
مسئله ی سکس

03-Nov-2007 (29 comments)
با کاندوم می کنی ولی ایدز می گیری.

ایدز دارد، بی کاندوم می کنی، ولی ایدز نمی گیری.

این همه ی مسئله ی حضور است. باشی، بودن می شود کاندوم.

این اگر ادامه بدهم فلسفه می شود و فاسفه که شد می شود پارگی کاندوم! >>>


Ramazan cards (Part II)

Ramazan cards (Part II)

Breaking technology divides with faith

by Amir Normandi
20-Sep-2007 (142 comments)



آخرین تانگو

فقط برای این آمده ای که از یاد من بکاهی ولی نمی توانی

19-Sep-2007 (one comment)
از دیشب که از سر کار بر گشتم به فکر دیدن دوباره فیلم آخرین تانگو در پاریس افتادم .یک حس خوبی در دیدن دوباره ی آن به من دست می دهد و شاید هم این بهانه ای باشد که از تو بنویسم .با صدای گوشی ام از خواب بیدار می شوم ولی از خستگی دوباره به رویا می روم .پرنده کوچکی از دی شب لانه اش را کنار پنجره ام درست کرده و با نوکش دائما به شیشه می زند و من این دفعه بیدار می شوم .>>>


Ramazan cards

Ramazan cards

Can chastity be one's virtue without a veil?

by Amir Normandi
06-Sep-2007 (42 comments)



LET ME...know you azizam

He is the man I had always wanted and he knows it


Conquering Kamran was my all consuming desire. He asked whether I had a YAHOO id and soon we were sending IMs for eight hours or more at a time. We discussed life and the difficulties we had been through in life in general but also in our love lives. He also spoke about his upcoming book and how I would love the stories. It felt wonderful for a man to understand what I was talking about and it was easy to connect with him because we had both felt intense thoughts and emotions throughout our lives. This went on for so many hours and soon afterward he called me simply to hear my voice. He said, “I need to hear that sexy voice.” I responded, “How could you possibly know my voice was sexy.” He said, “Because I get so excited every time you IM me.” I was shocked and turned on.

