Blame game

Why do so many people make such a big deal about Jews?


Blame game
by Ben Madadi

Some people in the West (America, Britain and other developed countries) but far too many (even a majority) in other less developed countries, such as Iran, Arab countries, Eastern Europe etc, believe that Jews rule the world. Even Iran's president, Ahmadinejad, in his address to the UN, said that the West is in Zionist hands. I don't recall what he exactly said, word by word, but it was almost the same. He pretty much meant that the Zionists rule America, Britain and so on.

Let's be serious: people say Zionist, or Israeli, just try to be more modern and politically correct, and just refer to the Jews. Why all this fuss and correctness? It's nothing new. Have you read what they used to say in Europe and America in the 1900's? Do you know about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? It was first published in 1903, later translated to many other languages from Russian. Yes, Zion, just like what they call it Zionism now. It was a document "proving" that Jews rule the world.

Go and read it on the Internet. Go to this page first then you can search Google to find articles written by modern anti-Semites even proving that the protocol was genuine and predicting the inevitable etc. It is nothing new. It was published much before the second World War broke out. There were many books or articles published about this issue.

Even in America, where many Iranians believe Jews rule, and ruled, such writings were published and sold quite well. Being anti-Jewish was nothing new. Then they used to call it being anti-Jewish. Now they usually call it being anti-Israeli or anti-Zionism though without directly referring to Israel, but to the same old myth that Jews control the world.

It actually seems extraordinary to be part of a small group, seemingly elite, who rule the world. I have been called an Israeli or a Zionist so many times, though I have repeatedly said that I am not. One angry Iranian actually said that I wish I was Jewish. Maybe, looks interesting. You can have many rich and influential friends. Who cares you are hated as long as you rule the world, right? I would have probably loved it if I was a Jew, ruling the world. Maybe it would be fun? I don't know for sure.

Really, who cares that most of the rest of the world hates you? It is almost like being the owner of a huge factory where you are certain almost all workers hate you. However they respect you because they fear you (you pay them quite well), while some who you haven't hired (like Arabs, Muslim, Latin America, Eastern Europe) hate you so much they are evn willing to kill you. And this is not that much of a fun.

But why is that so? Why are so many people making such a big deal out of such a troubled nation, the Jewish nation (if we can call it a nation). Although Jews are pretty strong (especially rich) and so and so, there is absolutely no proof about all the things said and written exaggerating their power and importance. Iranians say Zionists (Jews) plot against Iran to destroy it. Many in other countries believe similar stories, though in slightly different, locally appropriate, versions.

The richest man in the world is currently an Arab (search on Google world's most powerful man is a non-Jewish, Christian, American. Arabs in the U.A.E. make much more money than Jews in Israel. The Internet is full of anti-Jewish stuff, and Jews seem to be squeezed out all over the virtual world.

There are also some strong points on the Jewish side. America, almost unconditionally supports Israel. This made me think America was ruled by Jews many years ago, so I tried to see what was going on. It is simple. Do you know that most of the American voters, who are NON-Jewish, support Israel? Yes. It is true.

But this is nothing new. America is a democracy and if most of the voters want something then they are going to get it sooner or later. The main reason for their support for Israel is that the American voters are mostly conservative Christians who support God's chosen people and their holy land, also given by God to them. It sounds stupid, but that's democracy. Why has Israel been so powerful? Is it because they somehow mysteriously conspire against their enemies because they rule the world by their Christian proxies?

No. Because Arab regimes are so week and because America (world's superpower) openly (no conspiracy there) helps Israel. It is as simple as that. Don't forget that Jews were no less accused of ruling the world before there was an Israel and 5 or 6 million of them were killed by the Nazis. That's a mess of a ruling class and such an incompetence, right? What a ruling class that is! Even America didn't intervene to stop the killing.

Let's go back to the question itself. Why make such a big deal of these Jews, Zionists etc, and blame them for so much for such a long time? I have no reason to defend Jews. I am writing this because there is a general BLAMING problem. Non-democratic countries (or not-yet-so-democratic countries) and their peoples, even when they are outside, have the mentality of blaming others for their problems. This is the main reasons for all their problems. It is not Jews (or anybody else) who are rich and successful who are plotting or doing harm. It is the belief that they are plotting that causes the problem.

