What the f…k do I know of politics and where the hell do I stand on such issues - not that it matters worth a sh…t


What the f…k do I know of politics and where the hell do I stand on such issues - not that it matters worth a sh…t
by Shazde Asdola Mirza

A friendly character who has always been supportive, yesterday commented: “You really need to do all of us a favor … Come out clearly and state your position. You are loved no matter what but you should state your clear political position.”  

Now my friend, you should be more careful what you wish for, but here goes nothing.  

1. Always use the KISS principle (keep-it-simple-stupid). If it ain’t simple, it ain’t worth the shit. It should sound right, feel right and look right – the first time you hear it, touch it or see it.  

2. Reason can misguide us all and trick us into the stupidest things. Go with what has worked before with the human nature … avoid the snake-oil magic that bearded guys in long robes or trench coats promise.  

3. Never trust a man who is untrusting. Never love someone who is full of hatred. Never support someone who is inhumane. Never kiss a girl after a messy blow job … oops wrong blog.  

4. If you can, go for a Western style liberal democracy with a free but regulated market. Wow, that should sound like a really revolutionary idea amongst all the communists and Islamists! Yes, democracy is an awkward form of government – filled with the incessant plotting, scheming and graft. And yes, the “proletariat” gets exploited in the free-market environment and dollars out of their pockets and their kids’ piggy banks, turn into billion dollar slush funds in some dude’s account. BUT, hey humans being humans, this fucking system seems to be the best so far!  

5. Avoid people in long trench coats or mullahs with long robes, hiding snakes under their … sorry, this is just a repeat for the unsuspecting kids.  

6. If someone tells you that they are gonna kill you … then take that fucking statement seriously! The mother fucker Khomeini, thirty years before revolution, told us plain and simple that Muslims should behead any intellectual who was going to say anything against Islam … and we smiled!  

7. Always use a condom and shower afterwards … sorry, again that’s for a future blog!  

8. Do not “assume”, as assuming makes an ASS out of U and ME. Ahmadi Nutjob was assumed to be misguided but “meaning well”, when he said that Allah protected him in a halo of light, that the 12th Imam was about to appear and take care of the infidels’ business, and that Iran should destroy Israel.  

9. Ladies first, if at all possible, using hands, tongue and tool … sorry, I digress again, perhaps the Saturday night fever.

10. Did I mention that you shouldn’t be eating CheloKabab with Dough? Avoid CosCos or at least go to another room! A girl in hand is better than three in a Mini. I did not have sex with that woman! Mission accomplished. Are you still reading? Get a life!


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more from Shazde Asdola Mirza
Was Rosie

Last one, sorry

by Was Rosie on

There's been a very engaging conversaton going on concurrent to this one on one of Shazde's other poop blogs with related themes to the one that's developed on this thread, so I've decided to move both of them over to a blog of my very own. I feel parts of these discussions no longer belong on someone else's thread.  So anyone who wants to continue them, please move my blog which I'm setting up now. Thanks.

Was Rosie


by Was Rosie on

I'm sorry if it sounded like a lecture. But as you know,, this potty poo blog isn't only political, it's also a statement on the current moderation 'policies' on this site. What you may not know is that it's part of a kind of ongoing statement, which began with a serious blog on moderation by Shazde a couple of days before, which I felt was inadequately addressed by the publisher; followed by deletion of all of Shazde's blogs; now this. These were three serious statements on moderation. As are my two posts to you. In response to your statement made by linking that abusive comment here. Fortunately now deleted along with several others. Analysis is one way of broachng the serious topic, as are others.

At first I told you that Azam's article had been insulting so it would be hard to justify the deletions. And I just, along with two other people on Azam's threads (photo essay and accompanying article), gave her some kudos and tried to explain why some people were offended. Although nothing she said was anywheres near what she got back.  Later on I just realized it was all unbearablely painful.

Fortunately the publisher deleted the attacks, but it was the next day. What if someone had flagged right away and they might've gone before she even had a chance to see them?

As you probably read, the article is about her trip to Iran made to visit her
father who she hadn't seen in a long time and just suffered a severe

So I really wish you'd reconsider your ideas on flagging and at least flag when someone's feelings are really at stake. Or the states are very high in some other way. Because no, Divaneh. People DON'T have the same sensibility about it as you.
YOU'RE the one who bothered to bring it up as an issue here. YOU'RE the one who 'got it'. 


Was Rosie

Thanks to you, Tim

by Was Rosie on

A little guided imagery never hurt anyone.

But getting to you more specifically, you're quite a bit to the right of me politically. But I've always felt that I learn more from people who are ideologically different from me because how much can I really learn from people who preach when I'm already converted, other than a detail or two? So I really enjoyed your discussion with Spear & Co. on the 'in bed' blog. (I've been reading these days a lot without posting, A lot. Or at least I thought I'd been until I was informed that I've been ubiquitously intrusive and obstructionist. But hell, what do I know about the site anyway? :o)


Thanks Rosie

by timothyfloyd on

It's impossible to walk the tight rope or balance on two chair's at towering height's at times,without falling.


In the name of DK

by TellitLikeitis on

the God of video spamming

Ghormeh Chick

ey baba

by Ghormeh Chick on

baaz een dokhtareh oomad too har blog sher o ver benevisseh. baba een keh gofteh bood mireh bar nemigardeh. yekkee behesh begeh tank u valee vee iranis good midooneem ven bayad chee say lazem beh teacher isn't.

shazde jaan: montazer dastoor ol massael az taraf jenab alee hastam.


