God and religion business

On Benazir Bhutto, Islam and freedom of speech…

God and religion business
by Curious Joe

Benazir Bhutto's assassination reminds me of the number of rednecks and misogynists in the US who are ready to bet that if either Hillary or Obama are elected next year, they'll be assassinated by January 2010.

It also makes me wonder when will the Iranians wake up and separate Disneyland/God/Religion from the State?

Proud of their 2500 years history, will the Iranians ever wake up to realize that the whole concept of “God” is nothing but a mere figment of human imagination – no matter whether it is marketed by the Bible, Torah, Qoran, or any other fairy tale -- and no matter how many billions in South America or Africa believe in such BS.

Mixing human well-being with illusions such as God and religion (as documented in Richard Dawkins 2007 book entitled “The God Delusion”) leads to the assassination of a speaker such as Benazir Bhutto today.

It is about time for 90% of human beings on this planet (and 80% of god-loving church goers in the US) to wake up and dump the American theocracy, the Jewish Wailing Wall, as well as the fundamentalism of IRI/Bin Laden/Taliban in the garbage of the human history.

Enough is enough with all this God and religion business. So, Benazir Bhutto is dead. For what, I ask you? Please don’t tell me that she was killed for the same reason as Olof Palmer in Sweden in 1986. If you believe that, then the Pakistanis must be as civilized as the Swedes...


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Just spend some time in

by Kamran Hakim (not verified) on

Dear Hooshang,

You wrote: “Just spend some time in Bahaiawareness.com and you will understand me. Just open your heart to the true God of Islam, christianity and Judaisim and you will understand me.“

Are you referring to the same God under whose Name Jews put Jesus on the Cross, Christians conducted inquisitions against Jews, and Muslims who consider Christians unclean, etc… etc…?

You wrote: “Just go to the book of Bayan and Agdas and read it from a stand point that a moslem wrote it then go read Islamic texts and find the same exact words then you will understand me. “

I applaud your recommendation about reading the Book of Aqdas and the Book of Bayan. However, I take issue with reading from the “stand point of a Muslim”! That is a loaded concept! What is meant by that? Do you mean read these Books with the thick and dark glasses of perspective imposed by the garden variety marja’i taqlid? Or, does it mean reading these Books with the ambient filters of fear and prejudice against Baha’is we were all raised with from childhood? Remember, from the perspective of the Jewish leaders of the time of Prophet Muhammad: “Just go to the book of Qur’an and read it from a stand point that a Jewish person wrote it then go read the Jewish texts and find the same exact words” Such sentiment speaks of human bias more than anything else. “The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may confide in thee. By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of thy neighbor.” [Baha'u'llah]

The similarity you see is perhaps in the alphabet used. Please note that the same numbers and alphabets are used in the books in primary school, high school and college. The message conveyed is different.

You wrote: “Don't worry my friend those who are in my camp and I have big hearts. We are not anti Bahaiis, we are anti Bahaii's politics.”

It doesn’t matter if you are anti Baha’i or anti-anything else. Clearly you have something to say and you deserve to be heard and respected. This is the least amount of courtesy we can extend to one-another.

You wrote: “Theologically if your soul escalates to the level of humanity God will show you the way. (bayad liagat rouheh moggadas ra dashteh bashii).”

With all due respect it appears to me that “humanity” has somehow lost this theological recipe. Would you say that it is God’s way to strip Baha’is from all their social rights in Iran? Is it God’s way to bulldoze the Baha’i cemeteries? Is it God’s way to do what has been done in the Name of God by those who are in the “Business of Selling God”? Etc… Etc…