And it is not just about the Jews. This blame disease comprises of all the OTHERS. You don't really know some body, or some people, then you blame them! Jews have been blamed in Europe because they were the only non-Christians who were actually doing quite well. They have been doing well for the last couple of centuries because they have been working hard, and of course, helping each other. Can you blame a group who help each other? You can envy them, but you cannot accuse them of being smart and hard-working. If it wasn't the Jews, others could be found to blame.


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more from Ben Madadi

Tazis need to be deported from Iran

by anti-tazi (not verified) on

First thing, Iran needs to do is to deport all those who have chosen to be muslims first instead of Iranian. Muslims don't have a nation and belong to the Ummah. You muslim filth need to go to an Arab country before you contaminate Iranian identity more than you have...You hijacked the revolution by brute force,barberity and thuggery and the power has gone to your heads and think you represent Iran...All you filthy, hypocritical, racist, and misogynist filth need to find another place to infest soon.


Typo Love, compassion , and Peace

by Anonymousw (not verified) on

Last comment!


Love, compaction and Peace

by love not war (not verified) on

What is there to say?
I love Iran in all its colors.
As an Iranian, I can not stand to see the Palestinian people suffer. For sake of humanity and peace let us do something.


Iran, Israel, Palestine

by ????????? (not verified) on






Totally Not True

by AnonymousX (not verified) on

The last comment is in Zionist Tradition. Jewes, Moslems and Christian and others are all equal Iranians no mater what!

We do make a distinction between Zionist and Jews.


At the end of the day it all

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

At the end of the day it all comes down to this. During the Iran-Iraq war, Iranians of all stripes volunteered to fight. Although Iraq is home to the majority of Shiite shrines, Iranians defended Iran. Not their religion, not their shrines, but their motherland! Something the jews know nothing about. If hostilities broke out between Israel and Iran, all would side with Israel. Not one would stand to defend Iran. So to you traitors I say this. Don’t call yourselves Iranian. Because you’re not! I think you should all take the offer Israel has made you for $10,000 and leave. You don’t belong in Iran anymore. You came long ago, to escape persecution. Now you have a land you can call your own. You have a place where you are safe. Segregated, and safe. You have the perfect apartheid sanctuary to protect you from all the evil doers in the world whose sole goal is to persecute Jews. Indeed you have been victimized. Iran has victimized you. You should all leave that evil country and renounce all allegiance and citizenship of Iran. It’s such a horrible place, you should be climbing on top of each other taking Israel’s offer to leave. Leave all of you at once. Leave the third Reich of the middle east, where all are plotting to kill and burn you.
You hypocrites, you make me sick!


You are irrelevant!

by Doshglaram Yaglodea (not verified) on

It is about what you represent. Respond to the last Comment Asshole.

Ben Madadi


by Ben Madadi on

I have written in both Persian (Farsi) And Azeri, so probably the comment below (if it has not been erased because of the foul langauge) is just a joke.

Farsi: Lotfan in harfha ro velesh konid chonke hatta age man be farsi vaya har zabane digari ham benevisam baz ham kheyliha khahand bud ke man va digaran ro mahkum khahand kar. Agar in maghale be nazare shoma eyb-o iradi dari begin vali hich soodi nadare ke laghab bedin ki yahoodiye va un nemidoonam chiye!!!

Azeri: Bu da menim ana dilim'di... ancaq her ne yazsam faydasi olmaz.

I don't take these comments seriously, but maybe some readers do. So, I homoured the comment and wrote in both of the languages ;)


Exposed - You say Jew, I say Zionist (Israel)!

by Islam is part of our tradition and ID (not verified) on

There are quite a few Khazars on this site. Also they use Iranian Jews from Israel!

Here is your response Khazar!


It is all about 1) Land and 2) Oil.
Middle-East has it, you want it.