Thanks for the lecture Rosie

by divaneh on

But I only flag comments when someone spams a thread with tes of irrelevant comments. In all other cases, I think every other reader is as good a judge as I am.

Was Rosie

Tell It, Like It

by Was Rosie on

You've hardly posted on the site and you just couldn't resist bugging me, and now you come back to compliment the blog? Why couldn't you just do that before instead of bothering me? Great strategy.


Nice blog Shazdeh

by TellitLikeitis on

great strategy.

Was Rosie


by Was Rosie on

double del

Was Rosie

Oh Timothy, /Princ(ess) Charming

by Was Rosie on

Thanks for your post. That's very sweet of you. I was calm. I was just trying to prove a point to 'Tell It Like It Is' that (s)he's more obscene than all the four letter words in the world. Anyway I didn't know you knew my work because I only saw you the first time the day before I left in the summer. So I'm quite surprised. But believe me, I'm not back. I found a single site blocking software and I'm installing it tomorrow so I won't have access to the site, just like I didn't for six months when I disconnected I'net in my home so I wouldn't be tempted to come here. Thought it would only take a day or two to find but it took a couple of weeks. Well anyway, that's pretty much the whole story.

Tell It Like It Is: You are right. I am wrong. You are good. I am bad. You are intelligent. I am stupid. You are polite. I am impolite. You are charming. I am vulgar. You are an asset to the human race and I pale before your radiant glory. Thank you so much for having graced me with your presence and touched my life.

Shazde Asdola Mirza


by Shazde Asdola Mirza on



Rosie calm down

by timothyfloyd on

It's ok.

I always enjoy reading your posts and am happy you returned.


That was charming

by TellitLikeitis on


Was Rosie

Divaneh, here's the thing..

by Was Rosie on

so why don't you flag them instead of just showing them here?

That article's really weird. Because if you read the first half she's very insulting and very strange. So it would be hard to justify deleting those comments, and yet at the same time, they're so awful...so awful...

But in general if people don't do their own flagging to determine the parameters of 'civil discourse' it'll all be determined top down. And you know what that means lately...pee pee and poo poo are no no's and everything else seems okay.

Maybe if the community would assert a collective voice as to what constitutes civil discourse and show it to the Publisher, the Publisher wouldn't be running around the threads cleaning up poo poo because he wouldn't be looking for deletions by himself...he'd be relying on you.

Look at this thread. Knock down drag out fight on a tribute to Mossadegh's assistant on the one year anniversary of his death by his daughter over NOTHING. If I were staying here, I'd flag THAT. And maybe if more people flagged things like that, What's His Name would delete them. Flagging's not 'community policing', as Q called it on his Flagging blog a couple of days ago. It's community self-regulation, self-governance.

Flagging's not reporting your brother to the Basij for drinking a beer.


Ghormeh Chick

7 & 10

by Ghormeh Chick on

I want to hear more about the chelo kabab and dough. Does that come before the condom/shower deal or immediately after; or should I consult Shana? 

Was Rosie

Hi, Azarin, I'm just visiting for a few days but...

by Was Rosie on

Free....had shall we say a very bad case of potty mouth and the Leadership tried a couple of times to wash it out with soap but he kept falling back in the toilet and finally got flushed.

But you know how it is around here...

things tend to get...


Figure it out.




people, please, remember, the 'policy' for time being is curse your bloody brains out in your blogs but don't even say f-rt on the threads. i'm serious. and i want to add on again: PLEASE DON'T CURSE IN THE TITLES. It gets picked up by the web filtering companies right away and then the site gets rated x (again-it's already filtered out of the New York Public Library and some offices--please don't make it any worse..oh my god, why do I feel like I'm on peyote?)



Azarin Sadegh

Do you know what happened to Free?

by Azarin Sadegh on

Did I dream about a smart new commentator named Free? Did the Iranian.com leadership didn't agree with his pov?..Seriously, does anyone know what happened?


Q and Captain

by divaneh on

I think Shazde deleted his blogs exactly for that reason. To give a taste of what he found unsavoury to other readers. Objective was right but I am not sure about the tactics and hope that those blogs get restored.

Whilst we are on the subject of the deleted comments whose offensiveness seems to get measured by the word f**k, I am of the opinion that calling someone who has posted her photos fat and ugly is far more offensive. Have a look here for truely rude comments.


Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

I love everyone except

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

commies and hezDollahies!?

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Keep attacking me; it's good therapy for you

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Yea I'm all those things. Feel good? Feel right? You're pathetic. You're worse than the people you claim to be against. Stop pretending to love "free speech" and "respecting rights and human beings." Solid bovine poop here.


Thank you Q

by capt_ayhab on

Him deleting his blogs is not only unfair but it is outright STUPID.

man beram sare khuneh zendegeem.............


Little Tweet

Oh Boy

by Little Tweet on

You're a potty mouth mista!


KISS principle

by Q on

really doesn't quite "jive" with your ever-present conspiracy theories Shazde jan. Just thought I point this out.

By the way, I think deleting your blogs is unfair to the commenters who write on your blogs.


Heart Felt

by capt_ayhab on

There are very few PEOPLE in this site that their pen has the power of aged Shiraz wine, and intoxicating aroma of well preserved ........... Begzareem.

Never stop writing........... please



Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime


by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

Is it the latter part of #3 why you have never been kissed?


love you , you know

by capt_ayhab on




Fitting image...

by Bugsy on

And, you can use the same photo (the rooftop dude), for the future blog of yours if you ever decided to write a separate blog on #3, and #7.