This is islam and IRR followers in action

This is islam and IRR followers in action
by Hovakhshatare

Dedicated to all IRR followers, history revisionist, common sense bastardizers and  twisters. Specially to those of you living in the West talking about how islam spread


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more from Hovakhshatare

As a nation, we still have a long way

by Cost-of-Progress on

to go. This is appalling.

This Sargord Bazandeh is either  a paid thug roaming the web and posting pro-regime garbage, or a brainwashed moron - same difference. 





SP, I knew you would not get it. That is not your fault

by Hovakhshatare on

and I understand that. It is the system you were brought up in, that made you and shifted the very way you perceive; that I oppose.

Shit, I mean shiite (or whatever the appropriate name for the IRR version) does not qualify as a religion or even idealogy. It is subhuman (asfalo ol safelin in their own lingo). So you are not able to see that the very act is inhuman. Apparently, that is not enough for you to see it as barbarism. So you bring an irrelevant example in justification or equivocation.


Also, it is clear that the linguistics and content are way over your head, so try Farsi although I doubt any improvement as outcome.



by benross on

This guy doesn't have a clout about Islam! He is some kind of 'left' over.

Sargord Pirouz

Need and religion

by Sargord Pirouz on

If as you say you don't "need" to demonize Shiite (sic), why have you bothered to upload this post?

And what does the temperature of hell have to do with personal accusations based upon this stated lack of "need"?



I don't need to demonize Shiite. It is evil & sinister by nature

by Hovakhshatare on

Please go read your ayat al korsi or something and collect your blood money. Hell will freeze over before ommatie and basiji like you and I will see eye to eye.

Sargord Pirouz

What's next?

by Sargord Pirouz on

A photo of an American infant having his pecker sliced back with a sharpened blade during circumcision? (That happens by the thousand everyday.)

C'mon, Hovakhshatare. If you're going to try to demonize Shia Islam, you're going to have to do better than this.