The rest is smoke screen.

Ben-Gurion and the rest of the Jackals traveled miles and miles from Poland and other places to Palestine to get the land. Put your self in his shoe; When he first landed in Palestine, what did he see? He saw a dusty plane and some simple Palestinian shepherds. Like a predator in African Savanna would see it’s pray!

It has been around 60 years since and there have been a lot of dead and displaced Palestinians.

But take a moment to think about the level of despair that drives the Jackals to leave there long lived countries, homes and neighbors for that dusty land …?

Think what mental prerequisite would enable the Jackals to justify the ethnic cleansing that followed. In another words, they had to think of Palestinians as dirty subhuman to do … what is being done.

By the way, some of the early arrivals who came under cover of the night would disguise as “children of Iran” or “children of Tehran” to sneak their way in …. (Like some people on this web site!)

Any way, for those who are interested, here is a point to ponder:

Q. What did (and do) the Jackals trade in return for support of the land grab?

I do not have to make the case for Palestine, the case already have been made in the court of public opinion and no matter how much you say “Islam_o_X” it will not change the facts.
The world is moving forward! The recent events in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria have helped to put it in focus. There is a universal awareness and with it, I hope a global response to Israel’s expansionist policies.

I will quote some excerpts from “Kathleen Christison” who sys it more eloquently than I do:

Kathleen Christison
Former CIA political analyst and has worked on Middle East issues for 30 years.

Words fail; ordinary terms are inadequate to describe the horrors Israel daily perpetrates, and has perpetrated for years, against the Palestinians. The tragedy of Gaza has been described a hundred times over, as have the tragedies of 1948, of Qibya, of Sabra and Shatila, of Jenin -- 60 years of atrocity perpetrated in the name of Judaism. But the horror generally falls on deaf ears in most of Israel, in the U.S. political arena, in the mainstream U.S. media. Those who are horrified -- and there are many -- cannot penetrate the shield of impassivity that protects the political and media elite in Israel, even more so in the U.S., and increasingly now in Canada and Europe, from seeing, from caring.
But it needs to be said now, loudly ….. to recognize that we stain ourselves morally by continuing to sit by while Israel carries out its atrocities against the Palestinians.
A nation that mandates the primacy of one ethnicity or religion over all others will eventually become psychologically dysfunctional. Narcissistically obsessed with its own image, it must strive to maintain its racial superiority at all costs and will inevitably come to view any resistance to this imagined superiority as an existential threat. Indeed, any other people automatically becomes an existential threat simply by virtue of its own existence. As it seeks to protect itself against phantom threats, the racist state becomes increasingly paranoid, its society closed and insular, intellectually limited. Setbacks enrage it; humiliations madden it. The state lashes out in a crazed effort, lacking any sense of proportion, to reassure itself of its strength.
The pattern played out in Nazi Germany as it sought to maintain a mythical Aryan superiority. It is playing out now in Israel. “This society no longer recognizes any boundaries, geographical or moral,” wrote Israeli intellectual and anti-Zionist activist Michel Warschawski in his 2004 book Towards an Open Tomb: The Crisis of Israeli Society. Israel knows no limits and is lashing out as it finds that its attempt to beat the Palestinians into submission and swallow Palestine whole is being thwarted by a resilient, dignified Palestinian people who refuse to submit quietly and give up resisting Israel’s arrogance.
We in the United States have become inured to tragedy inflicted by Israel …..…. a military establishment that drops a 500-pound bomb on a residential apartment building in the middle of the night and kills 14 sleeping civilians, as happened in Gaza four years ago, is not a military that operates by civilized rules.
A military establishment that drops a 500-pound bomb on a house in the middle of the night and kills a man and his wife and seven of their children, as happened in Gaza four days ago, is not the military of a moral country.

