SCE Campaign
سرنوشت سه متهمي كه در سن نوجواني مرتكب قتل شده بودند >>>
SCE Campaign
15-Sep-2008 (one comment)
"Few judges have acknowledged that Rahim used a knife in his self defense, however Rahim was sentenced to death..." >>>
SCE Campaign
"Numerous times in the court I protested that my testimony had been obtained under torture, and I denied the charges and screamed my innocence, however I did not succeed." >>>
SCE Campaign
"These are centuries-old traditions and I will continue to defend them," Israr Ullah Zehri, who represents Baluchistan province, said Saturday. "Only those who indulge in immoral acts should be afraid." >>>
SCE Campaign
Bahman's execution had been scheduled to take place on 28 August but was halted by the judicial authorities on 25 August to allow for further reconciliation attempts in order to negotiate a pardon from the only relative who still insists that the execution is to go ahead >>>
SCE Campaign
12-Sep-2008 (one comment)
«ديوار شرم برای دفاع از حقوق پايمال شده کودکان و تمامی ايرانيانی که صدايشان شنيده نمی شود، در خيابان اصلی مقرسازمان ملل متحد در انتظار رييس جمهوری اسلامی ايران خواهد بود.» نازنين افشين جم، فعال حقوق بشر >>>
SCE Campaign
11-Sep-2008 (13 comments)
Groups and individuals participating in the "Wall of Shame" demonstration include those who have faced oppression under the current regime>>>
SCE Campaign
UN: Five Countries Responsible for All Executions of Juvenile Offenders Since 2005 Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Pakistan, and Yemen Executed 32 for Crimes Committed as Children >>>
SCE Campaign
Before and After, a 1996 movie starring Meryl Streep is the story of a teenage boy who is being accused of murdering his girlfriend. >>>
SCE Campaign
براي جلوگيري در صدور احکام به صورت اشتباه و اجراي خودسرانه احکام توسط قضات باشد آنها در اين موارد آگاهي يابند و بدانند که پس از صدور حکم توسط آنها اين احکام توسط افرادي مورد نظارت قرار مي گيرد و اين بسيار عالي خواهد بود که انجمن ها يا سازمانهاي حقوق بشري فعاليت بيشتري در اين زمينه داشته باشند و با بررسي احکام موارد آنها را به مردم اطلاع دهند.
SCE Campaign
اولين همايش سراسري كميته حمایت از حقوق كودكان و زنان كميسيون حقوق بشر كانون وكلاي دادگستري مركز در مورد حقوق كودك در پرتو مقررات داخلی و اسناد بين المللي >>>
SCE Campaign
Human Rights Watch & CRIN (Children Rights Information Network) invite you to join a global initiative to end the practice of executing people for crimes committed as children.
SCE Campaign
اعدام با قصاص فرق داره اما در نهایت مگر همه اینها بازی با کلمات نیست مگر سر آخر این نیست که جان کسی گرفته می شود و احکام پایان زندگی این افراد هم از سوی قوه قضاییه داده می شود؟ >>>
SCE Campaign

Ali M. who was sentenced to death for murder of Ramin was pardoned and saved from execution in the city of Qom by Ramin's parents after receipt of 700 Million Rials ( Apx. USD $75,000) as part of the blood money retribution (Dieh).

SCE Campaign
The United Nations criticized Iran on Tuesday for executing juvenile offenders for crimes committed when they were as young as 15. It was the first public denunciation by the U.N.'s human rights department since Navi Pillay, the new high commissioner for human rights, took office. >>>