Shazde Asdola Mirza
21-May-2010 (35 comments)
IRI is the land of the free after all, because there you can do such exotic things that we can’t even imagine here >>>
Shazde Asdola Mirza
20-May-2010 (27 comments)
هر کی‌ یازده پاسخ صحیح به این سوالات بده، ایرانی‌ واقعی‌ و پارسی‌ خالصه - بقیه هم برن شناسنامه‌هاشون رو بذارن دم کوزه و آبشو بخورن!  جواب‌های خودتون رو تو قسمت کامنت بنویسید، تا بنده پاسخ‌های درست رو هفته دیگه بلاگ کنم. >>>
Shazde Asdola Mirza
15-May-2010 (20 comments)

از قرآن مدتهاست که بریده ام، چون هر بار که بازش می‌کنم، بوی خون بلند میشود و زوزه "قتله، بقتلها، تقتلهم!"  گفتم ببینم تا خود "حکیم" چه می‌گوید - که به قطعه ذیل رسیدم

Shazde Asdola Mirza
13-May-2010 (15 comments)
Following my recent verbal assaults on our glorious president, couple of friends have emailed and said, “for god’s sake – let the man do his job.” What job, I asked? The answer: digging IRI’s grave with a backhoe! >>>
Shazde Asdola Mirza
07-May-2010 (71 comments)
One of the IRI troopers on this site enjoys coming to my blogs, to curse me as a Jew (Yahoodi). I always found those posts offensive and cursed him back >>>
Shazde Asdola Mirza
25-Apr-2010 (84 comments)
Would you have assassinated Adolf Hitler in 1938, if you could? Could you have the heart to blow up his plane on-route from Africa, before he could start WWII and kill 60 million people? >>>
Shazde Asdola Mirza
24-Apr-2010 (28 comments)
A friendly character who has always been supportive, yesterday commented: “You really need to do all of us a favor … Come out clearly and state your position. You are loved no matter what but you should state your clear political position.” >>>
Shazde Asdola Mirza
23-Apr-2010 (42 comments)
The idiotic left which allied with the cunning mullahs to take over Iran, in 1979, had Anti-Imperialism as their god, prophet and holy ghost >>>