If people were able to independently escalating their souls to the level of humanity, there was no reason for Zoroaster to appears, Moses to come, Jesus to teach, Muhammad to preach, The Bab and Baha’u’llah to suffer: “Our meaning is this: the religion of God is one, and it is the educator of humankind, but still, it needs must be made new. When thou dost plant a tree, its height increaseth day by day. It putteth forth blossoms and leaves and luscious fruits. But after a long time, it doth grow old, yielding no fruitage any more. Then doth the Husbandman of Truth take up the seed from that same tree, and plant it in a pure soil; and lo, there standeth the first tree, even as it was before. Note thou carefully that in this world of being, all things must ever be made new. Look at the material world about thee, see how it hath now been renewed. The thoughts have changed, the ways of life have been revised, the sciences and arts show a new vigour, discoveries and inventions are new, perceptions are new. How then could such a vital power as religion -- the guarantor of mankind's great advances, the very means of attaining everlasting life, the fosterer of infinite excellence, the light of both worlds -- not be made new? This would be incompatible with the grace and loving-kindness of the Lord. Religion, moreover, is not a series of beliefs, a set of customs; religion is the teachings of the Lord God, teachings which constitute the very life of humankind, which urge high thoughts upon the mind, refine the character, and lay the groundwork for man's everlasting honour.” [‘Abdu'l-Baha]

I hope this provides a perspective for your consideration.


Kamran Hakim


I found this poem very

by Kamran Hakim (not verified) on

Dear Hooshang I took the liberty of making some modification to your poem which you found to be "very fitting for the Bahaiis of today." I hope you don't mind:

به گيتی كسی را نماندست حب و وفا
روانها زبانها شدست پر ز ظلم و جفا
بسی خون ریختند از پی خواسته
روزگار ما را سیاه کردند و بد آراسته
زيان كسان از پی سود خويش
بجستند و دينداری آوردند پيش
ولی ای برادار نباید ترا ازردگی
بزرگی ما هست مستور در خوردگی
کز ايران واز ترك و از تازيان
نژادی پديد آيد اندر ميان
نه ایرانی و ترک و تازی بود
نه تاجیک و بربر نه هندی بود
سخن را به کردار معنی دهند
به پندار در دشت سخن برپرند
نیازی ندارند به فحش و به زور و نبرد
بگیرند و پنهان کنند گنجها زیر دامان نهند
بکوشند و کوشش به ترمیم دنیا کنند
وز این پوچ حیوان به روح القدس خلق انسان کنند

با عرض احترام
کامران حکیم


Hooshang, I loved the poem.

by Abdullah (not verified) on

Hooshang, I loved the poem. It just summarizes what you have been saying. By the way I have been looking up material from web sites including bahai awareness.com, there is this PhD guy who did his disertation on Bahaiis and how they are not a ligit religion. I also read accounts of many people who have become Bahai like you said after being seduced by persian food and hospitality then they ran away with vivid description of their experiences in a cult like gatherings. Hey thanks for eye openening comments and info. By the way I think I know who you are, your younger brother and sister went to school with me in Iowa. If that is who you are then tell your brother to call Abby in New York and he will know. I like to treat you for dinner if you ever visit east coast.


I found this poem very

by Hooshang (not verified) on

I found this poem very fitting for the Bahaiis of today.

ز ايران واز ترك و از تازيان

نژادی پديد آيد اندر ميان

نه دهقان نه ترك نه تازی بود

سخن ها به كردار بازی بود

همه گنج ها به زير دامان نهند

بكوشند و كوشش به دشمن دهند

به گيتی كسی را نماند وفا

روان و زبان ها شود پر جفا

بريزد خون از پی خواسته

شود روزگار بد آراسته

زيان كسان از پی سود خويش

بجويند و دين اندر آرند پيش


Just spend some time in

by Hooshang (not verified) on

Just spend some time in Bahaiawareness.com and you will understand me. Just open your heart to the true God of Islam, christianity and Judaisim and you will understand me. Just go to the book of Bayan and Agdas and read it from a stand point that a moslem wrote it then go read Islamic texts and find the same exact words then you will understand me.

/__Just stop lying to yourself about what you really stand for and you will understand me__/.

Don't worry my friend those who are in my camp and I have big hearts. We are not anti Bahaiis, we are anti Bahaii's politics. Theologically if your soul escalates to the level of humanity God will show you the way. (bayad liagat rouheh moggadas ra dashteh bashii). I can't judge you but I can tell you that you are in a great denial of world outside your box of Bahaiism.
By the way you didn't take my advise for stopping personal attacks. Go ahead and give me another one it is becoming intersting. Just a moment"Aren't you suppose to be a kind hearted loving member of humanity, then why are celeberating my loniness" (Don't feel bad, relax I am not lonely, I have a new cat).


this blog has lost its way,

by Seagull (not verified) on

this blog has lost its way, i think everybody needs to move on.


