Thy father's sins


Fariba Amini
by Fariba Amini

Recently we heard the wise words of the son of the late Mohammad Reza Shah promoting a non-violent movement towards democracy. Such rhetoric makes sense to those who have been the victims of the Islamic regime's fanaticism and violence, and who have lost every bit of faith in the Khatami government which promised more than it delivered.

However, let us not go backwards. The revolution in which thousands made sacrifices to end the monarchy was hijacked by the clergy. But Iranians, even those with a bit of nostalgia for the past, do not wish to turn the wheels back. Rather they wish to move forward in establishing a government by the people for the people.

Reza Pahlavi in various interviews, and recently in a book published in Persian, talks of the desires of the Iranian people. However, he does not state the reasons why we are all facing the present disaster. He considers mistakes and corruption within the Shah's government as minimal.

If today the Islamic regime has created a society of fear, those in power prior to 1979 planted the seeds long before. If today we are facing a theocracy of the worst kind, yesterday we had a dictatorship run by a monarch.

We were given a monarchist calendar year by force. We were given the Rastakhiz Party by force. The Shah's own ministers were forced to kiss his highness's hands and feet. Freedom of speech and assembly were non-existent. Books had to go through government censorship before being published.

The Savak secret police and Evin prison were created and the torture of prisoners was common and opponents were executed. Close ties with Western governments were to the benefit of foreign corporations and not the Iranian people.

Celebrations marking 2,500 years of monarchy were staged at Persepolis with millions of dollars of the people's money. A few deposed monarchs came and ate tons of caviar at those ludicrously lavish parties while many Iranians were hungry and most villages lacked water, electricity, and sanitation.

And the Pahlavi government's literacy campaign created 75% illiteracy!

The Shah did not make just a few mistakes here and there, as Reza Pahlavi claims. The royal family and their close associates plundered the wealth of the country. Changes in Iranian society during the reign of the Pahlavi dynasty was cosmetic and unsubstantial.

Now if Reza Pahlavi is sincere in his hopes for Iran and the majority of Iranians, he must first come to terms with the past before we can believe him. He must practice what he preaches.

Unfortunately, most monarchists do not acknowledge past mistakes. And they are quick to blame nationalists and leftists for the emergence of the Islamic regime.

As a gesture of good will, Reza Pahlavi should spend the bulk of the money his family took from the people of Iran for the benefit of the impoverished masses of expatriate refugees and those who are selling their bodies and souls in order to escape from the evil of the Islamic regime.

If Reza Pahlavi is sincere, he should abandon the idea of being the "lawful heir to the throne". He should abandon the idea of monarchy -- even a constitutional monarchy that was never practiced by his father or grandfather.

The throne was overthrown! Reza Pahlavi must accept the reality of 1979 revolution, even though a dictatorship was replaced with a more repressive form of government.

Reza Pahlavi should be an ordinary citizen just like all of us and work side by side his fellow country men and women to establish a lawful and democratic government that respects the votes and representatives of the people, not one that bends under a monarch or a molla.


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Another trademark of islamists is:

by fooladi on

They call themselves a "kafar" once cornered and exposed and ridiculed for their daft comments!

So here we have these scum bags,these "bi vatans",  whe one day are Savak informers, next day islamist khalifa's informers. Really their only true ideology is GREEN, the Green of Dollar notes. Their ultimate dream is $5M and a US green card, a bit like "ostad" shariati himself!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Mr Q

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

He has been absent since i asked him about the Palestinians. I proved his buddies were anti Iranian racists. He tried to BS it away but failed. Since then I have not see him around.

I suspect he will show up once some time passes.



Veez Veezo

by Doctor X on

You know i love you man right?:)

Tell Mr. Q, we miss him. It is no fun without him around here. Bahsa Atasheen nis bedoone oon. Begoo biad ateesho ziad koneh ta kababa besoozeh.



Veez Veez ol soltan

by Doctor X on

Agha jan. There is always a negative correlation between the Cranial projections and What comes out of the end (well, your end in this case).

What are you scared of? Pupper Muppet chie akhe marde hessabi? Bas kon akheh on baziaro:)) (Etyado bezar kenar. Teryako bezar kenar akhe na mosalmoon:))


Americans have had bases all over the mideast for decades now. Corruption in Afghanistan?? are you Friggin' serious? Did they used to have the most corruption-free system prior to this? Be serious please and stop creating the most pedestrian excuses in order to hamper the potential possibilities for Our country's progress. We are cut -off from the entire world. We are looked at as a monster. Our hamvatan are treated like shit all over the world. All because ... because of what?

Do you think going at the rate they are going now, will SOLVE this problem? WOuld that buy us even more Popularity? Or is the master plan is to count on Sierra leon and Gambia to be our lifelong trading partners?


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Amir Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are so right. I want Iran to do well; I don't care about ideology as much. So what if the USA gets to have its way. If USA way is for Iran to prosper why should I oppose it?