A society that can brush off as unimportant an army officer’s brutal murder of a 13-year-old girl on the claim that she threatened soldiers at a military post -- one of nearly 700 Palestinian children murdered by Israelis since the intifada began -- is not a society with a conscience.
A government that imprisons a 15-year-old girl -- one of several hundred children in Israeli detention -- for the crime of pushing and running away from a male soldier trying to do a body search as she entered a mosque is not a government with any moral bearings. (This story, not the kind that ever appears in the U.S. media, was reported in the London Sunday Times. The girl was shot three times as she ran away and was convicted to 18 months in prison after she came out of a coma.)
Critics of Israel note increasingly that Israel is self-destructing, nearing a catastrophe of its own making. Israeli journalist Gideon Levy talks of a society in “moral collapse.”
Michel Warschawski writes of an “Israeli madness” and “insane brutality,” a “putrefaction” of civilized society, that have set Israel on a suicidal course. He foresees the end of the Zionist enterprise; Israel is a “gang of hoodlums,” he says, a state “that makes a mockery of legality and of civil morality. A state run in contempt of justice loses the strength to survive.”
As Warschawski notes bitterly, Israel no longer knows any moral boundaries -- if it ever did. Those who continue to support Israel, who make excuses for it as it descends into corruption, have lost their moral compass.


Ben is from Israel. Please read this

by daryush (not verified) on

Man Ben, Leave this site. I know you are one of those thousands being paid by Israel to watch the Internet and bring about the Israeli point of view. From now on we expect you to write in Persian if you are Iranian. But you are not. So get the hell out of here man. We don't care, everyone knows that Israel is a Nazi regime, you want to bring another picture..won't work. Jews or non Jews, Iranians, don't get fooled by "Ben", he is in a lot of places, he is an Israeli agent. He claims to be from "Azerbaijan" and claims not to know Persian!! Ok Ben, Write your next article in Azeri. I am from Azerbaijan, go a head and show us you are Iranian or fuck off for good. Bastard.


To behnaz

by Farhad2008 (not verified) on

How long should ppl around the world suffer for Israel-problem? We are iranian and iranian has helped jews many yrs ago with making a safe place for jews in israel. But what have been your answer? Now you have power and what have you donefor Iran? If you have been discriminated as a jews in iran, you discrminate all muslims around the world.
you use the zionet- star in your falg and call it for israel-identity but you dont enjoy the name of our country which is IRAN because you consider yourself as semetic!?
Your problem with Nazi german has influced all other categories in politic.. you are not week at all, you like to show urself week.. Armenian has contributed with development of Iranian pop music and have been living in Iran in centuries while a large number of them were been killed in Europe.
NEVER jews have been banned in IRAN but they have been banned in europe in many yrs. How can jews been living in iran while.. i was born as a muslim and i couldnt live in a fundamentalism-regime and im sure many other iranian wouold move froam Iran if they can jews live in iran ? Isnt true that jews are where the money is?

In bibel it have been mentioned about to make the israel green, not red with blood! Iran helped jews when they were week for 2500 yrs ago but they are not week now. You have power in media, in hollywood, you are behind western politic .. but you still are busy to make a image and make this scenario dramaticlly.
With all your power what have you done for Iran? When you are going to " paassookhe bozorgavary iraaneeyaan raa bedahid"

Ben Madadi


by Ben Madadi on

Somebody said that Jews control the media in the US. That is not true. They WORK in the media, banks etc, but they rarely own or control them. They work in those places because Jews are quite many in the urban areas in the US. FOX is owned by News Corp (mostly owned by an Australian-born christina, Rupert Murdoch) and CNN is owned by Times Warner (mostly Christian shareholders). This is also the case for most other media groups. Some people also said that we should not mistake Jewish and Zionist. I completely agree. I have sensed that many use these words to blame the Jews. That is my feeling, as long as they Do NOT specify why. When they talk about Israel as such and talk about its horrible actions against the Palestinians I completely agree with that. Israel has been engaged in horrible acts for a long time.


What have they...

by Behnaz (not verified) on

What have the Iranian Jews got after 2700 years of history in Iran?? Are they safe? Are they treated equally as other citizens?? I am sure they do not walk in the streets of Tehran and be called "jodeh najest". Did you know that in Bazar in Tehran there is a seprate bathroom for jews and they can not get close to the main water tank and should ask their muslim neighbors to bring them water!!!!