To : Mr.Hooshang

by Mona 19 (not verified) on


Ya really
What happened to your dad?
He is a Baha'i, isn't he???
If you don't mind tell us what happened to him???



Tahirih, in response to your

by Anonymou s (not verified) on

Tahirih, in response to your comment to me, your accusing and cheap distracting tactics wreak of %^&*. It's obvious who is of the religious and fanatic kind. Oh, by the way, did you know Scientology saves? (and the more you give your time and money to it, it saves more)? look into it.


Hooshang why don't you answer seagal's question ?

by Tahirih (not verified) on

Instead of having a party with you and yourself and you in front of a mirror to make it 6,answer seagul.What happend to your bahai father?Did he had a change of heart like you and yourself and you?
You write too much and long (I guess talking to you and yourself made you this way? all day you talk to you and yourself?).Instead tell us about your bahai father!
come on take a chance.



by Seagull (not verified) on

what happened to your Bahai father, did you convince him since he has been in your living room for decades?
its a ligitimate question.
good luck



by Hooshang (not verified) on

Here I come back Bahaii: By the way I just made 3 new Iranian friends who share my view in last night's dinner. that makes us so far 6-8 and I am working on it. But to get back to you guys. I just want people read every commentary made here and be the jugde of the whole thing. Bahaii's as I had mentioned in my original writing like to attack persons and assissinate characters.(as demonstrated here). No one can say anything againt Bahaiis and be a bahaii oor not belong to any other groups. Having said this I echo mr Hamidi's point that don't worry about who is saying it worry about what is being said. This tct of attacking ones credibility rather than focusing on the issue is an old tactic invented by zionism (just watch the news when it comes to analysis of anything ever any one can say about the Israel) if it is not favorable then it is antisematic. Now do you all see the pattern of behavior from Bahaiis and do you believe me when I say they are taking baby steps of Zionism. Lets not be redundant just go to Bahaiawareness.com and get educated in theoligy and stay alert and you will see Bahaiis zionistic manners when it comes to politics. As to response of what happened to my father? Again dear Bahai friend this is not about me, my family or you. I know curisity is killing you but focus is about Bahaiis and Iran , not individuals. Every individual have their own story of life some good, some bad. what is important is what did they do humanity specially to their birth place before they departed this world. Te only personal question I have for you is how do feel when the dollars that you spend in Zionistic country are used to murder children and woman in middleeast. The equality of woman and men started with Islam and way before that with Jesus who made mary mgdeline a desiple and way before that when moses freed slaves men or women alike. Unlike your skewed views God's religion has not changed and will not change when it comes to fundamentals. You are supposed to know this God can not teach jews, christians, moslems to treat women unequally and Bahaiis get the right message. Lets see may be once again you are confused between what moslems and christians and jews did through out history you take it on the face value as the word of God. Human society under induring(key test for religion) sematic religions with proper passage of filters of legitimacy have strived towards what God wanted to us to do from the beginning. And that is what natural progression meant to be. If you want to take credit for this and say Bahullah and abdulbaha predicted this then I like the Bahaiis to explain to themselves why these leaders made such profound mistakes in their other predictions. To start with Abdulbaha wrote that human in next few decades will stop war and will learn to live in peace. it was after that that worldwar 2 broke out. (How funny)I am sure like any other deep questions your house of justice has fabricated a nice explanation for this nce again from a defensive position of some thing else should have never gotten public.


