yaqin/the path of certainty), 3) the Truth (= haqq al-yaqin/the truth of certainty) and so 4) boundless Inner Freedom within the direct experiential reality of total connection with Source (= 'ayn al-yaqin/the essence of certainty). Anything that does not accomplish this, is pure LIES and should be smashed as Moses smashed the golden calf. Note Mahmoud Shabistari,
gar mosalman bedanasti keh mosalmani chist
yaqin kardi keh mosalmani bot parastist
If the Muslim knew what idol worship truly is
He would testify in truth that Islam is idol worship!
by Gavazn on Fri Mar 26, 2010 02:55 PM PDTYour comment is so true:
"true education can free the humans from the chain of religion. Unfortunately education is a double edge blade and daft religious beliefs are also product of some sort of education."
Dear Azadeh
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Thu Mar 25, 2010 07:13 PM PDTSo you're anti - organized religion? That's it? That's not religion at all. If you're discussing personal spirituality, that is another matter.
Religion IS politics. You can't separate. What does it mean when you say a woman is a man's subject? That marriage is a covenant? These are politics.
You have done well so far
by divaneh on Thu Mar 25, 2010 06:25 PM PDTDear Azadeh, that was pretty damn good. Totally agree that it is the organised religion which is harmful. I however think that we cannot generalise and assume that all humans are more emotional than rational, although in my view majority are emotional.
Dear Captain, as I already stated, only the true education can free the humans from the chain of religion. Unfortunately education is a double edge blade and daft religious beliefs are also product of some sort of education. Definitely not force and not another faith or any other doctrine that encourages blind following.
Dear Asman, you are a little like profits. You have written couple of words and we are writing page after page in its analysis.