U.S. Prepared to Strike Iran if Necessary

U.S. Joint Chiefs commander to Iran: Don't push it


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VPK jaan: Lets apply this logic to another scenario…

by Bavafa on

Now America has power. The smart ones will be its friends and benefit

In 1939, Nazi Germany was by far much more powerful then surrounding forces.  Should have UK and some other nations allied with Germany since they had the power?

Another way of asking this; should Iranians always look to be some powerful's water boy?

What is it to prevent Iran and Iranians to be a power of its own like Israel, Brazil or even Turkey?

Only when we can believe in ourselves, we can get out of this slum. 

Only when we are willing to stand on our own, pay the dues and sacrifice, we can be one of them.

And before you or any one is going ahead and concluding that I believe IRI is doing this… you are wrong in making that conclusion.  Unfortunately, IRI has done to the contrary.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



VPK China and Russia are doing fine not being NowKar

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Reagan, and Bushes father were no different than Ghater, Iranian military would at that time be able to get rid of regime, but securing IRI is all they were interested in. My Hallucination is in 5 years time USA will no longer be what it was or ever again will be, you'll realize it too once you see that they can't get out of their current economic hole and Putin comes to Power and surges Russia forward in cooperation with EU.  Power shift will be alot bigger than we can all realize now, infact the military will be the source of dragging the USA down even faster as they go into greater debt.  But for our sakes the next 5 years or so they will still be able to act unilaterally.

We have to get our own house in order and focus on peace, progress, human rights etc through secular govt that is not Nowkar like IRI.


Use of Force is the only way ...

by nitemustfall on

None of us likes a destruction of our countery, but it is very apparent that the use of military force is the only language this regime and it's 5% or so idiot followers will understand. I believe if and when the force is used it will be a combination od US + EU nations, and not Israel. A good communicaation with Iranian people within the country before the attack is necessary to get rid of IRI once and for all.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


1979 was an aberration because of Jimmy Carter. Go and repeat yourself a million more times. I don't care. 

Other nations from Germany to Japan benefited. You are stuck in 1979.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You people may go on about immorality of USA or whatever. But it happens to be reality. Now America has power. The smart ones will be its friends and benefit. Those who oppose it will be punished by America.

I prefer to get Iran on the side of the winners. For decades Iran under Shah did that. We had peace and prospered. Then some **holes decided to "stand against West". The result was war; misery and IRI. No thank you.

The choice is obvious for Iran to do well: side with America. You want to call me a kiss ass; fine! It is a very small price for prosperity of Iran. Meanwhile you guys rant about the American empire and how bad it is! I know what makes sense for me.


VPK 1979 was a lesson for Friendship/Partership with the USA

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Some get it, others never will.  You go back to a country that betrayed you, raped you, robbed you and destroyed all peace, progress and human rights you were in fact enjoying before mullahs came and sent iran back to the 13th centry.  Not for me.  Doubt Democrats in Iran will buy it either, you are welcome to express yourself.

The USA only wants NowKar, No way I can support that.


Conquering the world thru military means….

by Bavafa on

While I deplore the criminal nature of IRI visa e vie Iranian people, I condemn and deplore the imperialistic nature and practices of USA.


A country that has more military bases around the world than the entire world combined, is nothing but an empire hell bent to control the world thru force.


I believe and agree wholeheartedly with Amirparviz comment about the “world of force” and condemn it as strongly as I condemn IRI criminal behavior towards Iranian citizen at home.


This general and the likes of him, in principal and role, are nothing really different than those of Gangiz-khan or Hitler.  They are an instrument to conquer the world thru military means.



'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



You have a legitimate point BK

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Regime will use sepratist excuse, whether significant or not.  My point was just to alert what many already know that the USA is supporting and training kurdish sepratists pjak who do lots of work for them in Iran, I don't think they will get far with it because just like the rest of us even the sepratists don't work together.

LOL VPK What would you have me do praise the US empire? After what they have done with the middle-east and their policies on Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan? If we need to wonder about any one it is one who propagates the US version of history separate from all of the truth. Wait a minute i forgot, you suppose a future democratic Iran will support the USA after its actions.