Dear double ii Bahaii: Mona

by shaheen hamidi (not verified) on

Dear double ii Bahaii: Mona is ever more in pain knowing that a vatanfroush like you is representing her. Hooshang's points are so valid just by looking at your reactions. All you have focused on is to make him, me or any body says anything look bad. Just answer the questions. Even if it is coming from a hojjati or any body for that matter. What is important questions raised by Hooshang has not been effectively addressed by Bahaiis(I use 2 iis because that is what I read in thses dialogues, even that doesn't make the issues raised go away, you can make yourself happy and think I am hooshang, but tell me are you really comfortable with yourself or you are just in defensive and jumping all over the places to get of the jam you are in). Go ahead write some thing else with scriptures that defends Bahaiism. But why don't you just think about your loyalty and the significant help that you have had in your life time for Zionistic causes and leave poor Mona alone so she can be victem of your agends for the second time. The people who lead the inecent 16 year old girl to the murder scene are individuals like yourself. Bahaiis should feel guilty and they doomed to take the consequences of their actions to grave, just like what your ancestor Babis did with their terrorist plot of killing the king of Iran and causing the repercussions. Let me tell you something dear Bahaii friend you can not think of any of these because you are brainwashed by a cult. Come of your box and smell the fresh air then you will appologize to Mona's family.


Shahin Hamidi you spell Bahai just like your other personality!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

Shahin Hamidi you spell Bahai with 2 I's (bahaii),you are the same as andullah,Amir khani hooshang,HMV,bobcatand iran Ironi!!!!!!!!!!
So I guess today you are this new person?
So it is me ,myself,and I?
Fair minded people of my dear Iran know who pays poor people in the villages to get votes and support,so do not bother telling them!!!!
you and yourself and you all 3 of you agree ,very good.
Remember Mona Mahmodnejad at www.monasdream.com
peace on earth


question for hooshang

by Seagull (not verified) on

I wanted to ask you what happened to your dad?
You mentioned he is a Bahai, and now a days it is a lot harder for Bahais in Iran. I mean if you do not mind the question. I know if the family members are from 2 different religions it gets a little complicated.
best wishes to you hooshang


Binazir Bhutto

by Izzy (not verified) on


It is not about religion or God. Someday, we have to accept a New World Order. I have been reading 2012 Prophecies about the next World War and if you heard, ISRAEL launched a missle into Syrian homeland two monthes. If we attack IRAN, it will begin the final conflict of the whole civilization. I DO NOT HAVE A GOOD FEELING ABOUT THE NEXT ELECTION. I am a conservative Republican and support either Senator Thompson or Senator McCaine but not sure if they might win the election. What if BUSH starts a new war and 2010 prophecies come true??? You are right! God does not play in these things but it is happening.


the numbers that are

by shaheen hamidi (not verified) on

the numbers that are laughable are those statistics that are put out by the Bahaiis. they have been desparately recruiting since over a 100 years ago. In iran they aimed at poor villagers with seduction by money, in west they gather the rejected ones from the churches or communities. Intellectuals who may be falling for the good advertisement usually have left as fast as they join. Amir and Hooshang are 2 more than what you know dear Bahaii. Insidently I have seen more anger pouring out of you guys over last few days than what hooshang has said. so count me in we are three now.


Enough is enough with all this God and religion business

by Iran First (not verified) on

Enough is enough with all this God and religion business.

Talk about interest of Iran as a nation, what benefits Iranian people not to be poor, democracy, liberation, rules of law, independence of Judiciary, human rights, and more in these lines.


Hooshange and Amir Khani agree!!!!!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

Oh Mr Amir Khani and Hooshange agree!!! this makes 2 of you! what a great # and what a reunion of minds!
As Seagull said both of you are instruments that will help ,to move towards Gods will .Just like killing Mona Mahmodnejad was .you and your likes killed her but did you stop Gods will?We are here with lots of like minded people as her and we will spread love and unity in all over the world including our beloved country Iran.God willing you are on your way out.Women will be equal to men and clergy would be a word of past.People will investigate the truth by themselves,and there would be harmony between science and religion.Extremes of wealth and poverty would be gone,and there would be unity in diversity.
one plant one people
peace on earth
good night all


the concept of not loving ones country doesn't settle well with

by Seagull (not verified) on

"The Faith is not opposed to the true interest of any nation, nor is it against any party or faction. It holds aloof from all controversies and transcends them all, while enjoining upon its followers LOYALTY to GOVERNMENT and a SANE PATRIOTISM".

(Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 448)

Good night gentlemen


Dear my Bahaii friend: the

by Amir Khani (not verified) on

Dear my Bahaii friend: the concept of not loving ones country doesn't settle well with those of us who love to protect our very birth place against those who are determined to rip off our resources and capture our lands, namely western and zionist war machines. i see what happened to those who willingly gave up their autonomy in hope of better life. if you don't see this or think that following Bahaii way is going to save us against Israel then I must agree with Hooshang in not trusting Bahaiis.


Let me start from the fact

by hooshang (not verified) on

Let me start from the fact that the message of Islam was about oneness and Mohammad's words has been uttered over 1400 years when he gave a true meaning to the brotherhood. Mohammed never fought with Iranians in order to convert or concure them. Yes he did invite every ruler to obide by his call for worshipping one God and that is Abrham's God. He did not for example do this to rulers such as king of Ethiopia because he already was worshiping Abraham's God as a christian. He wrote a very civilied letter to Anosheeravan king of Sassanid dynesty. What moslems did after mohammed's assention is a 14 century long argument that I recommened you read the history in Islamic dynesties (it is both glorifying and sad as any other human history and once again has nothing to do with what Islam wanted to do when Mohammed introduced it). It is almost replica of what Bahaiis doing now has nothing to do with intentions of Bab and Bahullah as the founder.(By the way at least Mohammed was proud of his own name and kept it, the funny thing is Bahaiis are even cuatious not to use Bab and Bahulla's real names because they are very moslem names and once again it won't fit the nice little story that Shugi Afandi was producing). Islam is a spritual message not a political one. When Mohammed returned to Mecca he never slaughtered people even though they had done so much wrong to him, instead for the first time Mohammed taught the barberic people of his era a fair way of handling the losers in the war. There are numerous documentations and attestations to these facts even by non moslims in the west. Here is when bahaiis start showing their true color. They can speake from both sides of their mouth, 1- they can deamonize and make a lot of allegations against Mohammed, who they also supossed to belive that he is a messenger from God with an infalable character. Bahaiis are supposed to believe in the same Imam's that they are poertraying them as murderers. In fact I watched my father time after time telling christian people that to become Bahaii one must first accept Islam in the form of Asna Ashari. 2- Bhaiis Noon Ra Beh nerkh Rooz Mikhorand. They like to say and do and orchestrate what ever it takes that makes them look good( Change colors like Marmolak). In fact I have witnessed numerous so called consultation sessions in my house that basically was designed to discuss other peoples affairs and come up with plans in how to convince them in accepting Bahaiism. They will do anything it takes to get some one linked. Then it is a cult that won't let you out that easily. 3- The concept of Taghiyeh is a big result of many consultations that Bahaiis have against Moslems. Ironically their own founders did exercise Taghiyeh (Bab had 3 accounts of who he is and Bahaullah could only save himself out of chains by this method). Once again they are supposed to accept Islam as a religion from God but yet God made a mistake and taught moslems something that Bahaiis came and perfected it (how funny God can not make up his mind, or he was just waiting till people are ready for the next plan if that is the case then why are you complaining to moslems talk to your God who is giving things to peple in piece meal. Give it up pal you are talking to people in 21st century. The entire Bahaii existance is based on Taghyieh( just because you don't call it as such doesn't make it ligitimate). how many people out there know many Bahaiis that would reveal their identity unless they realized it is fit to do so. The whole Bahaii society was under a big hush when we were migrating to US. I happened to accompany Bahaiis via Pakistan who lied their way all the way to America. It is only in last 5 years that under program of Kindom project they are coming out of their snake pits.
Bahaiis have made tremendous mistake mixing God's business with politics and they have paid for it and will continue to pay for it because the day of test will come in this life and for those of us who believe in life after this. Peace to those who know what peace mean and God's will upon all of us.


as their only major spritual site.