Some Iranians do not even consider the persian jews as true Iranians.
I personally love Iran with all my heart, yet one would ask what am I doing in USA??
Think all of you and think hard.
If I was not discriminated against in my homeland would I still be here.

As long as the opperesive and hateful governments like the Mullah's government in Iran are around Israel has the complet right to defend herself.

There exits 54 Islamic countries and 22 Arabic countries in this planet and I still can not understand why there are so many objections to the jews for having a very samll land.
One would argue that this land is occupid, and I would argue that many lands which are now the Islamic states were occupid via exterm violence in the Prime of Islam. I also have never heard that Israel want to wipe of any country from the map of the world, we normaly here that the head of the Iranian government wants to do this

Lets try to look at things from different angels.

I must add that I am married to an Iranian muslim guy and we have a very good life, we have ignored all the TAASSOB crap and try to look at the world the way it acctually works not the way we want it to work



by Saloumeh (not verified) on

So may people make a big deal about the jews because they do ! They do !
BUT WE DON'T ! WE DON"T TALK ABOUT WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO US IRANIANS. WE DON"T TALK ABOUT THE CRUELTIES DONE TO US by our government. We actually try to keep it hush hush these days, saying that it will give strengh to the "imperialist" and again forgetting about our own needs for freedom in Iran.
The jews use the so called "Imperialist" for thier social agenda, to gain a voice... therefore strengh. We don't.


stupid comment

by Farhad2008 (not verified) on

This is what jews is tring to show. They usually present themself week but they do everything to be powerfull. Has any1 seen a jews in iran who is not rich? But look on what is happening: After 50 yrs war with palestin still jews talks about 6 million death in nazi germany. It doesnt matter how many ppl dies / been killed after / before that.. 6 million is death and thats why we all should show mercy in so long the world exist.

How powerfull; I know a person with PHD education in europe without any political connection who have been out of working in 4 yrs now because he was against israelian politic. Still Hitlers book is been banned in europe! but not khomeinis book! Now who is making big deal about jews?!

So now who would care about jews and their problems.. and why should we care? this is the image jews is showing the world with the most powerfull propoganda makers in Hollywood.

About Iran: After all " sekhaavatmandy " and " bozorgavaary " which iranan has shown to jews now they support the film 300 (Zack Zynder), and they dont enjoy the name of iran or the land of aryan.
I do translate this for " namak nashnaasy " of all iranian contribute to juwish ppl and theirs religion. Ask yourself what jewish has done for iran and iranian.


ben the zonist and on their pay roll

by gol-dust on

Ben, whoever you really are! you dont even dare putting up your photo! you are only brave behind your pc! anyway, FUCK YOU SOB! LEAVE MY BELOVED IRAN INCLUDING MY BELOVED AZARBAYJAN ALONE! Your job is to create controversy and divsion! that's why i know you are either a zionist or paid by them. eitherway, you are the enemy of iran, and you asshole should be banned from this site! JJ should charge you thousands! GET LOST MOTHER FUCKER!


Nice try!!!!

by tsinoizitna on

Its you playing the blame game.  NO ONE should be hesitant in crticizing jews or muslims or christians.  So please don't try to instill that guilty or stupidity feeling in the people that have some very legitimate criticisms. 


The problem is not jews, it is the huge and powerful network of the people (jews and non-jews) that prioritize israeli interests over American interests.  Why don't you read this paper (The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy) published by professors from University of Chicago and Harvard, last year. ... //$File/rwp_06_011_walt.pdf  ... (may take a few seconds to download).  Things stated in this paper are supported by FACTS.  So hopefully you can put your anti-jew conspiracy crap to rest.  Go and buy DVD of the documentary that has won many international film awards ... its called Occupation 101 (//  You can find parts of this 2hr documentary on YouTube.  Then maybe you can read the Balfour Declaration, or see why suddenly there are basically no Russian jews in Russia, but there are so many in israel that they have over-taken the % of total population that actually iranians represented.  Wonder why so many Russian jews started living in new settlements while so many Palestinians continued to be forced off of their land and give up their family businesses.  Maybe you can apply logical deduction to find the answer why Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith and Lieberman (a Democrat versus the other guys) all played a big role in the US 'expansion' policy in the middle east.  Check out their backgrounds and see just how much the have made for or have been paid by good ol AIPAC and the israeli govt.