These cause heads are for opposing anything remotely good. No worries that people suffer. I want to move back to Iran. I want to build a business there. With IRI this is not possible. Once we get a "US puppet" aka not insane regime I will do that. Yes, a bunch of Iranians will get jobs. Good paying jobs which let them have families and raise kids. Plus celebrate NowRuz "ta chesme eslamiha koorshe". What is wrong with my desire. Why are groupies so afraid of this. Because it proves they are wrong.


Emshi dari agah. Magassa kheili vez vez mikonan.


Baradar Magas (Ey Hoqqebaz :-)

by AMIR1973 on

True to your Islamist hoodlum nature (Islamists don't have to be "Mazhabi" to be Islamists), you expect us to forget IRI's present and past experience. The Melli Mazhabi and their "Islamic left" cousins bear some of the heaviest responsibility for this 30-year disaster. With their pseudo-Marxist tripe about "American imperialism", they helped overthrow a monarchy (which didn't execute even a fraction of what IRI has) and imposed the most violent and repressive regime in recent Iranian history.

Compare states that were considered US "puppets" like South Korea and Taiwan to the "independent" states like North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Sudan, and, of course, your IRI--and you'll see that US "puppets" are a lot better off. Even among the lousy Arab states, the US "puppets" (like Jordan and the Gulf States) are relatively better than the "independent" hellholes (like Syria and Sudan). "Anti-imperialist" gibberish from a West-residing IRI Groupie (for example, you) isn't worth one penny. Sorry, Magas  :-(

Dar zem, dadash, bacheha roo khoob dahan-e shoma ra servees kardan (look at the comments about you, I almost feel bad about the humiliation you got--hee hee  :-)

marhoum Kharmagas

Melli Mazhabis or Sycophants

by marhoum Kharmagas on

My AIPACi, and AIPACi sycophant friends of various flavors, first of all this messenger is not a Muslim, secondly shooting the messenger (specially a kaafer one such as this magase hagheer) is not good. Look at it, Americans are in deep ....t in several countries right around Iran because they have relied on puppets, almost everyday they complain about corruption in Karzai government.... etc in NPR.

All I am saying is that even if Americans/Israelis groom Amir jaan to Amirzai (Karzai), or if they turn Fooladi to Halabi (Chalabi ), and convince that OnlyIsrael is OnlyIran ...., their problem is not going to be solved ..... even if they spend many more $trillions, and more lives. Now you guys have a sycophantastic day, and weekend.


"sycophatastic "!!!!

by fooladi on

Another trade mark of wanabe islamist "intellectuals" , is they think by stringing along big words, making no sense whatsoever, they come across as clever! Now if they dont know a big word to fit the context, they just make one up! That is why I prefer to Jerry springer show, I get cheap entertainement ( sorry, get rattled!!) at islamist's expense :)



by Doctor X on

He is my Bro. I love his vizz vizzing so much so i tease tease him all the time.

khaleh mosheh

'Joke moke esfehooni taze baladi?:)'

by khaleh mosheh on

LOL.... That line just killed me!


syco chi chi???:)))

by Doctor X on

Sycophatastic dige chi chie amoo? please aaducate me.

marhoum Kharmagas

Allergy to Melli Mazhabi !

by marhoum Kharmagas on

And I thought only 'Shariati' rattles some cages!? AIPACi friends I am "sorry" if the word Melli has irritated your sycophatastic personalities even more! 



by Doctor X on

How about Islamo capitalist, Islamo democrat, Islamo (palin) republican, Islamobama, neo-islamist...Islamic tea baggers, The latter day saint church of Islamistas...Stainl-style Islamist...

Ba poozesh az onhayi ke esmeshoon az ghalam oftadeh.

Darius Kadivar

You Jomhury Khah losers Will have Alot of Explanation to do ...

by Darius Kadivar on


A trademark of the islamist "inellectual" charlatans...

by fooladi on

Is that from day to day, they invent new "man dar avardi" titles to ideolagise their despicable fascistic beliefs:

"islamist nationalist", "Islamist liberal", " Islamist marxist", Islamic existansialist", the list goes on.

But basicaly, no matter how they describe it, the outcome is the s**t we observe happenning  in iran today.


Magas Khan

by Doctor X on

Joke moke esfehooni taze baladi?:)



by Onlyiran on

for all the "chaaploosi" that you do of "Dr. Sahimi" (a/ka/ "Mammad" on this site) perhaps when he becomes President of Iran, he'll give you a job...may be the "abdarchi" at the presidential palace? :-)

Advice: eenghadr khodet ro sabok nakon ba chaaploosi bi andazeh az "mammad".  Zeshteh barayieh yek adam gondeh keh eenghadr khodesh ro sabok bekoneh. 


Magas jaan

by AMIR1973 on

If you have nothing to offer in the way of facts to back your viewpoint, then just come out and say it. Here on, we'll accept you for who you are and love you anyway. Shab-e shoma beh kheyr  :-)



by Doctor X on

It is actually Mellizhabi or Mazhamelli:)

For them it is all about doing and supporting whatever it takes to prevent US and Maybe Israel to even harbor the thought of extending a friendly and cooperative hand to Iran, to Deter everything and everyone who has ever wanted to push iran in the direction of anything even close to modernity, while as you always say, they enjoy the benefits of whatever it is that the western freedom and democracy has to offer.

marhoum Kharmagas

Amir jaan

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Havin a tantrum again!?