by Seagull (not verified) on

yes, All the spiritual sites in Iran were destroyed and confiscated, even cemeteries are not spared.
I guess now you can say that Baha'i holy places are in Israel.
Who knows God willing in the future when sanity and fairness will have prevailed we will rebuild the holy sites in Iran as well, and will be OFFICIALLY affiliated with the great land of Iran, the Cradle of the Baha'i Faith, what better affiliation than that for us.
good will to man


considering ourselves Iranian first and moslem, jewish, and chri

by Seagull (not verified) on

How do you explain Salmone Farsi, the examplery Moslem then? I guess he put the Prophet before Iran. Is he a hero or not to you?
Did the Prophet send him back to Iran and tell him you go serve your country. No because to the Prophet Mohammad Islam came first.
So your assessment is hypocritical or you dont appreciate your religion enough or your are under taghyeh.
Iranian who fought the Prophet Mohammad were serving their country and were all slaughtered by the hands of the Imams, because they were considered Kaafar. Did anyone say dont slaughter them they are only serving their country Iran, God forbid, no one was spared. Are you invoking nationalism and not God, very strange to hear this from a good Moslem!
But try it, your intentions are well.

Aside from your sober assessment above,
if you keep church and state separate you wont have to betray your God and worship your country.
You know very well Islam does not allow country first religion second, in practice or theory. It would be a serious mental conflict and confusion.
There is serious conflict b/w civil code, internationally recognized human rights and Shari-a. It would not be possible to practice some of the religious edicts of Islam under these norms whether these norms are right or wrong is irrelevent, they are internationally accepted.
so there is a need to have Islamic governments and have them enforce the Shari-a. do you agree with that?
Look around and there is plenty of examples regarding this.
good luck
Also if you really believe as you state that universal brotherhood does not work because you and the rest of your camp are nationalistic, then dont worry about Bahais promoting oneness of mankind.
No religion has ever promoted the love of ones country over the love of God, unless it is man made and I am sure you can agree with that.

Lastly you and hooshang and your website does not scare anyone. If you enlist the whole world into your camp the will of God will still prevail, and if you have good intentions you will prevail and we will all be in good hands!
you may go, God willing you will accomplish good things. I pray for you.


The Great Being Said:....

by Mona 19 (not verified) on

Mr. Amir Khani

Tahirih has said it all but just to finish it I have to say,

"""It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."""



Mr Amir khani answer is UNITY IN DIVERSITY.

by Tahirih (not verified) on

Mr khani:
bahai unity of mankind repudiates excessive centralization on one hand ,and disclaims all attempts at uniformity on the other.Its watchword is UNITY IN DIVERSITY.consider flowers of one garden.though differing in kind ,color,form and shape,yet,inasmuch as they are refreshed by the waters of one spring ,revived by the breath of one wind ,invigorated by the rays of one sun.
Unity in bahai faith can conflict with NO legitimate allegiances,nor can it undermine essential loyalties.Its purpose is neither to strifle the flame of a sane and intelligent patriotism in men's hearts,nor to abolish the system of national autonomy so essential if the evils of excessive centralization are to be avoided.
our loyalty as iranian bahais is to our beloved Iran but we just make our hearts bigger to love the human kind in addition to loving Iran,our homeland.
bani adam azaye yek degarand ke dar afarinesh ze yek goharand cho ozvi be dard avarad rozegar degar ozve ha ra namanad gharar .to kaz mehnate degaran be ghami nashayad ke namat dahand adami.
Do you have any problem with this poem Mr Amir Khani? I have learned it at a young age in Iran in our school books,was he a bahai?was he a vatan forosh?
see, great visionaries saw this years ago,God just sent Bahaullah to make it official!
Peace on Earth ,


Bahaiis, Israel and Iran

by Amir Khani (not verified) on

But here is why Hooshang's political analysis makes sense. the Bahais are tied to Israel administratively and functionally and as their only major spritual site. Hooshangs political argument is not how this happened. If I understand it correctly he is saying where is true bahai country? Where do they fight for when it comes to the territorial dispute? The true answer is Bahaiis don't stand for a particular country or land. I don't think Hooshang has any problem with that as long as Bahaiis mind their own business when it comes to Iran. But majority including myself fall in Hooshang's camp when it comes to considering ourselves Iranian first and moslem, jewish, and christian, zorosterian second. To us nationality and Iran stands out more than religion and other identities stand for. Iranians have tasted the bitter consequences of government who doesn't recognize nationality( Hezbollahs) and simply refuse to mix with the same ideology again. Hooshang is pragmatic and he is saying your motto of oneness of human kind and oneness of world as much as sounds pleasant spritual world which is also called for in Islam and all the sematic religions is not practical. It will wind up intentionally or unintentionally serving the interest of powerful Zionist lobby when it comes to Iran and its future.


