Parazit: Masoud Behnoud

Interview with journalist, political analyst


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Zesht: that teache is

by alx1711 on

Zesht: that teache is Mentaly ill.

from Iran

جمهوری اسلامی مرض دارد

from Iran

 واقعا که جمهوری اسلامی مرض دارد. اصلا اینا الکی گیر می دن به مردم. مثل اینکه مردم می گن ما با شما کاری نداریم، شما هم با ما کاری نداشته باشین...ولی این دیوانه ها می گن نه، ما می خوایم شما را اذیت کنیم. آخه این چه کاریه؟ واقعا مرضه.

بسیار شخصیت خوبی هستند. ایشان آگاهانه همانند بسیاری از ایرانیان، ایرانی خالی از جنگ و آتش و انقلاب می خواهند. ما هم همین را می طلبیم. ایرانیان در واقع مردمی اصلاح طلب هستند و از خونریزی خسته.

Darius Kadivar

I admit I just can't figure Out Behnoud's ambiguous Mindset

by Darius Kadivar on

Again, I think he is very confused even more so after watching this far more complete version ...


Too bad cause I truly think he is a man of quality 


Sigh ... 



Darius Kadivar

Massoud Behnoud's More Complete Interview here

by Darius Kadivar on

More Complete Interview Here

Jeesh Daram

رقابت بی بی سی با صدای آمریکا

Jeesh Daram

پاسخ اینجانب به "ایرانی" .   بله نظر شما هم قابل احترام است و اگر من دوست ندارم میتوانم نگاه نکنم و اگر رژیم ایران را هم دوست ندارم میتوانم خفه شوم و اگر آمریکا را دوست ندارم میتوانم ترکش کنم و غیره....ولی دلیل اینکه من این برنامه را گاهی چند دقیقه اش را نگاه میکنم مقایسه رقابت بین انگلیس است و آمریکا در رخنه کردن درون افکار توده های مردم ایران.  هدف برنامه پارازیت خنداندن ایرانیان خارج از کشور نیست، بلکه سرگرم کردن ایرانیان داخل ایران است. و آن ایرانیان داخل کشور بمراتب شوخ طبع تر از آن هستند که به چنین مطالب یکنواخت بخندند و برعکس متوجه میشوند که وضع روحی خودشان بمراتب سالم تر و با نشاط تر از روحیه مجریان این برنامه است که دولت آمریکا بایشان پول میدهد و میکروفون میدهد و آزادی میدهد که برنامهای موثر و جذاب برای آگاهی ایرانیان درست کنند و بجایش اینها میایند و از یکمشت "اسپشال افکت" های بجه گانه استفاده میکنند و هی سرو صدای گوش خراش ایجاد میکنند. از آنطرف بی بی سی (لعن الله علی قومهی و امواتهی فی سماوات فی العرض) میرود و برنامه های فرهنگی درست میکند و آنگونه خودش را مشتاق ایران و ایرانی و اسلام نشان میدهد.  در این رقابت "ربودن قلبها و افکار" بی رو در واسی عرض کنم آمریکا ریده است (گلاب به روتون) و گندش در آمده است و بی بی سی کمافی السابق برنده است.  این دو جوان یا باید بروند دنبال درس و تحصیلشان و این کار را ول کنند و یا اگر مایلند از مالیاتی که بنده و شما به سازمان اطلاعات آمریکا میدهیم استفاده کنند بنشینند و فکر کنند که چگونه از این تسلسل کسالت آور خودشان را نجات دهند.  بسیاری از این افراد که با ایشان مصاحبه میشود نظرشان پشیزی ارزش ندارد.  باید با افرادی مثل فرضا پتریک کندی مصاحبه کنند و دریایند که این مرد چند دلار و چقدر از مجاهدین پول گرفته است تا بگوید "زنده باد اشرف" و یا با سفیر عربستان و امارات مصاحبه کنند ببینند درد ماتحتشان چیست که بیلیونها دلار پول ایرانیان را میگیرند و هنوز احترام مارا ندارند........اشکال کار اینستکه ما زود از هر مطلب گندی تعریف میکنیم و بهمین جهت برنامه های سمعی و بصری مان نیز در گنداب میمانند.  سخن نو آر که نو را حلاوتی است دگر.  یا پسر ناصرالدین شاه قاجار خودت مراد دل همه را بده 


I am with Jeesh Daram and solitude

by Bavafa on

Its been long that I just fast forward to the interviews and watch only that section. I find the interviews have got better and still enjoy watching them, the rest of the program is just … well it has already been said better by the two gents above.



Wake-up calls keep coming

by پندارنیک on

predictability is the killer of satire.............told you guys way need a female third face for a bit of fresh air..........But, and that's a big but: No fake bleach blond...and no Perrrrrrrrrzian squeaky voice....Az man goftan!


DIDO! Sir Jeesh Daram...

by Solitude on


You took the words out of
my and I am sure perhaps many other ADULTS who watch this not so funny(anymore)
and nonsensical program every now and then! But I was hoping that after the
boost they received by appearing in the Daily Show, the quality of the programming
(at least the funny bids) would ascend as oppose to this drastic descend that
we’ve been witnessing week after week, for the past few months!