What about this ... just easily compare TV and newspaper reports that you see and read here, with the ones in Europe, carried by respected networks like BBC.  Ever wonder why the stories of the same event are so different?


Its easy to say everyone is stupid and democracy creates equality and jews are bashed because of jealousy and blah, blah, blah.  Look into FACTS with an OPEN mind, then try to reach a conclusion.  And last thing, Mr. jew freedom fighter, ... why don't you read what a very well-respected jewish reporter wrote about the US plans for Iran and just who is involved (published earlier this week in the New Yorker) ... //



sad that we keep doing it

by A man from West (not verified) on

How many places do you read that even one single Jew ever criticizes what his or her government recognizes some of their errors and give credit to you and I muslims? But for every one time that these nations insult our country our own citizens are willing to insult their religion (Islam) and their country (Iran) and its people (the Iranian)twice more.

We do not need to apologetic to anything. We neither attacked any country nor invaded any land. We just tell the world get the fuck out of our land.

Please stop insulting your own people and country. There are plenty of Jews all over the world that protect each other, who is protecting us?

These days it is fashionable to insult Islam.

My friend, Jews rule America but not the world.


To researchok

by sob (not verified) on

Your post is for most part a cut and paste job from the following site:
Have enough shame to at least change a few words and post it as your own thought. What are you a grade school kid?


response Irooni/Jew:

by rz78 (not verified) on

good and precise comment. same goes for arabs that think moslem=arab= middle east. i identify myself as a human being born in iran , living in usa who seeks justice and peace for all. emphasizing religious and tribal identity cause division and division serves the militarists.



by researchok (not verified) on

To 'Iranian Jew':

Thank you for your comment. Your remarks break the stereotype and prove once and for all that not all Jews are smart. Clearly, there are plenty of Jewish aidiots, just like the rest of us.

Here's the deal. Someone also noted that "Large number of neo-cons who work for Israel's interest are the ones that give rest of the Jews a bad name.."

Much the same can be said for the Iranians. Are you comfortable with that? There is more than enough evidence to support that assertion. I can assure you there is more evidence against the Iranian regime than there is againt the 'neocon conspiracy.'

Another commenter made the oft repeated remark that the Israelis 'stole land.' Such remarks are only indicative of either a complete lack of knowledge or a deliberate attempt to deceive.

In 1967, Egypt kicked out UN peacekeepers from the Sinai Peninsula. They massed troops on Israel’s borders and threatened her destruction. Radio broadcasts at the time, monitored and recorded, exhorted Arab troops to an orgy of destruction, rivers of blood and rape- literally, saying these was Islamic destiny. Syria followed suit, massing borders on Israels northern flank. The Gulf of Aqaba was blockaded (an act of war in itself) and despite pleas from Israel to Jordan’s King Hussein, he too was to enter the fray.

In response, Israel called up it’s armed forces and reserves and on June 5, 1967, launched a preemptive strike against troops that were lined up on Israel's borders- Egypt, Syria and Jordan. It was over in 6 days. By then, Israel has crossed the Suez Canal and had taken Gaza (Dayan said, “Give me 12 hours and I can be in Cairo.” Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed). Syria lost the Golan Heights (their soldiers were chained to their positions, literally) and Jordan lost the West Bank and Jerusalem.

We’ll skip around a bit, time wise. Israel offered the land back, for peace, secure borders and mutual recognition. The Arab countries said no and ratified that ‘No’ in The Khartoum Declaration of 1968. There it was decided that violence would not cease until Israel and her inhabitants were destroyed. Their words, not ours.