The Bahai Faith

by Mona 19 (not verified) on

Mr: Amir Khani

The Bahá'í Faith's relationship with the land of Israel was formed during the time when Bahá'u'lláh, after a series of successive banishments from His native Persia, was exiled, with members of His family and a small band of His followers, to the Holy Land, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire, to the Turkish penal colony of Acre in 1868.

Initially seen by the public as a group of despised and suspect exiled prisoners, the Bahá'ís were eventually regarded as a respected religious community through a growing recognition of the eminence of Bahá'u'lláh and the continuous labors of His son `Abdu'l-Bahá. In later years Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith from 1921 until his death in 1957, and the Universal House of Justice, which was first elected in 1963, continued the work of solidifying the foundations of the Bahá'í World Centre in the Holy Land that had been begun by Bahá'u'lláh and `Abdu'l-Bahá.

Bahá'u'lláh's death and burial in the vicinity of Acre fixed the permanent location of the spiritual and administrative center of His Faith. His burial place at Bahji, north of Acre, is the holiest place on earth for Bahá'ís. Thus, through the force of historical circumstances, the Acre/Haifa area has been the focal center of the international Bahá'í community since the second half of the nineteenth century.

Bahá'ís resident in Israel are religious volunteers from all over the world who serve for specified periods at the Bahá'í World Centre and are engaged solely in the care of the Bahá'í Holy Places and the internal administration of the Bahá'í world community.

As is the case with three of the other world religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), it is ties of historical circumstance that bind the Bahá'í Faith to the Holy Land. The houses and other places associated with the exile here of Bahá'u'lláh and `Abdu'l-Bahá have been lovingly restored by the Bahá'í community.

Every year thousands of Bahá'ís visit Haifa and Acre as pilgrims and have the privilege of visiting these sites in the company of fellow believers from all parts of the world.



Hooshange you have never known Mona!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

I came back to the site thinking Hooshange has gone to his snake's den,but he is back with more lies.Mona 19 has said it all but just to finish it I have to say you Hooshang must have got a -F in your bahai attacking 101 in Hojatiyeh camps.Your are resorting to all kind of lies to hang in to the argument.See you and your kind killed Mona and see how we Muslim women saw the truth and picked up the banner of unity of mankind and will sacrifice every thing we have to promot love and unity .So as Seagull said you are just an instrument in advancing the truth of Gods will.We respect true muslims we do not hate them .My whole family are muslim and I love them. Most bahais from Iranian desent were muslim .If you go to grade 2 you do not dislike your grade 1 teacher.
"we are the fruits of one tree and leaves of the same branch".
Peace on Earth


Bahaiis accuse me of

by Hooshang (not verified) on

Bahaiis accuse me of spreading poisionous message. I just want people out there be the judge of this. All I am saying is that people read and read from various sources before you belive me or the Bahaiis point of you. So far I have been denied my Bahai background, I have been tole I am Hojjati, I am Bahaii hater, ...
All I am proposing is that in theological aspect do your home work and truth will reveal itself because your heart is in finding the answers and truth. The truth can not be claimed if your heart first sold to and is slave of a cult and then material given to you to read. In terms of politics those intelligent active political savies know what I am talking about and in time Bahaiis will get their rude awakenings as they are secretively penetrating Iranian politics.


Why do these Bahaiis instead

by Amir Khani (not verified) on

Why do these Bahaiis instead of answering Hooshang's questions they come back with more stuff that validates his points. Don't you guys have some thing substancial to say about the historical and theological aspect of your religion instead of qutations used that are all documented in Islamic texts including the ones that are attributed to Bahullah. Is there a ligitimate defense for your finances being spread in support of Israel while you are holding your pilgrimages there. Isn't true that you have the closest relationship with Zionist government than any other government in the world? Come on guys some of these things are very obvious, it is just modern and liberal moslems don't have interest or desire to open the can of warms that have already been put in the history's past (Namely Bahaiis and Iran).