I truly wish & hope
that they take your genuine advice (which again, is an opinion shared by any of
us)  and become a bit more innovative in
their approach to both, the comedy as well as the serious aspects of this show
which is supposedly an Iranian version of the Daily Show! Or better yet, learn
from their guru, John Stewart by watching his techniques and how he maintains
the wittiness of the show by balancing the humoristic approach to most dry
political facts and keeps things in perspectives. I think that would be a very welcomed
change and of course would transform this show that is so desperately needed by
the Iranian youth (in that deprived of everything country) into a program with
a purpose, intelligent coverage of the news, commentaries, jokes and funny

Do you hear this gentlemen  Hosseini & Arbabi??


Darius Kadivar

Behnoud like Celine is so infatuated with the "Beauty" of Words

by Darius Kadivar on

that he Forget's or prefers to ignore the significance of what he says or hears as when he interviewed this Eminent Gentleman ...



Ebrahim Golestan: "The Shah's Coronation Made Me Wanna Vomit" (BBC)



And then in the rest of this interview he claims that everyone loves Iran and puts everyone and everything on the same level of importance in history ranging from The Shah to Mossadegh to Khomeiny to Khamenei without ever putting into the balance their contributions or actions good or bad in perspective.


This type of mentality is probably far more condemnable coming out of the mouth of a man of quality like Massoud Behnoud who is anything but stupid.


It contributes to Banalizing History in the same way Neo Nazis claim Hitler was not so bad or that the Holocaust did not exist:


Banalization of history By DK


HOLOCAUST A MYTH: Michelle Renouf on Iranian SAHAR TV 


Claiming he does not believe in Revolution or is against Violence is just another of those political correct clichés to avoid personal accountability and genuinely standing for what he believes in ( or does not believe in).




Even when he mentions an example of his female Journalist students who had a hard time to remain objective when reporting on a criminal affair, the example is totally misleading for the case mentioned was not one of Political Consciousness but Moral Consciousness.

Again Behnoud just loves playing with words and semantics often drawing irrelevant parallels where there should be none ... 


From that Point of View I have more respect for someone like Ahmadinejad or Khamenei than I have for this gentleman or his reformist like minds. 


If one is genuinely against revolution then you cannot  at the same time defend the Republic's legitimacy born from that upheaval.


One cannot escape intellectual accountability eternally :


pictory: Bakhtiar Denounces Bazargan's Provisionary Government in exile (1979) 


When Behnood say's he is against revolution he is actually using double standards very much like Maziar Bahari and others likeminds. He wants to imply he did not want this outcome or the establishment of the IRI but on the otherhand he claims that now that it's here we should accept the status quo and go along as if nothing ever happened.

In otherwords On one hand he wants to say that he is against violence ( i.e: Violent upheavals) on the otherhand he wants to say that he is against regime change (i.e: maintaining the status quo and carry on with hopes of reform from within despite the violence the regime itself exercises on the people).


Otherwise sure who in the world likes Violence or Bloodshed ? But should that be an excuse for a Journalist, let alone a citizen to be neutral ? I think Not !


Claiming to be against "Revolution" is actually a perverted way of saying that he actually is against Regime change which in ideological terms would be a "Counter Revolution".


In short in his view the Revolution ( which he claims he was against) but more importantly the Republic which was born from it's womb are Legitimate after all. 



Also Claiming that a Journalist should be Objective is not the same as claiming he should be Opinionless ...


Why isn't he shocked by the way this Republlc greeted the Assassin of Iran's former Regime's Last Prime Minister then ?


Ali Vakili Rad "Strangled" Shapour Bakhtiar


Being silent in the face of injustice is as Violent as the Violence this gentleman claims to abhor. It's just one of those Political correct responses the IRI reformists have become experts in.


Mr. Behnood claims in disguise to be apolitical but the fact is he isn't.


In many ways he reminds me of those Brilliant writers and Intellectuals like Louis-Ferdinand Céline during France's VICHY era who sold their soul in the name of a so called Intellectual Integrity but in the end turned a blind eye on all the hypocrisy, crimes and contradictions of their time and intellectually at least were partners of the tragic comic outcome of the monsterous regime whose legitimacy they do not wish to question and wish to make us believe is still reformable.


Sorry Mr. Behnoud But WORDS DO MATTER Not for their BEAUTY but their SIGNIFICANCE !





Good Night and Good Luck !







Jeesh Daram

by iroooni on

if you dont like it dont watch it.


Bishtar shabihe Zargarast ta khabarnegar

by opinionpost on

he is soooooooo wierd...

Babak K.

Another great program.  No

by Babak K. on

Another great program.  No wonder so many young Iranians love the program.  In this program, I liked the statement about Larijani brothers. Keep up good work, and god bless you.

Babak. K

Jeesh Daram

موقعش رسیده

Jeesh Daram

موقعش رسیده که این دوتا هم دکانشان را تخته کنند و بروند دنبال یک کار بدرد بخور.  در بیمزه گی و سرو صدای گوشخراش دیگر حدی برایشان نمانده و هر بار این لوس بازی ها تکرار میشود. پیشنهاد من اینست که اگر نمیتوانید برنامه را آنطور که امید دارند فکاهی کنند، بجایش سعی کنند یک برنامه جدی ارائه دهند. باید این سبک تکراری را قطع کنید و یک چیز نوینی خلق کنید

Darius Kadivar

نکته جالب اینه که وقتی آقای بهنود

Darius Kadivar

نکته جالب اینه که وقتی آقای بهنود میخواهد مردم را «تشویق» به رای دادن کنند انگار نه انگار که در لندن تشریف دارند ولی هنگامی که راجع به شرکت نکردن در انتخابات از ایشان سوال می شود ایشان یادشان می افتد در خارج از ایران هستند