In Saudia Arabia, Imams talk about how it is incumbent on Muslims to rape and take as slaves, Jewish and Christian women. Darfur is ignored as tens, if not hundreds of thousands die at the hands of the janjaweed, the Arab militias- not before the women are raped as the janjaweed women sing in joy. Our previous post highlighted some of the atrocities going on that are being ignored, so we will not repeat them here. Shall we discuss what the GIA did in Algeria?

In Tehran, conferences are held with Nazis, KKK leaders and other assorted idiots. Have you ever noticed how the same people that deny the Holocaust also think it was a good idea?

In any crises situation, there is a matter of triage, prioritization that must take place. To single out Israel as the root of all dysfunction and evil in the Middle East is absurd.

Further, for the most part, the Muslim world had nothing to do with the Holocaust- yet every day, they attach themselves to it and worship the evil doers. They have the chance to take the moral high ground vis a vis a Christian Europe, but instead, they gleefully wallow in the pig slop of Nazism with the fervor of the newly converted. If that weren’t enough, they teach the filth in schools, as an adjunct to perverted religious teachings, justifying their own corrupted beliefs ('We'll finish what Hitler started').

The obsession with Israel as a moral failure is absurd. If it weren’t for the Israelis, the Palestinians would still be in the dark ages, without heathcare, education or even sanitation. One has to ask oneself, what is the obsession with Israel all about? Well, if you say you don’t know, think again. At least be honest with yourself. A transparent sheet is still a sheet.

An Arab friend of mine once bitterly said, ‘The real Naqbah is video and audio tape. We can no longer hide who we are from the world and from ourselves.’


Vileness of gentiles

by This I know (not verified) on

you write informed, stimulating and intelligent articles. These are important contributions to this

Now you have brought up a very important subject of
ongoing significance: The gentile paranoid psychosis
about the Jewish people.

The consequences of this gentile paranoid insanity
have been horrendously tragic for the Jewish people,
and may yet lead to destruction of the human race.

You have alluded to many of the factors that have
produced this cancer of the gentile cultures. I'm
just adding my two cents worth to trying to understand a difficult and complex suicidal threat
to humankind's survival.

I was born in Iran to a moslem family. As a child I was brainwashed with all the usual prejudices against non-moslems and, of course, the Jews.

My subsequent education in Europe and in North America, and my experiences in my work and in my
personal life, have led to these opinions:

1. In CE 132-35, Roman Emperor Hadrian brutally
suppressed a Jewish revolt, desecrated and destroyed the Temple and forced mass dissemination of the Jewish people throughout the Roman Empire. Many
formed colonies in Spain, Italy and other parts of

2. As powerless outsiders, they became helpless and easy targets of abuse, exploitation, humiliation and
scapegoating in the host countries. Their tormentors found them easy pray for negative
psychological projections and transferences of their own evil attitudes and behviors.

3. Excluded from many professions and social venues, they were forced into ghettos, where they
learned to help each other, to become self-reliant,
and to develop their intellectual and financial
skills in professions despised by the gentiles.

4. These nefarious gentile practices have led directly to the pernicious and destructively hostile gentile
myths and lies about the Jews: They are at once
feared as sinister conspirators, and paradoxically
admidered as very successful, rich and all-powerful.

5. To have even the beginnings of a lasting peace and prosperity in the Middle East, and indeed throughout the world, fair-minded and honest people of goodwill,
must relegate such, and similar, evil lies and myths to the
garbageheaps of history, and take a first step on
a new and more constructive path to peace and justice.


General to the point of being meaningless

by Jesus was a Jew (not verified) on

Ban Madadi writes:

"Let's be serious: people say Zionist, or Israeli, just try to be more modern and politically correct, and just refer to the Jews. Why all this fuss and correctness? It's nothing new."

"Although Jews are pretty strong (especially rich) and so and so, there is absolutely no proof about all the things said and written exaggerating their power and importance. Iranians say Zionists (Jews) plot against Iran to destroy it. Many in other countries believe similar stories, though in slightly different, locally appropriate, versions."