It was just Carter right, forget the rest.  Or Reagan squashing the Iranian militarys plans in the mid 80's during the war with Iraq, or bush the fathers blocking moves by iranian military after the war, Or even Obamas lack of encouragement to Greens.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Babak makes sense

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You know I am really wondering about motives of Amirparviz. Putting up a picture of a lion and naming one "for secular Monarchy" is nothing. But all the posts are to attack USA and dishearten opposition.

It really is what all those regimes want people to think. Really biggest reason for Iran disunity is IRI. Because it discriminates against all except hard core Shia. Duh: it will piss off all the other groups. Besides it created hell on Earth for people.

If Iran was well managed and a free nation minorities would gladly remain. With the IRI nobody including Shia; Farsi speakers want to be there. Getting rid of IRI is the best way to guarantee Iran stability; maybe even federation with neighboring nations.


US is still where it started in Aghanistan 10 years ago:Step one

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

In Iraq as soon as the last US troops left Iraq, all hell has broke loose; basically in Iraq as well we see a "back to square one" pattern.

And now they want to attack or invade Iran! Well.

Even a minor skrimish in Persian Gulf and Straight of Hormoz, and a consequent rise in Energy prices is all this world economy needs to change from a global recession to a world depression.

Apocalypse now or later? You be the judge.



Regime is likely a gonner in a few years, but its not 100% yet

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Actually policy could change based on if Repubs or Dems come, god help us if Gingrichs advisers get their say, read their policy papers and see for yourself that our worst nightmare will be a reality.  The big story today is the cover up for the US patriot missiles headed for china, the germans are reporting everywhere they were headed for south Korea and the Fins are under pressure on their investigation.  //www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2...

How many do the chinese have so far and inexchange for what, the big issue in the world for now is not Iran, It is Russia and there is no info on what policy is really being pursued with them, funny thing is if china has been bought off and neutralized and nato pushes to dominate russia, we all may have to escape the USA and UK and head to either south America or Iran or at least our children, unless we support them in enlisting to serve people that have helped rape Iran. 


Babak K.

Amirparvis, I have not

by Babak K. on


I have not watched this video yet.  But, what you wrote is what every dictatorship like Islamic Republic, or Syrian Regime or .... want its people to hear.  Nobody is stupid and we all know that US like every other country is out to protect her own interests.  You predict the "fragmentation" of Iran and so on and this is a scare tactic that Islamic regime in Iran is very much interested in and wants everybody to be reminded of such a dooms day.  Well, you could not be more wrong and Iran will stay as it is now and more united than ever no matter what happens.  I know that you and your like have used and using and will use the most popular scare words by the Islamic regime like "seperatists" or "disintigration" in order to discourage us the Iranian people in our struggle for the human rights and democracy, but we are used to these scare tactics and nothing can stop us now.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No more joking

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Obviously nobody in a right mind thinks this is human rights. It is about a regime in Iran that must go. Islamic regime is too much of a pain in the *** for the world. I say: good!

I have for years said we need to be prepared for post IRI regime. Others ridiculed me and said we should work to present sanctions. In particular NIAC wasted its resources going against the inevitable. That is why I stopped supporting it.

Now the deal is done and we know IRI is a goner. RP knows it and is working to put together a Council. We should all join forces with him. Forget about old grudges and lofty goals. Work for a "sane regime and intact Iran post IRI". 

Dr. Mohandes

NO more F... Around..

by Dr. Mohandes on

That is what i am talking about.

HE said what needed to said. He gave it to them straight and withoout any reservation, diversions. Beating around the bush.

Good Job.  


A world of force, not law, not justice

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

not human rights, progress or peace.  Since Democracy, Human Rights are only disingenuously used by the USA and very effectively towards our sheepish people, breaking up Iran is more likely in a few years time than ever. One for you, one for me, not at all.  Dishonest and rotten to the core. Fragmentation of Iran from sepratists is a real US agenda if regime doesn't do as it is required and modify its policy to suit the US goal, which has not been for peace, progress and human rights, but war, conflict and supppression with long term US domination of the regions resources.