If You Had The Power to Help Iran, What Would You Do?

If You Had The Power to Help Iran, What Would You Do?
by AK69

If You Had The Power to Help Iran, What Would You Do?

Please elaborate.


more from AK69

Doroud Bar Qoldor

by AK69 on

- Thank you for your articulate well thought out reply.


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan


AK69,All joking aside,

by Qoldor on


All joking aside, this is what I would do:

- I would propose a draft constitution to guarantee democracy, indivdual freedoms, right to privacy, right to worship as one pleases, freedom od speech, freedom of political views, and basically refrain from anyl restrictions, except for those who choose to use violence as a tool to advance their views.

 - I would then form an all inclusive coalition government comprised of all political views, religions, ethnicities, etc., and ask them to review and approve the proposed constitution to form a "mutually agreed platform" to present to the Iranian People, and to invite all to form a united front.

 - Next I would hold an election to identify a leader/speaker for the movement, under the condition that such person is to conduct her/his activities from within Iran

- Next I would organize a grass-root organization and ask for volunteers to spread the word, and invite the people to join

- As a first act to topple the regime I would propose a general strike at the national level

- Parallel to these efforts I would ask for volunteers to flood the internet with the news about the movement, to provide regular updates, and to generate further discussions + involvment, and hence estabish credibilty with the population.

In short, I would involve all, so that every individual knows in their heart that they are not just participants, but true stake holders in the freedom and future of their country.



by Qoldor on

Dorood bar AK69

Aab raa majjani mikonim

Bargh raa majjani mikonim

Shoma raa ensaan mikonim

Agar ham hichi nashod, faghat mikonim


Az sokhanaane hazrate Ayatollah Ozma Sadre Heyat Raise va Rahbar Enghelaab Choslaami Imam Khomeini (ridam be roohesh)


Ask Not!

by Qoldor on

Ask not what your country can do for you!

Ask what you can do for your country!


Quote from JFK


Good diversion tactics 'darlin'..... but they dont work.

by javaneh29 on

Im still interested to know what YOU have done ? Given that your previous suggestion is not possible from I guess... the safety of US.

As for singing Kumbaya ...... suprised you even heard of it.

And dont try to personalise any exchanges to create further distraction ... TARZAN was a hero and Jane was a decoration.


omid behrooz

New Referendum

by omid behrooz on

I would ask millions of Iranians who live inside and outside of Iran, to forget about their differences, and email to the Secretary of the United Nations, and ask for a new referendum in Iran, under the control of unbiased UN representatives, for people of Iran to decide between: IRI, Democratic Republic, and Constitutional Monarchy. I will make sure "the separation of religion and state" will be added to the new constitution of Iran.


Yep; I started it darlin'....

by AK69 on

- Feisty & Perceptive... GRRRRRRR ;-)

As you so eloquently put it, I started by expressing my views. Those were received; let's just say.... no so well, by the Iranian.com moral and Greenpeace activist police.So I done said to myself, self... Why don't you post a question on this here new fangled dangle Blog thingy and let others share their views on this little matter of resolving Iran's 30 years of enslavement, so other views can be expressed, shared and debated.... maybe as a collective we could find a solution through this cyber exchange of ideas. And maybe, just maybe one day we can all gather in Tehran in Tehran Esquare and sing Kumbaya to world.But, seriously darlin' the topic is a future hypothetical; quote "what would you do" not what have you done for me lately. Me no looking for pats on back or others' self-aggrandizement postings. Me looking for alternatives to my less than peaceful solutions previously postulated. Me Tarzan, you Jane? ;-)AK69

Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan



Aye Ostaad

by AK69 on

- If I wanted to lead I would have; I am not the shy type.


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan


Yep you started it ....

by javaneh29 on

I too would be interested to know what you have done for freedom in Iran? If your previous post is anything to go by.... probably nothing much except talk about execution.  



You first,

by Ostaad on

since you asked, I think you should lead. Better yet, what have YOU done so far to help Iran?

Please elaborate.