Despite some words missing/typos, I get the gist of it here. Of course when lumping different groups together is your premise, it is easy to go on and write the article that Ben writes. You strawman the people you criticize here, and purposefully overlook nuances that are necesary in discussing important topics such as this.

Criticism of Israel or Zionism does not make one an anti-Semite, or anti-Jewish. Some of these criticisms are racist, anti-Semitic, etc. but some of them are rational, grounded in scholarship and supported by material evidence. You can't lump everyone together if you are trying to engage in a constructive debate--Edward Said doesn't equal David Duke.

Put simply, one can be anti-Zionist and love Jews. One can be a Jew and be an anti-Zionist. One can oppose Israeli policies while being or not being Jewish. These distinctions matter. Its not all the same--which is what I sense you are trying to say here.

You engage in the same practices as the very people you seek to take to task for their ignorance and conspiracy-theorizing--you deal in generalities, and do not take the time to distinguish among the many reasons why people say/think what they do.

I applaud your intent to tackle a difficult topic-but if you want your contribution to be taken seriously, you have to avoid generalizing to the point where your arguments are meaningless.


Ta Nabashad Cheezaki.....

by Obvious (not verified) on

....Mardom Nagooyand Cheezha. Yes, some may exagurate the power of the Jews. However, there are some unalianable truths that no intelligent person can deny. Jews do controls all mass media in the U.S. (Television, movies, and the major news papers). And in a democracy where voters will vote what they "see" and "read", he who owns the mass media owns the politicians. That is why any US politician would sooner say he is the son of a prostitute than, God forbid, say anything against Israel. Even a retarded U.S. politician knows that, should they utter one word against Israel, their political life is over in a matter of days. Consequently, Israel can get away with murder (as they do every day) and yet be portrayed as the victim by the mass media. This is how 4% of the US population has highjacked an entire nation. And this is the reason for the resentment towards Jews. Nothing consiparcy-oriented about these FACTs.


as an iranian jew ; i would

by Anonymous ramin (not verified) on

as an iranian jew ; i would be happy not to support israel ,when my fellow iranians stop being muslim first ,and being arabparast. the muslim arabs killed your fathers, raped your mothers and still you guys are more catholic than pope. stop hating jews because we are more successful than you guys. also whatever you might want to say we also love iran.



by Islam is poison for Iran (not verified) on


Who is happy under tribal Arab Islamists?


Ben could we blame things on

by Anonymous3434343 (not verified) on

Ben could we blame things on you instead??? Could you leave the palestians alone and stop stealing land? could you just give back the real estate? why are you causing so much trouble every where you go? no one is happy when you are around. I blame it all on you.


Ben could we blame things on

by Anonymous3434343 (not verified) on

Ben could we blame things on you instead??? Could you leave the palestians alone and stop stealing land? could you just give back the real estate? why are you causing so much trouble every where you go? no one is happy when you are around. I blame it all on you.


Ben could we blame things on

by Anonymous3434343 (not verified) on

Ben could we blame things on you instead??? Could you leave the palestians alone and stop stealing land? could you just give back the real estate? why are you causing so much trouble every where you go? no one is happy when you are around. I blame it all on you.


1-5% set the stereotype

by no_name (not verified) on

The issue is the action of 1-5% of population set the image for the rest of them.


But, the 1-5% in this case are very influential and powerful people. Large number of neo-cons who work for Israel's interest are the ones that give rest of the Jews a bad name in the case of Iraq invasion and destruction.

They also control most of the media sources and use that toe divide the world for their interests. And since these people are such public figures and are visible we associate all Jews to them.

With this rate, I predict a world-wide backlash against jews in the next 10-20 years, unless jews themselves isolate out the bad apples and restore their image.

Here is a small sample of interesting cases:

Pollard--sold very sensitive information to Israelis and then in turn they sold it to the soviets to bring some high profile jews from USSR to Israel.

ethel julius rosenberg--sold the A-bomb secrets to the soviets which lead to world-wide proliferation of A-bomb.

Morris Dalitz-- He took Jimmy Hoffa teamsters money to buy stardust casino and more...Later in life he received an award from Anti Defamation League.