Melli Mazhabi and their cousins the so-called Islamic left :-)

by AMIR1973 on

Melli Mazhabi included the likes of the awful Ebrahim Yazdi (who presided over the first "revolutionary" kangaroo courts) and their ilk. They are close in their political orientation to the Islamic left, who formed the core of the IRI's phony "reformists" and helped found the murderous security and intelligence apparatus of the IRI (aka SAVAMA--folks like the "chief strategist" and "brains" of IRI's reformists Saeed Hajarian); the taking of the U.S. diplomats hostage (Mousavi-Khoeiniha was a major figure in the hostage taking); support for terrorists in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine (Mohtashemipour was appointed by Mir Hossein Mousavi as ambassador to Syria and was a leading "reformist"); Islamic Cultural Revolution and purging of the universities and their closure from 1980-1982 (Mohsen Kadivar, Mostafa Moin, Soroush). And don't forget that Khalkhali (aka the Hanging Judge) was also part of the IRI's "reformist" gang before his death. Perhaps it's not surprising that Baradar Magas considers these elements as any kind of "alternative".

Louie Louie

Liberal Mazhabi!

by Louie Louie on

The naughtiest I have ever seen!

Very confused, very hypocrite!

marhoum Kharmagas

Regarding taghiieh (to CPK)

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Chained Prophet, in numerous places in this site including one that you and ET were present, I have explicitly mentioned that at this juncture I consider melli mazhabies (i.e., MUSLIM Iranians, such as Sahimi) as the best alternative. Why the heck would I want to do taghiieh then!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have never been a fan of Western reporting of Iran. Specially by jujeh intellectuals whether right or left. In my over 30 years in America I have met many such people. They tend to have a superficial knowledge of our nation. That gets coupled with an exaggerated sense of superiority. Yes, they know a lot more than an average Westerner. But a lot less than needed to actually know what they are talking about. 

Plus often the political bent and other allegiances come in. The result is generally a totally worthless analysis and reporting. Foucalt in 1979;Leverett today. The one exception is Richaerd Frye who is truly knowledgeable; loves Persia.

Unfortunately in the 70s we had unreasonably high respect for Westerners. This came from all walks specially the Shah. Now we realize they are as fallible and wrong as any.That is what gives me hope that the new generation will see through the bull.



Khar magas e sheeshakestani

by Doctor X on

Leave this nice man alone please. He and I go way back. He is a memeber of my party "sheeshakism". I asked him to run thing for a while, when i was going outta town and now he may need a short break. Aziz jan. I am back. you are free to go on your lunch break.

Love ya man.


"word Shariati even by me, rattles some cages"

by fooladi on

The "cage rattling " process ended with students of the "ostad", either being shot by the khomeini whilst clutching their Qoran (ghotbzadeh) or escaping to baghdad to fight against their own country, (Rajavi).

It might give you some  sense of self gratitude believing the ideas of a pretencious charlatan who tried to mix two opposites of Marxism and islam,  caming up with some momble jomble is still "rattling cages" either here or in Iran. That is your progative, But really you are only kidding yourself....   


Foucault the Liar

by AMIR1973 on

Foucault also helped propagate the lie that "thousands" of people had been killed in Jaleh Square, when the true number was around 64. IRI claims that 15,000 were killed and injured in Jaleh Square!

It's interesting to note that the two most famous incidents of the revolution that significantly contributed to propelling events forward were basically lies:

1) Cinema Rex: this was the bloodiest single incident of the revolution when Islamist hoodlums set the theater on fire and burned 400 people to death. The Shah was blamed for the fire.

2) Jaleh Square: an exaggeration of Biblical (Koranic?) proportions, as noted above.


Darius Kadivar

Thy Pierre Dortiguier's Sins ... Should I continue ? .. ;0)))

by Darius Kadivar on

French Philosopher Pierre Dortiguier's comments on IRI's Press TV on the 30th Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution:


Darius Kadivar

Thy Michel Foucault's Sins ... ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on

The philosopher and the ayatollah

In 1978, Michel Foucault went to Iran as a novice journalist to report on the unfolding revolution. His dispatches — now fully available in translation — shed some light on the illusions of intellectuals in our own time.

Darius Kadivar

Thy Che Guevaras Sins ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

For Serving as a Role Model to those who subsequently Enslaved Our Nation:


pictory: Yazdi, Castro and Pretty Interpreter (1978)

pictory:Yazdi Meets Castro, Cuba (1980's)

pictory: Ahmad Khomeiny Training with Cuban guerrilla fighters (mid 1970's)

pictory: Ahmad Khomeiny receiving RPG-7 training in Lebanon (mid 1970's)

And Continue to do so:

Castro blames nuclear tensions on U.S.


Maybe Some Comrads should look in the mirror and take their share of the Blame for creating This Shit called the Islamic Republic in the first place ... 

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HISTORY OF IDEAS: Jean Paul Sartre on Freedom and Existentialism (BBC)